64.7% The God-Emperor in Multiverse / Chapter 23: Chapter 18

บท 23: Chapter 18

Nurgle's domain in the Realm of Chaos was not a barren wasteland, but a ghostly paradise, an almost endless jungle of death and plague. Under the supervision of the Lord of Decay, this unhealthy kingdom was home to every pox and affliction imaginable. Twisted, rotting branches entwined with ravenous vines covered the rotting ground, entwining like broken fingers. Mushrooms, common and spectacular, burrowed their way through the ground mulch of the forest floor, releasing clouds of suffocating spores.

Nurgle's Garden was a dark and desolate place, where every part was imbued with vile energies. Disease and decay reigned, and their presence would have killed anyone without Nurgle's blessing. The garden was a collection of ideas. It didn't have the right shape like most things in the Warp.

[Image here]

And now that rotten paradise is burning.

A breach opened in the center of the garden allowing legions of angels to attack the rot, the angels felt their light auras weaken. The rot that ruled the place was deeply rooted and resisted against their bright vibrations. However, the Angel Army did not give in, but advanced with its unwavering will. Their goal was to burn away the roots of decay, dealing it a death blow.

Their swords of light danced in the air as they used them to penetrate the ground, awakening fires that touched the roots of the disease. The earth trembled under their feet as they made their way through the darkness that surrounded them.

Angels felt no fatigue or fear, their obedience to their master came from the very core of their being. Their hands were filled with rage and blind obedience as they touched the rotting plants causing them to instantly burn. The Garden of Disease slowly began to take on a new form, burned and reduced to ashes.

Psychic Flames engulfed the garden, creating chaos and destroying everything they touched. The initial small flames quickly flared into a gruesome ball of fire that consumed every gentle shower of rot that had previously graced the landscape.

The firestorm was devouring rotting trees like surface matches. The trees crackled and roared with a howl of pain as the trees, which had been colossal witnesses of despair and decay, were now reduced to ashes.

As the fire spread, the daemons frantically sought escape. The groans of the nurglings, the screams of the Plaguebearers and the howls of the beasts broke the silence and conveyed pure fear.

The earth shook. The second sound that was heard caused the inhabitants of the garden to panic. The trees snapped as they dragged their roots and tried to break away. A million species of demon flies buzzed from the field of corpses and flew away gathering swarms. The Nurglings screamed and waddled as fast as their little legs would carry them.

Daemons great and small knew only one thing 'Anathema has come'.

The underground of the garden shook violently. Demons large and small screamed, came out of their hiding places and fled in a restless stampede.

Anathema came and in one hand he wielded his sword that burned with the power of a thousand suns.

Nurgle did not allow uninvited guests to enter his domain and did not even expect them, but as they trampled on his festering swamps and burned his plants, it made him very angry. And so, with just one movement of his diseased hand, he sent his most loathsome minions against the Angelic Host.

Scriveners and Plaguebearers, Glitchlings and Nurglings, spurred on by the Bilepiper Trumpeters, they all came to confront the uninvited guests burning down their home.

Anathema's eyes blazed, radiating strength and determination around her.

The rustle of wings filled the air as the angels soared powerfully towards their enemies. They carried weapons that shone like stars and shields of pure crystal.

On the other hand, the daemon army was terrifying. Their grotesque figures reeked of despair and decay. They were all deformed by countless diseases. Their eyes burned with green flames, and their presence was filled with stench.

Angel swords flashed into the air, forcing the demons to defend themselves. The million-strong army of angels quickly attacked the demonic forces of equal numbers, clearing the way for the advance.

But while the angels proudly fought for their master, the demons were further strengthened by their domain. Riddled with disease and decay, they sent forth their attacks and struck the angels with incredible brutality, turning them into broken porcelain.

At the center of the conflict, the Emperor fought like a leader, his sword shining like a star. Made of pure Warptech, it radiated a light that permanently destroyed the defeated daemons, one by one.

"For light! For justice! For Me!" - the words filled the air and inspired the angel soldiers, instantly increasing their strength.

Suddenly, the sky split open like huge rifts, revealing portals from which emerged beings of pure energy - angels sent into reserve. Their old wings shimmered in various shades of light, creating a spectacular sight. They joined the army of angels, together creating an impenetrable shield, ready to fight to the last drop of strength.

Their swords cut there as they charged towards the army of bloodthirsty demons. The blows thundered as the demon's rotting claws and teeth met the lightsabers of the angelic forces.

In the tumult of battle, the howls of angels and demons merged into a song of cold and heat. Every part of the garden became a scene of death and destruction, as they collided and intertwined in a whirlwind of conflict. Blood dripped everywhere as soldiers on both sides gave their lives for the glory of their masters.

On the main front, the Golden King fought the most powerful and dangerous Daemon Champions of the Decay God. Their swords collided with brutal force, creating waves of flame and glare. Huge energy radiated from them, shone and flooded the sky. The sky shook from the collision of two different divine concepts.

