55.55% A Legacy Continued / Chapter 60: Chapter 58 - Crouch Jr’s Story

บท 60: Chapter 58 - Crouch Jr’s Story

***** Bonus Chapter ***** A/N: so my new laptop is this gaming one. It's really nice, can play everything on max settings… But it's so heavy omg. Thinking about buying some cheap thing just to carry around and write on 😅 *****

"I would like you to tell us, how you came to be here." Dumbledore Asked him softly. "How did you escape from Azkaban?"

Crouch Jr. took a deep, shuddering breath, before beginning to speak out in a flat, expressionless voice.

"My mother saved me. She knew she was dying. She persuaded my father to rescue me as a last favor to her, and he loved her as he had never loved me."

"He agreed, and they came to visit me. They gave me a draft of Polyjuice Potion containing one of my mother's hairs, and she took a draft of polyjuice potion containing one of mine."

"Say no more, Master Barty, say no more! You is getting your father into trouble!" Winky wailed still hugging his legs, trembling.

But Crouch Jr ignored her, still under the effects of veritaserum, continuing in the same flat, emotionless tone.

"We took on each other's appearance. The dementors are blind. They sensed one healthy, and one dying person entering Azkaban, and one healthy and one dying person leaving."

"My father smuggled me out, disguised as my mother, in case any of the other prisoners were watching us through their doors."

"My mother died a short while later in Azkaban, being careful to drink the polyjuice potion to the end. She was buried under my name, and bearing my appearance. Everyone believed her to be me, and that I had died while in Azkaban."

Khan was stunned listening to Crouch Jr's story. Although he had heard of the prison guarded by Dementors, he never had the opportunity to visit, or even meet one.

** A/N: I was trying to think of a way to make Khan as a Ravenclaw go through the Hufflepuff Questline to go to Azkaban, but couldn't think of one believable enough ahah **

Still, to hear how Crouch Jr. was able to escape Azkaban was quite enlightening. To think that he could escape from the supposedly inescapable prison, using a simple Polyjuice potion.

"And what did your father do with you, when he had gotten you home?" Dumbledore followed up, quietly shaken by what he was hearing.

"Staged my mother's death. A quiet, private funeral. The grave is of course empty, and Winky the house-elf nursed me back to health in the meantime."

Crouch was still speaking monotone.

"I was then Concealed and controlled by my father. He had to use a number of spells to subdue me of course, as once I had recovered enough of my strength, I thought only of finding my master..... of returning to his service."

'Wow.... This Crouch is as loyal as a house-elf to this master of his.' Khan commented to himself, listening to Crouch.

"And how did your father keep you subdued?" Dumbledore continued to probe.

"Imperius Curse." Crouch Jr. Replied. "I was under my father's control, always wearing an invisibility cloak, day and night."

"I was always with Winky, as she was my keeper and caretaker. She pitied me and persuaded my father to give me occasional treats. Rewards for my good behavior."

"Master Barty, we is getting in trouble...." Sobbed Winky. "You isn't ought to tell them, Master Barty!"

"And I am assuming that one of your rewards was attending the Quidditch World Cup?" Dumbledore continued.

"Yes. Winky talked my father into it." Crouch Jr. said still in the same monotone voice. "I had not left the house for years. I had loved quidditch. Let him go, she said. He will be in his Invisibility cloak. He can watch and smell fresh air for once."

"She said my mother would have wanted it. she told my father that my mother had died to give me freedom. She had not saved me for a life of imprisonment. He agreed in the end."

"Wait..... Is that why your father's seat was empty the entire match?" Khan questioned, remembering the world cup. "Winky wasn't saving it for him, she was accompanying you, while you watched under your invisibility cloak."

"Yes, that's correct. It was carefully planned." Crouch Jr answered Khan. "But Winky didn't know that I was growing stronger; that I was beginning to fight my father's Imperius Curse."

"There were even times when I was almost myself again, outside his control. One of those times happened there, in that top box."

"Like waking from a deep sleep, I found myself in the middle of the top box, finally back in control, right in the middle of the finals match."

"I saw in front of me, a wand sticking out of a boy's pocket. Since I had not been allowed a wand since before Azkaban, I stole it."

"Winky didn't know of course. She is frightened of heights, and had her face hidden the entire match."

"Master Barty, you bad boy!" Wailed Winky, tears trickling down her face.

"You were the one who took my wand!" Harry realized it was not him who lost his wand in the chaos of that night. It was in fact, Crouch Jr who had stolen it!

