28.57% Unideal Romance / Chapter 4: 4. Forever lost.

บท 4: 4. Forever lost.

  "You look glamorous today!" Lola took her hands into the elevator. "Where were you?"

Rissa gave her that cunning smile. "Did my mom call you?"

"Definitely girl, she said you didn't sleep home" She eyed her mischievously.

"I'm sorry about that, I already called to explain things to her, I had to come up with an excuse" She said.

"I see" She smiled. "So where were you cos you didn't come back for your car?"

She had planned to come back for it but as fate would have it, things didn't go that way.  "I know"

"Girl, if you don't talk to me. Don't ever speak to me" She tried to sound stern but it didn't work that way.

Rissa glanced at her. "I was with Mr Shamble's son" She stated immediately.

"Through out the night?" She was shocked.

"We had sex like adults" She tried to sound casual like it wasn't a big deal even though she knew it was.

"You're kidding me!" She covered her mouth with smiles. "Bad bitch!" She swung her hand over her head.

"Are you alright? " She tried to get her hands off her as they got out of the elevator while other doctors and nurses who passed gave them glances with smiles, they were always playful with each other and really close, so it was no surprise.

"Buh--how come? You didn't want this? " She whispered into her ears finally letting her go.

"I'll tell you, let's get to my office" She winked.

  The two women went into her office which was already cleaned, Rissa placed her bag on her desk before turning to her.


"So it turned out that I knew Mr Shamble's son, he's a guy I met at mom's church aside Luke, he looked like a jerk but I guess he wasn't. So--things just literally fell into place like that and we had a good time" She cornered her lips in a smile.

"Whao! Is that why you are glowing?" She scanned her, then started sniffing. "This ain't even your cologne" She smiled at Rissa with satisfaction.

"It's not, I haven't gotten home and the clothes? You won't believe he went shopping for it before I even woke up" She added, she had been surprised when Lawrence had said he went shopping for an outfit for her.

"Aww.. he's sweet, no doubt" She said.

"Yes..." Her smile was suddenly disappearing, she wasn't feeling that good and Luke was playing in her head.

"Luke was here" Lola said like she was reading her mind.

"He was? When?Today? How?For what?" She was surprised.

Lola laughed. "You like him.. so bad, well, just this morning before you came, he said he came to stock up his artwork at the gallery and thought to say hello since he had not heard from you " She explained.

"Oh.. " She looked disappointed. He didn't even call her.

"So you got him to sell his work at the gallery? That's nice." She stated.

"I've got a surgery in less than an hour" She grabbed her coat. "I'll see you later sweet heart" She winked at her at went away.

"Sure.. love you" She said after her. "Luke likes her but he isn't even sure of it, Rissa likes him but she's encouraging herself that she doesn't to avoid commitments" She was murmuring to herself. "How do I help now?" She kept on saying as she walked out of the office.

He had a straight face as they both stepped out of the OR after three hours of being in there for that intense surgery. He had his hands held up away from each other with three nurses who were also in the OR.

"Doc" The patient's mother rushed towards the both of them. "How was it?" She looked stressed.

Doctor Shamble glanced at Rissa then at the woman before stepping walking away, he was a man of accord and right attitude of work.

Rissa gave the middle aged woman a smile of hope.

"The surgery was successful" She kept her calm smile. "Though he'd remain in the ICU since he's still unconscious" She explained.

"Thank God, he truly hears my prayer" She sighed with her fingers clamped together.

What was she talking about God? It was all her and Doctor Shamble in there with no God to do anything, why were this christians being unrealistic? That's one thing she hated about it because nothing is realistic about being a Christian, she thought to herself.

"Thanks doctor, can I see him?" She further asked.

"You aren't allowed to see him for now until after about a few hours, is that okay? " She said back.

"Okay then" She smiled at Rissa. That said Rissa walked away.


  Lola had just arrived when Rissa about going.

"Hey darling" Rissa called out to her with a smile.

"I hate it when we have different shifts" She pulled on a funny frown.

