
ตอน 17: Chapter 1.16

Amid the poignant father-son reunion between Oliver and Orion, Hayley and Eveshe remained silent, understanding the moment's significance and not wanting to interrupt the tender connection unfolding before them. Still processing the newfound knowledge of her parentage, Hayley carried a whirlwind of emotions within her. Sensing her need for answers and closure, Eve took Hayley's hand and led her toward the sacred Labonair family register, a treasured book containing the names and stories of all the Labonairs born throughout generations.

As they approached the revered family register, they felt reverence. Weathered by time yet filled with countless narratives, the book lay open on a sturdy wooden pedestal. The pages within whispered the secrets and legacies of the Labonair lineage, waiting to be explored and embraced.

With anticipation and trepidation, Hayley reached out and gently ran her fingers along the weathered pages. The texture beneath her touch carried a sense of connection as if the souls of her ancestors danced within its fibers. Eve stood beside her, providing unwavering support and encouragement as they prepared to unveil the truth hidden within the ancient book.

Together, they embarked on a journey of discovery, meticulously tracing their fingers along the handwritten names that adorned the pages. Each name represented a life, a story, and a vital piece of Hayley's heritage. The names danced before her eyes, revealing the rich tapestry of her family's past.

Eve, with a voice filled with tenderness, shared tales and anecdotes passed down through generations. She spoke of Labonair's triumphs, struggles, and the unyielding spirit that had shaped their family tree. Hayley's understanding deepened with every word, and her heart swelled with a profound sense of belonging.

Hayley's eyes widened with awe and realization as she continued to explore the pages. She discovered the names of her ancestors, who had paved the way for her existence. The Labonair legacy unfolded before her, transcending time and space, merging past and present in a beautiful tapestry of identity.

Hayley's connection to her heritage grew more robust with each name she encountered. The weight of her ancestors' stories settled upon her shoulders, fueling her determination to honor their memory and embrace her path. She recognized her place within the intricate fabric of the Labonair lineage, carrying their legacy forward into the future.

As they approached the revered family registrar, they felt reverence. Weathered by time yet filled with countless narratives, the book lay open on a sturdy wooden pedestal. The pages within whispered the secrets and legacies of the Labonair lineage, waiting to be explored and embraced.

As Hayley delicately turned the pages of the Labonair family registrar, she immersed herself in the tales of her ancestors, each name etched in elegant calligraphy, beckoning her to uncover their stories. Her fingers brushed over the faded ink, feeling the weight of history and the resilience of her bloodline.

One name that caught her attention was Marie Labonair, a courageous woman known for her unwavering commitment to justice and equality. Marie had been a fierce advocate for the rights of werewolves in the French Quarter, tirelessly working to bridge the divide between the supernatural factions of vampires, witches, and her kind.

In a time when tensions ran high, Marie sought to create a harmonious coexistence, a united community where all supernatural beings could thrive. She fought against the prejudice and discrimination that plagued her people, using her influence and charismatic spirit to rally support for their cause.

Marie Labonair's name echoed through the ages, resonating with strength and conviction. Hayley couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and inspiration as she learned about her ancestor's tireless efforts. 

The stories of other Labonair ancestors filled the pages, each with their unique contributions to the supernatural community. Antoine Labonair, a renowned healer and protector, had dedicated his life to safeguarding his fellow werewolves from harm. His selfless bravery became legendary, and his name was whispered with reverence among their kin.

Hayley felt a deep connection to her ancestors, their stories intertwining with her journey. She realized that their struggles and triumphs were not confined to the pages of a book but lived on within her. The spirit of Marie, Antoine, and countless other Labonair ancestors flowed through her veins, igniting a fire within her heart.


"How is this possible?" Oliver finally managed to utter, his voice barely above a whisper.

Orion's expression softened, "My grams told me that once Abby was pregnant, she ran back home to Mystic Falls. She hid that fact from you. My whole life, I thought my stepfather was my biological father. But it turns out that you are. I  figured that out when I broke my werewolf curse  just a few weeks ago."

Oliver's head was spinning. He didn't know what to say or how to react. He had a son, a son he never knew existed.

"You broke your curse?" Oliver asked, struggling to process everything.

Orion nodded, "Yes."

Oliver didn't know what to say or how to react.

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, his voice trembled as he confessed, "I don't know what to say. I had no idea any of this was happening." His words carried the weight of astonishment and regret, leaving a vulnerable crack in his voice.

Orion, the one who had just shattered the confines of his curse, nodded in understanding, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and apprehension. "I know," he murmured softly. "It's a lot to take in."

Oliver's gaze fixated on his newfound son, a tapestry of thoughts and emotions weaving through his mind. The existence of this child, now standing before him, was an enigma he struggled to fathom. Yet, amidst the bewilderment, a resolute determination grew within him. He yearned to bridge the chasm of lost time, to forge a connection with Orion and become an integral part of his life.

