10.14% Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 60: Discussion and Exam Results

บท 60: Discussion and Exam Results

Earth Land, Ishgar, Tenrou Island.

December x779.

After Makarov shot the signal flare into the air, Gildarts and Ur shot off into the forest, looking for the other Fairy tail wizards that were on the island. To their surprise, there were only two who were still conscious. The first was Mest, who was completely uninjured after his fight with Elicia. And the second was Fried, who, like Mest, was completely uninjured after encountering Elicia.

When Ur ran into Fried, he was carrying Evergreen, who had a large bruise on her face, toward the signal flare.

"Fried, how are you doing?" Ur asked as she walked toward the jade-green-haired young man.

"I'm fine." Fried said in a dejected tone. "But I'm disappointed in myself for losing without putting up a fight."

Considering that Fried was an A-Class wizard who qualified for the S-Class Exam, Ur figured that he had been sneak attacked. And her hunch was right. After hearing Fried's retelling of the encounter he and Evergreen had with Elicia, she found herself amazed at the versatility Elicia showed during the exam.

'Stealth, head on battle ability, martial arts, and tracking.' Ur thought to herself after she separated from Fried. 'She's really an all-rounder. But will it be enough to get Master Makarov's approval to S-Class?'

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Gildarts came across the unconscious forms of Laxus and Bickslow. After slapping Laxus awake, he questioned Laxus about how the two ended up this way.

Though he did so begrudgingly, Laxus told Gildarts about how he and Bickslow were defeated honestly.

"Wait, did you say he pulled iron sand from underground?" Gildarts asked with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

"Yeah." Laxus grumbled in response. "He used it to stop and ground all my lightning."

"Well, damn." Gildarts said in astonishment. "I thought he didn't have much control over metals that he didn't create. I guess he's been holding that card close to his chest for a while, huh?"

After hearing Laxus' report, Gildarts sent them toward the camp they set up for the participants after the exam ended. Then, he started searching for anyone else he could find. However, Gildarts did not have to search for long. A few minutes after he separated from Laxus, a green flare was sent up into the sky, signifying that all the examinees and S-Class wizards had been found.

While Gildarts and Ur were searching for the examinees, Mest had teleported Macao and Wakaba, who lost to Gildarts and Ur, respectively, back to the camp. Makarov, on the other hand, carried Alfonzo and Elicia after their battle with Gildarts. Then, Laxus brought Bickslow while Fried did the same for Evergreen.

After everyone arrived at the camp, first-aid was administered. Then, when everyone woke up, they had dinner to celebrate a job well done in the exam. Although, all the participants knew that only one of them would be an S-Class wizard after today. If any of them passed, that is.

After dinner, most of the examinees were exhausted, so they quickly went to bed. Meanwhile, Makarov, Gildarts, Ur, and Laxus gathered around a table in one of the cabins on the ship.

"So, what are your thoughts?" Makarov asked, a solemn expression on his face. "Who of the eight are qualified to become S-Class."

"Well, I only fought one of them." Ur said with a smile. "And I think Wakaba is qualified. But from what I heard and saw, both Alfonzo and Elicia are qualified as well."

"I feel the same about Alfonzo and Elicia." Gildarts said in agreement. "And my fight with Macao makes me think he could do it as well."

Nodding in response to Ur and Gildarts' opinion, Makarov shifted his gaze to his grandson, who remained silent after the other two spoke.

"*Sigh* I want to say that no one deserves it." Laxus said in a clearly frustrated tone. "but considering how badly I got my ass kicked, I can only say that Alfonzo deserves it. But since I didn't see anyone else fight, I can't comment on the others."

Though everyone could hear how unwilling Laxus was to admit that Alfonzo was qualified as an S-Class wizard, they were pleasantly surprised that he admitted so, as frankly as he did. Naturally, this brought a smile to Makarov's face as he could see his grandson growing up right before his eyes.

"Well, that makes four." Makarov said after letting Laxus' growth in character sink in for a moment. "Unfortunately, we can only choose one."

"Well, we can take Macao and Wakaba off the list, then." Gildarts said with a shrug. "All though they made a good showing, it wasn't as good as the other two."

