67.74% DEAD NO MORE / Chapter 21: Chapter 21

บท 21: Chapter 21

Tai looked at the crack in the door when the face disappeared as a set of fingers slid into the crack holding one then another on the other, when two more sets were in holding different spots of the crack Tai swallowed the nervous lump down in her throat when she heard some shuffling inside the closet.

" I had to knock her out Tai she's fine I promise on my brother's soul " Ricky said behind the door as Tai had to calm herself down from wanting to look inside, but a part of her felt that Ricky wouldn't hurt her since his problem seemed to be only with Tai.

The thing outside the door groaned while all four sets of hands were breaking pieces of wood off from the door, Tai felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up when she felt so something slither around her neck.

The corner of the metal screen was worked loose where the things Tail slid through that was now gently wrapping around Tais neck laying the end of the tail on her shoulder with its tip pointed toward the door.

The usual putrid smell that comes from those things wasn't there with this one but the rotting smell from the corpse or corpses at the door was overbearing, Tai watched the knife like tip of the tail slightly opened up spraying a mist like substance at the now hole in the door making the things hands pull away and making a irritated groaning noise as its upside down face looked back through the hole scanning its eyes around the room until it falls back on Tai then looked away before leaving.

" easy there girl or boy " Tai said as her shaking hand rubbed the tail and it gently uncurled from her neck as it slides down wrapping itself around her waist.

The closet door hit against the couch as they shove it open sliding the couch where they had a space to look outside the door, she saw the color leave both their faces when they saw the tail around Tais waist.

" don't come out and don't raise a weapon at it, it hasn't attacked me yet " Tai said slowly laying her hand on the tail gently petting it, Calista eyes were red with tear stains on her cheek while her hands shakily hold her gun while she kept her eyes trained on the creature.

" Ricky if you have to keep knocking Calista out then you have my permission to if she tries to put herself at risk to be with me or trying to save me" Tai said making Calista meet her eyes with a glare, Ricky nodded his head and Tai threw them the key to the cuffs landing on the couch.

Tai looked back at the door then slowly took a step forward to see how the thing that had its tail wrapped around her would react and she was surprised when it slowly let her go.

" What the hell does that thing have a crush on you or wants You to be only its next meal " Ricky said as Calista stayed quiet and elbowed Ricky making him groan in pain.

Tai released the breath she was holding taking another step forward and the tail slid off from her waist then was pulled back through the hole in the window, it scanned the metal screen taking its tail to the top corner trying to loosen the bolt.

" ok little guy I need to shut the window " Tai said when the thing sloped it's tail hard against the metal making Tai jump, she slid it closed leaving a crack in case the other thing came back so the smell that the one from the window could still be smelt by the other creature.

" be careful it sprayed something at the door to drive the other one away, I'm guessing kinda like a pheromone" Tai said moving the couch out so the two could fully come out, Ricky grabbed a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt from one of the shelves inside the closet looking around for a pair of shoes only finding flip flops he could barely fit in.

" give my cuffs and keys " Tai said holding her hand out as Ricky gave them to her, she handed him a UMP-45 with two extra clips along with a 9 mm Beretta from the duffle bag with one extra clip.

Ricky found a woman's purse inside the closet that he put over his neck keeping the extra clips inside, Tai loaded them down with the bags also having Ricky carry the box.

" I'll go make sure where that thing is, I'll keep it busy while you two go down the steps but keep an eye out for any more infected and also when you go into the metal basement door watch out for Sydney she's a girl that's been hiding here " Tai said not wanting to tell them how she found Sydney for some reason, Calista glared at Tai but quickly stopped when she watched her move the dresser away from the door and unlatching it quietly while they got ready with Calista aiming the Mossberg pump at the door while managing to hold all the bags on both shoulders.

" Tai be careful...I love you" Calista said kissing Tais lips and the creature at the window tilted it's head, Tai smiled softly at her then caressed her cheek before going to the door seeing a corpse on all fours with over six arms on its body to where it walks on all arms along with the two legs behind it with the neck and head attached to its chest cavity where the neck was longer than normal.

