[Samara Grayleaf's POV]
Samara engaged in a lively conversation with a group of students who were eager to hear about her wartime experiences.
Despite their questions, she downplayed the subject. Instead, she shared insights into her unique fighting style, which captivated her audience.
However, their discussion was abruptly hushed as a solemn elf stepped forward and issued a cautionary remark, "Please be cautious, Professor, the demon dragon has arrived."
Samara's face reflected her bewilderment as she turned to see the source of such commotion.
Her amazement was palpable as her gaze landed on an extraordinarily handsome young man whom she knew as Archer Ashguard, the son who was banished.
He wore a plain black shirt, matching trousers, and sturdy boots. Archer stood before her, causing her to gaze at him with wide, curious eyes.
Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.