78.51% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 200: Mewtwo Strikes Back: Part 3

บท 200: Mewtwo Strikes Back: Part 3

Wooooo, Long chapter for 200th chapter!



The battle continued, Ash didn't just send out Charizard, he sent out a few more of his Pokemon, he needed as much of an advantage as he could get, and by abusing Aura for any big attacks he was holding his own.

Mewtwo was sending another [Psycho Cut] towards them, to which Pikachu blocked with a [Iron tail] and Charizard, now in Mega form, rushed up aiming to slash at Mewtwo with his claws.

Mewtwo knew better from the previous battle so he raised one hand and caught Charizard's hand, then with another ch started charging a [Shadow Ball].

But just as he was about to launch the attack a pair of vines coming from Ash's Venusaur pulled Mewtwo's hand up causing the attack to just barely miss Charizard.

Then at the next moment, Mewtwo noticed someone coming and twisted his body and grabbed the incoming attack Poliwrath was about to land with his other free hand.

But what came next was a 3rd attack coming from Annihilape landing a Shadow Punch to Mewtwo's face, but he was still unbothered.

With a twist of his wrists, he picked up the 2 he had and threw them to the side as then Annihilape was covered in purple energy and thrown away.

By that point, Pikachu had time to recover and run up aiming an [Iron Tail], but this time Mewtwo knew that danger so with a movement and flick of his wrist Pikachu immediately fell to the ground.

Then it looked like Mewtwo was about to stomp on Pikachu but from the side, Charizard rushed in and tackled Mewtwo on the side sending him slightly sliding.

The next moment he saw Pidgeot and Fearow diving towards him with their wings glowing white ready to strike at him.

Mewtwo looked down and reached his arms forward, catching them both by the wings and holding them back from going further.


Then from behind Scizor and Kingler rushed in with their claw blades extended and glowing dark as he used [Night Slash] and blue as she used [Liquidation], Mewtwo looked at them as his eyes glowed purple and was about to use [Psychic]

But then he felt an [Earth Power] coming to his side from Nidoking, with that Mewtwo broke concentration and was slashed at from behind, causing Mewtwo to loosen his grip slightly.

Pidgeot noticed and screeched directly into Mewtwo's ear using [Hyper Voice], allowing Pidgeot and Fearow to break free and swipe at Mewtwo with a duo [Brave Bird].

As Mewtwo recovered from that to his sides Machamp and Annihilape rushed forward to hit a [Close Combat] combo to each of his sides.

Mewtwo took it and swiped his hands, but just as he was about to counterattack Machamp was pulled back by Venusaur, and Annihilape by Victreebel by their vines.

Mewtwo saw this and was about to approach them and launch his counter attack he felt a tug on his leg, and then he got caught in one of Beedrill's [Iron web] traps.

Mewtwo scoffed and was about to break himself free until he felt Gravity around him suddenly multiply multiple times, as he saw a Clefairy sitting on Ash's shoulder.

As Mewtwo was now stuck for a moment everyone charged their attacks, Victreebel, Vileplume, and Venusaur used a triple [Solar beam], Gyarados, Blastoise, and Kingler shot a triple [Hydro Pump], and Charizard and Nidoking shot a duo [Flamethrower], and Pikachu used [Thunderbolt].

As the attack from everyone collided the center of the island began shaking from the force, even other battles going on were being affected, and the center had a large spherical explosion erupt from its center where Mewtwo used to be.

Then even after that attack, even after being jumped by all of Ash's Pokemon, even after everything they all had, Mewtwo still got up and it didn't look like Mewtwo received more than minor bruising.

Mewtwo seemed to scoff at the attempt, "I've had enough of this farce!"

Mewtwo swiped his arm as a pressure was sent and a wave of energy hit everyone and sent everyone flying back and onto the ground, then Mewtwo raised his arm, "Pitiful creatures nothing more."

Mewtwo shot a [Focus Blast] towards Ash as everyone else was on the ground recovering, Ash had to clench his teeth and cover his arms in Aura as he raised them bracing himself.

When suddenly in front of him a Pink cushion that looked like a beanbag appeared and took the hit directly dispersing both.

Then the sounds of giggling were heard, "Mew~"

As the figure of the famous small Pokemon fell from the sky and landed in front of Ash giggling making everyone, even the clones stop fighting as they looked at Mew.

With Yellow, she seemed to be distracted, but when Pikachutwo stopped biting her she opened her eyes seeing Pikachutwo looking to the side.

Yellow looked to where Pikachutwo was looking only to see Mew, yet she couldn't shake the feeling that it looked kinda familiar.

The room was only filled with Mew's giggles as everyone watched the small Pokemon laugh and fly around much to Mewtwo's displeasure.