The commander of the horrrified legions of demons and demon engines was the master gardener Horticulous Slimux strengthened by part of the power of Nurgle, the Great Cultivator of the dark god Nurgle. He sat on his mollusk Mulch, pruning shears in hand to fend off attackers, barking orders to his ruined brothers and repeating his master's words.

"You should never have come here, you tyrant!" He grunted, "Grandfather has shown much patience for your insolence, even with the destruction of his favorite champions, but he will not take this insult! Prepare to die!"

"If I cut you in half, what will happen then?" - asked the Golden King, raising his sword high and cutting the mollusk Mulca in half from neck to tail with one movement.

Slimux fell to the rotting ground, but any moment of weakness or sadness was quickly washeds away by the direct intervention of his master, who gave him another power boostes.

Slimux stood up and with the power that came out of him surprised the Golden King, throwing him backwards. Slimux tried to seize the moment but he couldn't as the king's divine power was too strong and with one swing of his sword he cut the demon in two burning parts giving Slimux enough time to let out a loud scream of pain before he was reduced to dust.

The battle seemed to last for hours, days, years and even eternity, and the sky was completely filled with ash. The rotting forests were destroyed, the capsules where the new Plaguebearer were made were burned, and the souls of mortals were added to the Emperor's light.

But despite this, the fight continued. For every demon defeated, two more joined in and took over their fate. It was a battle that seemed endless, and the armies fought tirelessly.

The battle continued and the demonic armies were at an advantage because, unlike the angelic armies, they were in their own domain and could increase. The battle would surely end in the long run with the angelic armies completely destroyed by the countless tides of decay. The Golden King also realized this fact and raised his sword high in frustration. Waves of fire rose from the sword and headed towards the demonic tide turning them into dust and clearing the way.

A cry of rage echoed from the great courtyard as a wall of flame hotter than a million suns consumed everything in its path, finally breaking and retreating within a few meters of the black walls of Nurgle's house.

The massive, aged door shattered at the appearance of the Golden King, allowing him to enter the main room where the god of decay resided. After the golden king entered that sick abode, the only thing that came over him was a feeling of pure disgust as he saw the God of Plague in all his hideous glory.

Nurgle, was in the form of a titanic carcass of flesh riddled with decay and plague. His huge corpse, bloated with corruption and emanating an overwhelming stench that corrodes the mind. His skin was green, leathery and necrotic, and the surface was full of wounds, swellings and purulent infections. Nurgle's gurgling and throbbing organs were filled with decaying excrement, spilling out and breaking through his torn skin to be seen around his belt like a common fruit. From these organs emerge swarms of tiny Nurglings that gnaw Grandfather Nurgle's rotting intestines and suck out his bountiful, noxious juices.

[Image here]

He had no army to support him, because God never needed one to face the Golden King. He turned away from his cauldron, letting go of his long, rusty stirring rod. His dimpled lips parted to reveal row upon row of decaying, yellow teeth, and he smiled at the Golden King and greeted him.

"Welcome". Nurgle laughed and replied with a chuckle "May I know why you came?"

"I want to take your wife" The Golden King replied with a mocking smile and pointed his flaming sword in the direction of the Plague God.

The Golden King, strong and resplendent, was clad in shining armor, and in his hand he held a flaming sword streaked with gold. His presence filled the space with light, bringing order and obedience to all who could see him.

On the other hand, Nurgle, completely naked and without any genital. His body throbbed with unhealthy energy, and his look was sick and desperate. In his hand appeared the evil image of all diseases, a sick green sword that brought doom and suffering.

It was time for a duel. Through the dark room, the Golden King slashed the air towards the Plague God with a bright flaming sword. The flames shone so brightly that the Golden King looked like the sun was on the earth. Strike after strike, the lightsaber tore through the poisonous atmosphere, delivering blows full of fury and courage.

But even so near the Plague God the sword missed and faltered from the poisonous presence.

The god of disease, aware of the opportunity, sprang into action. His sick sword glowed green, radiating unimaginable amounts of infection and suffering. But as soon as he tried to get close to the Golden King, his sick power would collapse in the presence of the searing light.

The Golden King's flaming sword created an oasis of light wherever it touched the ground. As the duel developed, the conflict became increasingly fierce and the ground began to heave from the results of their powerful blows.

The Plague God was not ready for this kind of opponent. With his sick sword, he tried to cause incurable diseases of the Golden King, but the light was too strong. His evil powers were neutralized in the presence of the Burning God.

The Golden King, inexorably, caused flames to envelop his sword. The shimmering sparks and heat resembled the sun. Its light cut through the poisonous mist but the effects were weakened in the presence of the Plague God.

As they fought, the room seemed to groan under their power. The entire surrounding area trembled as a result of their powerful blows. Screams filled with suffering and triumph rang out around them as the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

With each swing of the swords they swung, sparks flew around them, creating vortexes of energy. The Golden King's flaming sword swept through the infection, and the Plague God's diseased sword pulsed with a poisonous glow, symbolizing all the misery and suffering that disease can bring.

