44.61% The Healer Prince : HOTD SI / Chapter 29: Chapter 29

บท 29: Chapter 29

Chapter 29


"I am so sorry!" Alesandro stilled as soon as he heard those words and finally noticed that he had been separated from his wife.

As the stone sept had been rocked by an explosion, the Bravo had rushed to his side and had immediately begun to evacuate him. The explosion had resulted in a fire that had spread voraciously, devouring the whole manse quickly. The rising smoke had made it impossible to see, and he had been relying on the guards to see him to safety.

Yet it seems the men had led him to his demise. He coughed out and squinted through the smoke to get a glimpse of his attacker when suddenly he was roughly pushed.

"AGHH!" he grunted in pain as he fell to the floor, his vision blacking out for a second, yet thankfully it returned when suddenly the sound of metal clashing made him look up.

And his eyes widened as he saw Aenys Targaryen standing there bleeding from his head, his face covered by a cloth, as he held back the assassin. The Prince was clearly injured and was struggling against the attacker when suddenly the Prince was attacked from behind by a second man.

Thankfully Ferosa was quick enough to kick the leg of the first assassin, making him stumble as he warned the Prince.

"Behind you!" he shouted, and the Prince moved to the side, narrowly avoiding the blade headed for his neck, and began to attack the assassin as Alessandro got back on his feet and began to face off against the first assassin.

"Do you think this was the Triarchy's doing?" he questioned as the two of them protected each other's backs facing off against the two men circling them like predators.

"No, this was the doing of someone far closer to home, I know someone in Qarth who would be able to confirm it but I believe the one behind this was your friend Alissano," and he stilled at those words.

Alissano, his friend.

"I don't believe it. Why would he do something like this?" he responded, angered by the allegation, and just then, the assassins rushed towards him, and he brought up his sword to parry the attack.

"We can talk about this later! First, we need to get out of here!" shouted Aenys as he parried the attack from the other assassin as fire rampaged around them, causing smoke to build up in the room.

Alesandro ducked as he dodged an attack and tried to kick the assassin, but the assassin jumped back, and then suddenly, Alesandro kicked one of the burning pieces of food on the floor at the assassin, managing to hit him in the gut. And he did not let go and pushed back immediately and aimed a strike at his neck, but the Sorrowful man was able to parry the attack, and suddenly Alesandro realized that he hadn't covered his face, and the smoke began to make him suffocate.

He began to cough, and the assassin was quick enough to react and began to attack him, Alesandro was forced to step back as he continued to cough and tried to block the attacks, when suddenly the assassin knocked the sword out of his hand.

And then, as his vision began to darken from suffocation, the last thing he saw was the assassin raising his sword, as he heard a faint shout from the Prince.



BILLY KIMBER- Paymaster of Company of Rose


His heart shook as the sounds of metal clashing against metal reverberated through the air. The Men of the company of Rose roared as their captain clashed in the battle against the Rogue Prince from Kingslanding.

Billy Kimber had joined the Company when he was eight and had shown an immediate aptitude for numbers. The previous paymaster had been old and had immediately taken him under his wing, and that was how he had met Patrick. Patrick, a descendent of the King of the North, was being trained to take over the Company. Even as a kid, he had heard quite a bit about the 'Bloody Wolf'.

He saw their captain take a step back as the Prince began to swing his sword at him in an expert manner, his skill with the sword nearly equal to the legends they had heard about the man. Yet their captain proved to be equal to the task and was holding his own against the younger prince.

While Prince Daemon was nearly a blur, their captain stood still, rooted to the spot as he methodically parried the Prince's strikes. The whole island was filled with an air of tension as the two men clashed in a battle for their lives.

The Prince saw his attacks getting rebuffed and seemed to have realized that this wouldn't be as easy as he had thought it out to be, for suddenly, as their swords were locked against each other, the Prince stuck a blow to the side of their captain with his leg.

He saw Patrick wince in pain as the leg struck him and immediately stepped back, and that was all the opportunity the prince needed, as the Prince's attacks became relentless as he began to overpower their captain. His youth gave the man advantage as he swung again and again, with their captain getting pushed back.

Billy gritted his teeth, and the roars died down when he suddenly looked back at the men and saw their eyes gleam with worry. Yet he suddenly roared in a loud voice to assuage away their fears. The men rallied at his call, and the voices grew louder once more.