With unwavering conviction, Oliver spoke, his voice gaining strength, "I want to make things right. I want to be a part of your life if you'll let me." His words carried a profound sincerity, a commitment to rectify the past and embrace the future.

Orion's lips curved into a tender smile, his eyes shining with hope. "I would like that," he replied, his voice carrying a delicate blend of vulnerability and optimism. In that moment, a fragile bond began to form, promising the mending of broken ties and the blossoming of a new relationship

A surge of relief cascaded through Oliver's being, a soothing balm for the wounds of the past. The realization of having a son, despite the vast chasm of lost time, ignited a spark of joy within him. The weight of responsibility lay heavy on his shoulders, but his resolve burned brightly, unwavering in its determination to be the father Orion deserved.

As Orion's gaze wandered across the room, it eventually alighted upon a framed picture adorning the wall—an image frozen in time, capturing the essence of a long-forgotten connection. Intrigue danced in his eyes, and a voice brimming with curiosity escaped his lips, "How did you and my mom meet?" His words were tinged with a captivating blend of wonder and desire for understanding, yearning to unravel the tapestry of their shared history.

Oliver's gaze shifted towards the cherished photograph, his heart a mix of emotions. Each brushstroke of the image revealed the story of love and loss, a testament to a chapter long gone but forever imprinted upon his soul. With a tender smile, he began to recount the tale, his voice carrying the weight of nostalgia and vulnerability

Oliver gazed at his son, lost in thought as he recalled the fateful night he had met Orion's mother. He took a deep breath and began to speak, his words slow and deliberate as he carefully recounted the events that had brought him together with Abby.

"It was a dark and stormy night," Oliver began with a hint of humor in his voice. "I was in a bad way, son. I had been attacked by a vampire and left for dead in an alleyway. I remember feeling so weak and helpless as I lay there, bleeding out. Everything was slipping away like I was about to lose everything. I remember the feeling of hopelessness. How I didn't want to die. For the first time in my life, I prayed to god to give me a second chance."  

"I could feel the chill of the wet pavement against my skin, the sharpness of every breath as I struggled to hold on," he continued, his voice carrying the weight of his near-death experience. "The world around me blurred, and I felt a sense of despair creeping in, whispering that this was the end."

Orion leaned in closer, his eyes wide with anticipation, as if he could sense the intensity of his father's recollection.

"But then, like a flickering flame in the darkness, I heard a voice," Oliver whispered, his voice filled with awe. "It was Abby. She appeared out of nowhere, a beacon of light amidst the storm. Her presence radiated warmth and determination, a stark contrast to the cold and desolation of that alley. God answered my prayer and sent an angel."

Oliver continued, his voice resonating with the profound impact of that meeting. "With Abby's unwavering resolve and the magic she held, so powerful it seemed like it was surrounding her, she wove a spell around me, one that refused to let me succumb to the darkness. It was as if fate had intervened, bringing us together in that precise moment to alter the course of our lives."

Oliver's voice quivered with a delicate blend of nostalgia and affection, his heart retracing the intricate steps of their reunion. He gazed at Orion, his eyes shimmering with the weight of cherished memories.

"When I awoke from the healing embrace of her magic, my body was mended, but my heart was filled with questions," Oliver revealed, his voice carrying a touch of vulnerability. "She had disappeared, leaving only traces of her presence behind. But fate, it seemed, had other plans in store for us."

Oliver's words hung in the air, filled with anticipation, as he continued his account.

"A few days later, a magnetic pull drew me to Rousseau's, a quaint bar nestled amidst the mystique of the french quarter," he described, his voice brimming with a mixture of awe and yearning. "The air crackled with an energy that I couldn't ignore, and as I stepped through the door, time seemed to pause, as if the universe itself held its breath."

Oliver's gaze turned inward, reliving the moment with vivid clarity.

"And there, amidst the hazy ambiance of the bar, I saw her," he whispered, his voice carrying the weight of remembrance. "Abby stood in all her ethereal glory, a vision that eclipsed the chaos and noise surrounding us. Her hair, cascading like ribbons of obsidian silk, framed her delicate features. Her eyes, aglow with a fire that could rival the stars, locked onto mine."

The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the vivid image of Abby standing before Oliver.

"In that moment, time stood still," Oliver continued, his voice a tender caress of longing. "The whispers of conversation around us faded into oblivion, and it felt as if we were the only two souls tethered in that timeless space. Her presence radiated warmth, her smile an invitation into a world where possibilities bloomed."

Oliver's voice carried the weight of his emotions, as if the connection between him and Abby transcended mere words.

