63.07% The Healer Prince : HOTD SI / Chapter 41: Chapter 41

บท 41: Chapter 41

Chapter 41


The cheer and ruckus from the crowd vanished as Aenys's grip on his sword tightened as he rushed towards Daemon. His body ached from the earlier fights, his lack of endurance showing, yet his rage and determination dampened the pain as he raised his sword as their blades met.

Shockwaves rippled through his arm from the sheer force of that strike as a thunderous clash of steel continued as a dance. Valyrian steel met valyrian steel. Daemon's skill at arms was on full display, his prowess with the sword, despite his injuries, there for all to see.

Yet Aenys's prowess was equal if not better than his brother, the years spent in the training yard enough to bridge the gap in their natural talents. Daemon's casual expression began to shift into one of frustration and rage as the battle dragged on.

Aenys refused to budge, his sword flowing through the air as an extension of his arm as he parried strike after strike from Daemon, making Daemon's frustration rise up.

And then it happened, fueled by frustration and rage. Daemon lost his composure and extended his arm a bit farther back, giving him enough time to step forward as he brought up his own sword in an arc.

"AGHH!" Daemon was quick to react and saw the danger and jumped back, yet he was too late.


The blade hit metal, and his helmet fell to the ground broken, as a small gnash appeared on the side of Daemon's face. He wiped the blood with his hand as he glared at him with a maddening expression as he pulled up his sword and charged at him once more.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" he uttered as Aenys ground his feet, as he willed his body to comply with his command, even as each of his muscles ached in protest.



Their swords met again, with each of Daemon's attacks having inhuman strength behind it, pushing his back. With each parry, his whole arms shook as Daemon attacked relentlessly, and then suddenly it happened, as Aenys tripped on a body, and saw Daemon smile as he swung at his neck.

His heart thumped in his chest as he saw the valerian steel blade rush towards his neck and so instead of steadying himself he let himself fall, evading the blade. His own sword fell from his hand, hitting the ground as Daemon's blade hit nothing but air.

He rolled back and saw that it was a severed arm that had tripped him, and then before Daemon could react Aenys stepped forward and kicked the amputated appendage towards Daemon with all his might.

"KUKH!" Daemon couldn't react in time as the arm his body, and Aenys knew he had to strike.

So, he pushed himself forward, his feet dug into the wet ground as he jumped towards Daemon, who was taken by surprise by his actions, and fell to the ground.

"OOMPH!" his back hit the ground, and Aenys was quick to get atop of him, as he held him down by his arms not allowing him to use his sword as he struck his face with his head.

"AGHH!" Daemon cried out in pain, and he felt his ow vision falter for a moment, as Daemon struggled to free himself from his hold. Yet Aenys held him down with his weight as he twisted his sword arm, dislocating his shoulder.

"AGHHH!" Daemon screamed in pain as his sword arm became limp, by then his own vision was blurry and swam as he huffed in and swung at his face.



"AGHH!" he screamed in rage, as he felt the skin of his hands tear up. He clung to the light as he swung again and again. His hands became wet as he felt Daemon stop struggling beneath him.

And then as he found in his body no more strength to even raise an arm, he stopped, as he took in labored breath the deafening noise around him registered to his ears as he heard the crowd roar.


The words were loud, and Aenys forced himself to stand up, he wobbled to his feet, as the crowds chants grew louder and louder, and then he looked up and found himself staring at the only other knight left standing.

His armor was broken, his brown hair mottled with dirt and grime. Blood dripped down his face, yet there was little doubt in his mind that he was in a better condition than him. Gwayne stood there sword in hand, his sword. In Aenys's hands was none other than his sword.

Their eyes met, as Aenys gulped down and stepped forward, trying to reach for Daemon's blade.

Yet before he could reach down, he saw Gwayne move.

Alicent's youngest brother, fell down to his knee, leaving the crowd stunned as he presented to him his sword. The man had admitted his defeat, and had yielded to him.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" the crowd roared as the Herald made the announcement.


The herald announced, and the crowd's roar was deafening, as Aenys walked towards Gwayne and picked up his sword, and as Gwayne was about to step up, he motioned for him to stop. His eyes widened, yet he complied with his request and continued to kneel down on one knee as Aenys held the blade in his hand and tipped his sword on his shoulder.

"In the name of the father, I charge you to be just," Aenys spoke with all his strength and felt the crowd become quiet as he moved his sword to his other shoulder.

"In the name of the mother, I charge you to defend young and innocent," and then the crowd finally realized what was going.

"In the name of the Warrior…."



Relief flooded Rhaenyra Targaryen as she saw Gwayne kneeling down in the arena infront of Aenys, who tipped his sword for the seventh and final vow.