His eyes then moved to the back of the crowd where a specific group of me were moving quickly and covertly behind the cover of the crowd as they armed themselves with their long bows and regular bows, and set up their trebuchets and, most importantly their single scorpion.

He gave them a nod before his eyes once more sought the mighty beast looking at them from above with its slit-like golden, like a God. The mighty Ceraxes, the Blood Wyrm, the bane of pirates, stood there with a snake-like long neck and red scales shining in the morning Sun as its rider clashed with their captain.

A fight that had evolved quite a bit. For now, both men were bleeding. Their captain now held his long sword in his single hand as blood dripped from his left shoulder, while the Prince wasn't unscathed either and was putting more weight on one of his legs with the other one dripping in blood as he hammered blow after blow at their captain's sword.

The Prince had taunted them with honor while he had broken all such codes himself as he had come here to attack their allies.

What honor? They weren't knights or nobles from the Kingdoms. Mercenaries honored only was their life and their bond to the contractor.

Dragons were said to be magical beasts, and they might not be able to face such a majestic and mighty creature. But the same could not be said about its rider. The rider was flesh and blood, and that meant only one thing. The rider could die.

And die he would.



Daemon Targaryen huffed in pain and agony as his grip around his sword tightened. The man in front of him was proving to be quite a challenge. It was rare when a man lived up to their fame and Daemon found himself smiling as he saw the bloodied form of his opponent.

"Bloody Wolf indeed," Daemon remarked and saw the man grunt as he held his side, with his arm limping by the side, and Daemon's eyes narrowed at the man's sword.

His leg burned in pain, yet daemon gritted his teeth and began to move forward as he brought up his sword once again, and brought it down with massive force. He saw the man hold up his sword to parry his blow. Their swords met and sparks flew, and then Daemon began to whack at his opponent's sword in mad rage as he screamed louder and louder forcing the man to wince with each blow.


He smiled as he saw the man pale at the sound of the crack, and then with renewed strength, he continued to hammer away until it happened.


The man's sword broke with a snap, and Daemon used the opportunity to swing at the man's arm; the armor protected the man, yet the pain forced him to drop the broken sword, and then Daemon brought his sword's tip to the man's neck.

"I will only say this the last time," Daemon began as he looked straight into the man's eyes.

"Kneel or Die!" Daemon offered the choice as the man stared straight into his eyes and gritted his teeth. The man had proved to be quite a challenge, yet in the end, he had proved himself lacking in front of his might.

Daemon pushed forward the sword, pushing the tip into the man's skin. The man glared at Daemon as he held his limp arm, as he slowly began to lower himself, making Daemon smile.

Yet suddenly, just as the man was on his knees, he suddenly shouted as he lay down flat on the ground.

Daemon looked up, and his heart thumped as he watched more than two dozen archers staring down at him with nocked bows.

"CERAXES!" he shouted, and thankfully, his dragon had been more vigilant than him and responded to his call immediately as it spewed a massive torrent of fire from its mouth, though not before the men had loosed their arrows.

Daemon looked down and found Patrick gripping the ankle of his injured leg, stopping him from running.

"AGHHH!" he shouted as he swung his sword at the man's neck, severing it in one quick swing as arrows whizzed past his ears before suddenly he hear Ceraxes hiss in pain as it coiled its neck around him.

Daemon began to push himself forward as he reached for Ceraxes's saddle when suddenly he saw the men bolt a scorpion. His heart thumped in his chest, and he gripped the red scales with his hand and shouted.


Perhaps sensing his distressed tone, Ceraxes responded immediately and began to flap its wings, trying to take to the skies, when he suddenly heard a shout.



And then he watched with eyes as the scorpion felt rushed out, aimed straight at his dragon's neck, and all he could do was scream.




Alissano watched in trepidation as the whole manse burned in front of him. The whole area was filled with shouting and screams as people rushed out of the manse. The Bravo had already arrived on the scene along with other common people and were throwing buckets upon buckets of water on the rampaging fire, yet the whole area was filled with thick smoke.

"Help! Help!" "Get the healers!"

"WE NEED MORE WATER!" the whole area was filled with loud noise as people rushed out of the manse, as one of the walls of the manse began to fall.



And he recognized that voice and turned his head and found the Sealord's wife standing there screaming as her servants held her back from rushing inside. Alissano rushed towards her, and the Bravo saw him and moved out of the way as he walked straight towards the crying form of Blair.