"I approached her cautiously, yet every step brought me closer to the magnetism of her being," he revealed, his voice trembling with the vivid recollection. "Her eyes, those captivating windows to her soul, held a universe of untold stories and unspoken longing. And in that instant, we became more than strangers; we became two souls destined to intertwine."

Oliver's voice carried a hint of wistfulness as he continued to unravel the tapestry of their blossoming love story. His gaze shifted to a distant point, as if he could still feel the echoes of that vibrant connection.

"We shared laughter and the rhythm of the music, each moment intertwining our lives further," Oliver recounted, a tender smile playing at the corners of his lips. "The warmth of her laughter enveloped the room, and her eyes sparkled with a joy that mirrored my own."


After that fateful night of laughter and dancing, Oliver gallantly escorted Abby to her temporary abode, cherishing the shared moments they had woven together. The air crackled with anticipation as he mustered the courage to extend an invitation that would shape the course of their budding connection.

"May I take you on a proper date?" Oliver asked, his voice laced with a mix of hope and affection.

Abby's eyes shimmered with delight as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Yes," she replied, her voice carrying a soft timbre of excitement. "I would love that."

Their first official date became the cornerstone of countless cherished memories to come. Time seemed to dance at their command, swaying to the rhythm of their laughter and conversations. From cozy dinners in candlelit restaurants to adventurous escapades in New Orleans' picturesque landscapes, every moment spent together felt like a piece of paradise.

Their shared experiences wove a tapestry of pure bliss, where laughter cascaded like a melodic symphony, and stolen glances ignited a symphony of emotions. Each touch, every shared secret, carried the promise of a connection that defied logic and whispered of a future filled with infinite possibilities.

Oliver's heart swelled with a profound sense of contentment as he basked in the comfort of Abby's presence. Her essence, like a warm embrace, enveloped him, dispelling any shadows of doubt or loneliness that might have lingered within.

They revealed in the beauty of each other's souls, finding solace in their shared dreams and aspirations. Late-night conversations became a refuge, where they bared their hearts and laid bare their vulnerabilities, forging an unbreakable bond built on trust and understanding.

As the seasons danced around them, their love deepened, rooted in the fertile soil of mutual respect and admiration. They nurtured their connection with gestures of affection and acts of devotion, creating a sanctuary of love that defied the chaos of the outside world.

In those enchanted moments, the world melted away, and they found solace in the sanctuary of each other's arms. From moonlit strolls along the bayou's riverbanks to stolen kisses under the starry night sky, every experience became a testament to the depth of their affection.

Oliver's eyes sparkled with unspoken adoration as he recalled those precious months spent in Abby's embrace. The memory of her laughter, the gentle touch of her hand, and the warmth of her presence still lingered, etching itself into the very fabric of his being.

"It was pure bliss," Oliver whispered, his voice a reverent tribute to the profound joy they had shared. "Being in the comfort of Abby's love was like finding my true home, a place where happiness and contentment intertwined, creating a haven from the world's uncertainties."

The room seemed to hold its breath, as if embracing the weight of their cherished memories. The echoes of their laughter and the palpable tenderness of their connection suffused the air, a testament to the extraordinary bond they had forged.

Oliver's voice softened as he gestured towards the wall adorned with various framed photographs. Among them, prominently displayed, was the cherished picture from their first date.

"This," Oliver said, his voice filled with fondness, "is the picture I took on our very first date. It holds a special place in my heart, a keepsake that I will cherish forever."

Orion's eyes followed his father's gaze, and as they landed on the photograph, a surge of curiosity and anticipation coursed through him. The image depicted Oliver and Abby, their smiles radiant and their eyes brimming with happiness. The frame itself was weathered, its edges carrying the marks of time and love, as if it had stood witness to countless cherished moments.

Oliver approached the photograph, gently brushing his fingers against the worn frame. Memories of that night flooded his mind, filling the room with an intangible warmth. He turned back to Orion, his voice infused with the weight of sentimentality.

"This picture, my son, has hung on this wall for years, capturing the essence of our journey together," Oliver explained. "It represents the beauty of that first date, the laughter, and the connection that bloomed between your mother and me."

Orion's eyes widened with anticipation, his heart yearning to unravel the story that had led to his own existence. He stepped closer, gazing at the photograph with a mixture of curiosity and reverence.

"I see the love and happiness that radiates from this picture," Orion remarked, his voice laced with wonder. "It's a testament to the bond you and Mom shared, and now it serves as a beacon of hope for our own connection."

Oliver's expression grew more solemn, his features etched with a mixture of sadness and longing. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, his gaze fixed on Orion, who listened intently, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and empathy.

"Things were going so well between us," Oliver began, his voice carrying a tinge of nostalgia. "We were deeply in love, and I was on the verge of telling her just how much she meant to me. I had planned a surprise date for us at Rousseau's, a place that held special memories for us. But when the time came, she never showed up."

