100% A Fate of Ice and Fire / Chapter 5: Chapter 4

บท 5: Chapter 4

Third Person POV

It was only a matter of hours before the melee started, Brandon was in his tent with his father, his feelings were betraying him, he was supposed to fight for House Stark, but because of his hot temper and imprudence he made a bet, lost it, and now he will fight for another House, House Ambrosius, Merlin was a person difficult for Brandon to read, they only had met once and it ended up with Brandon taking a cold bath followed by a defeat on a spar which he doubts Merlin fought seriously.

"Still beating yourself up". Rickard Stark, his father, says and Brandon raises his head to look him in the eye.

"A little. In a few hours I'll be fighting for someone I don't even like, yet somehow, I respect". Brandon was honest, Merlin did defeat him fair and square, and the sword he used, if what he said is true, was a magic sword that belonged to a king, there is no shame in being defeated by such a warrior and weapon.

"You'll be fighting for house Ambrosius yes. But you still are and always will be a Stark". Rickard stays at his son's side and bumps his shoulder into Brandon's. "If you win it will be a victory for House Stark as much as House Ambrosius. So, give them everything you got."

"I will". Brandon smiles and his father does the same, but he feels a little mischievous behind it, he feels like Merlin is having an influence on him.

"Good. Because since you are representing House Ambrosius, Ned will be the one to hold Ice in the Melee". Rickard's fangs are soon revealed, there was no malice, but the heir of House Stark was right, Merlin did have some small impact on his family because he doubts his father would've done something like this in the past.

Brandon watches as his father leaves him only for Lyanna to come inside, for some reason she has a chicken egg in one hand and a toad in another, her dress and hair are a mess, full of mud and dirt, but she is smiling for some reason.

"Do I want to know why sister?" Brandon crosses his arms and watches his sister giggle at the egg and toad she has.

"Look, Brandon". Lyanna extended her hands closer, maybe her excitement made her forget that Brandon could see what she had in her hands perfectly. "Merlin told me that if you hatch a chicken egg under a toad a snake called Basilisk will be born".

"That doesn't make the slightest sense". Brandon knew about Basilisks, what they were, where they live, and they definitely were not born the way Lyanna described, he sniffs in disgust looking at the toad who will probably piss or shit on his sister's hand at any minute. "How does that work? How will a chicken egg hatched by a frog give birth to a snake? Lyanna it's obvious that Merlin tricked you, and from what I saw and heard, it is not the first time".

Lyanna puffs her cheeks and blushes, Brandon, his father, and his brothers all told her to keep away from Merlin, before, it was because it could attract non-wanted attention towards House Stark, now it's because the she-wolf was more hyperactive than ever, deluding herself that she can be a mage, or wizard or whatever it's called.

"I know but I have to try, Merlin won't teach me anything unless I prove that I can be a good disciple". Lyanna goes to the nearest table and puts the egg inside a big jar and the toad over it, Brandon should've told his sister that the toad's weight would probably crush the egg, but remained quiet, maybe a little disappointment was what Lyanna needed.

Brandon was sorry for Lyanna, truly, she was being forced to marry Robert Baratheon someone she didn't want nor loved, but Brandon was on the same page, he wanted to marry Barbrey Dustin not some trout from the south, but if he could give up on his love to do his duty then so could his sister.

"*sigh* Okay, and what will you do if you actually manage to hatch a… basilisk?" Brandon doubts that it would be a simple snake if Merlin was actually serious, some part of him believes that when it comes to real magic the mage would always be serious.

"Good question, Merlin told me Basilisks infants can paralyze you, and adults can kill you if you look at them in the eyes". Lyanna could not see but Brandon lost balance hearing those words and was burning with ire through his eyes.

"WHAT?" The Stark heir was on his way to immediately kill the toad and crush the egg the moment Lyanna explained what a snake Basilisk does, he somehow knew Merlin was being serious, what Merlin didn't know but Brandon did was that Lyanna would actually be stupid enough to try to hatch a basilisk. "Out my way, Lyanna, playtime is over".

"NO!" Lyanna grabs the jar and hugs it. "I need this, once Merlin sees that I hatched a magical beast he will finally teach me".

"Lyanna, I've seen you do many stupid things, but this one takes the cake, you are talking about a magical snake that kills you by looking into its eyes" Brandon was trying his best to restrain himself from jumping over his sister and take the jar away from her.

"I DON'T CARE, I'LL HATCH IT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER". Lyanna runs out of the tent bypassing Brandon under his arms when he tries to grab her.

Brandon goes after his sister but once outside he stumbles on someone and gets distracted by it, giving Lyanna enough time to run and hide.

"Ouch". Brandon looks down and sees Merlin on the ground, massaging his forehead and fixing his long silver hair, wondering how his clothes and body don't get filthy after falling on the dirty ground. "Please be gentler next time… that came out wrong".

"Merlin, exactly who I wanted to talk to". Brandon helps the mage get on his feet and watches as Merlin cleans himself and fixes his hair and earrings. "What's this about a Basilisk my sister just told me about".

Merlin stops smiling and looks at Brandon with a blank stare.

"Please, tell me she didn't really put a toad over a chicken egg" Merlin's voice was dry and without humor, Brandon felt his guts getting tighter because of it.

"She did, please tell me you are like this because you are disappointed by her stupidity and not because a magical snake will come out of that egg". Brandon was on his last hopes, he already feared the worst and Merlin was the only person who could calm him down.

"I'm sorry Brandon, that one was not a joke". Merlin shakes his head and puts his hand on Brandon's shoulder. "Okay, I need you to be calm, it's not like the egg will hatch at any moment. There is also the fact that Basilisks die if they hear the sound of a rooster crowing".

That had to be the most ridiculous thing Brandon had ever heard, a snake who dies from a rooster crowing. The wolf's blood was boiling but he managed to calm down since he didn't want to have another bucket of cold ice water dropped over him, and because Merlin would take care of it, magic was his specialty, not Brandon's.

"Just put some sense into Lyanna, she is determined to not stop until you make her your student". Brandon shakes his head and goes back inside the tent with Merlin following him.

"Well, at least I will be spared of the chore if she does hatch a Basilisk". Brando turns around to look at the mage after hearing that as he continues to speak. "Let's see, a Basilisk, a Phoenix, then I'll need a griffin, a hippogriff, a chimera, man I'll be busy for the next months".

"Are you mad?" Brandon asks, his voice full of incredulity which is weird for the mage since his words fit best with the tone Brandon used. "What are you trying to do, create a castle of Horrors?".

"Don't tell me, some guy used his daughter and his own dog to create a chimera here too?" Merlin's indifference when he said that almost scared Brandon as much as his words. "I assure you. I won't use people to create magical creatures, the chimera I will create is a lion with two heads, the second being a goat, and the tail is a snake".

"I know what a Chimera is, Merlin. Why do you want to create monsters?" Brandon asks while trying to regain his calm, he listened to stupidity and made-up stories his whole life, the problem is that Merlin's stupid and made-up tales could pretty much become real, and considering what he just learned about snake Basilisks the heir of House Stark wasn't eager to see what a chimera could do. 

"Anyone could be a monster, Brandon". Merlin was still calm and showing composure as the Stark heir looked at him up and down. "If I kill a baby by smashing their head against the wall and then rape their mother while the baby's blood is still in my hands, will I still be human? Or will I be a monster inside human skin?".

"What do you want Merlin?" Brandon asks with a raised eyebrow. "What is your true goal?".

"To restore magic to this world". Merlin says with a smile, he opens his arm and spins around. "To make it flourish and grow like the most beautiful of flowers in the biggest of gardens".

"You are sounding like a Tyrell". Brandon grunts as he speaks, making the mage stop whatever the hell he is doing and look back at Brandon before closing his eyes and giving him a sweet and large grin showing his white teeth.

"I look like a Targaryen, I sound like a Tyrell, can't you people of Westeros make up your minds". Merlin quips as he walks closer and stands beside Brandon, shoving his shoulder on his. "Next people will say I act like a Stark, think like a Lannister, walk like a Martell, behave like a Greyjoy and just run out of ideas of what to say to resemble myself to the Tully".

The last part made Brandon chuckle.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot". Says Merlin as he takes a step away from Brandon and points his staff at him. "You are representing House Ambrosius, so you need to be dressed apart".

Before Brandon can speak his mind the mage's staff glows and Brandon watches astonished as his clothes color change, the torso of his shirt turns Black with a golden dragon over the left side of his chest, the sleeves, however, turn gold, along with his pants, leaving only his black boots untouched, Merlin, being the jokester he is, goes a bit further and writes his name on the back side of Brandon's shirt with the numbers 01 under it, just like that American sport called baseball he watched with his master during his fight in the holy grail war.

"I look ridiculous". Brandon complains but only does that since he is honor-bound to fulfill his part of the deal. "Couldn't you just change the color of my clothes to black and put the damn gold dragon on my back?".

"Think about it like this, your opponents will be too distracted trying not to laugh at you because of it". Merlin jokes, before leaning his hand to the side and a white light appears out of thin air, revealing to be Excalibur, the sword Merlin used to defeat Brandon. "Take it, you will need it".

