88.73% Overhauled / Chapter 63: Beast and Settlement

บท 63: Beast and Settlement

The streets of yellow and red sand stretched into thin allies. The sand-filled air was heavy with dust and smoke of fires that plumed from dried wood and burning corpses. The meats hung over the top of the flames searing in the intense heat.

The hammering sun bleached all cloth and cracked the sandstone houses that stacked upon each other. Wooden scaffolding led to the higher floors. The cramped living space made the most use they could of the small space that the village had to grow.

Old rusted shipping containers filled with various supplies scavenged from the ruined remains of the suburbs and cities.

They tried to keep their settlements small in footprint. The larger it was the more likely it was to be found by the horrid monsters that crawled over the sands or burrowed beneath its surface. The slow hum of their beating wings moving at hundreds of beats a second signalled death for all those that normally heard it.

Stay hidden, stay safe. Never make too much noise.

Despite the hundreds moving around the small settlement… barely the shuffling of feet was heard.

The crackle of the settlements fires, the sizzling of cooking meat. Silent whispers fill the air with small voices. Hushed, some barely holding onto the will to move on to the next day, the only thing that kept most going was that just maybe they might be saved.

The small hushed conversations started to spread from mouth to mouth. Words whispered with caution.

Someone was walking out of the desert wreathed in ethereal flames? Who was mad enough to even wander out into the sands… was- was it perhaps the being that caused the golden explosion that eradicated one of the nests?


The sand was hot against his feet, the previously green edges of Australia were now devoid of all life as well. Only the hardiest of shrubs had managed to grow around the settlements. Although most bugs ate whatever organic matter they could find when they were not destroying each other.

Walking towards the walls that were made of shoddy scraps of wood and what was clearly a quirk that could control and or harden sand.

Seeing people on the wall talking to each other in hushed tones Nick just tilted his head to the side, the silence made sense. He would respect it. Stopping a good distance from the wall when they all saw him he just left the fire come out of him with a more ferocity. The smirk on his face was clear as he waited for them to finish speaking.

People were clearly running around the walls, talking to each other, words were exchanged. And soon someone was walking out of a hole that appeared in the wall. Walking towards him with a confident stride.

As he approached the sand flattened and hardened around him into a 'road' clearly showing off his quirk. He wanted Nick to know that as long as he was on the sand he was in his territory.

So Nick responded in kind. Fire washed over the floor turning the sand around him into molten glass that his feet sunk into. The fire was perfectly controlled that despite the burst it avoided the man approaching him. Although the sand around his feet became hot enough that it started to smoke against his boots.

Jumping in shock at the burst of fire he moved the sand around his feet to grab cooler sand from deeper down. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Nick who stood in a circle of glass. The shining surface was still a cherry red from the heat that the man had expelled. The cracks in his skin let out flickering golden motes.

Staring at each other the tension seemed to rise, both parties unknowing of the intentions of the other.

Although it was the sand man that gave in to the pressure first and spoke. His voice was quiet but loud enough to be heard by Nick. "We appreciate the respect you showed not walking into our home uninvited, despite your clear strength. My name is Javil, may I know yours?" His tone was gentle, his chin tilted downwards slightly. He was a smart man, not wanting to cause conflict with a strong personality encase the newcomer had one.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Javil, My name is Aurem. Thank you for coming out to greet me. I do not plan on staying for long unless you may spare a meal. I am happy to exterminate any problems that may be in the area in exchange. I am simply seeking information, I am hunting someone you see." Nick spoke, his voice lowering as his eyes grew a bit colder at his last statement.

Feeling a chill run down his spine Javil simply nodded his head. Hunting someone? There was no one here that should have any ties outside… maybe it was… he would be cautious for now. If it turned out to be one of the people under his protection he would. He would do his best to protect them.

"Very well, I am happy to make that exchange. Over the dunes to the northeast, there is a beast that roams close to the edges of our settlement. We have been lucky to not have been found but it seems to have made its home somewhere there. If you can bring us proof of its death I will offer you all the help that I can without putting my home in danger." Javil said, his voice slow as he furrowed his brows. Clearly cautious.

"May I know who you are hunting?" He added on at the last minute. Trying to ease his worries over the situation.

"If you let me know what I am hunting. What is the beast? Bug or Mammal?" Nick responded, confidence brimming from himself as the fire started to roll off his skin. The people on the walls grew tense as they watched their leader tense at the increased heat.

