92.3% The Healer Prince : HOTD SI / Chapter 60: Chapter 60-A Dance Undone! A Song Rewoven!

บท 60: Chapter 60-A Dance Undone! A Song Rewoven!

Chapter 60


The little island of land was filled with tension, the air filled with the smell of blood, fire, and the sea. The waves washed on the shore with all their might, much like the two of them.

Daemon's sword sang through the air. Darksister blurred through the air, aimed at his neck. He ground his feet on the rugged ground and swung at the incoming sword.

The swords met in the air, sending sparks flying, as they stared into each other's eyes, and Daemon's eyes seemed to be full of hatred and rage. His face flushed as the very air erupted, as their dragons met each other, clashing into one another with all their might, sending tremors throughout the land.

Their blades separated as Aenys tried to push Daemon back. Daemon sidestepped his advance and tried to kick him in the side, but Aenys blocked the kick with his arm as their dance began once more.

The air was filled with the sounds of dragon roars and clashes of valyrian steel, and he could feel his dragon's agony and rage. Yet he knew he could not underestimate Daemon. A single glance away from him could end his life, so even as the pained cries of a dragon filled the air, his heart sinking with each such cry, he parried another one of Daemon's strikes and watched him grit his teeth in frustration.

"AGHHH!" Daemon shouted as Aenys stepped back, and Dameon's blade cut through the stony ground.

"You should have died that day on Dragonstone. None of this would have happened then. You. YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING!" he hurled accusations at him.

"I did nothing. All of this is your own doing. Do not blame me for it," Aenys snarled as he kicked at Daemon's arm. His brother grunted in pain yet held onto his blade, and instead of backing away, he leaned in and struck him with his head.

"ARGH!" Aenys grunted in pain as he was pushed back, ducking down to avoid Daemon's wild slash, yet he felt the blade tear through the skin of his arm as a searing pain ripped through him.

"DIE!" Daemon shouted as the cry of his dragon nearly shattered his heart.

He ducked under Daemon's swing, and just before he could react, Aenys kicked him in the leg, making him scream in pain. He moved to his side, yet in a display of inhuman dexterity, Daemon reversed his grip on the blade and swung it back straight at him.

"ARGHH!" Aenys jumped back, yet the blade cut through his abdominal skin, leaving a bleeding gnash over it.

Aenys was in pain, yet as was Daemon, we now limped on as he glared at him.

Aenys glanced at the dragon's behind, and his heart tore up as he saw the bloodied form of his Grey Ghost locked in battle with Ceraxes. The red dragon's wing had been torn up, and it bled away, hurling its fire everywhere, though his own dragon bled away from its face, which had large claw marks on it.

"AGHHHH!" but his distraction cost him, as Daemon's blade one more came down at him, yet he backed away and watched it cut through stone as he shouted off.

"Let me end you, you bastard! You usurper!" he shouted as the dance of blades began once more, strike and parry. Despite the limp, Daemon's strikes were ferocious, and the cut on his abdomen seared in pain with every movement as Aenys parried Daemon's strike.

"I am no usurper. The crown is Rhaenyra's. You have no right over it!"

"The Crown is mine!" he shouted again as their blades locked with one another.

"By the laws of God, it is mine! It is you who has corrupted her, corrupted Viserys, corrupted everyone! YOU! I WILL END YOU!" he shouted, yet Aenys did not let him finish as he hit him with his head, sending him tumbling back.

"You have tried and failed many times! Just as you shall today, you curr!" and with that, Aenys went on the attack, hammering away at Daemon with all his might. Daemon stumbled with every strike, without a sure footing, his parries painful as he continued to snarl.

"I will handle you first and then that bitch wife of yours and your accursed babe! I shall send them to you in the af..." Aeny was enraged at those words as he swung again and again and again at Daemion.

"That day will never come," and with that, finally, it happened. Daemon's sword rattled to the ground with a thud as he nearly faltered on one of the rocks. Yet before Aenys could put an end to him, Daemon lunged at him with all his might, and they both tumbled to the ground.

"AGHH!" Aenys grunted in pain as the rocky ground hit his back, giving Daemon the opportunity to overpower him as he swung at his face.

He felt his fist hit him in the face as he reached for a stone at the side and swung it back at Daemon's face with all his might.

"AGHH!" Daemon grunted in pain as the stone hit him in the head. Aenys's vision was blurry and scarlet as he pushed Daemon down and punched him in the face, as Daemon's fist hit him in the side, making him grunt in pain.

Yet he didn't let go and continued to rain down punches on his face, even as a searing pain erupted in his side as Daemon gouged him with a ragged rock, yet Aenys didn't stop and didn't let go as Dameon's face got bloodier and bloodier.

And then suddenly, he faltered, once, because of pain as one of his swings missed, and Daemon twisted the rock he had gouged him with, making him scream. Aenys pushed down his arm, and Aenys picked up a stone himself and pushed it down his shoulder, making Daemon scream in pain as he was showered in a rush of blood.