"Me too" She scanned her friend. She was putting on a black jean with a blue shirt and her her work bag hung on her arm, the bag contained her working uniform.

"What are you doing after work?" She asked.

"Just probably sleep" She shrugged.

"Can you be at Delsa bar tonight?" She waited for a reply.

"Ugh--why?" She groaned. "I'm not in for your partying this time Lola" She said with a chuckle.

"How do you intend to stop being single if you don't stop lazying at home" She rolled her eyes at her.

Rissa chuckled hard. "I'm technically not single anymore bitch" She said in defense.  "There's Lawrence who I have to say that I like and we are going on a dinner date tomorrow" She gave her a warm hug.

"Do you like like him Rissa? " The sarcasm in her voice was so evident. "I know you " She crossed her arms.

"Uh.--yeah" She said back.

"I see" She smiled. "So can you be there? I'm gonna call you and it's not partying, let's just swing over few drinks" She persuaded.

"I don't think I have a choice now" She shrugged in surrender.

"Great" She squeaked. "Later darling" She winked at her and went away.

Rissa could only smile and got into her car, driving away she passed by the gallery if she could get a glimpse of him but she didn't. Why had he not even called if he truly came to the hospital? Maybe, it was just business and nothing more. What was she even thinking? He was a fucking Christian and a pastor which made matters really worse. I don't know why you keep thinking of him though, she thought to herself.

  "Why have you been watching Keeping up with the Kardashians? " Rose sat across Rissa who was lying on the sofa and has been fixed on the TV for over three hours.

"Mmm" She crumbled on the couch.

"You said it was unrealistic and complained whenever I watched it? " She crossed her legs.

Rissa wrapped herself tightly in the blanket and took a piece of the pringles before turning to her mom.

" I just didn't know it was this good and it's entertaining " She gave her a nervous smile before turning to the TV.

"Are you depressed? " Rose blurted.

"What the heck, mom!! " She called out taking the blanket off.

"What? The last time you were this way was cos of uhm.. that ex of yours--uhm" She looked like she was trying to get the name.

"It's a relief you don't remember his name" She sighed. "Secondly, I'm not depressed please. I just wanna watch a reality show, is that a problem now? " She countered.

"Of course not but I just gatta cos you look pitiable watching it" She stated.

"I'm good, mom" She said back. "You didn't tell it was this good, I'm suddenly in love with Kylie right now" She laughed at the TV.

Rose didn't respond, she knew something was off but wasn't sure exactly what now which was disturbing. "Your dinner is in the microwave" She got up and made to leave.

"Wait!" Rissa sprang up. "Did you say dinner?" She stared blankly.

"Yeah, it's past seven" She folded her arms.

"Whao, time runs" She got out of the couch.

"Is everything alright?"

"I just need to be somewhere later tonight which I totally forgot" She dragged herself to the stairs.

"Oh--are you sleeping over again? " Rose gave her known look.

  "Quit that tone, mom. It's with Lola" She laughed as she went up the stairs.

"It's funny how I don't believe your crazy lie of having an emergency at the hospital that you had to sleep over two days ago" She said behind her as they walked up.

"Believe what you want" She only said as she walked into her room with sighs.

She stepped into her room inhaling the fragrance of the area, the air freshener was something she loved. The smell of wood and strong wine, that was the way her room smelt and she loved it because it made her feel homely.

Just then her phone rang, it was Lawrence, who was she expecting it would be in the first place.



"I'm sorry I didn't call you today, was busy"

"It's fine Lawrence, I was also busy"

"I see, I can't wait to have that dinner with you tomorrow"  he chuckled.


"Are you home?"

"Yeah.. got back from my morning shift later in the day and I've been watching Keeping up with the Kardashians"

"I love the show"

"Really! I just started watching it properly today"

"It's quite entertaining"

"True, I wanna go take my shower. I'll text you"

"Okay Rissa, bye"


They disconnected, she loved the fact that she could share anything with Lawrence which was very comfortable like talk to him about the events of her day, he might be a good one at the end of the day but she wasn't sure if she would give that a chance.

