4.25% My Hero Academia Sex Stories / Chapter 2: Uraraka and Toru

บท 2: Uraraka and Toru

I know what you are thinking right now. How could such a cute cinnamon roll like Midoriya, be in a sexual relationship with all girls in his class? Well, it all started with one girl's confession and a weird night.

Uraraka could not understand her conflicting feelings over her crush. She liked her best friend, but could not explain the reason why. Was the reason his gentle and friendly personality? How dedicated the boy was to become a hero? Was it because of how adorable he looked? That last question made Ochako remember something Mei Hatsume once said.

"It's bigger than I thought," Mei said when she was checking out Izuku's body.

Remembering that scene, a while back caused Ochako to turn it into a blushing mess of a person.

'Why am I thinking about that now?' Ochako was pondering as she entered the dorm's living quarters.

It was a Saturday morning, and everyone in one-A was finally happy that the weekend had come. Aizawa had pushed them to their utter limits in the hero courses.

"Man I'm so happy that the weekend came" Kaminari yelled out in excitement as he sat on the couch.

"Yeah, this week has been especially stressful," Mina, spoke sitting next to her yellow-haired friend.

"I don't blame any of you for complaining. This week was extraordinarily harsh even for me," Kirishima said.

As everyone was talking, Ochako noticed him coming down the stairs. With green hair and a cute freckled face, it was her crush Izuku Midoriya or Deku as she called him. She looked at Deku right in the eye and Deku looked right back.

"Is everything all right Uraraka?" Deku asked.

The Zero Gravity girl soon gained a huge blush on her face and then ran off screaming, "It's nothing." Her act of running away had confused Midoriya.

Midoriya knew something was wrong with Ochako. Their friendship was going fine until they moved into the dorms. She has been avoiding Izuku for a while. Izuku did not remember him doing something wrong, and Ochako did not act as if she hated him. So what had happened between them? Nevertheless, he had to find the underlying cause of this behavior. If his friend was having problems, then it was his job to help her as best as he can.

Izuku did not have a crush on her she was just a friend. Sure, Izuku did like her and she was the first friend he had in a long time. Although Midoriya did like all the girls in his class.

There was Asui and how much she cared and supported for her classmates.

Ashido and her impossible to hate loveable personality that can cause anyone to simile at it.

There were Kyouka and her passionate love for music and her tomboy demeanor.

There was also Hagakure and how adorable she could be despite being invisible.

Finally, there was Yaoyorozu with her smarts, leadership skills, and her beautiful looks.

He stopped thinking after that last sentence.

"Oh god am I as perverted as Mineta?" Izuku said.

"You know what," Izuku said, "I sure it's no big deal. Later tonight, I will come to her room and talk to her. I'm sure it's no big deal right, right?'


Ochako had just come out from a hot shower and was wearing a towel that was covered her body. She was about to change into her clothes when she had a feeling in her chest. 'What is this feeling,' she said in her head. It keeps on getting stronger and stronger until she moved her hand to the middle of her legs and began pleasuring herself. The towel she was wearing dropped to the ground.

'What am I doing, this is wrong, I should not be doing this' her voice said in her head said. However, she did not listen to her mind she listened to her body. The Zero Gravity girl began fingering her pussy at fast speeds. Her mind instantly went to her crush Deku having intense sex with her, with no protection. Later having tons of kids with him and starting a huge family.

These thoughts made Ochako go at a faster rate. "Deku," she began moaning.

"Deku, oh Deku," she moaned as loud as she can, while also closing her eyes. She imagines his built and muscular body using her, doing intense things with her.

"Deku," she again moaned opening her eye...

Only to see her crush staring at her, with a shocked expression on his face.

They were silent for what felt like hours.

"I should go. I do not want to mess things up and -"Midoriya mumble as he tried to leave the room, only to have his hand grabbed by Ochako, who accidentally activated her quirk, causing Deku to float in the air.

"Uraraka-San I-"

"Deku" Ochako was saying with a serious tone, "I know this is weird for you, and you might want to be somewhere else right now, but I need to say something that's been on my mind."