Brandon was speechless, he didn't know if it was because Merlin was easily giving him such a weapon or because he would be using a sword that was once wielded by kings, Ice was used by kings but the last one gave up his crown almost three hundred years ago while Excalibur belonged to a king before becoming Merlin's possession. Slowly but steadily the Stark heir grabs the blade, like Ice, it was light, and he could almost feel the power radiating from the sword, he looks at Merlin, asking him with his eyes if the sword is giving him some type of magic, the mage understands the look in Brandon's eyes and just shakes his head in response.

"I assure you. I didn't put any magic in it". Merlin says as he takes one last look at the sword in Brandon's hands. "Treat the sword with respect Brandon, trust me, Excalibur has a nasty temper".

Brandon just nods his head and looks at the sword, admiring its beauty, Merlin just chuckles and leaves Brandon with it in case they want to make out, of course, he tells the Stark he will look for Lyanna, Brandon might not be a magician, but Merlin doesn't want to push his luck and anger the Stark heir while he holds Excalibur, knowing that sword, it might take a liking to Brandon and help him get rid of the mage.

After Merlin leaves Brandon takes a few swings with Excalibur in his hands, the mage had told him there was no magic that would give him an edge, but for some reason, the sword in his hands didn't feel like a weapon, it felt like a companion instead of an object, willing to help him reach victory in any battle and wanting him to hear it'd guidance always as a way to help.

Brandon knows it's too late to start training with the sword but does it nonetheless, he swings it with vertical cuts first then horizontal ones, each time he reaches the count of ten he changes the swing's direction. 

Brandon doesn't know how much time passes but it didn't look much, he stops swinging Excalibur once he notices someone entering his tent, and his eyes open a little more seeing Ned and Robert completely wet, doubting they took a bath given his clothes were in the same state.

"What happened?" Brandon asks hoping it will distract the two from asking why he is wearing these clothes.

"That fucking mage happened!" Robert grunts.

"We and Merlin had a… discussion". Ned says not hiding that his words were a real understatement. "The result was a cold ice bath. God, I don't think even the North has water this cold".

"Then you better hope those rumors about this year being a false spring are just rumors". Brandon says. "The last thing we need is you two getting a cold and a fever."

"We hear you". Ned says.

Brandon is about to sheath Excalibur, but he is stopped by the two.

"Is that Merlin's sword?" Ned asks.

"Yes, it is". Brandon says, looking at the sword once more along with Robert and Ned.

"Why do you have it?" Robert asks.

"Merlin gave it to me". Brandon says. "He wants me to use it on the melee".

"That's cheating". Robert and Ned said at the same time.

"It's obvious that he enchanted it to grant you victory". Robert says.

"I don't think Merlin enchanted it". Ned says, not believing Merlin would do something that would dishonor himself and his champion. "But I do think this sword is enchanted".

"Well, I've been practicing with the sword since I got it, I didn't feel it empowering me at any moment". Brandon says, sheathing the sword and crossing his arms, not liking the fact that the Lord he is representing is being accused knowing he is innocent. "They say Valyrian Steel is magic, and Merlin told us that it is needed the fire and ice of dragons to be forged, and dragons are magical creatures, will Valyrian Steel swords be forbidden on the melee?"

Ned and Robert look at each other, Brandon's argument is valid, and he can't prove Ice doesn't have magic like Excalibur does, for a moment he wonders if he should still fight in the melee, feeling that if he wins using Ice it would be because of the magic inside the sword, despite many wielders of the blade falling in combat in the past.

"May I see it?" Robert asks, making Ned surprised given his recent outburst towards the mage.

"I don't think it's a good idea". Brandon says. "Merlin trusted the sword to me, and giving it to you, even if it is just to take a look feels like I'm betraying his trust".

Ned agreed with his brother, the thought that the sword could also react badly if someone touches it when not allowed to help him with it.

"He is right Robert, let it rest". Ned says.

"Fine. Let's go, the melee is about to start". Robert says, and the three of them leave the tent to fight in what could be the greatest sword fight of the century.

Merlin Ambrosius POV

After leaving Brandon's tent Merlin started his search for Lyanna, the last thing he needed was a Basilisk running free in Westeros wilderness, there is a reason magicians put them to the sword once they extract its poison after they reach the age of producing venom from their fangs.

"Basilisk venom could come in handy right now". Merlin tells himself while looking around for Lyanna.

Basilisk venom was a rare ingredient for potions and poisons, one of them is called the Braindead, a poison that kills everything inside you except the vital organs, perfect to deal with people you want dead but can't kill. The thought about potions made Merlin realize he would also need to build a new lab on Avalon, and an assistant, with his castle now finished, it would only be a matter of time before the Citadel sent one of their Maesters to serve in it, and while not eager to trust any of them the mage could see the benefits of having one around since this land has plants, biomes, wildlife, and history unknown to him.

The thought about the citadel irked Merlin, something about them didn't leave the mage to rest easy, meeting Pycelle didn't help either, when he asked the old man about the place, he told Merlin that the Citadel was located in the Reach on a city called Oldtown, that it is a place people go to learn the best education possible in Westeros and to become a maester should they wish to. Yet somehow it didn't make the mage relax, instead, it only made his paranoia grow.

Everything that Merlin asked about the maesters, Pycelle taught him, and with each new knowledge Merlin's suspicions grew, as a mage and seeker of wisdom Merlin couldn't ignore Pycelle, but it didn't stop him from feeling bored. After all was said and done only one thing got stuck into Merlin's thoughts, the chains all maesters possess.

Pycelle told Merlin that The collar is intended to remind a maester of the realm he serves. The links of the chain can be made of every metal known to man. By earning their links, students "forge" their chain. That was the boring stuff, what wasn't boring to the mage was what each link in the chain means, copper for example means the maester is knowledgeable in history. Of all the chains the one that caught the mage's attention the most was of course the Valyrian Steel chain link, which represents the higher mysteries, in other words, magic.

When Merlin asked Pycelle who was the maester with the greatest knowledge about the supposed higher mysteries the old man tried to talk his way out, attempting to make a fool out of the mage and chose someone he was familiar with. Wrong move from Pycelle, for it only made the already suspicious mage more suspicious of him and his order. Using his magic Merlin froze Pycelle and with a memory spell he saw into the grandmaester's thoughts, he didn't deserve to have his entire life invaded so Merlin only saw what Pycelle did, said, and thought on the last 24 hours, and it was a lot, Merlin makes a mental note of everything he saw and after freeing the maester he wrote down all of it, but two things stood out the most, the first is that Pycelle was loyal only to one person, Tywin Lannister, the second is whom Merlin would want the most to be the maester of Avalon, an Archmaester by the name of Marwyn, also known as Marwyn the mage, Merlin doubts he really knows magic but that could be solved with his help.

After his study session with Pycelle, Merlin left the old man and wrote a letter to the Oldtown requesting Marwyn to be sent to the capital after the tourney in Harrenhal ended, he made a copy of the Targaryen sigil so he was sure the maester would comply with his demand once they saw the sigil on the red wax used to seal the letter.

Once Merlin emerges from his thoughts, he finally finds the person he was looking for, thanks to the magic trace left behind by their ancestors because of the magic the Starks had on their blood, it was relatively easy. Merlin sees Lyanna holding a jar and she is not alone.

"This is getting interesting". Merlin says and hides behind a tree to watch the scene unfold.

Lyanna's companion was none other than Prince Rhaegar, and the stupid smile on their faces made the mage raise one eyebrow and half of his upper lip.

"And you believed him?" Rhaegar asks before starting to chuckle.

"I have to try". Lyanna says. "If I hatch a Basilisk Merlin will surely take me as an apprentice".

Merlin shakes his head at the words, he didn't want to take Lyanna under his wing for a simple reason, her temper, Lyanna was too wild and magic is something one needs the patience to learn, he wouldn't be a hypocrite and say he was different from her when he first started, but his teacher was a huge dragon, you learn to be patient on the first day when the one teaching you is a giant lizard that spits fire from its mouth and nostrils and can kills you at any moment.

"Lyanna, I think Merlin tricked you". Rhaegar says making Merlin come back to reality and resume his hiding behind the nearest tree, he could turn invisible, but what would be the fun in spying without the thrill of getting caught he asks himself. "Basilisks are creatures from Yi Ti, Sothoryos, now the only ones left are those on Basilisk Point, if the Maesters are correct, they are not magical creatures, and they are not snakes, they have six feet from what I've learned from my lessons".

Merlin had to suppress a chuckle, Rhaegar wasn't wrong, not completely, the creature he described was called Bashilisk, a sub-species of Basilisks with a huge difference, and it wasn't the legs, but the magic, unlike Basilisks, Bashilisks despite being created by magic doesn't have one single drop of it inside them, nor their poison, and they definitely can't kill you with their stare, this fact had given them the status of plague to all magic societies making them being exterminated at birth since they did nothing but eat farmer's stocks and reproduce to eat more stock.

"Well," Lyanna says, puffing her red cheeks and looking to the side to avoid eye contact. "Those are not magical Basilisks like this one will be. Besides, Merlin said this Basilisk is a snake, snakes don't have legs, so those Basilisks you are talking about are just fake".

'I wish I was right about everything whenever I was sure of something'. Merlin says inside his head as he watches the two. 'My god, they look like an old couple'.

"Very well, I won't stop you". Rhaegar says, raising his arms in a defensive position. "And what are you going to do if you actually hatch this magical snake?".

"I'm going to take it to Merlin, and he will definitely take me as his apprentice". Lyanna says, louder and with conviction.

'The hell I will'. Merlin yells in his head. 'The day I'll help you is the day you actually manage to hatch a Basilisk'.