"In the name of the Stranger, I charge you to watch over and protect us all," and she felt tears well up in her eyes as the crowd roared and Aenys spoke up.

"Arise, Gwayne Hightower. A knight of the Seven Kingdoms!" Aenys announced, and even she could feel his voice falter as Gwayne Hightower rose to his feet, to the cheer of the spectators, as the herald spoke up.

"AND WE HAVE A NEW KNIGHT! SER GWAYNE HIGHTOWER! KNIGHTED BY PRINCE AENYS TARGARYEN!" the herald announced, and she gasped as uncle Aenys nearly faltered, though Gwayne wrapped his arm around him and held him steady as the herald reached towards her uncle, and a servant presented him with the ceremonial crown of love and beauty.

"AND NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE CROWNING! WHOM SHALL THE PRINCE CHOSE AS HIS QUEEN OF LOVE AND BEAUTY!" the herald announced, and the crowd roared, and she felt the eyes of the whole arena lock onto the Royal box.

Wooden steps were bought and placed down in the ground so Aenys could approach the Royal box.

Beside her, she could see Alicent's relieved expression, as tears dripped down her face as Aenys slowly rose through the steps, Gwayne by his side, subtly supporting him as Aenys slowly reached the royal box.

His armor was colored red due to dried blood, much like half his face. Even then, he bled through some cuts, and she didn't miss how the skin on his hands was torn up. Her eyes met with Gwayne's, who seemed somewhat abashed by his failure to win the tourney, though she didn't miss the hint of a smile on those lips, probably in the happiness of his knighting.

As she had expected, Aenys stepped towards Alicent, who still had tears running down her face, and she saw him mouth silently.

"I am sorry. But I had to do this."

"I know," came the whisper from Alicent, who gently lowered her head as Aenys placed the ceremonial crown atop her head.


The herald's announcement drew much cheer from the spectators. And, why wouldn't it? Aenys's and Alicent's story was the realm's most famous story. A Prince who slew a dragon just to obtain the hand of unrivaled beauty. Many versions of the battle at Dragonstone had spread throughout the comments, and the tale of the battle had been romanticized by songs and mummers.

Rhaenyra wiped the tears that welled up in her eyes as she glanced towards the arena once again, and her heart sank as she saw her father's other brother, Daemon Targaryen, struggle to his feet as acolytes and maesters rushed to his aid. His nose appeared to be broken, and he bled from his mouth as he glared at the Royal box.

And though she couldn't be sure, she was not blind. She had seen with her own eyes what had happened during the melee and what Daemon had meant to do. And she could reason it was why Aenys had joined the melee in the first place, for she knew that despite his prowess with the sword, Aenys wasn't fond of fighting in tourneys.

Their eyes met, and she felt a cold chill pass through her spine as she saw him glare towards her. That chilling gaze made her heart quicken as she realized that this gaze was going to be trained on her back as long as she was poised to inherit he father's throne.

That hate-filled glare made her gulp before, finally, the acolytes rushed him away, and she looked back at her father, who seemed to have aged several years over the course of the melee.

Thankfully, her father's hand stood up and walked towards Aenys and Alicent as he spoke to Gwayne.

"Take your sister and Prince Aenys to the healers and have them look at you as well," the man commanded his third son, who nodded as servants rushed to the royal box and led them away.

She gritted her teeth as she scanned the Royal box, which somehow felt haunting to her, and stood up as she looked towards her father.

"I will be back," she said, seeking his permission. Her father gave her a nod, and she sighed as she slid out of the royal box, and made to follow the hoards of servants leading away Alicent and Aenys.



Alicent Hightower stood behind the healers and the servants as they took armor off of Aenys. Her heart thumped in her chest as she saw Aenys look towards her, and he immediately hid away the grimace and gave her a weak smile.

"I am fine," he assured her, though her heart refused to believe her words. His armor was covered in blood, much like his face, and as the healers took off the armor, she stilled as she saw that his shirt underneath was drenched in scarlet blood as well.

The healers tore away his shirt as he examined him, and the servants beside him wiped away the blood from his body. She didn't miss how Aenys's face would scrunch in pain as the healer touched his rib, and as the healer turned to face her, she prayed to Seven once again, to bless him.

"Prince Aenys is fine. He has minor injuries, he will need to rest for some days. But it is not anything serious," the healer assured her, and she felt her legs grow weak, and she was about to fall when a pair of arms supported her from behind.

"Alicent!" Aenys called out.

"My lady," she recognized the voice of her maid Anya as the maid slowly led her to a chair as the healers dressed Aenys's wounds, and she finally felt herself relax as she looked to the side and saw Gwayne enter the room alongside Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra rushed towards Aenys as she rushed towards Gwayne.

"Thank the Seven, you are fine," she said as she wrapped her arms around him. Gwayne slowly wrapped his arms around her.