There was only silence. Izuku was upside down now and their faces were close, facing each other.

"It's okay if you don't love me back I just..." she stopped talking as Izuku grabbed her cheeks and connected their lips, making them kiss. Their kiss lasted for two full minutes before the two of them separated to breathe.

"Uraraka-San I don't care what happens between us because I will always love you," her crush said. His words gave Ochako the biggest simile in the world.

They begin another make-out session, this time using their tongues. However, no matter how much Ochako tried, Izuku was the dominant one. His tongue overlapped hers no matter how hard she struggled. They both continued until Izuku reached out for the girl's breast and squeezed it. She squealed at the sudden action, causing him to pull his arm back.

"Sorry, Uraraka-San I don't know what came over me I-"

"No it's all right plus I enjoyed it, also" she reached up and grabbed the tent forming in pants, "I don't think I'm the only one who likes it." She pushed him down enough for him to see her bushy pussy.

"Sorry I'm not shaved," she said with embarrassment in her voice.

"No, I like this way" the green haired boy did as he put his mouth on it.

"Ah, Deku" she moaned.

'He's not the only one who can have fun,' she said in her head as she pulled up his pants, only to have an enormous cock poking her face.

'Oh god is this Deku's cock. I never imagine it would be this BIG' she said in her head. "Is something wrong Uraraka-san?" the green haired boy asked.

He was beginning to worry about her until she put his whole cock into her mouth. 'So big' was all she could think of 'I do not think I could put it all in.' Deciding to play along as well, he spread her entrance with his fingers and put his tongue inside. 'Why did his cock have to be so big? Yet, I'm not complaining,' Ochako said in her head.


Jiro was going to her own room when she started hearing some moaning. She stopped to make sure she was hearing that. Then there it was, more moaning. She was wondering where it was coming from. It was going on for a while until she noticed it was coming from Uraraka's room. 'The hell is going on in there,' she was wondering. In all her life, she only heard a moan like that once, and that was a memory she liked to forget. She put one of her ear jacks on the door, as she listened to what was happening inside the room. Jiro heard someone moaning, most likely Uraraka.

'Is she, masturbating?' Jiro asked herself. Then she heard someone else in the room. 'Wait, who else is in there?'


'Oh god I'm going to cum soon and I don't think he's fully erect yet,' Uraraka said in her head,

'Wait I have an idea.' In a single second, she threw Izuku on her bed and released him of gravity. It was there where he saw Uraraka fully unclothed. She had slender thighs and a bust of sixty cm. Compared to the other girl's in U.A, Ochako looked average. However, in Izuku's eyes, she looked like the most beautiful girl in the world.

After Izuku took off his shirt and pants, Ochako got right on top of him; she put his cock in between her breasts and massaged them.

"Uraraka that feels really good" Deku moaned.

'I might have the tongue like Tsuyu or have the breasts of Yaoyorozu but I can still hold my on' the Zero gravity user was thinking before she put her mouth on the tip of his dick.

Izuku moaned loudly.

'Despite being a beginner, Ochako is really good,' he said in his head.

"Uraraka-San I'm going to cum," the green haired boy said. She immediately stopped what she was doing and laid down on the bed.

"Deku I want you to take my cherry," she said spreading her legs apart.

"But why me out of everyone else?" Deku asked.

"Deku, you are the nicest boy I know. You saved me at the entrance exams and you are my best friend. The only thing I could ever want from you is your love," Ochako said as she spread her pussy out for the boy.

Immediately he took action and trusted his dick in her entrance. Ochako screamed as blood. Izuku took his cock out, "Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." At first, Izuku went slowly, but soon he went faster. "Deku, oh Deku your amazing," the Zero gravity girl said as she felt the cock reaching her womb. She moaned louder than before. She then put her hands behind his back causing them to float in the air. He continued going just as fast as before. Then he grabbed her breasts and began to pinch her nibbles. Making Uraraka scream due to the amount of pleasure she was receiving. Her screaming stopped when Izuku kissed her, combing their lips.