She was just arriving at Delsa bar, she wore a chinos pants with a sleeveless purple top and since it was so cold tonight, she had a huge jacket worn over which stopped at her knee, she held her hair in waves behind her. In her black boot heels, Rissa knew she looked really beautiful without being told.

Lola had said she was already at the here, the colored lights weren't even helping matters.

  "Hi" She heard a familiar voice and turned and there was Luke looking as usually hot.

  "Luke?" She was caught unawares.

He smiled. "It's a miracle you still remember my name" He played with the smile. "Come with me" He sounded really calm.

Rissa followed suit and they got a table just by the window at the far end of the bar, the music background of Rihanna's sing UMBRELLA was just great.

"I'm guessing Lola invited you" He wasn't sure if it was a question, he couldn't take his eyes off her because she was very just beautiful tonight and he had to say it.

"Yeah" She nodded. "She invited you too?"

He chuckled. "Yeah and when I saw you, I just knew it was some set up by Lola" He sipped his white wine.

"Whao" She was shocked, Lola was definitely going to get it from her, she was dead meat. She brought the bottle to her lips before taking a little gulp.

"You are very beautiful tonight" He sounded pleased with himself.

"Thanks " She smiled. "You look great too" She glanced over at him across the table.

It was difficult holding gazes with him, it was torturing.

"How have you been? " He waa sincere about the question.

She looked over him, he could have just called her since he had her number. "Cool" She was really nervous now.

"You look cool" He cornered his lips in a smile.

"Is it okay that you should be at a bar?" She had been meaning to ask that.

He smiled hard now, he was amused by the question.

"Why not am I not human?" He sipped again with his eyes on her.

  "It's not--th--at" She rolled her eyes in a funny way.

"I get you, when we do too much of it then it becomes more of a sin, I can drink but never get too reckless to get drunk and I don't know if it's okay to be here honestly" He shrugged. "I'm finding a life too, it's more than just being a Pastor. I'm also a man" He lingered his eyes making sure he laid emphasis on the word man.

"I see" She didn't understand that.

"Why did you give me a wrong number?" Now he kept a stern face. "like if you didn't wanna give then that's okay but giving me a wrong one--thats just immature" He emphasized.

"Excuse me?" She was blank, what was he talking about. "What wrong number is that?"

"This" He took out his phone and showed it to her.

Rissa stared at the screen and immediately noticed the error, she bursted out laughing. She couldn't even control herself as she held her mouth.

"What's funny? " He started at the number.

"Dude, I legit gave you that number correctly. You've go--t a--wrong one" She tried to speak.

" Really! " He stared at it. "Type it yourself " He offered  the phone to her.

She collected it and typed in her number. " Now that's right, is that why you didn't call me? " What a surprise!!

"Yeah" He shoved it into his pocket. "When I came over at the hospital, you weren't available and I couldn't just ask Lola about the number " He looked shy saying it.

"I see" What a funny situation, she had thought he was avoiding her but it wasn't the case.

"It's a miracle Lola planned this, I thought you didn't want to talk to me, maybe it was only the business for you " He stated.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me, I see a mere misunderstanding happening here " She smiled .

"A mere one! " They both exchanged smiles.

  "What have you been up to? The gallery? " She took a huge gulp of her beer before ordering another one.

"Well, I've been really hooked at my studio. I've been  having multiple calls, it's been really productive" He felt contented with the way things were going.

"That's great, you deserve it all" She was glad she was the reason for this. "I've been busy too" She didn't think it was necessary to mention Lawrence since both men were friends.

"Thank you and I figured you had your hand full too"

"What's your love life like? " Rissa suddenly blurted, she was such a messed up lightweight drinker, she was already on her second beer and it was the effects that had her saying things she wouldn't say on a norms.

"Hmm--" He scanned his head.

"I was dating this girl before becoming a converted christian and a Pastor but--"

"She didn't like that" She laughed, she was definitely drunk but she loved it because it made her say these things. "No sexual woman would"

"Really! Why not? Nothing changed, God stepped in, that's what happened" He further said.

