Sun Ah Cy sucked in a breath. She looked at Mo Qiang who was smiling at her while throwing barbed words at her and took another double take at the woman in front of her. Though Mo Qiang was still the same as ever, there was a certain shift in her attitude, at least she was not as foolish as she was before and she could even throw her words right back at her.
"I am afraid that wasn't what I meant, Miss Qiang is taking my meaning in an exactly opposite way," Sun Ah Cy tried to back peddle but Mo Qiang did not allow her to do that, she sneered coldly at Sun Ah Chy and then remarked, "So are you saying that you didn't just call me a wh*re despite knowing who I was? Well, I am sorry to tell you my ears do not need any oiling, I can hear perfectly."
"My vision is 10/10. I can detect as*holes from a mile away and so can my ears," stated Mo Qiang.