"Hey, what are you guys doing? Mina asked as she came out of nowhere. The other two girls in their class accompanied Mina.

"Nothing," both Jiro and Toru said as they tried to hide the earphone jacks.

"You girls were not doing anything inappropriate, right?" Momo asked.

"No, nothing like that," Jiro said.

"You're hiding something. What is it?" Tsuyu asked.

"Hiding, what do we have to hide," Toru said. A loud moan filled the hallway.

"Is Ochako masturbating?" Tsuyu asked.

"Yes Deku, keep doing that," Ochako yelled out.

"I guess not," Tsuyu said. The only girls who did not have blushes on their faces were Mina and Tsuyu (you could not see Toru's.)

"What are they doing?"


"Uraraka I'm going to cum," the green haired boy said.

"Deku cum in me," the brown-haired girl asked. Izuku went faster than before. 'I think it's time to use that,' he began to use 15% of One for All on his cock making it become bigger and faster than before. 'Dear god, he's stretching out my womb,' Uraraka said in her head. "Virginia SMASH" Izuku yelled while pumping loads of semen in her.

To her it was hot and there was so much of it. Even after her womb filled up, there was coming out. After releasing them both of gravity, she finally said, "Deku that was amazing". "Well, it's not over yet," said the freckled boy as he flipped her over. 'Wait, he still has energy. Is that - OH GOD YES' Izuku had stuck his whole cock into her ass. "Yes, Izuku fuck me like an onihole," she yelled out.

Sticking all ten inches in her, Izuku went very fast. With him looking like a blur and Ochako loved every second of it. His cock was stretching out her ass better than any dildo can. Combined that with the speeds he was going at, Uraraka was sure no man could be as good as Izuku. His huge cock was destroying her ass. The walls inside her were expanding more and more to make space for his huge cock. At this point, Ochako's face was one full of lust. She did not want it to stop; she just wanted her Deku to fuck her more and more. She wrapped her legs around him and pushed him in deeper. "Keep fucking me Deku."


"Wow, he must be doing really well," said Mina as she was putting her ear against the door. All the girls in 1A were trying to listen to what was going on in there.

"He must be going really fast, kero," Tsuyu said while her ear was against the door.

"He sounds like a sex god," Mina said with excitement in her voice. ''I can't wait to have him. Maybe he would like an acid massage' was all Mina could think about, she was horny.

'I can't believe I'm listening to my classmates having sex. I'm the vice president I shouldn't be doing this,' Momo was thinking. 'Although it sounds so good,' the black-haired girl began to rub her pussy.

'Dear God, I want him to ravage me like that. Treat me like a pathetic slut and fuck my pussy' Jiro was saying in her head.

'I wonder how well my tongue will do against him,' Tsuyu was thinking.

'If he put his dick in me, would he still see it?' the invisible girl was wondering.


Uraraka was exhausted. Her friend's cum now covered her body. After getting a towel, he gave it to Ochako to clean herself. "Thanks," she said while cleaning herself. "I guess I should get going". "WAIT," Ochako yelled out, "Can you at least sleep with me for the night." "Sure," the young hero said while getting under the sheets of the bed. She soon followed after and lay on his chest.



"I love you."

"I love you too."


Midoriya was the first to wake up, meanwhile, Ochako was still sound asleep. At first, her cute sleeping face marveled Izuku, but he soon realizes that something was off. The ceiling was touching her head, and they were floating in the air. 'This must be her quirk. She must have activated it by accident,' Midoriya said in his head. "Uraraka, Uraraka, wake up," Izuku yelled. Ochako slowly opened her eyes before realizing that she was on the ceiling. She quickly activated her quirk causing the both of them to fall on the bed. "Ow," Ochako said.

Her hands were right behind Midoriya's back. Therefore, when they landed, her hands felt the full weight of both of their bodies. "Ow, ow, ow," Ochako complained. "I'm so sorry Uraraka. I didn't mean for this to happen," Izuku apologized. "Don't worry Deku, you didn't mean for this to happen," Ochako said, trying her best to comfort him. "Your hands aren't broken, however, I recommend not using them," Izuku said.