"Yes, It was me." Crouch nodded at Harry, confirming it was him. "In fact, later that night I was quite angry and I casted the dark mark into the sky that night, with the Harry's stolen wand."

"But are you not a death eater yourself?" Hermione asked, curious about why he would be angry later that night, when his colleagues were causing their usual chaos. "Why would you be angry?"

"They did not go to Azkaban. They never suffered for my master. They turned their backs on him, not seeking him when they were free to do so. All they were doing the past 13 years, was merely making sport of Muggles, just like they were doing that night. Pathetic."

Crouch Jr sounded almost disgusted, even with his monotone voice.

"The sounds of their voices awoke me, my mind clearer than it had been in years. I was angry at the other Death Eaters for disloyalty, and I had Harry's wand."

"My father had left the tent, gone to help the victims, leaving my care in Winky's hands. I wanted to show those Death Eaters what loyalty to the Dark Lord Meant, and to punish them for their lack of it."

"But Winky was scared. She used her own brand of elf magic to bind me to her, as she ran through the forest, away from the death eaters. I resisted of course, and used the stolen wand to cast the Dark Mark into the sky!"

"But Ministry wizards quickly arrived and shot stunning spells everywhere. One of the spells came through the trees where we were hidden and stuck the two of us."

"When Winky was discovered, my father knew that I must be nearby."

"That's why Crouch was so persistent to find someone to blame, and acting so awkward upon finding Winky... He wasn't ashamed of her actions... He was trying to cover up for his Death Eater son!" Khan said aloud, remembering how Crouch had been acting that night at the World Cup.

"Yes... He went off to search the nearby bushes, feeling around for my body. After the other Ministry members had left the forest, he put me back under the Imperius Curse and took me home." Crouch nodded, confirming Khan's guess.

"Father then dismissed Winky, as she had failed him. She had let me acquire a wand. She had almost let me escape."

"Then my master came for me."

"Voldemort managed to find you and come to your place of residence?" Dumbledore questioned.

"He arrived at our house late one night, in the arms of his servant Wormtail." A smile spread over Crouch's face, seemingly happy at his story, even while controlled by Veritaserum.

'I knew that bastard was still alive!' Khan thought to himself, proud that he didn't believe that foolish story of a baby vanquishing a dark lord at full face value.

"He needed me, and so he came for me. It was very quick. He arrived at our house near midnight, and my Father answered the door, immediately getting place under his own Imperius curse."

"Now my father was the one imprisoned and controlled!" Crouch Jr's smile was almost manic at this point. "My master forced him to go about his business as usual, to act as though nothing was wrong."

"Meanwhile, I was released. I was free. I had my master! I was myself again, alive as I hadn't been in years!"

"And why did he come to you? What did Voldemort ask you to do?" Inquired Dumbledore.

"It's been my dream, my greatest ambition to prove myself to him. So he gave me a chance!"

"He told me he needed to place a faithful servant at Hogwarts. A servant who would enter and guide Harry Potter through the triwizard tournament, without appearing to do so."

"So that's why you needed Moody!" Khan realized.

"Yes, Wormtail and I did it. We had prepared the Polyjuice potion beforehand. We journeyed to his house."

"Moody put up a struggle, and there was a large commotion. We managed to subdue him just in time. Forced him into a compartment of his own magical trunk."

"Took some of his hair, and added it to the potion, drinking it and becoming Moody's double, even taking his fake leg and magical eye."

"Moody's annoying protégé came by to check on him and the commotion, but by then, I had already transformed, and had already become Moody."

"I kept him trapped in his trunk, only keeping him alive and under control with the Imperius curse, for his hair and to learn and find out all about his past, habits, etc, so that I could successfully fool even Dumbledore."

"And it has worked well so far! I had become Moody successfully, and had been triumphant in fooling not only Dumbledore, but the Goblet of Fire as well, forcing it to call Harry's Entered name, so that he would be forced to participate in this tournament."

"Now My master would have a servant who would watch over Harry Potter, and ensure he would reach the Triwizard cup. A servant who would tu- AHHHHHH"

Crouch stopped talking as flames burst out of his skin, as if spontaneously combusting. Fire began to consume him, appearing to burn him from the inside out.

He strangely seemed to enjoy this, an insane smile on his face, as Khan, Harry and Hermione stared wide-eyed, at the screaming and burning Crouch Jr, as he slowly turned to ashes.

"NOOOOO! Master Barty!" Winky wailed, clutching tighter to the now burning Crouch Jr, bawling openly at her now dead masters ashes.