The Golden King was a symbol of humanity, justice, progress, happiness and life. The Plague God was a symbol of disease, depression, despair, misery and decay. Two completely different narratives of conflict were emerging in the Warp trying to outdo each other while everything around them was unified in a vortex of fire.

The Golden King was the first to change strategy, charging towards his opponent at the speed of light. His flaming sword slashed through the air leaving a trail of stormy wind behind. The flames hit the ground, leaving behind ash and destruction.

The Plague God was not afraid of attack of The Golden King . With a winged wave of his hand, he shot poisonous green arrows from his diseased sword towards the Golden King. Those arrows were encrusted with decay, bringing disease and suffering wherever they touched.

The Golden King used his superhuman reflexes to dodge the poison darts. Every move of the god was precise and clear, yet he could not avoid all the humiliations brought by the demon's sick sword. Some arrows pierced his armor, but like his divine nature, disease could not penetrate his heart.

The piercing screams of the explosion echoed as the two gods met in an epic battle. The walls of the room trembled with the energy of the conflict, and progress and decay intertwined in a dance of impossibility.

However, the Plague God had no intention of being defeated. His strategy proved effective. He used the power of his domain and created obstacles in the space that the Golden God used to move. They blocked each other with green smoke that caused chaos in the plane.

Furious, the Golden King moved with incredible courage. Despite the obstacles, his every move was powerful and murderous. His flaming sword swung through the darkness, destroying everything in its path.

But the Plague God was present at every step. With each swing of his sick sword, he cast a curse on the Golden God. Wounds began to appear on his body, which, despite his divinity, began to bleed. The wounds were visible, but the bad energy disappeared very quickly and the wounds as well as the holes in the armor healed.

In an instant, the Plague God struck a blow with his diseased sword towards the Golden King. A powerful flash of light and darkness flooded the room, and the ground shook under the force of the collision.

As the kick of the sick headed towards the Golden King, he concentrated deeply and preempted the biggest move. His flaming sword flashed in a bright light, releasing explosive energy that struck the plague god's diseased sword.

Their fates were intertwined in this epic battle, and each move could doom or free the world from an evil disease. The fight was fast and fierce, but no God would budge.

The fight took its toll on their narratives, but the determination to win was stronger.

The Golden King realized that he could not give permanent death or completely defeat the Plague God and that if the fight continued it would result in a draw and he decided to cut the fight short and he spoke one word in Enuncio and he saw the chains form that wrapped the Plague God in thick, ethereal chains that threw him to the ground.

This blatant cheating did not go without consequences as soon the Golden King felt a strong pain in his throat from speaking the ancient language. If the Golden King had been a little weaker, the forgotten tongue would have completely burned his face and completely destroyed his mouth for a short while.

The Golden King held back the feeling of pain and continued towards the cage knowing that there was not much time until the Plague God would be freed.

He approached the cage, putting his hands on the bars, trying to push them out or at least bend them, an easy thing if he was at full strength, but now he was weakened from the long fight and the cage needed a huge effort to open.

[Image here]

The caged Aeldar goddess Isha stepped back to avoid potential debris, but her eyes were fixed on her savior.

It took several minutes to completely bend the cage allowing it to expand so that the prisoner could be taken out.

"Come with me if you want to be free again," said the Golden King in an authoritarian tone.

Isha responded to his words with a slight nod and left the cage, following the Golden King towards the exit from the Plague God mansion.

As soon as they left the mansion, they heard the sound of screams coming from Nurgle's mansion.

Nurgle broke free from the chains that bound him.

Nurgle screamed.


The ground itself stirred once more, as the plague god's wrath was so great that his psychic influence on his realm shook the very foundations.

"Let's get out of here," the Golden King said as he used his flaming sword to create a rift that he and Ish walked through.

They were followed by countless armies of Angels who lost 80% of their numbers in the rescue operation.

A rift opened in the emperor's laboratory, where the Golden King had earlier started with his army.

At the same time that the Emperor and Isha exited the portal to the laboratory, their angelic allies returned from the safety of the Emperor light back to the Golden King Domain.

On his way out of the portal of the Golden King, he was greeted by the group of the Silent Sisters. Their purpose was to help their master close the newly created Warp rift. Taking into account the prediction that the Plague God would not react well to rescuing Isha, they came and helped their master to quickly shut off the Warp leak into the Materia.

As for the Plague God Realm in the Warp, it was suffering strong shocks from its master's wrath. The demons screamed as they fell into openings in the ground. Everything shook and crumbled, turned into shards and reassembled by the wrath of the angry god.

LordDrogon123 LordDrogon123

The true nature of the Warp would make it difficult to write in the first or second person, so I decided to write the chapter from the position of an omniscient observer. This chapter is 3100 words and I was wrong when I said last chapter that this chapter would be 1500-2000 and I'm happy with how it turned out. As always, all comments and reviews are welcome.

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