"Agreed." Makarov said with a nod. "Neither of them defeated anyone during the exam. Though, that was mostly due to luck. Fighting two wizards who could be Wizard Saints right off the bat is a tall order."

"Well, like they say." Ur said with a shrug of her own. "Luck is a part of one's strength."

"Ugh… That sounds so esoteric." Gildarts said in response. "It sounds like something from another world. One where they use all sorts of over-the-top sayings to explain the simplest things."

"You actually know a word like that?" Ur asked, shocked beyond belief. "And to think I thought that you could barely even read."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Gildarts growled while clenching his fists. "Are you trying to say that you thought I was an idiot?"

"I'm not trying to say anything, Gildarts." Ur said with a smile. "I'm saying that I thought… No, think you're an idiot. An idiot with a bigger vocabulary than I anticipated."

"Damn you, Ur." Gildarts said, annoyance leaking through his tone. "How 'bout we take this outside?"

*Knock!* *Knock!*

"Enough." Makarov said while rapping his knuckles on the table. "Stay focused, we have more important things to discuss than Gildarts' low IQ."

"Exactly, you don't have to be like Bianca and always---" Gildarts said before he completely registered what Makarov said. "Wait a damn minute, you just called me stupid, too. Damn you both."

While Makarov and Ur laughed good naturedly at Gildarts' expense, even Laxus' lips curled ever so slightly at their ends after hearing the banter. Then, after a few more lighthearted jabs, the conversation got back on track.

"Anyway, since we're excluding Macao and Wakaba from our deliberations, that only leaves Alfonzo and Elicia." Makarov said. "Before we make a decision, let's hear their feats during the exam."

With that, Gildarts, Ur, and Laxus told Makarov what they heard about or experienced when they encountered Alfonzo and Elicia during the exam. Needless to say, Makarov was quite surprised. Even though he had seen most of the fight between Alfonzo, Elicia, and Gildarts, he was awed by what he heard from the other three.

It's not like Makarov could see the fights going on in the exam from the projection on the ship. He could only see who was clashing and determine who won based on the way the guild marks moved after they separated.

"So, Alfonzo has high control over any kind of metal. Not just the ones he creates." Makarov summarized. "And Elicia has good enough stealth that she defeated two of the stronger wizards in the exam, and could have done so without being seen at all had she chosen to do so?"

"Yup, that's the gist of it." Gildarts replied. "Honestly, I had no idea they were that good. And I've trained them on and off for the last few years."

"I know what you mean." Ur said. "They never show that much during their spars."

"Then, what are your opinions?" Makarov asked, looking at the three S-Class wizards. "Which of the two should be promoted to S-Class."

Instead of immediately giving their opinions, Gildarts, Ur, and Laxus traded glances, as if they were trying to decide who would speak first. Eventually, Gildarts was the first to open his mouth.

"Honestly, I'm not a hundred percent sure." Gildarts said. "They both landed a good blow on me during the fight. With Elicia hitting me twice. Though, Alfonzo did manage to restrict my movements completely. Before I completely overpowered them, anyway."

"That doesn't answer the question, Gildarts." Ur said. "Who would you promote?"

"*Sigh* If I had to choose, I'd pick Alfonzo, I guess." Gildarts said, almost unwillingly.

Hearing Gildarts' tone, Makarov and Ur were surprised while Laxus did not really seem to care. However, Makarov and Ur's surprise vanished immediately after hearing what Gildarts was muttering.

"Even if he makes it to S-Class, I'll never let him have my princess."

Hearing that, Makarov and Ur could only sigh and smile wryly. A moment later, Makarov turned his attention to Ur.

"And what about you?" Makarov asked.

"Well, It was actually hard to decide for me, too." Ur said, her wry smile deepening. "But I'd choose Elicia. I mean, she defeated three opponents and worked together with another examinee to put up a good fight against someone they were not equipped to defeat. Meanwhile, Alfonzo only defeated two and shared the latter feat."

Hearing Ur's reasoning, Makarov and Gildarts nodded in understanding. In fact, Gildarts' opinion was even starting to be swayed toward Elicia. The last person in the room, however, frowned deeply after hearing Ur.