Orion's brows furrowed, his heart aching for the pain his parents had experienced. He couldn't imagine the confusion and hurt his father must have felt at that moment. "What do you mean she never showed up, Dad?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.

Oliver's voice quivered slightly as he continued, his emotions raw and vulnerable. "I tried calling her, looking up and down New Orleans trying to get a location, but nothing," he said, his voice heavy with the weight of the past. " her phone was turned off. Desperation clawed at my heart as I rushed to where she was staying, hoping to find answers. Yet, when I arrived, it was as if she had vanished, leaving no trace behind. There was no note, no explanation. It was as though she had disappeared into thin air."

A heavy silence settled over the room as the weight of the revelation hung in the air. Orion's eyes welled up with unshed tears, his heart aching for the pain his mother must have carried and for the longing that had plagued his father all these years.

Oliver took a shaky breath, his voice trembling with the weight of his revelation, as he shared the final puzzle piece with Orion. "But now, my son, I understand why she suddenly departed. It was because of you, Orion. Our son, the precious life that we had created together. She wanted to protect you from the chaos that had engulfed the French Quarter."

His voice quivering with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow, Oliver continued, "What you may not know is that around the time when you were concived, the whole pack was cursed, condemned to remain trapped in their wolf forms. It unleashed mayhem and death all over the Quarter, transforming the vibrant streets into a nightmare. I, too, was trapped in my wolf form, but your mother, not known to me, cast a protection spell that shielded me from the curse."

Oliver's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he recounted the turmoil of that time. The anguish and the loss that had overshadowed the joyous arrival of their child. "I witnessed the devastation and carnage caused by my own kind. The city became a battlefield, and innocents suffered. Your mother  must have made the agonizing decision to keep you away from that chaos, to shelter you from the darkness that had consumed my pack. She fled to Mystic Falls, where she believed you would be safe."

He reached out and gently took Orion's hands in his, holding them tightly. "Your mother's love for you was immeasurable, Orion. She did what she thought was best, even if it meant leaving me behind. She sacrificed her own happiness to ensure your safety. It breaks my heart that I wasn't there for you both during those difficult times."

Oliver's voice wavered with a mix of regret and determination. "But now, my son, we have a chance to build a future together. To heal the wounds of the past and forge a new path. I am here now, and I will do everything in my power to protect you, to make up for the lost time, and to ensure that you never have to face such darkness alone."

Orion's breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening with astonishment and realization. He could sense the bittersweet weight of the truth settling upon them both, intertwining their past and present in an intricately woven tapestry of love and loss.

At that moment, father and son stood connected by a shared history, their hearts entangled in a complex dance of emotions. The room seemed to hold its breath as if honoring the profound journey that had brought them together, even amidst the trials and mysteries that had defined their lives.

As the weight of their unspoken feelings lingered, Oliver reached out, placing a hand on Orion's shoulder, a gesture of comfort and understanding. As Oliver's hand rested on Orion's shoulder, a gentle squeeze of reassurance, he felt a surge of emotion inside him. The weight of their shared history, the revelation of Orion's existence, and the longing to bridge the gap of lost time overwhelmed him.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Oliver pulled Orion into a deep, heartfelt embrace. His arms wrapped tightly around his son, pulling him close as if trying to make up for their years apart. It was a hug filled with warmth, love, and an unspoken promise to be there for each other moving forward.

In that tender moment, time seemed to stand still. Father and son stood locked in a powerful embrace, their hearts beating in unison. The room seemed to hold its breath as if acknowledging the significance of their union and the healing power of their connection.

The hug spoke volumes, expressing many emotions that words alone couldn't capture. It conveyed a sense of acceptance, forgiveness, and an unwavering commitment to building a new bond. It was a moment of solace, a reassurance that they were not alone in navigating the complexities of their intertwined lives.

As they held each other, the weight of the past began to lighten, replaced by a glimmer of hope for the future. Tears welled in their eyes, mingling with bittersweet smiles, as they found solace in each other's presence. They knew the journey ahead would be challenging, but together, they were ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Oliver and Orion found solace, strength, and a newfound sense of belonging in that tender embrace. Their worlds had collided in the most unexpected way, but in that moment, as their hearts beat as one, they had each other.


3821 words 

Feedback and Criticisms is  taken

Vote, Comment, and leave a REVIEW . I want to know what you guys think of my story....

Now we know how Abby met Oliver and why she left, what do you guys think.....

Filler Chapter, i just wanted to create some background for Orion's conception  

Question: If you were reborn in TVD, which Family would you be apart of . 

- Petrova

- Gilbert

- Forbes

-  Labonair

- Lockwood 

- Bennett

- Mikaeson 

( Me personally, I would be a Bennett-Mikaelson)

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