"I see, so it's you, perfect, so you saved me the trouble of going to find you, let's see who is stronger, the clone or the original," Mewtwo said raising his arm and shooting a [Shadow Ball]

Mew just giggled and copped Mewtwo countering with a [Shadow Ball] as they collided and caused the entire island to shake as a result of that clash.

Mewtwo waved the dust from the clash, "Tch, useless resilience, I'll show you."

Mewtwo was enveloped in a Blue energy as Mew covered itself in a pink energy, and then they began to clash, and the whole time Mew's giggling could still be heard.

With the battles now stopped Green and Gary run up with Yellow next to Ash, "The heck is happening!"

"That Pokemon, it isn't what I think it is?"

"Yeah, it looks like Mew came here to fight this, Mewtwo," Ash said

Just then they clashed again creating a shockwave of power making them fall back as the island started shaking violently again, the idea of fighting wasn't in anyone's mind.

"At this rate, they're going to destroy the island!" Gary said as they clashed again.

"Shouldn't we do something," Yellow said with one hand holding Pikachutwo and the other holding onto her sunhat.

"What are we supposed to do, we couldn't beat Mewtwo completely alone, now there are 2, this battle isn't wi- *Gah*!" Ash shouted as the shockwaves caused him to fall over.

As Ash got up with the help of his friend Mewtwo and Mew crashed down to the center of the chaotic pile of clones and Pokemon.

Mewtwo grit his teeth, "Enough, I will take you down right now!"

Mewtwo started charging one final beam using his energy, and Mew did the same by copying Mewtwo.

Everyone was watching this, "Not good!" Yellow said

"If those random clashes did that much, that one won't just take the island down, but we're all going down with it!" Green said

Gary grabbed Ash and started shaking him, "Hey Aura boy, can't you turn off their power for a second!"

Ash grabbed Gary so he would stop shaking him, "Not like that, but I can try something,"

"Well we don't have options do we!" Green said as both beams were ready

As the final beam clash was beginning, Ash thought to himself, 'I really hope this works.' He clapped his hands and began using all the Aura he had left, this was make or break.

Mew and Mewtwo shot the Blue and Pink beams towards each other, and an attack like that would probably be enough to destroy the island and everyone on it, but in the last moment what appeared to be a bubble appeared around the area of the clash, then *Pop*


Time seemed to freeze, as both Mewtwo and Mew looked confused at their situation.

"What have you done?" Mewtwo asked in a dominating voice.

Mew kept the playful demeanor and just shrugged.

But what they then noticed was that there was one other person still moving, Ash was still very much conscious and looking at everything.

"You, human, are behind this with your strange power," Mewtwo demanded.

Ash shrugged, "I didn't do this, I think you 2 did with your clash,"

Mewtwo glared at Ash then at Mew, "Then it seems you're still a nuisance to me, then I will need to eliminate you now."

Ash saw Mewtwo's gaze and sighed thinking to himself, 'It's all or nothing here.'

He stepped in front of Mewtwo, "What are you doing, why do you want to do any of this."

Mewtwo looked down at Ash, "You wouldn't get it, Human, so stand down."

"Well it sounds to me like you don't get it either," Ash said as Mewtwo frowned but also didn't deny it.

"You keep saying everything about how you want clones to take over, and you want to fight your original, but why, we're all the same,"

Mewtwo glared at Ash, "You mean me and Mew."

"No, all of us live on the same Earth, breathe the same air, and watch the same sky, yet you can only see what's different, look at what you're doing, is it any better than what scientists did to you," Ash said, leaving all cards on the table.

Mewtwo glared harder at Ash, "Watch your tongue human, what I am doing is nothing like those scientists that only want their own agendas."

"Is it? You created clones of all these Pokemon and you made them fight, you never gave them a choice other than being your soldiers, so how is that different? And don't give me the crap about liberating or for the greater good because we both know those are both lies."

Mewtwo clenched his teeth at Ash's words, "And what of it, this future is doomed, with every day I see the selfishness of humans and the compliance of Pokemon, with this there is no future."

"The fact that you can't accept that a better future could exist means it will never exist!" Ash snapped at Mewtwo, "You talk about all of that but in the end, your only seeing everything with tinted lens, if you focus on all the bad you'll never see the good or beautiful,"

As Ash said that Mewtwo felt a flash of something, maybe a memory but he couldn't tell and just shook it off, "And what choice is there just live in a world and expect good to happen, how long will that take, and will the world even be worth saving when the time comes!"

"We all have choices, for example right now you had the choice to listen to me, you could have popped my head like a grape but you chose not to, and that is the same as humans."

"Don't talk as if you know anything, Life is suffering, we are born to suffer and make others suffer, so why should we even live in a world like this that just keeps taking more and more away!" Mewtwo said, but he didn't mean to say the last part, he didn't even know why he said it.

"We live because living is wonderful," Ash said as Mewtwo saw a flash of a girl for a second in his memories.