"What happened, Blair? Where is Alessandro?" he questioned and saw her head snap towards her; her whole face was stained with tears and there were some marks of burning on her dress.

"Alissano!" she screamed as she got to her feet.

"You have to help him. You have to help Alesandro, He is Still in there!" she screamed frantically as she pointed at the burning manse.

"How wasn't he with you?" he questioned as he tried to get more information from her to see whether his plan had succeeded or not. She nodded, tears continuing to fall from her eyes as she spoke up.

"Yes, he was. The Bravo led us out of here as soon as the fire started, but then suddenly, when we entered the corridor, I looked back, and he wasn't there," she told him, and he was joyous as he heard those words. It seems the Sorrowful men had held up their part of the bargain. Now he just hoped that they had succeeded in killing the other target as well.

"I will see what I can do," he reassured her, and she thanked him as smoke enveloped the area.

"It's the bride! She is coming out! MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!" came the shouts, and he saw the Sealord's wife perk up at those words as she began to push herself forward.

He followed her to the front and watched as several people rushed out of the manse. He recognized the one in front. It was the bride's younger brother, Gwayne Hightower. His face was covered with a cloth much like those by his side, and he staggered as he came out of the manse with the unconscious form of Alicent Hightower in his arms.

"HEALER! HEALER! WE NEED A HEALER!" he shouted as soon as he stepped out, Blair rushed forward towards them as a healer with a stick began to walk towards them and began to check the unconscious bride, as he questioned her younger brother.

"What happened? And Where is Aenys?" he questioned.

"I don't know, he was right behind us," he replied as he glanced back and paled as he saw that the so-called prince was no longer there. Alissano saw the old healer's face scrunch up in worry at those words, yet he continued to examine the young woman. He saw the young man suddenly whisper something in the man's ears, making him frown as he stood up.

"Get her to the tents, tell," shouted the healer as a couple of men stepped up with a palanquin and gently placed her on it as they took her to the tents that the healers had set up.

"Someone's coming out! Look!" suddenly someone shouted, and Alissano's heart stilled as he looked up and watched as he saw a shadow limping through the flames in the corridor. The young Hightower boy was first to react as he rushed into the fire-filled corridor after a glance, and he felt dread pool in his heart.

Alissano was rooted to the ground as he recognized those silver blonde hair even from that distance. It was Prince Aenys. His ornate tunic was scorched, and one of his arms was limp by his side as he staggered as he carried the unconscious form of the Sealord with his other arm...

Blood was caked on his face as he staggered through the burning corridor, as people were broken out of their trance by a shout. The Hightower boy had joined them and supported the Prince as they made their way through the collapsing corridor.

"IT'S THE SEA LORD! HELP HIM!" shouted Blair, the Sea Lord's wife, and his heart stilled as he saw Bravo throw buckets and buckets of water at the fire as they tried to enter the manse again.

Alissano could feel his life slipping away with each passing second as he watched men rush into the manse. He knew that if the Sealord survived, he would be done. It would all be over for him.

The only option was to get away while he could, and just as he was about to turn away, he heard people shout again, making him stop.

"WATCH OUT! ITS COLLAPSING!" and he looked back and saw the people getting away from the manse and watched as people began to back off, as the corridor began to collapse in front of his eyes.

He saw the Gwayne Hightower supporting the Prince as the corridor began to collapse behind them. They tried to get out.

"GET THEM OUT! GET THEM OUT!" shouted people as they watched the Bravo reach them and push the three men out, and just as they were at the door, he watched as the whole manse crashed.


"NOOOO!" he heard Blair scream as her guards pulled her back, as the front of the manse collapsed, making the whole ground shake. There was a massive dust cloud covering everything and soon, men began to rush forward ins search of survivors as they stood there rooted to the ground.


The smoke cleared up, and every able-bodied man began to clear away the rubble as they searched for survivors. And just as hope had begun to linger once again in his heart, he heard a shout.

He stood there praying to the Gods above in his heart as Pandemonium broke out beside him. And just as he was lost in his thoughts, he was broken out of his reverie by a shout.

"I found them! They are here! Help me!" and he saw the men leave the other sites as they rushed towards the Bravo, who had shouted and began to clear out the rubble. The healer joined them as well, and they took out the three dust-covered bodies. The healers rushed to their side and placed their fingers on their necks.

"He is alive!" "GET ME A PLANAQUIN!"

