Aveline wasted no time in searching around the room for anything at all, anything that can explain why she was subjected to such a chained fate. She never considered it a chained fate, it was meant to be a purpose, meant to be something she was born for, appeal to it without any questions because it was meant to be.
But now it just felt like a curse branded on her skin, a skin she was now revolted with, because each time she felt his hand crawling on it she felt like gagging, his touch sickened her, and a feeling like worms were moving around her body. Her own soulmate touch felt like a leech to her skin. There must be some explanation for this… because Aveline understood the concept of soulmate very well.
Her mother and father were an example of that, they were brothers and sisters. Siblings were meant to be mates in the Elven society, that is the way for many centuries now, a way of keeping the bloodline pure.
"The Reaper's Wicked Obsession" is out! Please check it out