"I can see this plan going wrong in many ways my Lady". Rhaegar says, looking at the jar Lyanna is holding. "The snake poisons you and escapes. The snake paralyzes you and escapes. The snake hatches when you are not looking and escapes".

"Ha-ha". Lyanna says as she puts the jar with the toad and egg in the bushes to hide it, a horrible place in Merlin's opinion. "You'll see, once that mage sees my talent he will beg me to be his student".

"As you say, Lyanna the wizard" Rhaegar bows to Lyanna who blushes and is confused.

"Why did you call me a wizard and not a mage?" Lyanna asks.

"Well, Merlin told me Wizards are those who unlock their magic from instinct, you are doing something very dangerous, if this doesn't make your magic manifest then I don't know what will". Rhaegar tells her.

"Make my magic manifest?" Lyanna says, still confused.

"Well, why don't we go to the melee, I'll tell you everything Merlin told me on the way". Rhaegar says, offering Lyanna his hand so he can walk her over to the melee.

"Very well". Lyanna says as she grabs Rhaegar's arm, wrapping hers in his. "Tell me everything, your grace".

Merlin just watches as the two of them start to walk away, the mage has a smile on his lips looking at the scene, a genuine one, he doesn't know why but seeing those two brought some type of warmth to his heart. As they depart Merlin goes to the bush where Lyanna has hidden the jar and takes it, he smiles when he sees that the toad is dead and Lyanna didn't realize it, then his smile vanishes once he remembers what was written in the book 'Fantastical Beasts and Where To Find Them' by Newt Scamander; When the Basilisk is born, the toad that hatched it dies from poison for it is the first meal the snake ever has.

"Oh, please no". Merlin whines as he takes the dead toad out of the jar only to see a small snake where it was supposed to be the toad's lower half, making Merlin cast a protective spell over him, frowning his brow disappointed, and sighing while shaking his head. "Well, looks like I'll have to teach her now… wait a minute".

It clicks to Merlin, how Lyanna looked to the side when talking to Rhaegar, how Lyanna raised her voice when talking back to the prince, of how Lyanna stupidly placed the jar with the egg into such an obvious spot. It was because Lyanna knew Merlin was spying on them, and because of that, her anxiety and nervousness grew to high levels, high enough to maybe, just maybe, make her manifest her magic, or in the best-case scenario, she made Merlin hatch a Basilisk with his magic by accident due to his lack of focus and attention while spying on them.

"THAT LITTLE FOX". Merlin yells, for being tricked, or for helping Lyanna unwillingly and unaware. "ha AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA".

Merlin laughs and falls onto the ground on his back, the last time he was outsmarted like this was when Morgana bewitched his soap turning his skin orange for two days after taking a bath, a fun memory of better times, and now he was outsmarted again, it was humiliating, but Merlin couldn't stop laughing for it was more fun than damaging in his opinion. He looks at the snake as it almost reaches his fingers when it finishes eating the toad and grabs it by the end of its tail.

"Sorry, but I'm not your dessert". Merlin says, on the Basilisk tongue.

All magical creatures could speak and had their own language, talking to them was easy, making them talk back was the hard part, Merlin was able to speak in Basilisk, Dragon, Chimera, Phoenix, Troll, Goblin, Griff, and Hippogriff.

"Mama?" The snake asks, making the mage immediately remember everything he learned about Basilisks, for example, they reach adulthood in one year despite their growth still being of a regular snake by the time they reach it.

"Papa". Merlin says and the snake smiles(?) and rubs its head at Merlin. "Let's go little one, time to meet your new home, and then, teach you to control your magic eyes, we don't want you killing people everywhere, do we?"

The snake shakes its body in the negative and Merlin smiles in response, he puts the small magical hatchling on his shoulder and starts walking towards Avalon as he finally has the first new member of his castle.

Merlin pets the snake on the head and notices no protrusion on its head, meaning no feathers or plume would grow, indicating the basilisk is female.

'What should I name you little one?' Merlin wonders as they both walk away from there.

Brandon Stark POV

The melee was about to start, and Brandon started walking along with every other competitor toward the arena where the fight would take place. Arthur Dayne and Merlin would not participate which made things easier for the Stark heir, Arthur he knew was impossible to beat, and after losing to Merlin in a spar he was sure that he was another one far above him in skill, thought that made him wonder who would win if those two fought against each other.

When all the fighters were inside the arena Brandon looked around, first, he saw his father and siblings on the grandstand and smiled when they waved at him and Ned, then his head moved to the rest of the audience, this surely was the greatest tourney of this era, the only thing missing was the Lannisters, Brandon wonders for a moment why they refused to come before throwing these thoughts out of his head once his eyes landed on the royal family, they were all there except the new member.

His mind doesn't have the time to think about the matter anymore as Aerys gets up and takes a few steps forward with open arms.

"Today we start the first day of the Harrenhal tourney". The king starts. "You all have come from different places of the Seven Kingdoms, but on the battlefield it won't matter, as of now, you are all enemies, fighting for glory, honor, and victory, it won't be over until there is only one standing. Let the…".

Aerys is stopped when a small explosion occurs right beside the royal family, it was only smoke so there was no risk of anyone getting hurt. From inside the smoke Merlin comes, waving his hand to stop it from entering his nostrils, all eyes are on him once again, but the mage just waves at the people looking at him.

"Just ignore me". Merlin says as he walks towards his seat. "I had to finish some business that's why I'm late for the melee, go on".

Merlin sits beside Rhaella who puts her hand over his shoulder and starts talking to him, smiling and petting his head.

Brandon and everyone turn back at Aerys after the magical display as the king also turns back to the competitors and finishes his brief speech.

"Let the melee… BEGIN". Aerys raises his right hand in the air and quickly lowers it, signing for the competition to start.

Holding Excalibur with both hands Brandon marches to the closest opponent. He tries a vertical swing and disarms his enemy making him yield immediately.

Brandon then goes to the next one, a man fully dressed in black, he makes the heir of Winterfell wonder if he is a man of the Night's Watch as he swings his sword just to be blocked by his enemy.

Sword to sword, eye to eye Brandon tries to push his opponent, but the man retreats a few steps and then charges, Brandon steps to the side, avoiding the sword, and hits the man on the back with Excalibur's hilt, making him fall and yield to Brandon's sword.

Looking at his surroundings Brandon remembers there was more to this competition than himself, he sees Ned with Ice in his hands defeating his enemy with a fast swing, and Robert knocking out some Frey idiot with a strong hit in the chest by his mighty war hammer.

Brandon then finds the perfect opponent, Yohn Royce, just as he finishes his own fight. Brandon approaches him and he does the same, they both take their stance and ready their swords, and in a matter of seconds they charge against each other, swords clashing up and down with every swing, while trying to pierce each other both either lower their heads or take a step away from the opponent only to charge against them soon after.

Royce was good, with Arthur and Merlin not participating Brandon assumes Royce is the third best fighter of the melee, only behind Jaime Lannister and Prince Rhaegar, speaking of which, as Brandon and Royce step back to catch their breath Brandon looks at the prince and see him being defeated by Robert's war hammer, Jaime on the other hand just finished defeating Mormont.

Brandon returns his sight to his opponent and takes charge once more, but something feels different, he looks at Excalibur and feels as if the sword is guiding him, following his instincts Brandon does as the sword says and tries a swing at Royce's waist, he avoids with a step back and Excalibur tells Brandon to piece him on the right shoulder, he does so and this time Royce is unable to avoid and gets cut, making him drop his blade and yield.

There were only four fighters left, Brandon, Ned, Robert, and Jaime, with the last two already engaging in combat with each other leaving only his brother to fight him.

"So, ready to yield brother". Ned smirks, holding Ice with both hands.

"I don't think so little wolf". Brandon does the same with Excalibur.

They both charge, magic sword meeting magic sword, one created by the flames and ice of dragons, the other a total unknown to Brandon, he wonders if Merlin destroyed all knowledge of how Excalibur was created so the sword would remain unique.

The song created by each clash resonates throughout the whole arena, Ice was like a violent and bloodthirsty orchestra while Excalibur was a serene and calm opera. Brandon and his brother's skills were evenly matched, feeling Excalibur talking to him he let the blade guide his hands once more.

Brandon tries a piercing strike making Ned step to the side, retrieving the blade Brandon thrusts it again, this time at Ned's right knee making him step back. Brandon now has Ned trapped, with each step the Stark heir thrusts Excalibur at one of Ned's knees and then the other leaving him with no other option than retreating, it doesn't take long for Ned to take a wrong step and fall to the ground.

"Yield brother". Brandon says with Excalibur pointed at his brother's throat.

"Aye, I yield". Ned says and grabs his brother's hand, accepting the help offered to him to get up.

Brandon looks at his final opponent, Robert, just as he finishes his fight with Jaime Lannister after knocking him out with the handle of the war hammer.

They both approach each other and start circling around, Brandon starts remembering every detail of Robert's spar against Merlin, and Excalibur appears to be talking with him again for Brandon's memory of Merlin's spar was different in his mind, instead of seeing it from where he was standing when the fight happened he was remembering as if he had Merlin's own eyes.

This battle would be short, Brandon knows it because he knows the best way to defeat Robert thanks to Merlin, and maybe Excalibur, Merlin told Brandon that he didn't put any spell on the sword, then Brandon noticed what he meant, just because he didn't put any spell on the sword doesn't mean the sword has no magic.