(" I wonder when they evolve why do they turn the head upside down ") Tai thought to herself while nodding her head for the other two to head toward the stairwell, when they opened the door with Tai taking a few steps backwards keeping her eyes on that thing that kept sniffing at one of the locked doors....A loud creaking noise came from the door making all three freeze in their steps as the creature snaps its head toward them making a snarling noise.

The one creature at the window started hitting the metal making loud noises like it's trying to get inside and Tai aims her gun shooting at the thing that's now running toward them while holding two if it's arms across its head to protect it.

" GO RUN ! " Tai said watching the creature that had two more arms rise from it's back giving it eight arms now since the two was mutated from the gun fire, Ricky grabbed Calista pulling her down the steps while making sure no more infected was inside or on their path going downstairs.

Tai took aim at the legs and arms that it was using to run with hitting them making the creature stumble face first on the floor, she kept hitting its arms when she heard a loud crash coming from the room they were just in when the small creature ran out jumping on the things back stabbing its tail deep inside when an Arm swiped it off slamming the thing into the wall.

It looked from Tai to the small creature then slowly walked its way to it, Bringing two of its fist in the air to bring down on the things head when Tai pulled her shotgun out and started pumping shots into the thing with arms making it slide back with every shot while bits of flesh flew from its arms that it was using for a shield.

Tai pushed the thing back several feet unloading her shells into it while running over picking the small creature up, when her gun clicked empty she unloaded the clip on her AK while running to the stairwell slamming the door shut and fell back when the thing rammed the door putting a big dent in it.

" Shit !! " Tai said grabbing a fire hose that's in an emergency station shoving it between the wall and Handle she watches the monster through the small window look down at the handle then take its hand trying to open the door that wouldn't open but a small slit.

Tai ran down the Stairs skipping a few at a time while trying to hold the creature while reloading her weapons dropping a shell here and there, she was at the first floor door looking down the steps at the metal door that was open with Ricky waiting beside it and Calista ran out of the Armory room with a belt that had grenades and thermite grenades hooked to it tossing it up to Tai.

" why do you have that thing " Calista said about to walk up the stairs when the things tail raised and was dancing like a cobra snake would making Calista stop, the thing raised its head to look up the stairs to the second floor when a loud bang echoed through the stairwell.

" look it almost died trying to save me and get inside the armory, Close this door and make sure you both stay inside that room loading some firearms in case I fail" Tai said as Calista took out two walkie talkies she picked up in the armory tossing Tai one as the creature jumped down to the floor on all fours hissing while staring up the steps.

Ricky pulled Calista inside letting the door slide shut and pulled her to the armory to do what Tai said, Tai hooked the belt on her arm then opened the door to the first floor looking back at the creature.

" Come on we'll drive it outside" Tai said as the thing ran through the door with Tai following it, she was standing about twelve foot away from the door waiting for the thing to come through with her shotgun cocked and ready.

" come on you son of a bitch " Tai said out loud while the creature stood beside her with its tail wrapped around her leg when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen making her fall to one knee.

" ahh my stomach " Tai hissed out when she heard the door bang open with that monster standing on two legs that was barely holding it up since they were riddled with bullet holes.

Tai stood up taking steps backwards as the monster takes slow steps forward, Tai noticed the thing being hesitant and didn't like the feeling it was giving her as it made clicking noise.

Tai froze when she heard clicking noise behind her seeing another creature that had two or three bodies fused together along with three legs and ten arms as it stood tall on its three legs blocking the door to the outside.

Tai glanced to the room to her left that was the bathroom/showers and bolted to it while picking up the small creature slamming the door shut and bolting the lock while looking around.

" Calista be careful these things can open doors and also starting to work together with signs of intelligence" Tai said over the radio while looking around the room seeing a laundry shoot that probably leads down to B-2 furnace Since she seen the ones on B-1 lead down.