"It's a dingo that seems to have enlarged like every other animal. Although I am sure that it has developed a quirk of its own. Its heightened aggression should be a sign of that, we have no more information apart from that. Apart from sightings we have stayed away from it." Answering the question expecting an answer to his own.

"I am hunting a man named Shigaraki, he is a villain from my country that could become a possible threat to not only my home but the world. He is here to recruit strong members of his cause. I have been sent to apprehend him, or if I cannot do that. Kill him." His voice was casual as if he was just talking about another job. Walking towards Javil the man tensed but soon Nick held out a small orb, it seemed to just be made out of smooth black stone.

"Do me a favor will you? If a man with white hair and one fu-ugly arm comes through here crush this orb." His voice was merry as he put the ball in Javils offered hand. The surface of it felt as smooth as glass.

It wasn't something complicated. It was basically just a small device that when broken would send a signal to another device that Nick had inside him. It also sent coordinates, that he could then send to Yomi who could teleport him from where he was to the town in an instant.

He really wanted to get the warping quirk working for himself but he was at a roadblock. If he could teleport through his fire that would be very useful. For now, however, he had to figure out the problem he was facing.

Back to the task at hand he turn and started walking towards the hill. His gait was confident as if he was sure that he could defeat the beast.

Releasing a breath that he had been holding Javil watched the back of the man fade past the hill, hoping at his strength was enough to defeat the beast. If he didn't he would likely enrage it. But even if he just weakened it he should be able to handle it himself if it came to it. As long as it was weakened.

It would be alright. If that man was indeed that golden streak that fell from the sky that beast would be nothing…


Walking through the sands Nick found that the heat wasn't bothering him at all. He had increased his heat resistance as much as he could because of the quirk he had taken from Toya, and compared to what his golden flames did this heat was nothing.

Seeing the large trail of destruction that the beast had wrought he followed it, past the giant claw marks. Past the giant gouges in the ground. The upheaval of stones shattered and thrown to the side…

It looked like the beast had been searching for something, what had it been looking for?

Following it he saw where it ended. A mound of sand that lay on the ground. Slowly shifting with the breath of the creature that lay beneath it. It had buried itself somewhat… no, its sand-covered fur just blended in with the surroundings that well.

The ground was also wet… blood? No, it didn't smell like it would. There was a hint of iron in the air, the heat leaching out the scent of death from the clear killing the beast had done. But the ground was too wet for just blood.

It ran down from below the beast, the sand slowly caving and trailing with the running of… water. Its a quirk or what it was searching for? He would find out.

Suddenly releasing his fire it washed over the ground. Melting the sand as the glass formed and the beast roared as it suddenly shot to its feet. The intense heat caused it to let out a horrid howl that scrapped through the air tearing against Nick's ears. The cry was abnormal and clearly enhanced.

Getting ready to fight Nick's eyes widened as suddenly the beast was before him, having turned and charged in the same motion? How was it so fast? He could barely follow its speed. Raised an arm to block the claws of the beast slammed into his arm. Shredding skin and tearing flesh before stopping at the bone with the sound of a crack resonating in his ears.

With the power of the swipe, Nick was sent flying crashing into a dune. The explosion of sand sent the grains billowing into the air in a plume as fire erupted from the crash sight.

The sudden blast of heat and fire sent the sand around him away in a crashing wave.

Walking from the blast he laughed as he said. "Guess your stronger than I thought you would be mutt." His voice was eager as he was excited to just try the fight. The wound on his arm healed as fire formed into flesh.

The dog wasn't nearly as strong as All Might but it was an interesting fight nonetheless.

Dashing forward suddenly with an explosion of flame Nick stopped just before the creature as it swiped at him. Bending backwards he almost lay on the floor as the claws swept through the air above his head. The air pulled the fire around him in a flickering dance from the force of the swipe.

Sliding under the creature Nick pointed his hand up before a sudden blast of fire sent the creature into the air. The force from the mixed-in wind quirk slammed into its chest like a truck. The crashing force broke ribs and the heat scorched flesh and burning hide. The charred wound festered and blistered as the beast crashed back down into the sand.

Sliding back to his feet in the same smooth motion he turned to look at the beast that shakily got to its feet. The deep growl that tore from its throat was menacing and horrid. Tearing out of the voice box filled with rage.

Its eyes shone red with some power, power wasn't there before. Was it getting bigger?

As it stepped forward the ground shook slightly, the coiled muscle pressing against the hide in defined lines, iron bands stretched tight beneath the skin.