A sudden rumble filled the room. "Oh god, this is really embarrassing. I get really hungry in the morning," Ochako said. "You stay right here, I'm going to get us breakfast," Izuku said. "You don't have to do that," Ochako said. "I have to do it for my girlfriend," Izuku said. They both blush at the last word. "Are we dating?" Ochako asked. "I hope so," Izuku said, "I really enjoyed it and hope we can do it again." That just made the both of them blush. This distracted Ochako so much that she did not even notice Izuku get dressed and walk out the door.

Izuku was the first one to wake up, so he was the first to be in the living room. Deku took out some eggs and started to cook breakfast for Ochako. However, someone else joined Izuku "Hey, big boy," yelled out Mina. "Big boy?"Izuku yelled, with a blush on his face. "Yeah, because your penis is big right," Mina said while getting closer. "Wait a second. How do you know that?" Izuku asked. "I heard what you were doing last night with Ochako and I got to say" she got even closer and began touching the bulge in his pants "You sounded really good". "I guess I'm a natural," Izuku said with a blush on his face. "Well it is time for breakfast and I am," the pink girl put her mouth right next to Midoriya's ear, "Hungry." A large tent appeared in Izuku's pants. "Oh, I'm very happy to see your reaction," Mina said.

Unfortunately, for her, their classmates started to come down. Mina let go of the boy and told him: "If you are ever horny and want some action, you know where to find me." Izuku now glad that Ashido had let go, decided to focus his attention back to his eggs. He was almost done when he noticed the fly on his pants was coming down.

He tried to pull it back up, but some unknown force was stopping him. Then his underwear went down, showing off his cock. This was going on for a while until Izuku felt something warm coming around his dick and seeing it disappeared. "Toru, is that you?" asked the nervous boy. "Right, you are Midoriya," the invisible girl said. "Wait, why are doing this?" the flustered green haired boy asked. "Because I heard what you were doing to Uraraka last night. And right now I want you to do that to me" she said as she continued blowing him "Plus you never told me to stop."

'Dear God, I don't know what she's doing but it feels so good' was all Izuku was thinking. Toru was using everything she had. Her breasts were covering the first five inches, and her hand was covering three inches and finally, her tongue was licking the last two inches. "Midoriya I must speak with you," said Idia out of nowhere waving his arms up and down.

'Dear God, why is this happening now?' "What is the matter Idia?" Midoriya replied trying his hardest not to stand out. "Well, Midoriya I feel something is missing in the Culture Festival," Idia kept blabbing on and on as Izuku tried to listen, but Toru kept distracting him.

Now noticing something wrong with his friend, the class president asked, "Is something wrong Midoriya?" "No, I'm just really cold," the young hero replied. "Well, we are in the fall season soon to enter winter, I guess that can explain it," the class president said. "Yeah, it's that," The green haired boy mumbled. 'Toru I hope you stop soon,' the young hero was thinking.

She did stop but switch from a tit job to anal. 'Holy shit he's cock is filling up my ass,' the invisible girl was thinking. Toru went very fast on his cock; meanwhile, Izuku was trying his best not to stand out to Idia. After a few more minutes, Izuku finally cummed, loads of cum filled Toru's ass. 'My god, his cum had already filled me up and his cock is still pumping,' was all the invisible girl could think.

More students were starting to wake up and coming downstairs. "Toru please stop this; someone will notice," Izuku whispered. "Don't worry Midoriya I'm done" Toru whispered getting close to him to ear "for now." With a blush on his face, he pulled back up his pants, grabbed his eggs and ran off. "Wow, Midoriya ran off quick," Kaminari, stated. "He most likely has something to do," the class president added.