" we need to block the laundry shoots so nothing can get down there, just stay out of that changing room and do not leave the Armory....shit Ricky, Sydney is inside the maintenance room can you go get her and bring her inside the Armory room " Tai said while the thing outside the door was banging against it, Tai seen the door buckling, she looked back to the shoot and to the windows that had thick bars on them.

Ricky ran out of the armory with the key card letting the door close back and ran down to the maintenance room using the card to get inside where he seen Sydney standing there dressed in the black pants and white shirt that Tai gave her with combat boots.

" Sydney Tai wants—" Ricky was saying when Sydney walked passed him knocking him out with a small hit of her hand in the back of his neck, she grabbed the key card plus the UMP-45 that he was carrying and she grabbed the extra clips inside the purse along with the 9mm Beretta placing them inside the holsters on her hip along with the clips on her vest that she strapped on.

" Stay here " Sydney said picking Ricky up walking over to the office and threw him half way on the couch where his head was hanging off, she shrugged her shoulders using the key card to lock the maintenance room back.

When she walked by the Armory room she stopped then sniffed the air around the door, Claistas scent wasn't as strong and pleasing as Tais but it made her calm.

" you two stay here you'll be safe until I get my mate back " Sydney said walking out the big metal doors that slid back closed behind her when she heard a loud crashing noise making her eyes go wide when she seen two of those clicker things trying to fit through the door way getting stuck.

Tai was at the shoot with her legs inside first while the creature was wrapped on her torso, when the door gave way for the two things she watched them both lunge inside getting stuck in the doorway show she tossed the four grenades at their feet as she slid down the shoot that was straight down using her boots to slow her drop when the loud explosion shook the building.

Sydney turned around when she seen the explosion letting the dust and debree from the walls and creatures settle down as her heart rate was going crazy, the explosion messed with her senses even the smell of burnt flesh made it to where she couldn't smell Tais.

" TAI !!! " Sydney shouted walking up where chunks of rotted flesh was scattered with one of the creatures still alive but it's body was badly mangled, she pointed the gun at its head then fire a few shots then put a few rounds in its chest as she did the other one as well even if it wasn't moving.

Sydney walked over snapping her head to the shoot that was badly damaged from the explosion to where she couldn't pull the door open, she ran back to the basement door using the key card and ran to the changing room where she seen a shoot like that one.

Sydney opens the door looking up the shoot then down seeing nothing but darkness.

" hold on Tai please don't leave that room " Sydney said jumping down the shoot letting herself drop as quick as she could with out slowing her drop until the end where she landed in a mound of dirty clothes.

" Tai " Sydney said sliding down the large mound of clothes looking around when she heard soft screeching and runs over finding Tais body laying in the concrete floor with a small creature trying to pull her body with its tail.

" Tai wake up " Sydney said landing on her knees pulling Tais head on her lap, she seen a large gash on her head with a nasty bump.

" no no no " Sydney said kissing Tais lips then her wound getting blood on her lips and chin, she hugs Tai tightly when a bellowing clicking noise came from the other side of the room making the small creature flatten itself to the floor snapping its head around to look for the thing.

Sydney seen Tais weapons that was still strapped to her body and picked up the belt that had the grenades on them so she put those around her waist, she also took the straps off of Tai that had the AK-47 and Tactical shotgun putting the straps around her neck.

" well this one seems funner " Sydney said pulling the .45 cal smith and Wesson putting it in the extra holster on her vest while pulling the loaded clips from Tais vest putting them in hers.

Sydney seen the sword and her eyes lit up, one thing she loved to read was her Asian fantasies and even had her father hire someone to teach her about sword fighting so she slid the sheathed sword in the back of her vest while lifting Tai in a bridal carry effortlessly jogging toward the door to exit the furnace room.

Sydney stopped halfway to the door when she heard over a dozen footsteps coming from the darkness to her right, she looked at the creature who hissed at that direction while its body was shaking.

" let's get her out, we'll fight if we only need to " Sydney said out loud while the creature took point running toward the door when a mass of body parts over thirty meters long slammed into the floor right in front of them separating the creature and her.