With a roar, Robert charges at Brandon, the Stark heir evades by taking a small step back, he swings Excalibur and hits the back of Robert's hand, the cut was not deep, but its intended purpose was fulfilled, to make Robert's hand bleed non-stop.

The Baratheon tightens the grip on his hammer and swings in a horizontal attack, Brandon quickly gets down with the edge of the hammer passing over his head by an inch. Robert, trying to stop mid-swing, wastes too much energy which only gives Brandon an opening and he takes it, making another cut on Robert's other hand, identical to the first one.

All Brandon needs to do is wait as Robert advances at him, trying to push Brandon back using the handle of the hammer, Brandon knows the Baratheon is stronger than him, but he feels Excalibur telling him to fight and be the one to push him back.

With a smile, Brandon clashes Excalibur against Robert's hammer, as predicted the Baratheon strength is greater, but he is not pushing Brandon with easy, he is doing it slowly, step by step, Brandon wants to stop but Excalibur is telling him to continue.

As the seconds pass Brandon notices Robert is being forced to put more strength into his push, the Baratheon is losing his breath and pace, seeing this opportunity Brandon makes a push. He feels Excalibur screaming to him to disarm Robert and the Stark heir obeys.

With a vertical push Excalibur's blade slides over the handle of Robert's hammer and when the blade's tip touches Robert, he drops his weapon, slipping out of his hands due to the blood coming out of the cuts Brandon had made. Brandon now having his chance puts Excalibur on Robert's throat and grins.

"Yield?" Brandon asks.

"…Aye". Robert relents.


Brandon bows to the king and goes to the royal grandstand, many are curious about what he is going to do except one, the mage Merlin who has a smile on his face.

Brandon gets on his knees and presents Excalibur to Merlin who gets off his chair and walks toward Brandon, carrying himself high and noble, like a Lord, but to some, he looks like a king.

"Merlin of House Ambrosius". Brandon starts. "I. Brandon, heir of House Stark returns Excalibur to its master after winning this fight in his name, this was a victory for House Ambrosius as much as House Stark".

"You may rise, Brandon of House Stark". Merlin says as he grabs Excalibur and sheaths it. "This victory is yours as well, be proud of the glory and honor of this win, one day, it won't be so special".

Many applauded the two as they returned to their spot, Merlin with the royal family and Brandon with the Starks. Aerys is on his feet after the applauses stop and makes his announcement of Jaime Lannister becoming a Kingsguard. Brandon didn't pay too much attention, his family's hugs and flattery made it hard for him to do so, even Ned stopped being a sucker for his friend Robert and shake his brother's hands with a smile.

With the melee over Brandon could only imagine what the archery and joust would be like, but that was a question for the morrow, on the night it was time for a ball, and he had a trout to court while his brother would have to dance with whom Merlin chose to him.

Robert Baratheon POV

The Harrenhal ball.

Robert couldn't do anything but eat his piece of chicken with one hand and drink his wine with the other as he watched his bride with her family, not noticing the young boy with long silver hair and purple eyes approaching, carrying himself like a king and with a smile that would make all wenches in the world swoop at his feet.

"Shouldn't you be dancing with your lady?" Merlin crosses his arms, still carrying his staff everywhere, his clothes were still the same robes he had worn ever since he first appeared, how they never get dirty or stinking but kept always clean and smelling like flowers he would never know.

"Is that why you came here? To humiliate me?" Robert asks as he takes a vicious bite out of his chicken.

"A little". Merlin chuckles. "But mostly I just wanted to talk, it would be nice not being at each other's throats for a change".

"Talk then". Robert groans before drinking his wine.

"She will never love you; you know?". Merlin's voice didn't carry malice this time, he sounded blank as snow.

Robert swallows his food and breathes harshly through his nostrils.

"I think you know why I'm saying this". Merlin tells the Baratheon.

"Yes, I do". Robert was angry, but somehow it started to diminish. "I drink, fight, and fuck all the time, it's what I do, I like it, and I'm good at it".

"If you want my honest opinion maybe you should abandon Westeros". Merlin's words make Robert look him in the eyes with genuine curiosity. "Leave Storm's End to your brother, go to Essos, and become a sellsword, or a fighter in the pits of Mereen, this is the only way you can have a life that allows you to do what you love without others to judge you of charging you with your responsibilities".

"… I'm willing to try you know". Robert says, ignoring the drink and food and thinking about Merlin's words, actually caring about what the mage is saying about his person. "I love Ned like a brother, more than my own in reality, and for him, I'm really willing to try and change, to actually be a good husband, honor her and love her more than any fight or drink in this world".

"Actions speak more than words". Merlin looks at Lyanna while Robert decides to look at him, the mage once more shows no emotion on his face. "If you are really willing to change you have to tell and show her that you can".

"What is up with you?". Robert says with an annoyed tone. "This morning you mocked me and gave me an ice-cold water bath, now you want to help me?".

"I'm a complicated man. Ain't I?" The mocking smile was back on the mage's lips, and when his eyes looked straight at Robert's, the Baratheon could see there was something on them. "If you really want Lyanna to accept you as her future husband you will have to prove to her that everything you are telling me is not just empty words, I don't think she will ever love you, but I believe she can accept you".

"What do you suggest". Robert crosses his arms; he feels the mage is pulling out some kind of trick and hoping to be right so he can end this conversation.

"I heard you have a daughter, don't you?" Merlin's eyes seem lazy. "What is her name?".

"Mya". Robert says, reminding himself for a moment about the baby he saw once and then forgot about it.

"And tell me, dear Robert". Merlin goes behind Robert and puts his hands on his shoulder, pushing him to sit down on the chair he just created under the Baratheon with his magic. "As a father, what have you done for sweet Mya?".

Robert growls because of the question and the mage's tone; sounding convinced that Robert's answer will be exactly what he expects.

"Nothing". The Baratheon says.

"And there we have it, you get a woman pregnant and don't assume the responsibility, how can Lyanna ever trust you to not do the same to her, or worse, impregnate other women after your marriage". Merlin's voice sounded exaggeratedly dramatic. "Oh, poor dear Lyanna, imagine her sadness once the man she marries starts to put bastards in all the women servants of Storm's End, the horror, the tragedy".

"Are you gonna piss off the Baratheon all night or take me to the stroll you promised me your excuse for a trickster." A newcomer arrives, subsiding the anger increasing inside Robert.

The newcomer was a woman, Robert had never seen her before, but she was beautiful, with thick, softly curling brown hair and large brown eyes, a slender but womanly figure with smooth and unblemished pale skin, and huge breasts. He doesn't know if it was her beauty or the wine, but he felt the need to put her over the shoulder and go to the nearest room to fuck her all night. The mage's words come back to him, and in some way, Robert feels ashamed of proving him right just a few minutes later, yet his lust somehow stops him from feeling shame, as if it controls him instead of the other way around.

"Of course, my dear". Merlin says, he puts a hand around the woman's waist and brings her closer, their lips almost touching each other. "I just hope you don't regret it".

"Let's just go, you promised me a good time better keep it". The woman let go of Merlin's grip and offered a courtesy to Robert. "Olivia Flowers and close your mouth unless you are gonna take a bite of your food".

"She has fire doesn't she? Although she sometimes feels more like a thorn on my side". Merlin winks at Robert and takes his lady away with him. "Let's go, sweet Olivia, I want to see if pairing myself with some beauty from the Reach is enough to make Mace Tyrell think he is welcome in Avalon".

"You give the moose too much credit". Olivia says with a mocking grin. "He will probably believe it makes him entitled to own it".

Robert just watches them leave. Immediately after, he is approached by the only person who could humor him that night.

"Robert". Ned Stark says with a smile while he takes a nearby chair for him to sit.

"Ned". Robert says without taking his eyes at the ass of the vanishing reach girl. "Gods be dammit I can't be saved".

"What were you two talking about". Ned asks.

"How I would never be good enough for your sister and how she would never love me". Robert groans as he takes a huge gulp of his wine.

"Nonsense, you are worthy". Ned says, but Robert feels the doubt in his voice, it warms his heart to know that his brother by choice still believes in him.

"No Ned, for once I agree with what they say, look at me, I fought on that melee hoping to win but not once did I think about using my victory to approach my person to your sister. I was talking with the mage that I have too many vices and I prove him right when I stared at the ass of his lady".

"You can still change". Ned says, patting Robert on the shoulder.

"Maybe, but I have to prove this to myself first". Robert says as he develops something inside his head, Merlin's words give him an idea and if he is successful he may prove to himself and everyone else that he can be a better man and a good husband for Lyanna.

"How do you plan to do this?". Ned asks.

"I have an idea, don't know how good things can go, but hey, it doesn't involve fights, wine, and tits so it can work, can't it?" Robert says with a chuckle, rubbing his shoulder on Ned's.

"If you say so". Ned chuckles as well. "You could ask Lyanna for a dance".

"Nah, forget it". Robert groans as he takes another sip of his wine. "Maybe if I had won the melee it would've given me the courage to do it, or make her more acceptable of me, but now your brother is the one with all the dresses and skirts around him".

Robert and Ned look at Brandon Stark and saw the champion of the melee surrounded by ladies, Catelyn Tully though wasn't one of them, Robert hoped the woman wasn't arrogant enough to believe she was above all of them just because she is the one whom Brandon will marry, that thought would bit her in the ass, it happened to Robert more than once ever since he met the mage.