"AGHHH!" Daemon screamed even as Aenys's vision blurred, and it took all his willpower not to falter as he steadied himself, heaving and huffing as Demon writhed in pain underneath him.

"I will kill you! DETROY YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU HOLD DEAR!" Daemon screamed in agony as Aenys struck his other shoulder with his elbow, making him scream out once more as both his arms became useless.

"AGH!" Daemon screamed in pain as Aenys felt him thrash under him, his own body searing with pain as he reached for his neck.

"Your time of causing pain and havoc is over. I did warn you after all, didn't I. I will not let you lay a finger on my family ever!" Aenys screamed as he wrapped his fingers around Daemon's neck and pushed down with everything he had as Daemon thrashed violently underneath him, trying to claw away his hands.

With sheer desperation, Daemon reached for his hands and tried to claw them away as his eyes began to swell, the thrashing growing wilder and wilder as he began to froth from his mouth, and then Aenys felt a thrum behind him, as a roar shook the very ground as screeches filled the air.

His heart thumped as he recognized the pained cry of his own dragon as the air behind him heated up.

And in Daemon's eyes, he saw triumph as dread and resignation pooled in his heart.

"Dracarys!" Daemon gasped out. He heard a screech, and momentarily his hold on Daemon's neck may have loosened as a literal storm of fire rushed towards him from behind.

Yet before it could burn him a shadow overcame him, pushing itself in between himself and the BloodWyrm's fire.

"AGHHHHH!" Grey Ghost had shielded him with its own face and wing even as it screeched in pain and agony, its wing and face right in between him and the orange torrent of fire.

"GUGH!" he screamed in pain as he felt Daemon's teeth bite into his neck, yet thankfully, he was able to push him away as both of them fell away, a foot from one another, as he reached for his now bleeding neck. His dragon continued to scream away, the shrill voice of his dragon's anguished cry cutting through him as he saw Daemon laugh manically.

"HAHAHA!" "HAHAHA!" he laughed away. Then Aenys heard another roar. He looked up and found another dragon entering the foray. Its skin was similar in colour to Daemon's Ceraxes. Meleys returned and basked Ceraxes in a fire, interrupting his barrage on Grey Ghost.

"You will not walk out of here! Never!" Daemon screamed even as his arms lay limp by his side, and he snarled away with a bloody face.

Though before Aenys could say anything else, a shadow appeared behind him, and then before Daemon could react, he found himself in the maws of Grey Ghost, who was down with all its might.

"AGHHH...!" leaving him little time even to scream as he bit away the upper half of his body, and Aenys watched as Meleys and Ceraxes clashed against one another, the Blood Wyrm incapable of keeping up with the Red Queen, for he had lost both his wings and bled away from its face and shoulders and body.

"ROAR!" his own dragon had major gnashes on its face and side, many of its scales now charred, and its wing had been burnt rather badly as it spewed away Daemon's upper half before it turned its eyes on him as if to check on him.

And then he saw the side of its face had been burnt as well, the beautiful blue eye and creamy skin now burnt black as blood oozed away.

"ROAR!" he looked up and saw Meley scream away as he was hit in the side by Ceraxes tail; the Blood Wyrm had gone rabid after Daemon's demise, and it thrashed away violently.

It continued to roar away, thrashing violently as it spewed out fire all around like a mad beast, and so Aenys took a step forward, fighting the pain as he walked past the bleeding lower half of Daemon's body as he reached for the Valyrian Steel blade lying beside it.

He picked up Darksister, the hilt feeling foreign to him as Grey Ghost lowered his head, allowing him to mount him once more.

"Kirimvose. Ivestragī's mōris bisa," (Thank you. Let's end this)

And his dragon roared, responding to his emotions as it lowered itself, torrents of fire going right by them as Aenys held on tightly to the reins before suddenly Grey Ghost roared.

"ROARRR!" And then, for a second, Ceraxes' eyes shifted away from Meleys' and towards them. Grey Ghost's claws dug into the ground, and it rushed straight towards the Blody Wyrm, who tried to open its maw, but his dragon was faster as he ran into the Blood Wyrm.


The Blood Wyrm's back hit the stony elevation behind as it screeched in pain, and Aenys's grip over the Valyrian steel Blade tightened as Grey Ghost pinned Blood Wyrm with the stony hill. Aenys jumped off from the saddle with a two-step stride and raised the blade as Ceraxes screeched, trying to get away, yet Grey Ghost held him down as Aenys pushed the blade into the side of the Red Dragon's face with all his might.

"ARGH!" the Valyrian steel cut through its skin, and then, using all his weight, Aenys pulled down the blade, and it came down, slashing through the long neck.

Aenys was showered in blood and guts as the Valyrian Steel cut through the Dragon's belly.


Then a few feet from the ground he pulled out the blade and his feet touched the ground with a thud. And he looked up and was showered with blood as Ceraxes thrashed wildly, yet with much less power, as its guts began to fall out from the massive cut that cut down from its face to its torso.

