"Do you want know why I am hosting Dante de'Medici?"
Her question caught me off guard. I knew she was perceptive but to hit the nail on the head is crazy. 'Did I tell her something last night?' I brushed off the idea, considering I remembered most of what happened last night besides the drive to her house.
"Honestly it is a little odd for you considering you mostly hang out with your girlfriends but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I didn't want to push her. I also did not want to seem to eager for her to tell me.
Though I was dying to know.
"Truthfully it is a informal, not set in stone, marriage alliance. My grandparents asked I consider him."
My jaw clenched. Out of every possible scenario I considered last night, this was one I never even conjured up. Her parents spoiled Celeste a lot. Whatever she ever wanted or could dream of was hers. Though she herself was not spoiled in nature or bratty, it did not take away the fact that her family rides heavy for her.
So while I could see them selecting a husband for her should she ask, I never thought she was the type to ask. In all the years I have known her, she was someone who liked being independent and make her own decisions.
As it is, she has yet to inherit her families fortune as she wanted to be established alone first. Come up with her own accomplishments, pave her own legacy.
"Come on don't make that face." She teased. I never hid my emotions well. I already felt my lips form into a scowl but I hoped I at least hid the malice I felt.
She stretched her neck leaning more deeply into my hands as I continued to knead her neck. She reminded me of a cat nuzzling in.
"Haaa I did not want to initially. But I know my family, they wanted to see me be stable and for them thats just by having someone by my side. Dantes family is very wealthy, much more than Felix and our families have already been in contact for sometime."
'SO!' I wanted to scream. 'I have known you longer.' I grumbled to myself.
"Rebeccas bachelorette is coming up in two days and her actual wedding two nights after that. My initial invitation was with Felix but she now separated it as a plus 1 for each because he begged to bring Sol."
I honestly forgot about Rebeccas wedding. Alans bachelor party is also in two days and I forgot. I was not in the actual wedding party as a groomsman thankfully.
"So I was thinking of inviting Dante as my date. As unconventional or even just downright dumb it may be to bring someone who I have only formally met yesterday; my thought process is that even if marriage is off the tables a business connection would be valuable."
I pouted internally. Only because as much as I hated the idea of a marriage alliance her intent behind her decisions were as clever as usual. I started seeing her vision. No matter how this meeting turns out she benefits in the end.
"Also I wanted Felix and Sol to feel a bit green. They have made life difficult for me and I am sure they would rub it in my face for their marriage. So by dangling my marriage over their heads, they won't be at peace. Especially his mother. I am counting on her to make movements."
I raised an eyebrow at her resolve for vindication. She was someone who liked to be passive when angered. She always kept her hands clean unlike me who doesn't mind getting them dirty.
I paused my movements and asked sincerely. "Do you have something against Sol?" Last I heard they had no beef besides Sol being a home wrecker.
But maybe something happened at her interview. I remember Sol was going to interview her for Charter magazine but nothing has been released.
"Yeah you wouldn't happen to remember our old friend Welton Grais?" My heart dropped to my stomach. That fucker was a name I never wanted to hear again. I made sure the person that the name belonged to was erased. Gone. Out of reach or touch.
"Did he show up?" My fingers itched for my phone. To call and ensure the Hell I created for him had not seen him absent.
"No. I have no clue where he went. But our history is not as buried as I hoped. She brought up that incident to try and create a gotcha moment for me. To stumble me and make me make a fool of myself. As if nearly dying was sinful."
I had to physically control my fists to prevent them from clenching and accidentally choking Celeste.
"She decided to be petty and I doubt she will take her punishment lying down. So why not let someone who has a greater hatred for her bring her down a peg and put a leash on her."
Celeste words were very forceful and crude. She was really angered this time. Somehow it made her even hotter. I felt my lower body heat up a bit so I let go of her neck to focus and not embarrass myself further.
"Well well, guess ma chérie is actually a cat in disguise. Who knew you had claws under those pretty hands." I snickered. As always, Celeste surprises me and catches me off guard.
"Hey, I have always had claws I just don't use them whenever I feel threatened. I am purposeful in my actions." She flushed, her cheeks matching her hair.
I closed my eyes to burn the image into my head. Her beauty never failed to amaze and wonder me. I wished time could stop so I could savor the moment.
"So you schemed while ensuring your own success. My my the young Padawan has become the Jedi."
She laughed heartily and managed to get up with no trouble. The pain seemingly gone.
Her beautiful brown eyes looked at mine mischievously. "Want to join the Alliance?"
new chapter! do you get the references?