'Don't complain later if he fucks a hundred women before the marriage and then tells you which ones were better than you.' Robert muses in his head.

"What about you Ned, won't you dance?" Robert asks with a mischievous grin.

"Well, due to my loss in the spar against Merlin, he is the one who will choose my partner". Ned says looking around with a stern face, wondering what kind of trick the mage is gonna pull, Robert couldn't blame him.

"He is either gonna choose the ugliest woman or a man dressed as a woman". Robert laughs at his own joke, just imagining Ned's doing the two things. 

"Actually neither." Says Merlin making the two men jump at the small scare he gave them after appearing out of nowhere like… magic.

At Merlin's side was a young, beautiful, tall, and fair maiden, with haunting violet eyes. Her long dark hair tumbled around her shoulders. On her lips, there was a smile directed solely at Ned.

"Greetings my lord". She says, her voice sounding sweet as honey. "I am Ashara Dayne, Lord Ambrosius and your brother had told me you wanted to dance with me but was too shy to ask".

"I… I…" Ned couldn't speak, if it was because of the woman's stunning beauty or because he didn't know how to deal with the situation, Robert couldn't tell. "I'll gladly take you for a dance my lady."

Robert was the only one to notice Merlin hitting Ned in the foot with the butt of his staff, Ashara and Ned were too busy being caught by each other's eyes to notice. Not wasting time Ned gently grabs Ashara's hand and takes her to the dance floor. Robert watches as Merlin looks at Brandon and does a hand signal to him with his thumbs by raising it, to which Brandon responds by doing the same.

"Well, better go back to my dance partner, she won't be able to stay much longer. Bye Robert, hope you get someone to dance" Merlin says, with no malice or ill intention in his voice which somehow annoys Robert, wishing Merlin was a deceitful bastard just so he could have a genuine reason to hate him.

"*Sigh* Looks like I'll not dance tonight". Robert says, taking another sip of wine as he watches his best friend dancing with a beautiful lady and not caring for anything but her, the mage is not too far away, dancing with the bastard woman from the Reach, his hand almost touching her buttocks, making Robert chuckles a little, maybe finding something he might have in common with the wizard.

Arthur Dayne POV

Arthur once heard someone say that one man's misfortune is another man's fun. Right now, the kingsguard is having a blast by listening to his prince's whines, trying to hold his laughs with utmost effort.

"Merlin is a man by Westeros laws that's why I think my mother shouldn't have thrown such a tantrum". Rhaegar says as they both walk to the archer contest that is about to start.

"Well, he fucked a bastard from the reach, then the maid sent to clean his room, and if that was not enough he did it with your mother's handmaid who was sent to summon him before she left for Kingslanding with your brother and Jaime". Arthur says, not laughing but having a smile from ear to ear. "I have to admit, even in Dorne we don't see that kind of reach very often, makes one wonder if he used his magic to convince all those women with such a short time at his disposal".

Rhaegar's face turns red from anger and frustration at the mention of magic, Arthur heard the maid who slept with Merlin comment he has a magical member between his legs and that it could bewitch any woman who sees it, despite not believing it has anything to do with the mage's actual magic Arthur knew enough to use this knowledge to have some fun at the cost of his prince.

"What makes you sure he didn't have to bewitch your sister?" Rhaegar counterattacks.

This time it was Arthur's turn to have his face turned into a tomato due to anger and frustration, he didn't imagine his sister would dance with anyone, ever since her first moonblood she had refused one marriage proposal after another, so his shock when he saw her dance with Eddard Stark was nothing short of his heart almost exploding at the sight.

"Ashara talked to me, nothing she told me makes me believe Merlin had any influence on her last night". Arthur says in a defensive tone. "Why she chose Eddard Stark of all people though, I'll never know".

"Look at us, red faces like maidens. It's embarrassing". Rhaegar comments on their sorry state.

"Guess you have another whoremonger in your family, first your cousin Robert, now your adopted brother". Arthur pokes Rhaegar with his elbow, attempting to change the course of the conversation.

"Merlin told me he did it so he could annoy Father and get expelled from the tourney so he could go back with Mother to the capitol". Rhaegar said.

"Now that's stupid. Couldn't he just have gone to your mother and asked her to take him with her?" Arthur chuckles at the stupid idea Merlin had.

"I asked him the same thing, silence was his answer, it is safe to assume he didn't think about doing it". Rhaegar shakes his head; something tells him this is not the first time Merlin has done something stupid when an easy solution is right in front of him.

"Well, at least we know how big his libido is, now all we need to do is keep him away from brothels to avoid trouble". Arthur tells between laughs.

Despite joking Arthur doubts his own words since Merlin didn't appear to have let his lust control it, on the contrary, Merlin was so composed and calm that it felt like his lust was a slave to his will.

The talks stop once they reach the grounds on which the archery contest will take place. The rules are simple, hit the target in the bullseye at 15 yards away with your arrow and bow, each round the competitors back away from the target another 15 yards and it continues until there is only one left. Arthur would've participated since he was blocked from the melee, but archery was not his best style and as a kingsguard, his performance would reflect on the royal family, something he couldn't allow since he would've made a fool of himself.

With nothing left to do Arthur takes a sit beside his sister once Rhaegar leaves to sit with his father and wife, the kingsguard feels sorry for his prince since now he would have to deal with the father's madness by himself now that Rhaella left for Kingslanding.

"Let the archery begin". Aerys announces, looking like an actual king from the old history books for a change.

The competitors all take their stances, and only three catch the eyes of everyone, Brandon Stark for winning the melee, Eddard Stark for being the only man outside the Dayne family to dance with Ashara, and Merlin Ambrosius, the mage who did not allow a single person to think about anyone else ever since he first showed up.

"Do you think he will use his magic to win?" Ahara asks, making Arthur change his focus from the silver-haired mage to his sister. "Merlin. Do you think he will cheat?"

"No". Arthur says decisively.

"What makes you think so?". Ashara asks.

"Because it's boring". Arthur responds.

"Boring?" Ashara raises an eyebrow at her brother, then looks at the mage, trying to understand what that answer means. "Explain".

"I have engaged my person for conversation with Merlin a few times". Arthur says. "One thing I've learned is that Merlin does not like to use his magic to get what he wants, he finds it easy and dull, preferring to use his own wits and abilities for it makes him feel more fulfilled."

"I see". Ashara looks at the mage, he just hits the center of the target along with everyone else and starts walking 15 yards back from it for the next round.

"My turn". Arthur says.

"For what?" Ashara asks.

"To make questions". Arthur says as he watches all the competitors walking another 15 yards away after all of them hit the center. "Why were you dancing with Eddard Stark?"

"I liked him". Ashara says with a smile, her eyes were definitely remembering the last night and her dance with the second son of House Stark. "He looked at me in the eyes, not bellow the neck."

"Just like that?" Arthur asks with an eyebrow raised.

"He was polite, he asked me what I liked, my favorite songs, what plans I would have for Starfall if I ever became the heir and head of our house". Arthur could see his sister was looking like she was in a daydream when those words came out.

"I can't see how this is different from when others did it". Arthur says, shaking his head.

"A woman can. If you put on a dress you may find out brother". Ashara says with a pout, Arthur had no idea what he said that had made her apparently feel offended. 

With a sigh of surrender, the kingsguard turns his attention back to the archery contest, Merlin is still in the game along with the Baratheon, the Starks, the Blackfish, the Arryn heir, and the head of house Royce.

"I'm still curious". Arthur says without moving his eyes from the contest.

"About?". Ashara says.

"Out of all the men who asked you for a dance why Eddard Stark was the one invitation whom you accepted?" Arthur asks.

"Easily. He didn't ask me". Ashara says. Arthur was too focused on the contest, but he could swear he saw a mischievous smile gracing his sister's lips for a moment. 

"What do you mean?" Arthur asks.

"After getting overwhelmed by invitations and almost losing my temper, our melee champion and his beneficent graciously came at me and requested my person to grace Eddard Stark with a dance". Ashara says.

"So, you are telling me, that the reason you danced with Eddard Stark, is because he was the only one who didn't ask?" Arthur looks at his sister looking for an answer both in her words and her eyes and sees a smile gracing her lips once more.

"Aye". Ashara says.

"I'll never understand women". Arthur shakes his head and turns his attention back to the contest. "Does that mean you would've danced with Brandon and Merlin too? They didn't ask you as well".

"Of course I would not dance with them. They didn't want to dance with me, and even if they did they would have to ask me for a dance which I would decline". Ashara says.

"This is ridiculous. Are you telling me, that to take you for a dance a man needs to want a dance with you but can't ask you therefore he is required to ask someone else to do it for him?" Arthur says.

"Precisely". Ashara says with some sort of pride, either Arthur discovered one of the women's most safely guarded secrets or the entrance to the well of madness that is their minds.

"I'll never want to understand women". Arthur says.

The archery contest appears to be at its end, now the distance between the target was 140 yards, and only three competitors were left, Merlin Ambrosius, Eddard Stark, and the Blackfish, Bryden Tully. They take their aim, take a deep breath, and let loose, Merlin and Eddard make the center of the target, but Bryden misses for a few inches. Both competitors turn 15 yards away from their targets. Arthur notices the anxiety in his sister growing, he looks at her and sees she is holding the skirt of her dress with so much strength that her knuckles are white, he doubts the fabric made of soft silk was able to resist being torn apart by Ashara's nails by now.