It was getting bigger.

As its eyes shone a brighter red its size slowly started to increase. The muscles bulking. Before it dashed towards him. Every stride sends sand billowing from the force of it pushing off the ground. Arriving before Nick in less than a fraction of a second it slammed its claw into his arm again.

Blocking like last time Nick smirked as he felt the claws slice through his flesh instead of tear, the sharpness leagues above what it was before. The claws continued, slicing through the bone that they had once shattered. And continued beyond that. Slicing Nick into five pieces.

Eyes widening Nick was honestly shocked, this strength was comparable to All Might's… was a fucking mutt stronger than the number 1 Hero? And this was just a beast that had come to the edge of Australia. What were the ones at the centre like?

Nick didn't know but the grin that formed on his face showed how he felt about this. Excited.

Just as the swipe finished the beast's giant maw descended towards him. Rows of razor-sharp teeth ready to grind his bones to dust and tear his flesh to strands.

Healing himself in a single moment the fire blasted from him with its true heat. Setting the sand on fire as the air started to burn from the heat. All breathable air was gone in a fraction of a second. The beast that had been about to bite him found a superheated hand on his nose. Nick's movement was as fast as the beast itself.

Slamming a fist into the top of its head it was pushed into the floor. Its maw snapped shut as its head was slammed into the ground by the force of the fist on its head. The sudden increase in strength shocked the animal as it wasn't expecting it.

The human that had been its prey just a moment ago was now faster and stronger. And HOT.

The fire that flowed off his skin was burning the creature, it was… scared. It was beyond what it had ever felt before.

And as the wounds suddenly erupted with flame and healed in less than a moment it watched in fear as solid golden eyes settled on its figure. Burning with blazing power.

"Be glad that I need to bring some of you back mutt, or I would turn you to ash in an instant."



It tried to turn and run but it wasn't even able to make it a step before it felt its back legs and half of its body disintegrate because of the heat. One moment it was alive, the next it was dead. All its internals turned into ash.

Walking towards the smoking corpse he walked around the side of it. Its back legs and hind were gone, a clear cavity showing the inside of its scorched ribs. The dead body hollowed out up to the neck. The blast of fire from the heat ray had destroyed everything but the tougher hide and bones.

Honestly, he was surprised that they survived the blast.

Walking around to its head he saw that the eyes were gone as well, it seems that the fire had hollowed out the skull blowing out the mouth and the eyes, everything that was soft and internal. But the bones and hide remained. The teeth were strong and sharp, and the front claws that unlike the back legs had not been caught right in the blast were fine if not a bit scorched.

Looking at its bone and hide structure Nick's eyes widened. They were far stronger than even the High-End Nomu that he had found in Kyudai's lab. Hell the only thing that was nearly this strong was the optimized bones that he had, All Might would be close but he was getting older and weaker than he was in his prime, in his prime he was probably stronger than this. But it wouldn't have been by a massive margin.

What kind of monsters really roamed the centre of Australia? There was no way that this dog was the strongest thing here. The genetic data that he could get? Hell after he caught Shigaraki he might have to go hunting…

It might even be dangerous, it was likely there might be something that could withstand a heat ray. Hell if he found a dragon he would be equal parts stoked and terrified… considering the evolution here maybe a lizard or a crocodile could become one.

The ideas excited him.

Taking a sample for himself and merging with it Nick smiled as he grabbed the remaining corpse but before he could walk off he saw that under the glassy surface his attack had turned the ground into. There was a small trickle of water that started to run back up.

Was it a natural spring?

Walking towards it he brought his fist down on the glass. Shattering the surface as cracks webbed to the edges of the plane.

Feeling into the ground with his quirk, he felt it, spreading his nerves deeper, feeling where the spring wasn't blocked. It was stopping, his fight had disturbed the ground and the heat had started to block the spring by cracking the rock.

Fixing the spring so that it flowed smoothly he turned the glass into a large basin or pond. He would tell Javil about this for some extra brownie points. He wanted to be on friendly terms with the man, which meant he was more likely to contract him instead of siding with Shigaraki, who knew how malevolent and deceptive that man had become with All for One as a mentor.

Dragging the corpse behind him he started to make his way back towards the settlement.


Sorry if the quality of this chapter is not 100%, still feeling sick but I wanted to write so I made myself do it! Thanks for all the support!

Reviews and comments are always welcome! Let me know how I am doing!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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