And he couldn't discern which one had shouted what.



"Mother!" she muttered instinctively as she saw those silvery locks, much like her own. And her guess was right as the stranger removed the cloak, and it was indeed her mother. She looked to the side, and the Kingsguard also took off the cloak, and she was surprised to see Ser Criston Cole standing there.

She glanced at them, and her heart thumped in her chest as she tried to think of what to say. In the end, all she could speak out was.

"I will not stop Mother. I have to go. Alicent needs us, Aenys needs us, and I will not abandon those whom I consider family ever again," she said resolutely as she looked straight into her mother's eyes. And surprisingly, instead of the anger and rage she had been expecting, he found only pride and sadness.

"I know," and she stilled at those words as her mother stepped forward and cupped her face in her hands.

"And I won't stop you. You are old enough to make your decisions, though I hope you understand the implications your decision will have," her mother spoke slowly, and she gritted her teeth, for of course she did.

She was going against her father's directives, and that meant that there was even a chance that he might just remove her from the position of the heir. Yet she also knew that if she stayed here and ignored the news about Aenys and Alicent, she would never be able to live with herself.

And then there was her father's plan to marry her to Daemon, and she wouldn't be lying. That was another one of the reasons behind her decision to go to Bravos.

"I do," she said as she looked into her mother's eyes. And then she felt her arms wrap around her as her mother hugged her, and she saw tears dripping from her eyes as they separated, and her mother kissed her forehead.

"Then I wish you luck," said her mother as they separated, and her mother stepped back and gave her a final nod. Rhaenyra was rooted to the spot and felt her eyes tear up.

"Fat…" she tried to say, but her mother simply shook her head and gave her a weak smile.

"Leave him to me," her mother said, and Rhaenyra hardened her heart and nodded, and put on the hood once more as she rushed towards her dragon, leaving her mother behind.



"How could you let him go like this!" thundered Corlys as he turned to face the rest of the commanders, as all of them evaded his gaze. One of them, the young Ormund Hightower, gulped and began slowly.

"We tried to talk him out of it. But Prince Daemon was adamant…" and Corlys shook his head, cutting off the young Hightower heir.

"And none of you thought to inform me! Or even go along with him if he was this adamant! You let him fly deep into hostile territory with no backup! DO you have any idea what this means!" he roared again, flabbergasted by the stupidity.

He had been back at Blood Heaven, seeing to eh setting up of camps, and in that short interval, they had let Daemon attack the main camp of the Company of Rose. Alone.

"Lord Corlys, he has a dragon…"

"Dragons can be shot! And the rider of that dragon is just as much a mortal as all of you!" he rebutted Lord Tarth, disappointed that the experienced man hadn't seen the folly of this.

Yet he knew that they could do nothing now. As soon as he had heard about this, he had ordered the men to get ready, and they had set sail for Grey Gallows, hoping to catch Daemon, yet he knew deep in his heart that it was too late. It had been hours since Daemon had left for the island, and the fact that he hadn't returned back on Ceraxes made him consider the worst-case scenario.

"Lord Corlys! Lord Corlys! You need to see this!" he was interrupted by one of the men who came running towards him and handed him a spy glass. And Corlys took it and looked at where the man was pointing and stilled as he saw the smoke rising from the said island.

"It's the Grey Gallows, my land! The smoke is coming from it!" spoke the man, and Corlys handed back the spyglass, his mind racing as he thought about what to do.

"Get the men ready! Have them prepare for battle!" he ordered after thinking for a bit, though his orders would prove unnecessary.

As they would land on the island, they are assaulted by a pungent and thick smell of burning flesh. The rocks would be charred black, with hundreds and hundreds of charred husks of men littered on the ground. The very ground burned one's feet as they walked on it, barely holding off the feeling of nausea.

And right there in the midst of all this carnage stood the Bloody Wyrm, one of its wings injured as it coiled around itself and glared at them with its slit-like eyes. There was rage in those eyes, and for a moment, Corlys thought that the beast would devour them all, yet it stilled when a small voice reverberated through the air.

"Ceraxes, Lykiri!" Corlys recognized that voice, and his eyes widened as the dragon moved its head, revealing the bloodied form of Daemon Targaryen, lying on the ground holding his stomach, with arrows stuck to his body.

"I believe congratulations are in order," he began slowly, hissing in pain as a smirk appeared on the bastard's face.

"I won!"


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