"I hope Merlin wins". Arthur says with a cheeky smile, turning his attention back to the competitors, Aerys for some reason decided to speak a few words to the finalists so Arthur decided to engage himself in more talk with his sister to avoid having to listen to him.

"Well, I'm cheering for Eddard. He promised me he would win the archery contest if I promised to talk to him again if he won". Ashara says, making Arthur's smile falter and the sound of a wooden wagon crashing and breaking was heard inside his head.

"Why would you promise that?" Arthur asks.

"No reason, I mean, there is nothing much to talk about, I'm a maiden of a noble house with no intention to accept any proposal for my hand, he is the second son of a great house who will probably inherit one of the castles of his land, both our houses follow the old gods and are descendants of the first men, one never knows what beautiful flower could flourish between the talk of two lone souls in the eternal search for their other half". Ashara says.

"You barely met him and are already thinking of weeding?" Arthur asks with a not subtle tone of shock in his voice.

"When did I ever say anything about marriage, my dear brother?" Ashara asks with a conniving grin.

'Please, Merlin, win'. Arthur begs inside his mind.

If Merlin heard Arthur's wish he ignored for when he'd let go of the arrow it missed the center, barely, but missed, then Eddard Stark made his shot, unlike Merlin he hit the center, winning the archery competition.

"I hereby announce Eddard of House Stark the winner". Aerys announces, getting off his chair and being the first to applaud the champion, soon followed by everyone else, but mainly, the Starks who were cheering for their relative.

Grinding his teeth Arthur watches as Merlin goes to Eddard Stark and shakes his hand, he can't listen but the kingsguard knows they are talking about something related to the archery contest as he sees their lips forming the words bow and arrow a few times, the conversation ends with Merlin giving Eddard a small smirk and one raised eyebrow and Eddard chuckling, clearly embarrassed but still nodding at the mage, agreeing with whatever the mage told him.

After the long presentation given by Aerys to congratulate the winner and all the competitors, they all go with their families back to the barracks ground, after they all have their meal the jousts are set to start in the afternoon. Arthur is walking a few meters behind his sister, watching as she talks with Eddard Stark, his brow is furrowed so much one thinks it would fall from his forehead. 

Unexpectedly Merlin passed by Arthur's side, the kingsguard didn't know the mage was behind him so he grabbed the Valyrian-looking caster by the shoulders and pulled him back, making him turn around as they both stopped in their tracks. 

"Slow down, match… maker". Arthur says to the mage who tilts his head slightly to the side showing a confused expression like a baby watching anything in front of them.

"Can't it wait? I'm hungry". Merlin says, massaging his stomach and making a whiny voice identical to Viserys.

"Why have you lost the competition on purpose?" Arthur asks, straight to the point.

"Lost on purpose?" Merlin says, moving his eyes up and putting his index finger in front of his chin. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Kid, you may have fooled the entire kingdom but not me". Arthur says.

"Are you sure Ser Arthur? You are looking very foolish right now". Merlin says, shrugging with his shoulders and half closing his eyes while giving Arthur a mocking smile.

"So, you did give Stark the victory!" Arthur says.

"I didn't say I did". Merlin says, extending his hand forward and looking at his nails at the back.

"You also didn't say you didn't". Arthur says, starting to lose his patience with the mage, understanding better now how frustrated he made Rhaegar and his mother.

"I guess we will never know, don't we?" The mage says with false disappointment, closing his eyes and facing the ground while shaking his hand before speaking again with a voice filled with moans of sadness. "Why does such unfairness go on in this world where only love and happiness should exist inside the heart *aaaaah* is there no more purity left, are we forced to witness only tragedy before we turn to the dust we came from?"

"I'm gonna give you credit, you are a better actor than half the court". Arthur says, wiping the sweat on his forehead after shaking his head at the mage's act.

"Than-kyun". Merlin says, closing one eye while making a pose by lifting one arm and leg, exposing his tongue as if he were a dog or cat, or whatever animal he was supposed to be.

"Let's just go, I witnessed too much insanity for one day". Arthur says before starting to walk away with Merlin right behind him.

"Oh, my sweet Arthur, don't worry, between you, me, and Aerys' missing common sense, things are about to get much crazier". Merlin says as he wraps his free hand around Arthur's arm and gestures to the whole camp using the hand holding his staff. "Just look at this, families from the whole country, planning, scheming, keeping secrets, look at this and tell me it is not madness just like Aerys, the only difference is, our king can't hide his own, and in some way, this makes him a much more trustworthy and honest person, after all, someone who can't keep bad things hidden from others couldn't be all bad, could they?"

Arthur doesn't respond with words, he just takes his arm away from the mocking embrace the mage was giving it and starts to think about his words, they were absurd of course, but the kingsguard could stop himself from thinking about them, his thoughts would've been considered treason depending on who would hear them, but it could also make them agree with the knight.

'Could he be right?' Arthur thought, and he would not be able to forget it for the rest of the day until the time he and Rhaegar saw something that would change things forever.

Lyanna Stark POV

After everyone had finished eating Lyanna was getting ready for the jousts, officially women can't compete, but they couldn't forbid her to participate if they all thought she was a man.

Getting inside the armor by herself was hard, making the northern girl finally realize why knights have squires, thankfully she had one.

"I'm telling you lady Lyanna, this is dangerous, what if you get caught?" Howland Reed, the crannogman she helped on the first day of the tourney says, wiping the sweat off his face after helping Lyanna dress in full body armor with only her face visible as she hadn't put her helmet yet. 

"I won't get caught". Lyanna says with a confident smile while locking her hair in a bun behind her neck.

"Are you sure about that?" Ask a voice in a strange manner of speech using a weird tone.

Lyanna and Howland immediately look at the speaker and their reaction is very different than one would have for being caught doing something wrong and forbidden, Lyanna lowers and shakes her head, letting out a sigh of disappointment before covering her face with both hands to let out a scream, Howland has a better reaction as he just crosses his arms and let out a huge breath after puffing his chest the max he could. The reason was simple and annoying, they weren't caught by Lyanna's father or brothers, nor the kingsguard and the royal family, nor any of the people who could reveal her plans, no, she got caught by none other than Merlin Ambrosius, someone you'll hate to have as an enemy and would be annoyed to have as a friend, according to herself.

"Great, you!" Lyanna says.

"Me!" Merlin says with a bright smile, puffing his chest and pointing at it with his free thumb.

"Are you making a pose?" Howland asks, seeing that Merlin didn't move after speaking and because of the way he is holding his staff.

"Do I look cool?" Merlin asks, moving his face to see their eyes, their response was just a shake of their heads. "Though crowd."

"What do you want Merlin?" Lyanna asks, her left eyes twinkling as a show of her lack of patience for the mage.

"I want to help". Merlin says.

"Come again?" Lyanna asks after a few seconds of hearing the mage's answer.

"To help, hello". Merlin says. "Your participation in the jousts, I want to help."

"And how are you going to do this?" Howland asks, still not on board with the idea of the mage joining them.

Merlin doesn't say a word, he just hums to himself, touching his chin with each one of the fingers of his free hands before snapping them and pointing his staff to Lyanna.

"There, done". Merlin says, giving them a smile, and closing his eyes, Lyanna thought his face was very 'punchable' ever since he pulled that trick with the fruit in her eyes.

"What did you do?" Lyanna asks, checking her whole body to see if the mage pulled another prank on her or did something strange to her body.

"It's an illusion spell you dummy". Merlin says, looking at Lyanna from head to toe. "Armor or not any person with a trained eye can see if the person underneath the armor is a man or a woman. This illusion I've cast on you will make sure anyone who doesn't know the truth sees you as a man."

"Just like that?" Howland asks.

"No, there is a catch, Lyanna must wear the whole armor for the illusion to work, and if someone sees her taking off her helmet the illusion will stop working on them". Merlin says, then he turns around and starts to walk away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Lyanna asks, but Merlin doesn't turn back and just waves at her and Howland.

"There will be a joust competition, I'm going to watch it with the others of course". Merlin says.

Lyanna and Howland don't say another word, they just stare at the mage walking away from them before Lyanna puts her helmet on as she and her crannogman squire go to the stables to get her horse, the jousts are about to begin.

Standing in a long line are all the participants, with their horses' reins in hand and the animal right behind them. Lyanna is nervous, Merlin's magic appears to be working since no one is particularly looking at her except for the mage himself and Howland, making the Stark woman believe what Merlin said about trained eyes being able to see who the person underneath the armor is. For now, Lyanna just plans to stay put as Aerys says his part before the jousts can start.

After a long speech to most, the jousts are finally beginning, Lyanna is anxious more than ever before, not only was she chosen as the first competitor, but she is also facing the exact person she wanted. Her opponent is a supposed knight from house Frey, and his squire is one of the men she found beating poor Howland before her and Merlin's intervention. Not wasting any time, Lyanna mounts her horse and goes to the left side of the arena.

"The first match is Ser Elwood Frey against the Knight of the Laughing Tree". The announcer yells and soon the whole crowd cheers.

The Knight of the Laughing Tree wasn't the best of names, Lyanna basically chose it because it is the exact picture she had engraved in her shield. Before the horn sounded Lyanna took a quick look over her gear, it seemed as if each piece of her armor belonged to a different set, but beggars can't be choosers, it was either this or not participating. Taking a quick glance at her family she sees her father and her brothers talking about something, for a moment she wonders if it is about her since she disappeared from their sight after they finished their meal.