"No--I don't agree with that, your personality is definitely gonna change, you become more conscious of things you do because it has to be in God accord or you can't explore sexually which affects your love life" She defended her points.

"You are right but is it an issue if a man or anyone is more precise and careful about their ways of life. Definitely, I'm gonna sin but the fact that I acknowledge my sins and seek for repentance is the best. There's nothing wrong with being reckless with one's life but there's something wrong with trying to walk a modest life " He countered. "That's crazy"

"That's my point, we want crazy. The world wants crazy and we wanna venture in our careless life because it's who we are but trying to live modest sounds like pretense, living in humility is quite better. No woman can hold up that, I mean not having sex in a relationship because you consider it fornication"  She had her final gulp and opened another bottle.

He definitely was not expecting this sort of conversation.

"That's great because we deceive ourselves with a long time in dating, if I'm sure of my feeling towards a woman and she feels the same way then let's get married. Why do we have to wait so long? Dating someone for five years even eight years. That's a waste of time. They all come up and be like 'we are trying to figure each other out' that's dume.  How come friends know a lot about each other in a year than a couple of five years, we are just deceiving ourselves--that is what I think" He said back.

"Huhn?" What sort of believe was that!  "What if they aren't ready like marriage isn't a joke--er--it's forever " She shuttered.

"And who said that? Forever? Not everyone can deal with that" He smiled in calmness.

Why was he smiling now. "It isn't forever? Then why get married if you don't wanna spend the rest of your life with the person?" She felt irritated and she waited for an answer.

"Because you love them and you can't do without them at that time in your life and you want to own each other but this same love fades away. That's because our flesh is only involved. When God is also involved in the union, the possibility of lasting forever is a higher chance but if it becomes too loveless, it's only right to walk out rather than endure it. We should learn to accept things like that." He said.

Rissa looked lost because she processed her parent's marriage, they looked like they had all the love till she heard one day that they were getting divorced, marriage is actually confusing. Avoiding it, is definitely better.

"I'll stay clear off marriage!" She assured herself. "It's a handful" She was about to down in another gulp before he took the bottle from her.

"But beautiful too" He reassured her with his smile. "I should drive you home, you can't drive" He grabbed her arm and they both walked out.

Luke got into her car after leading her to the passenger's seat. The drive was not such a long one but quiet one though since Rissa was dozing in the car and Luke just kept his eyes on the road.

Driving into her driveway, he got her out and held her close to himself.

"You are so warm" She smiled at him staring into his eyes.

"That's cos you are drunk" He gave the door a slight knock.

"Maybe --" She leaned in quickly and gave him a light kiss but she felt his lips. They were cold which was understandable since it was chilly.

He looked at her and he just let his guard down and returned the kiss but it was better this time since he took in her lips before pulling away.

Drunk Rissa chuckled hard. "You are gonna regret this" She held his waist this time.

"Maybe --" Just then the door opened with Rose who looked like she was obviously sleeping.

"Oh my God! Pastor Maddins" She took Rissa from him. "I'm sorry about this, did you find her somewhere or what? " She felt embarrassed.

"Technically maybe" He smiled. "But no, we were together all through and she got drunk under my watch. I'm sorry" He gave a little bow.

"What! No, I'm sorry. I mean she's no kid" She held her closer.

"Here" He handed her the car keys. "I'll leave now" He smiled away.

Rose went in with Rissa but why in the world were the Pastor and Rissa together, she definitely had a lot of explaining to do tomorrow, she thought to herself as she led her to her room.


Luke didn't know what this kiss was going to affect because he had to admit that he was attracted to her and there was no hiding it but Rissa, she was a complicated woman and he didn't know what he would do, he thought to himself.

What do you guys think about this chapter?

For me, I think it has to be one of my favorites though because things has taken a different twist!!

Let's talk about Rissa and Luke bar conversation, who do you quite agree with?

What are you hoping for Rissa or who? Luke or Lawrence?

Anyways, we'll find out, thanks guys ✌🏻❤️

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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