"It appears Voldemort made him take an unbreakable vow to not disclose certain important details of his plan.." Dumbledore said in observation, his blue eyes blazing as he tried to figure out what Crouch Jr's plan was for the rest of the year.

Although Crouch Jr. had clarified a lot of the questions both Khan and Dumbledore had regarding his escape of Azkaban, as well as how he came to replace Moody, unfortunately, he had died before he could inform them of his intentions, as well as Voldemort's future plans with the rest of the Triwizard tournament.

"Wait…. Did he say 'watch over Harry, before he burst into flames?'" Khan clarified.

"Indeed…. It appears that Voldemort intends to have Harry survive this tournament, instead of having him perish during one of the tasks." Dumbledore responded contemplatively.

They both turned back to the younger pair of students, after discussing Crouch Jr's story for a quick moment, ensuring they remembered everything said accurately.

Harry appeared shocked. Face pale, and mouth slightly open, Harry was realizing that he was right; once again he was the target of another plot at the hands of Voldemort.

And while he was previously happy that he had not only survived the first task, but done remarkably well, reality hit Harry directly in the face, reminding him that there was still an underlying plot that had entered him into this tournament in the first place.

Hermione meanwhile, appeared quite constipated, as her face was a curious mixture of shocked (at Crouch's sudden death), contemplative (regarding the mysterious plot surrounding the triwizard tournament and Harry), and worried (about what else could be in stored for her friend, especially with Crouch's unknown future plans).

Pomfrey meanwhile, who was left forgotten, and was caring for the comatose 'one-eyed' Moody off to the side, was quite unhappy listening to the entire story. It seemed her job would not be getting easier any time soon.

"It appears that I have been remiss in my duties as of late." Dumbledore began to speak. "Not only has my old friend Alastor suffered at the hands of Crouch Jr, but it seems the Triwizard Tournament has been compromised, even moreso than forcing young Harry here into participating."

"Surely the tournament will be cancelled now that it has been proven compromised." Hermione worriedly asked.

"I apologize Hermione, but unfortunately, there is still nothing that can be done about Harry's participation. Since this tournament has already begun, it must be carried out through to the end, lest the champions risk losing their magic." Dumbledore explained.

"Now it has been a long night, and I have much to do still, now that all of this has been uncovered." Dumbledore announced. "Harry and Hermione, I trust that what has been discussed tonight will remain private, yes?"

They both nodded their agreement.

"Very well, it has been a long night full of interesting revelations. But please rest assured, that your teachers will be looking into the matter. You both may be excused to return to your dorms."

Dumbledore dismissed the 2 younger students waiting for them to exit, before turning to Khan.

"What do you plan to do now sir?" Khan asked, eager to help. He too was now interesting in seeing this mystery through to the end, just for the simple fact that it seemed Voldemort had returned to action. Casting an Imperius, with even his Death Eaters active once again, Khan was excited at the prospect at facing down another dark lord and taking revenge for Poppy.

"I will be leaving for a brief period of time from Hogwarts. Now that part of this plot has been uncovered, there are many complications that I foresee will arise." Dumbledore began to explain. "For example, Crouch's father being under the Imperius Curse from Voldemort himself. Or the fact that Crouch broke his 'death eater' son out of Azkaban."

"Shit.... We can not even prove Crouch Jr had broken out of Azkaban, since he was burned to ashes..." Khan caught on to a few of the issues facing Dumbledore.

"Indeed." Dumbledore spoke gravely. He had realized he was a few moves behind Voldemort, and was now playing catch up.

"I would ask that you please take over Prof. Moody's Defense Lesson Duties during the interim, while he is recovering from his months long ordeal." Dumbledore went on the request of his Mentor's best friend, confident in his capabilities. He had heard very good reviews, from both Flitwick as well as many of the students.

"Of course sir." Khan nodded his agreement.

"Very well, then you may be dismissed as well my friend." Dumbledore said his farewell to Khan.

Sol flew over to grab Fastidio's box of fun, before flashing away, Khan asking her to return it to his shop, before he himself, turned to leave the office.

"Oh, and Jordan?"


"Good luck with your Summoner's Cup Tournament this weekend!"

Sudoku Sudoku

Ok so Crouch Jr is gone, much earlier than canon. Question is, what will change now that he had been found out.

Does Voldemort find out about Barty's death somehow, or does that stay a secret? Possible Reprecussions with his Father still being alive, but still controlled by Voldemort?

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