Lyanna's thoughts are interrupted, the horn is blown and she and her opponent charge at each other, the wind in her hair and the horse between her feet wasn't new, Lyanna was always called half-horse on Winterfell as he managed to always win against her brothers whenever they race with each other. But the thrill of going against an opponent, trying to push him off their mount with a spear as they try the same is definitely new, and Lyanna is enjoying every single second.

To the crowd, it seemed like barely a minute had passed, but to Lyanna it felt like more, and when she met her opponent and struck him with her lance, it felt like he was either a bad jouster or Lyanna was on a lucky strike as he unhorsed him in her first try, automatically winning the match.

Turning around with her horse Lyanna looks at the knight who is getting on his feet with the help of his squire, she points the broken lance at him and makes the whole crowd silent to hear her words.

"Teach your squire honor and respect, not to beat those who can't defend themselves". Lyanna says loud and firm, earning cheers for everyone.

The knight, humiliated and defeated, lowers his head to Lyanna who has already turned around to hand her horse to Howland. Now she needed to find a place to take off her armor and then join her family before they went looking for her.

After a quick change of clothes, Lyanna goes to join the other Starks, due to the huge number of participants she only had that one joust scheduled for the day, meaning she could join the others and watch the remaining jousts.

In the middle of the way, Lyanna is joined by Merlin, who came out from Gods' know where and starts to walk beside Lyanna while applauding her.

"Nice work, Knight of the Laughing Tree". Merlin stops clapping his hand and chuckles, Lyanna hates herself for thinking how cute his laugh is at that moment. "Was the shield the first thing you saw, or you're always this close-minded when picking names?"

"The name I wanted to use couldn't be, so why does it matter?" Lyanna asks, looking at the mage who nods at her. 'Stop being so cute.'

"True". Merlin says. "So, tell me Lyanna, why have you decided to participate in the jousts?"

"I wanted to teach those pain in the ass a lesson and make them pay for what they did to poor Howland". Lyanna says, matter-of-factly.

"Wasn't the beating you gave them enough?" Merlin asks, eyes half closed and a carefree smile on his lips.

"No". Lyanna says.

"Very well them, so let me help you once more". Merlin says, stopping in his tracks and making Lyanna do the same.

"How?" Lyanna asks.

"I'm gonna make sure your next two opponents in the list are the knights the two remaining bullies squire to". Marlin says like it was nothing.

"Really?!" Lyanna asks, her tone full of gratitude.

"Of course, I said I wanted to help, and what are friends for if not helping each other?!" Merlin says.

"Merlin you're the best!" Lyanna almost yells, forgetting immediately the mage's shenanigans and jumping at him for a hug, lifting in the air before putting him down.

"It is nothing". Merlin says while cleaning dust that isn't there from his robes.

"Lyanna, there you are!" A voice speaks, making Lyanna turn around.

It is Ned, thankfully Robert wasn't with him, after losing to Merlin in a spar he was forced to join the jousts, not that he even cared, Lyanna knew he was going to participate in any way, attempting to win and crown her his queen of love and beauty, but after losing to Merlin it appears the Baratheon heir felt like he was doing an obligation not a playful activity to impress the woman he wants watering for him.

"Who were you talking to?" Ned asks.

"Merlin, he…" Lyanna turns around and sees no one there. "Where did he go?"

"Merlin was here?" Ned asks with one eye half closed and one wide open.

"Yes, he was right behind me just a minute ago". Lyanna says, feeling a little frustrated, thinking that her brother might have thought her crazy. "I'm not crazy."

"It is fine, I believe you". Ned says, raising his hands in a defensive position. "Let's go back, father was starting to get worried."

"Aye". Lyanna nods and leaves this place following her brother. 

 Merlin Ambrosius POV

The day is over, the sun is setting down, and the moon along with the stars is taking its place. On the day before, a ball had taken place in Harrenhal's main hall, today it is an enormous feast. Merlin is undecided about whom he wants to speak to before joining Rhaegar and his family. The Starks were out, Merlin had already spoken with Lyanna and Eddard before letting him win the archery contest so he could go on a date with Arthur Dayne's sister. The Martells are a no-go, his dragon, incubus, or whatever half he took after his father screamed whenever he was close to Prince Oberyn, the mage knew there was something in those eyes. Merlin thought about ignoring the Tyrells but once he saw a curious sight at their table he had to talk with them.

Despite being on this new world created by the Holy Grail for only a few days Merlin already figured out how things worked here, for the most part, it was exactly like Camelot, the difference being one has to be even more careful since unlike Arthur, the king of this realm burned people alive at the slight mistake people make with their words. Once the mage learned that he understood how Aerys got away scot-free for his attempting arson over Merlin's person, not only it was because he was the king, but because others feared they would be next, resulting in them only talking about the incident between themselves, away from the king's many prying ears, and definitely away from Merlin, believing his presence would connect them with him and result in being burned.

Reaching the Tyrells' table Merlin puts his thoughts aside and gives the Great House a mocking bow, convincing enough to almost everyone at their table.

"Lord and Lady Tyrell, it is an honor to make you acquaintance". Merlin says after raising his head.

"I'm sure it is". A voice full of sarcasm speaks, the speaker is none other than Olenna Tyrell, the famous queen of thorns.

"Mom, please don't be rude to Ser Merlin". The fat oak Mace Tyrell says.

"Oh hush Mace, and he is a mage not a knight, drop the Ser". Olenna says with a scoff.

"Lady Olenna, I haven't seen you in the jousts, did something happen?" Merlin asks with a small grin before turning it into a worried frown.

"My mother had back pains, Lord Ambrosius, she isn't as young and healthy as she used to be". Mace says, Merlin only gives him a comprehensive smile with a little bit of malice behind it.

"I can speak for myself Mace". Olenna chastises her son before facing Merlin.

"I see, well, if you are interested I know a spell that could help, it does wonders I tell you, you'll feel like you are twenty again". Merlin says.

"Thank you for your concern Merlin, you didn't strike me as the type when I first laid my eyes upon you". Olenna says.

"I understand, I don't blame you, all women do it when before getting to know the real me". Merlin says before bowing to the family once more and taking his leave. "If you see Olivia, tell her she is welcome to meet with me anytime she wants."

"I will". Olenna says behind the mage's back, not seeing the smile he is making.

Surely that nothing more interesting will happen Merlin goes to join Rhaegar at his table, Aerys is already gone making Merlin smile for knowing the sleeping potion he discreetly put on the king's drink worked.

Taking his seat Merlin looks at the baby on Rhaegar's lap, the baby looks at the mage and laughs seeing him.

"So, this is little Rhaenys". Merlin says, taking Rhaegar and Ellia's attention away from the baby for a second.

"Oh, sorry Merlin, haven't seen you". Rhaegar says.

"We were distracted". Ellia explains.

"It's understandable, who wants to pay attention to the mage when there is such a miracle in front of you". Merlin says, getting a nod from both parents before they turn back to their daughter.

"So, Rhaegar, did anyone in the joust caught your attention?" Merlin asks, noticing the quick glance the prince shared with his kingsguard.

"No one really, so I'm more focused on Baratheon, the Stark heir, and the others from the great houses". Rhaegar half-lies but Merlin ignores. "What about you?"

"The knight of the laughing tree". Merlin says and receives a stare from Rhaegar and the others.

"Why him?" Ellia asks.

"I like a good mystery, and a knight who hides his face and name is a mystery". Merlin says.

"We are all entitled to have secrets aren't we?" Ellia asks a rhetorical question. "What would you say if someone asked where you got your staff from?"

"A giant made of metal who came from a world beyond the stars called Cybertron gave it to me". Merlin says like it was nothing before taking a sip of water from his cup.

Everyone stares at Merlin, what he just said is probably the most absurd thing they have ever heard. Merlin gets frustrated a little, not because of their reaction, but because he knows his story is horse shit, yet somehow he has memories of meeting said giant made of metal and of him giving Merlin the staff he has now in his hands.

'Not another one of these fake memories'. Merlin groans inside his head, massaging his temples thinking about yet another memory that had popped into his head.

"That's a new one". The kingsguard says, by the voice, Merlin presumed it was Hightower.

"I hope you haven't drunk too much wine. I rather not take you to your room considering what you did last night". Oswell tells the mage.

"I'm fine. I'll just go to bed earlier, the lack of sleep from the day before is starting to get me". Merlin says, getting up and filling his plate with food before going to his room. "Rhaegar, Ellia, Rhaenys, have a good night."

On the next day, after breaking his fast and checking the Basilisk on Avalon Merlin goes to join Ellia to watch the second day of the jousts. Rhaegar, Brandon, Robert, and many others were still in the competition, but Merlin's attention focused only on the small knight with a laughing tree stamped on their shield.

Merlin looks at the knight and when he sees them doing the same he gives them a smile and a nod, receiving the second in return. Ellia seems to notice it and asks Merlin what that was about, Merlin only tells her that he met the knight and told them he was cheering for them.

Like the day before the Knight of the Laughing Tree would be the first to joust, his opponent would be another Frey who has the second Frey who bullied Howland as his squire. They both go to their places with the Frey on the right side and Lyanna on the left.