"I believe you should be thanking your lord husband for that instead of the Seven," he remarked, and she chuckled as they separated. Gwayne had taken off his armor and was dressed in a simple white shirt. There were some bandages wrapped around his chest, and his face had several cuts and bruises, some of which may even scar, though he was in a better condition than Aenys.

"I will," she said as she looked to the side and saw Rhaenyra, who had her arms wrapped around Aenys, with tears dripping down her face as she thanked him.

They separated as Alicent walked towards him and sat beside him on the bed, and held his hand in her own. The warmth from his hand comforted her as she raised it and kissed him as Gwayne stepped forward.

"Thank you for saving my life, my Prince," Gwayne said, and Aenys smiled as he gave her brother a nod.

"There is no need for that, and I believe your lady wife has thanked me enough for both of you," he remarked, and she saw a blush appear on both Gwayne and Rhaenyra's faces as she chuckled and gently swatted his arm.

"She is not his wife yet. There is still time. She may still realize her mistake," she remarked playfullyas Rhaenyra nodded, the atmosphere lightened as both Rhaenyra and Gwayne stayed for some time before both of them left, since Rhaenyra still had her duties as the Royal Princess, leaving her alone with Aenys.

She lay there in his arms, as she felt the rise and fall of his chest as he spoke up, all the previous cheer from his voice gone.

"I know entering the tourney wasn't the wisest decision, but I had no choice. Had I not been there, he would have killed your brother," he remarked, confirming her earlier suspicion that Daemon's intentions had been to kill Gwayne.

Her heart stilled as she looked towards Aenys.

"But why? What has Gwayne done to offend him," she questioned as she looked into his eyes, and his lips thinned as he simply raised his brow, and she finally realized the reason.

"Rhaenyra!" she guessed, and Aenys nodded.

"Indeed, he wished to teach her a lesson. To prove to her that he was not going to let this go, that he was not going to let her replace him as heir," he remarked, and she realized that the danger had not passed.

"So, that means he won't let this go," she questioned, and Aenys nodded.

"I believe so, he lusts after the throne, and I don't think he is going to let anyone else take it, at least not without a fight," and she chewed her lips as the reality of the situation dawned on her.

"What will we do?" she questioned him. They could return to Braavos. Yet doing so would mean putting Rhaenyra at Daemon's mercy, which, from his earlier display in the melee, seemed to be nonexistent.

Yet staying here would mean having to face him. Having to fight Daemon.

"I don't know, but I don't think the Lords will be impressed by his display of wanton brutality today. He will find it difficult to gather support, though I am too tired to think about it any more," he said with grunt and she nodded and stood up.

"You should rest, I will go and check on Aenar," she said as she kissed his forehead, and she could see the milk of poppy take its effect as he have her a weak nod.

"I was to meet a guest today later in the night, the keyholder from Braavos I told you about," he suddenly added, and she nodded.

Tycho Haron, the representative from Iron Bank was set to meet him today later in the night.

"Have a letter sent to him that the meeting shall take place tomorrow," he told her, and she nodded.

"I will see it done," she said as she slowly walked to the door and motioned for the servants to close the curtains and turn off the lamps.

And with a final glance at Aenys, she walked out of the door and looked towards the two guards standing outside, who gave her a nod.

"Make sure no one enters this room without my knowledge," she ordered in her most cold tone, as Anya stepped towards her.

"How is the Prince, my lady?" she questioned, and Alicent nodded.

"Aenys is fine, the injuries weren't anything serious," she told the head maid who had a relieved expression at her words. Alicent began to walk towards the nursery as her own mind raced.

As Aenys had said, there was little chance that Daemon Targaryen would let this go. He lusted for the throne, for Rhaenyra's throne. And from what she had seen, Rhaenyra was set to make her brother Gwayne her consort.

This put the lives of the people dearest to her heart after Aenys, in grave danger. Aenys had protected her since the day he had pledged to marry her, keeping to his vows as he took each and every wound and scar meant for her.

And Alicent felt that it was time for her to share his burdens. And though she helped him run his vast empire in Braavos, she knew she could do more. Especially here in Kingslanding, the place where she had spent her entire childhood in.

And so, she steeled her heart as she reached the door of the nursery and looked back towards Anya.

"I need you to deliver a message for me," she said as Anya nodded.

"To whom, my lady?"

"To my father, Otto Hightower. The Hand of the King!"


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. Your support makes it possible for me to write these stories. So, if possible, have a look and consider becoming a part 0n. It would help me out a lot.

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A/N: So, should Rhaenyra really go after the throne?

You must understand she is barely eighteen, and she has just realized, just what it would mean for her to ascend the throne. So, it is understandable that she is a bit shaky here.

Though do tell me your thoughts. What should Rhaenyra do?


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