"Life is precious because we only get 1, and that's what makes it beautiful, when you suffer that lets you know that you are real, just as real as everyone." 

Mewtwo grit his teeth as his head started to hurt, "What does it matter, the way you and I were born are different, no matter what our paths could never be the same, you don't know what it's like to be nothing but a pawn in someone else's game! I was born to destroy, to be the evil that you humans made me into."

"The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." Ash said making Mewtwo look up, "The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life."

"No one is born evil," Ash took one final breath "So let me ask you, what makes someone know they are alive?"

Mewtwo held his head in pain like something was trying to break out, and then he said something without thinking, "It's…our hearts."

Ash nodded, "So then tell me, do you feel your heart?"

Mewtwo looked up at Ash as his hand slowly fell to his chest, where he felt nothing, "I…" then something

*Bum**Bum**Bum*, like a drum he felt beating in his chest as the Orange gem started to glow and slowly dissolve,

Mewtwo felt something warm running down his cheeks, tears, as he mumbled something, "Amber…" his memories began flowing through him, and the last thing Amber told him

As the energy reached the base his skin covered in shadow suddenly began glowing as the Black and orange started slowly melting away being replaced by his original white and Purple.

As Mewtwo returned to his original color Mew flew down and gave him a little pat as time started moving again.

When everyone could see again they all saw Mew next to Mewtwo, with Mewtwo on the ground mumbling something to himself.

As everyone saw this no one started to fight again, all Pokemon and clones that were knocked down were coming to and looking at the scene in front of them.

Under Mewtwo's breath, he quietly mumbled while clenching his chest, "Amber, I'm sorry I broke our promise, but I promise it won't happen again… I'll do it."

Mewtwo looked up and wiped away tears from his eyes as he looked at everyone, "Hum-Everyone, I owe you all an apology, I should have never done any of this, and for that I'm sorry."

Everyone felt shocked seeing this, and for a moment no one did anything, but then Yellow walked up holding Pikachutwo, "It's OK, you were sad and angry weren't you,"

"Yes, I was… confused, but now I see that what I did was wrong, and I apologize for what I did,"

Yellow smiled as she felt a soft hand on her face, looking down she saw Pikachutwo looking sadly at her, "Pika…"

 But she just smiled, "It's ok, it doesn't hurt at all."

Mew giggled as it went down closer, only now did the mark that Yellow had on her hand show itself again, Yellow looked at Mew, "Was this you?"

Mew giggled and smiled as it flew around with people starting to approach, then she came close to Ash and looked at him happily.

"Mew!" it said which Ash and Yellow understood,

"You want to see what I do?" Ash questioned, then pulled out a Pokeball, "Does that mean you want me to catch you?"

Mew shook its head.

"So you just want to follow me around and see what happens? Ok, I guess, if you want." Ash said with everyone still looking a little too shocked to speak.

Then Mew floated down and touched Ash on his ring as a pink mark appeared on the ring before disappearing and Mew giggled as it flew next to Mewtwo.

Mewtwo looked at everyone as all the clones began glowing and began to float, then all the clones and Mew with Mewtwo started floating up into the sky.

Mewtwo looked down at everyone, "I will always remember what happened here, but for you, it seems like this would be best forgotten, maybe we'll see each other again."

Before anyone could question what Mewtwo said he started flying into the sky, then before anyone could react all their minds went blank in a white light.

{Back on the dock}

Everyone opened their eyes, finding themselves at the port again, with no memory of anything, not what happened, not any memory of Mewtwo, not even why they were here.

But the Missing Joy appeared and offered everyone shelter from the storm… wait the storm was also gone, revealing that the sun was coming up indicating a new day.

Ash, Green, Gary, and Yellow walked out of the center, they all still felt confused, "Do any of you guys remember anything about why we came here?" Gary asked, receiving headshakes from everyone.

"I guess… well what now?" Yellow asked.

Ash looked at the sun, "You know, today is everyone's last day before they go back home," Ash said.

Green nodded and slapped her hand with her fist, "Oh yeah, we have to go watch them graduate, I wanna see if Professor Oak makes Silver do a speech!"

"That would be pretty funny," Ash said as he looked over at Yellow, "You wanna come with us, I'm sure everyone wants to see you."

"O-Oh, can I really," Yellow said as she then smiled, "I'd love to!"

Green put her arm around Yellow as she started walking and Gary followed quickly, Ash was about to follow but he looked at his ring, then at the sky before smiling.

"Don't think you're getting rid of me that easy," Ash said making Pikachu look at him.

Suddenly Gary called out, "Yo Ash, you're the one with the Abra!"

Ash looked back, "Sorry I was just thinking, you guys wanna go annoy Chloe before we leave."

"Uhh, Absolutely!"

"Yeah, why not,"

"O-oh, I-I guess,"

Ash smiled, "Then new mission, go annoy Chloe!"

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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