Midoriya ran to Ochako's room. He did not want to deal with the girls and their urges. Ochako was confused when Midoriya suddenly entered her room and slammed the door behind him. "Deku, is something wrong?" Ochako asked. "No, nothing is wrong," Midoriya, said in a worried tone. Deku handed her the plate of eggs and sat down on a nearby chair. "Deku, do you have a fork on you?" Ochako asked. 'Dang it, I forgot to bring a fork.' "Don't worry I will be right back," Deku said as he left the room again. 'Let's just hope that I don't run into anyone,' Midoriya said in his head. "Midoriya there you are," Momo said

'Damn it,' Midoriya said in his head. "What is it, Yayorozu?" Midoriya asked. "Tonight, some of us in 1A are going to have a meeting discussing certain topics, you must come. Also when you see Uraraka, please tell her to come as well," Momo said. "I will do that," Midoriya said. "Good, now return to whatever you're doing," Momo said as she ran off. That just left Midoriya wondering 'Was she blushing?' He was right; Momo was indeed blushing when she ran.

Momo quickly went to her room and shut the door behind her. 'Keep it cool Momo. Just keep it cool until tonight. Then you can let loose,' Momo said to herself. She slowly undressed and soon found herself nude on her bed. Suddenly, a weird object suddenly came out of her body. It was a huge dildo in the exact same colors as Midoriya's costume. Momo interested the dildo inside her pussy and began to masturbate with it. "Oh Deku," Momo said to herself.

Last night, Momo gained a sudden interest in Midoriya. Well, she was interested ever since the first day of school. However, now was the time she really took an interest to him. Momo imagined herself in Ochako's position last night. Momo always seemed like a turn person on the outside, but inside she was a total pervert. A pervert who was now interested with Izuku Midoriya.

She was not the only one who was masturbating to Midoriya.

In another dorm room, a girl with purple hair was only wearing a bra and her panties. In front of her was a picture of Midoriya and a large dildo. Jiro was the only student in her class who had not gone down to eat breakfast. She had two options in front of her, masturbate until her pussy becomes sore, or just eat breakfast. Jiro picked the former.


All the girls including Midoriya were all in Momo's room.

"Midoriya, we have something important to discuss with you," Momo said in a strict manner. Midoriya instantly knew where this was going. The Moment all the girls walked in with blushes on their faces, Izuku knew what the topic was.

"We all know that U.A is against relationships," Momo stated.


"We're not going to tell anyone," Mina jumped in, interrupting Momo.

"Mina please do not interpret me again," Momo said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so enthusiastic," Mina said in response.

"Let's get back to the subject," Jiro grumbled.

"The thing is," Momo said, well she tried to say, but the words could not come out of her mouth. Momo's face became red as a tomato.

"We want to have your having," Mina said. Both Izuku and Ochako were confused beyond all hope.

"We want to have sex," Tsuyu blatantly said. Both Izuku and Ochako eyes grew to the size of watermelons.

"EEEHHH," they both yelled.

"Told you it wasn't going work," Jiro said.

"Oh come on, it didn't hurt to try," Toru stated, no one knew of the extra "Fun" the invisible girl had.

"Wait, what's our say in this?" Ochako asked.

"Well if you say yes, then we can all have fun. If not then," Mina put a finger on her chin, "What were we going to do?" The girls were talking to themselves, trying to agree on what to do.

"Deku, what's your opinion on this?" Ochako asked.

Izuku was still in a state of shock. The girls in his class had just asked him to have sex with them. It was not something the once bullied boy expected. Izuku had no clue how to handle this sort of situation. How would All Might handle this? "Ochako, what's your take on this?" Izuku asked. Ochako's face changed from confused to serious. She positioned herself right in front of her boyfriend.

"Deku, no matter what happens I will still love you. Even if another girl gets you, I will still have you in your heart." Ochako's words reached Izuku's heart in a special way. Those words gave Izuku the proper answer to this situation.

"Alright, I have my answer," Midoriya announced.

He said yes, much to the delight of the other girls. However, they all made rules for this activity. They only get once a week, to prevent one girl from getting more fun than the others get. Have protection, they were teenagers still in high school. Only other girls can know about this, no other boys should know anything about this. These were the rules that the girls set up for their, "Fun Activity." However, these, activity will soon cause a huge problem for all of them in the near future.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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