" Shit that thing....I guess that's why I can't communicate with these abominations only the creatures that are similar to my DNA " Sydney said out loud while running to the left as fast as she could hearing the long mass of body parts being dragged back and slapped down near her again making her jump out of the way landing in a pile of clothes.

Sydney looked at the long Tail of body parts following it then started firing at where the end of it went, a loud groan roared through the room as soft clicking sounds came from different areas.

One that had two torsos joined at their abdomens with a head on each end along with eight arms jumped at Sydney, she opened fire at it while pulling Tai out of the way of where it was landing.

The creature that was with Tai done a high pitched screech at the double torso monster as it plunged its tail through one of the heads as that half dropped to the floor while being dragged by the other half, while two arms was swiping at the creature.

Sydney fires shots at it but it scurried around a small mound of clothes, the creature ran in front of Sydney and she followed it when Tai groaned holding her head.

" Sydney how did you....wait how are you carrying me while running " Tai said looking up at Sydney's face when she seen a mass of body parts coming down on top of them.

" above us " Tai said as Sydney rolled them both out of the way before the Tail of that thing landing making a cracking splatter noise from the force of the body parts hitting the concrete floor with the rotting smell filling the room even heavier from the body parts being smashed Tai gagged.

" here I can walk " Tai said looking at Sydney carrying all of her weapons even her .45 Cal, she still had her .40 Cal in its holster and seen the UMP-45 hanging on Sydney's side so she unclipped it and pulled out two clips from Sydney's vest strapping them to her vest.

Tai looked back seeing several large mounds of trash and laundry while smaller mounds was scattered around as well, Tai reached for the AK-47 and showed Sydney how to flip the flashlight on.

" thank you" Sydney said as Tai looked at the small creature that wrapped its tail around Tais hand pulling her, they both followed the small creature hiding behind the smaller mounds of clothes while Sydney shut the flash light off.

" how'd you get down here " Tai whispered while looking around trying to find movement from the few lights that was blinking on and off in there, Sydney leaned in kissing Tais lips.

" I followed you after knocking that man out " Sydney said pointing to the next mound of clothes as they dunked down behind after running to it, Tai smiled then looked at the belt of grenades then grabs two of them.

" we'll get a reaction from this thing to see where it's at or maybe will get lucky hitting it " Tai whispered then pulled the pin out then tossed one between the two largest mounds of clothes, when the explosion went off over a dozen smaller ones ran to where the explosion went off but no sign of the large one but noticed the large mound of clothes move when some clothes slid from the side hitting the floor below it.

" it's hiding it's body over to the right inside those clothes " Tai said throwing another grenade that landed on top of the mound of clothes, when the explosion happened a loud roar echoed throughout the large room while the clothes that was on fire was tossed away showing a mass of body parts that were fused together like a large meatball and parts was piled up almost twenty meters in height and fifteen meters in width.

" holy shit " Tai muttered seeing the blob of bodies that had over hundred forty plus heads that was snapping their jaws and moaning, Sydney looked at the abominations with disgust and looked down at the grenades seeing some that are thermite grenades.

Tai looked down then had the same thought, they have eight left of them and only three left of the frag ones and Sydney grabbed two thermite ones throwing them into the sea of bodies while the thing screeches as dozens of arms was trying to pull out the grenades but it explodes before they can as two large areas was now glowing red then fire erupts in the two spots.

The creature roars while three Tails made from bodies came out slapping around the room hitting the floor and even smashing against the smaller ones as the hands in it grabbed ahold of their bodies fusing them to the creature.

" come on...whatever you do we can't get hit by those or let them grab us " Tai said holding Sydney's hand as they make their way towards the door, with the creature on Tais back as they move behind other structures hiding from the things view.

Sydney kept looking back at the things while they were twelve of them surrounding the door making a clicking noise while almost all of them had two or more bodies fused together with several heads looking in different directions by each one.

Tai had leaned against one of the pillars with Sydney beside of her, while peeking around the area counting how many of these things was around.

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