"ROARR!" Grey Ghost opened its mouth, and with all the strength he could muster, he shouted the command to end it all.



With that, his dragon opened its maw and spewed a torrent of blue flame, which caught Ceraxes straight in the face as the Blood Wyrm's thrashing died down. Yet his dragon did not let go, and once it did, what remained of the Blood Wyrm's face was only a charred black husk that crumbled away as his body fell to the ground with a massive thud.

And as he stared at the limp body of the red dragon infront of him, the sword in his hand fell down, slipping away as the realization of what he had done dawned on him. He looked to the side at the torn-up half of Daemon's body as pain seared through him, and he realized that it was indeed done.

He had killed Daemon. He had killed his own blood. He had to, for otherwise thousands would have bled away for his ambition. Yet still, he had slain his own kin.

His dragon spread its wings as it roared loudly into the skies, declaring its victory. He heard a massive thud from behind as Meleys landed on the ground right behind him.

The skies had darkened by now, and dark clouds now covered them as he felt a drop of rain on his face, as he heard a slew of footsteps from behind and, through the corner of his eye, saw Rhaenys had walked up to him, her face pale and pained as she looked at the dead dragon infront of him with saddened eyes.

"It was the last reminder of my father, you know, Prince Aemon Targaryen. And now it's gone," she muttered as she walked up to him. He didn't miss how her own dragon, the Red Queen, seemed to have put both of Daemon's halves near each other as it gave an anguished cry.

She had been Alyssa Targaryen's mount before, Alyssa Targaryen, wife to Baelon Targaryen and mother to Viseyrs, Daemon and Aenys.

"May the gods have mercy on his soul!" she prayed as he nodded.

"Indeed," and then he grunted in pain. The wound on his side pained him greatly, and he was about to fall away when suddenly he felt Rhaenys reach out for him as she looked at him worriedly.

"We need to get you to a healer!"


Back in Kingslanding, the tourney had ended minutes ago as the victors gathered to receive their winnings. The crowds cheered for the victors as the Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen descended down from her booth, Lady Alicent, and Jeyne by her side as she congratulated the victors and presented to them their winnings, and then the celebrations were cut short by the roar of a dragon interrupted the celebrations and the Kingsguard surrounded the Princess, as they saw a dragon flying towards them.

Many missed how the faces of three women paled as they saw the coloring of the beast flying towards them. Yet, that fear turned into confusion and apprehension as they saw and found it darker in coloring than the infamous Blood Wyrm and recognized it to be the Red Queen, Meleys, the mount of Rhaeneys Targaryen, the Queen-who-never-was.

The hulking beast landed in the arena with a thud, quietened by fear and curiosity. The three women paled as they saw the wounds and burns all over the red beast, and then a figure slid down the red dragon.

And it was not Lady Rhaenys as they had expected. No.

It was Aenys, and the Princess and Lady Alicent gasped as they saw him covered in blood from head to toe. Unknown to them was whether it was his own or someone else's, which added to their worries.

Princess Rhaenys jumped down behind him, shouts for healers and maesters were made at once, and the three women rushed toward the prince.

"AENYS!" his name was called out worriedly as tears welled up in the eyes of Prince's wife as she saw his fragile state, for she had realised just what had happened.

So did the Princess when the Prince raised a blade and somewhat presented it to the heir to the throne. The blade and its metal were similar to what he had presented to her days ago, yet she recognized it at a single glance, for she had grown up seeing the infamous sword.

It was the sword of the Conqueror, the blade of Kings, the blade of Daemon Targaryen. Blackfyre and Rhaenyra would look up into Aenys's eyes. The whites of his eyes had turned red as his lips thinned, and he whispered fated words to her.

"It is done."


Back in the Red Keep, the King would watch it all from his own room, with much apprehension, King Viserys had been filled with an ominous feeling for days, and as he watched the red dragon land on the tourney grounds, he felt a pang of sadness and regret wash over him, as minutes later a servant alongside his leal hand would enter the room with his permission and speak the ominous words.

"Prince Daemon is dead!" for all the bad blood between them, Daemon had been his brother, his own blood, and despite the tumultuous times, Viserys would always care for him.

He did not need to know who had killed him, for few in the realm were capable of felling down Daemon Targaryen.

He was filled with emotions he could not explain, filled with sadness and regret, and would reach for the goblet of wine he had poured himself only for the goblet to fall and spill away. The shouts of the Hand would spread all over the room as King Viserys would feel his vision blur.




~And so, the dragons danced,

And set aflame blood.

As blade met blade.

And the hands of a healer were dyed red.

As Blood and Wyrm lay dead~

(From the diaries of Lady Jeyne Arryn)

As always, you can read ahead and support me through my Patre 0n. The rest of the chapters are available on the darkest tier (will become public~as per schedule). Help me out if you can. It would be pretty cool of you. 

www.Patre 0n.com/Drkest

And now it ends! One more chapter before we move on to the epilogues!

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