The horn sounds and both knights charge at each other, history repeats itself and Merlin watches as Lyanna drops yet another knight from his horse, this one has fallen over his butt making Merlin feel invisible pains from his days on Camelot whenever one of those swordsmen beasts from the round table spared against him.

'Damn Lancelot, I hope you've learned the meaning of taking it easy before disappearing'. Merlin yells inside his mind.

Lyanna repeats her words from before to the knight she defeated and once again goes back to her squire Howland so she can change herself and join her family, her next fight would be the last of the day, and that would only be way later in the afternoon, so she had time.

Merlin spares Ellia and Rhaegar a quick glance, his suspicions are confirmed, and he just smiles at the sight. The prince and princess of the realm know Lyanna is the knight of the laughing tree, but the mage doubts they managed to see through his spell, which means Lyanna made a mistake or wasn't careful enough. Suppressing his desire to smile from ear-to-ear Merlin just chuckles with his mouth closed, knowing that things are about to get more interesting.

The day proceeded as normal, round after round new winners were standing and the lists were getting smaller with each new round. By the end of the day, only four would proceed to the finals which would take place on the morrow, on the tourney's final day, the winner of this match would have to choose between Brandon Stark, Robert Baratheon, Rhaegar Targaryen, and Ser Barristan Selmy.

The final joust is about to start. This time Lyanna is on the right side of the arena, her opponent is a knight of house Brecken whose squire was the third bully who mocked and beat Howland Reed.

Before the horn is sounded Merlin hears a loud groan at his side, he looks at the source and sees its Aerys, his eyes shaking left and right, his long nails going for his crispy hair, and his voice speaking lowly with someone who is not there.

Using a silent spell Merlin is able to listen to what madness Aerys is spitting right now.

"He is mocking me, he?! I know he is, look at that smile, no tree smile like that. That knight is making a jester out of his king. Once the match is over I'll demand him to take off his helmet, kneel before me, and swear loyalty. Then, I'll burn him, just like I did to that fake dragon the other day, it was no magic, it was a trick, maybe I should try burning him again". After that Aerys' words turned into incoherent mumblings with bubbles all over the corner of his lips.

That is Merlin's cue, and right on time for the horn is sound and the match has started. Lyanna once again defeats her opponent by unhorsing him and giving the same speech she gave to the first two knights.

"You! Knight! Approach your king". Aerys yells at Lyanna who is stunned for a few seconds before approaching Aerys on horseback. "Take off your helmet and let me see your face."

Like before Lyanna is stunned and doesn't move an inch, this only infuriates Aerys.


Lyanna this time answers with her actions, she spurs her horse and turns around with it, running towards the forest at full speed making Aerys' screams sound even madder.

"AFTER HIM! I WANT HIS HEAD!" Aerys screams.

"You heard your king. After him". Merlin says, rising on his feet and pointing his staff at Lyanna's horse, unknown to everyone he did so to cast a spell to make it run faster and not get tired.

"JUST LOOK, I'LL BRING THE KNIGHTS HEAD BACK WITH ME". Robert screams while getting on his horse and charging at Lyanna.

"I would like to see his face if he succeeded, thought I would not like to see Lyanna's if he did so". Merlin comments before getting out of sight.

All Merlin's spells had a track on them so it would be easy to find Lyanna no matter where inside the forest she would hide, but he needed to work fast, Rhaegar's horse was a real good one, contrary to Lyanna's who could be outrun despite the help Merlin gave her.

Out of everyone's sight Merlin casts his spell and teleports to a location closer to Lyanna, it doesn't take long for him to catch her still with some pieces of her armor over her body.

"Come on get off". Lyanna whines as she tries to take the left armguard off.

"Need some help?" Merlin asks with a smile, startling Lyanna who looks at him with a pale face, clearly afraid of being caught.

"MERLIN. YOU SCARED ME". Lyanna yells.

"You are going to be a lot more scared if Aerys or someone else finds you". Merlin comments before pointing his staff at Lyanna and making all her joust gear disappear. "There, no evidence."

"Thank you". Lyanna sighs in relief now that all those armor pieces are gone. "I don't know what to say."

"You already thanked me". Merlin says with a shrug of his shoulders. "The important thing is that you are okay, and no one found out."

"I wouldn't be so sure". A voice says making the mage and the Stark turn to the speaker.

It is none other than Rhaegar who approaches them carrying the shield with the laughing tree Lyanna used.

"Lady Lyanna. Merlin". Rhaegar says. "Would you mind telling me what are you two doing here?"

"Why bother?" Merlin says with an easy-going smile, he closes his eyes and shrugs his shoulders once more like he is giving up. "You already know don't you?"

"I know the who, I know the how, now I want to know the why". Rhaegar tells them, his eyes not leaving Lyanna. "Would you mind telling me, young lady?"

Lyanna approaches the prince, she is surprisingly calm despite her predicament, not breaking eye contact even once.

"The squire of those three knights mocked and bullied a son of the north, sworn to House Stark, as a Stark myself I felt obliged to do something about it, even if it meant breaking the rules and participating in a tournament I'm not allowed to compete to do it". Lyanna says without flinching even once, earning a nod and smile from Rhaegar who turns to face Merlin.

"And you?" Rhaegar asks the mage who just waved his hand.

"Human affairs don't interest me, so I like to make them interesting for my entertainment". Merlin says earning a blank stare from both.

"Very well". Rhaegar shakes his head. "Let's go back, I'll give this shield to my father and tell the knight escaped".

Merlin and Lyanna nod to Rhaegar and they both follow the prince, sparing each other a glance and sharing a nod and a smile, promising without promising to take this to the grave.

On the next day, the finals of the joust were starting, it would be the final day of competition and the tournament, after that, all Houses would return to their keeps and life would go on.

Aerys was furious for everyone's failure in capturing the knight of the laughing tree, having only his shield as a reward, but looking at it the king felt mocked once more and ordered it to be burned, unlike Merlin's pyre the mage could see the king took no pleasure in seeing the wood burn, probably because it couldn't scream in agony and pain from having its outside turn into dust and its inside into steam.

With the disappearance of the mysterious knight, the finals would be between Brandon, Robert, Barristan, and Rhaegar. On the night before, Rhaegar spoke to Ellia about Lyanna, they didn't know Merlin knew they knew so they invited him to their room to talk about it, for the most part, Merlin just stood silent as he saw Rhaegar telling everything to his wife who loved the story and Lyanna's reasons for doing it.

Sitting at Ellia's side Merlin takes a quick glance at the Starks, Lyanna is quiet, the scare of almost dying still not worn off apparently and the mage smiles at how cute she looks when she is all calm and at peace, at least on the outside.

The first joust starts with Brandon and Robert going at each other, they both hit the opponent's shield and break their lances, they trade their broken lances and charge at each other once more, Brandon hits Robert in the helmet but the Baratheon still stands in his horse, they go for another round Robert yells in fury and hits Brandon with all his might, making the Stark fall of his horse and earning Robert the victory.

They both shake hands and leave the arena so the second match of the semi-finals can start, on the left side is Barristan the Bold, and on the right is Rhaegar, the last dragon.

'At least until I get my hands on an egg'. Merlin comments in his head.

The horn blew and both men charged at each other, Rhaegar was really talented at the joust, every single victory he had in this tournament was won by unhorsing his opponents, the only one who accomplished such a feat besides him was Lyanna, the thought made Merlin laugh as he watches Rhaegar once again unhorse his opponent, earning applauses from the men and yells of desire from the ladies.

Barristan compliments his prince and leaves just in time as Robert enters the arena already on his horse.

Aerys gets on his feet and announces the final match, everyone applauds the finalists as they go to their side of the arena to prepare for the start.

The final horn blows and both men charge at each other, yelling while inside a world of their own, to them, the outside world ceased to exist, time was slower and the only thing that mattered to them was the victory, each step closer made time slower and when they are inside each other's reach it happens.

Lances exploded when colliding with their target, both a direct hit but only one man stood on his horse. Rhaegar Targaryen won, and nothing could be heard except the screams all around. The announcer approaches the prince and gives him a new lance, this one has a crown of flowers at the tip, the flowers are blue roses, a flower that only grows in the north, they used to be red before a certain mage used alchemy to trade them for blue ones, all for the sake of his amusement and entertainment, and it paid off.

On top of his horse Rhaegar rides, many thought he would stop at the king's booth and crown Ellia, his wife, as the queen of love and beauty, but he didn't, instead, he passed through her, riding without stopping until he reached the Stark booth, letting the crown of flowers drop on the lap on a northern woman, none other than Lyanna Stark.

At that moment, the whole world felt like it had gone silent for a solid second, until something, or rather, someone broke that deafening silence.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA". Merlin laughs, harder than he could ever remember, for the sight in front of him was more worthy than all of the gold there is in the world. 'My, my, things are really going to be interesting in the future.'

And with that thought, Merlin smiles, anxious to see what the future will bring.

Zhorvak Zhorvak

Author’s note: Man, this was a long one, sorry about the delay, I’m lazy and do this just for fun, so it’s hard to get excited when you are me and have to write over 30 pages, but better late than never, I don’t think I’ll write long chapters again so soon, and if I do, expect them to take long to be finished.

If some parts feel rushed, once again, sorry, there is so much one can to do drag the scene to make it last longer without making it boring.

Anyway, thank you for reading, please leave a review positive feedback helps improve and motivates me to continue.

Also, comment you thoughts

Power Stones are also welcome.

English is not my first language.

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