"Are you three looking down on me?" Laxus asked in an angry tone.

Hearing that, Makarov, Gildarts, and Ur looked at Laxus with confusion on their faces.

"What do you mean, Laxus?" Makarov asked. "Did Ur say something wrong?"

"No." Laxus said in a huff. "It's true that Elicia beat three people and Alfonzo only beat two. But are you saying that I, an S-Class wizard, is equal in quality to the A-Classes Elicia won against?"

Immediately the three older wizards opened their eyes wide. After hearing what Laxus said, they realized that Ur's assessment had not taken that into account.

"You're right." Gildarts said, scratching the back of his head with an embarrassed expression on his face. "Considering how often Alfonzo has kicked your ass over the years, we stopped seeing it as anything special, I guess."

Instead of replying to Gildarts' comment, Laxus scowled before standing up and walked out of the room without a word. Meanwhile, Makarov and Ur looked at Gildarts in dumbfounded amazement.

"Huh? Why did he leave?" Gildarts asked in confusion. Then, he looked at the other two people in the cabin. "And why are you two looking at me like that?"

"*Sigh* You make it really hard to think of you as anything other than an idiot, Gildarts." Makarov said while shaking his head.

"What the…?" Gildarts asked in surprise.

"Yeah, an idiot that is so strong that most people are afraid to tell you to your face." Ur added.

"What do you mean?" Gildarts asked, still confused. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Anyway, I think the decision has been made." Makarov said, ignoring Gildarts question. "The three of you did a good job today. Get some rest. We're heading off early tomorrow morning."

"Sounds good to me." Ur said as she stood up and started walking to the cabin's door. Then, she continued while waving her hand. "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow."

Following Ur, Makarov also hopped d down from his seat and made his way out of the cabin.

Meanwhile, Gildarts watched them leave, still confused by what they said.

"Seriously, can you guys tell me what you meant?" Gildarts asked in the empty cabin.

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.

The next morning, all the Fairy Tail wizards on Tenrou Island packed up and boarded the ship. Then, over the next few days, they leisurely returned to the port town of Hargeon. After piling into the several vehicles they parked near the port, they made their way back to Magnolia.

Not long after they arrived, most of the guild's wizards returned to the guild hall to hear the results of this year's S-Class Promotion Exam.

"Alright, settle down you brats!" Makarov shouted while standing on the stage with the guild's S-Class wizards. "I know you're all curious to know the results of the exam. But you gotta be quiet if you want to hear it."

With that, all the excited chatter in the guild hall died down. Then, everyone's gazes landed on the eight wizards standing at the front of the crowd, wondering if any of them rose to the occasion and gained the status of an S-Class wizard.

"First of all, I must say that I'm quite impressed by the level shown by this year's examinees." Makarov said with his hands clasped behind his back. "In fact, if I could, I would be promoting more than just one of the wizards standing before me. But only one can be promoted at a time. So, thems the breaks."

At first, everyone remained silent after Makarov's statement. However, when his words settled in, they realized what he said exactly.

"that means there will be another S-Class wizard this year, doesn't it?" Reedus asked from the corner where he was still sitting in front of his canvas.

"That's two years in a row." Max Alors, a wizard that joined the guild in recent years, asked.

"Who do you think it is?" Bisca Mulan, a wizard hoping to join the guild after she met Erza on one of her quests, asked Erza.

"Be patient." Erza said, focusing on Makarov's figure on the stage. "Master will let us know soon.

"That's right, as you all have guessed, this year we will add a new S-Class wizard to our ranks." Makarov said, pausing for dramatic effect. "Now, everyone join me in congratulating Fairy Tail's newest S-Class wizard--- Alfonzo Marcus."

Immediately, without a hint of disappointment, while the rest of the guild began to clap and cheer, Elicia pounced on Alfonzo and hugged him tightly. Then, in front of the whole guild, she kissed him on the lips and pushed her tongue into his mouth with such passion that the cheering stopped momentarily.

A few moments later, Elicia broke the kiss and looked up at Alfonzo with a big smile on her face.

"Congratulations, Fonzie!" Elicia said happily, resulting in the rest of the guild congratulating Alfonzo as well.

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