It had been one day and one night since the monster subjugation mission had taken place to deal with the monster hordes.
Those monsters would trample over several towns and villages. Hundreds of elite warriors rushed to deal with the problem.
Unfortunately, the monster hordes remained fearless regardless of what the hunters did to taunt them. The monsters kept advancing.
The method of scaring and herding the monsters failed. Still, a brave warrior suddenly charged forward with his God-tier holy spear. He launched an ultimate AoE attack to cut off the path the monsters were about to go through.
As a result, the monsters fled and took other paths. The AoE attack caused the ground to collapse a few minutes later.
The brave warrior was the only one who fell into an underground river. His head hit a rock as he fell and sent him unconscious, after which he was swept away by the current.
Oh boy... here it comes