66.66% A FAVOUR / Chapter 6: Chapter 5

บท 6: Chapter 5


I groan as pain shoots in my stomach. I fucking hate periods. Fuck my life. Fuck everything.

I pick up one of the t-shirts and fold them before adding them to my pile of clothes. Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to organise my pile of t-shirts. It's almost over but my stomach aches badly.

The door opens and Vince strolls in. "What do you want?" I almost shout. It's been days since he moved to his new house.

"Jesus, what's up your ass, Satan?"

"Blood," Pause.


"Blood. That's what's fucking up my ass. Stupid cramps." I throw a shirt harshly on the bed and mess up my pile of nestly folded clothes. Pain shoots through me and I bend, clutching my stomach.

"Hey, hey, hey, here." He reaches for me and wraps a hand around the back of my head and one arm around my middle back. He kisses the crown of my head.

I try to fight him but his grip is tight. Finally, I give in and hug him tightly and break into tears. I don't even know why.

He holds me for a while then leads me to my bed. He pushes my clothes off the bed and forcefully lays me down and lays down beside me.

"We don't have time to fucking take a siesta here. Your engagement is in four hours. What are you even doing here?"

"We're not sleeping, only lying for a while. Shut your mouth now."

I wake up with a jolt from my nightmsre, not even realizing I fell asleep. That traitorous son of a-

I'm never going to forgive him.

I see a note beside me along with loads of my favorite chocolate and a McDonald's takeout bag.

Alright. I forgive him.

Feed your fat ass some food. I'll be at your house in sone time and we'll get ready to leave for my house.

Love, V

Right. I forgot his engagement is at his huge fucking mansion. Look who's talking. Whatever.

I sit up to see the time. It's only 5 and we have to leave at 6 so I think I'll be ready. I fall back on the bed and scroll through my phone while eating the cheeseburger.

The door opens and none other than the great Vince strolls in like he owns the fucking house. I notice he's holding a hot bag in his hands

"Feeling better?" He hands me the hot bag and I hold it to my stomach.

"Mhmm. I can't believe I let you play me like that. I have planned 47 ways to murder you."

"Yeahh?" He drawls slowly. "Tell me about it."

"I'll just show you and you won't be able to do anything about it since you would be too busy being dead."

"I'd be a happy man then. Better if you kill me before my engagement." He grumbles and I laugh.

We stay silent for a while then he proceeds to stand up and check out my room. He walks over to my cork bulletin board.

There are pictures of me, Zade and random shit like my travel pictures along with my bucket list, which I made when I was bored, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Styles, One Direction and god knows what.

"Bucket list," he reads out loudly. "Harry Styles' concert, Arctic Monkeys' concert, Northern lights in Norway, Paris: Musée du Louvre Museum, Eiffel Tower, Cedric Grolet Opéra, Musée d'Orsay."

"Why are there so many places in Paris?"

"I love Paris, okay?" I say defensively. "I've wanted to visit it since I was like 13. The Eiffel Tower of course. Cedric Grolet is like a famous pastry chef and I want to visit his bakery once. I also want to shop so much that my credit card runs out and the museums oh my god! I love art so much. Do you know at D'Orsay they have the painting Starry Night over the Rhone and Coquelicots. I want to see them but I barely get time to visit over my busy work schedule plus I work on weekends and holidays so-"

I cut myself off when I realise I'm babbling and turn my head to look at Vince. He is leaning against a wall beside my mirror, watching me intently with a baby smile on his face.

"Sorry. I'm probably boring you."

"You're not. You couldn't even if you tried to."

Before I could say anything he lifts off the wall and strolls towards my bedroom door and picks up a huge box which I didn't even notice. There is another huge box beside it. They are 3 inches taller than my height. How did I miss those?.

He puts the box he lifted up in front of me and motions for me to open it. I unwrap its ribbon and plastic to find the dress we selected at the boutique resting on a mannequin. Damn, it must be expensive.

"Go on and get ready." We both remove the dress from the mannequin and I enter my walk-in closet and shut the door behind me. I put the dress on and look at the mirror. Damn, looks fire.

I wonder how much that costs then banish that thought since Vince is a trillionaire and can obviously afford it.

I take some accessories and heels from my closet and walk into my room. I find Vince buttoning his white shirt. He has his black pants on and his jacket is draped over my chair.

He looks up at me, then his eyes rake down my body slowly and back to my face. He eyes turn dark.

"You look beautiful."


I quickly wash my face and wear my rings. Vince is sitting on my bed, now wearing a tie. Wait.

"Isn't your tie supposed to be blue?"

"Guess they sent the wrong one."

I walk over to the mirror and grab my comb. My hair is a mess so it will take at least 15 minutes to detangle it. Goddammit. 5 minutes in and my arms hurt. Fuck my life.

"What exactly are you trying to do?"

"A fucking ballerina dance"

"Alright, alright. Relax," he snatches the comb from my hand and gently starts brushing my hair. My arms fall at my sides and I sigh.

5 minutes later he has untangled all my hair. That was quick. I could never.

"There you go."

"Thank, G."

"I shouldn't have told you my middle name."

"You shouldn't have," I nod.

"Are you going to put on makeup?"

"I think so. Yes" I quickly apply some cream on face, some powder and red lipstick. "Done."

"That's it?"

"Yeah come on now it's almost 6." We walk down the stairs. The house is quiet, indicating everyone has left. He heads to his Ashton Martin but I stop him.

"You have to bring Bianca at your engagement party with you. Not me."

"It's fine."

"No it's not. Come on now go pick her up. I'll follow you behind with my car."

"No. Do you have any other car? If I'm going to pick her up I'm not going alone."

"You are clingy as fuck. Fine. We can take my Audi Rs5." We usually use it for missions but this time it'll do. Cheap ass car.

My phone rings as we head over to my garage. Zade. He's supposed to be on a mission in Rome. I pick up the phone.


"Rose, when you reach the engagement venue, immediately ask your dad to call me." I would have asked how he knew but that's Zade we are talking about.


We reach Bianca's house and pick her up. She should be sitting at the front but Vince made her take the backseat.

"Hi Incy." I puff my cheeks to control my laughter and 'Incy' glares at me.

"Don't call me that'

"Why not? I know it secretly turns you on." I burst into laughter, tears running down my cheeks. I can't control it. Vince's grip on the wheel tightens.

We reach his house. Or in this case, his street. Motherfucker owns the whole fucking street. Guards are standing everywhere with lots of cars lined up everywhere. Yikes.

"Come on." He grabs my hand and leads me towards the door but I stop.

"You need to go with your fianceé, honey." He glares at me and I smile. I know he hates her but the media is everywhere with their cameras, waiting for some drama to happen. We need to make it believable.

I walk ahead and enter the house, leaving Vince to deal with Bianca.

As soon as I enter the house, I head towards the food counter only to be pulled back by Vince.

"We just arrived. You need to attend the guests with me. Don't go." This asshole.

"Hate to break it to your delusional self but you are not getting engaged to me. You're getting engaged to Bianca."

"I'm not dealing with these people alone, V. You need to keep me sane."

"I don't give two shits about your engagement or your guests. I'm only here for the food."

"I know. But you are still coming with me." He wraps an arm around my shoulder. Clingy ass. My dad approaches us.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two were the ones getting married." He chuckles and Vince sighs. Poor guy.

"Oh wait. Dad you need to call Z."

"Talked to him. He's returning after 3 days." Too long.

"Alright you kiddos enjoy. I'll go find my wife." Vince scoffs at the word 'enjoy'.

He grabs my hand and drags me toward a bunch of old fucks talking. I pull my hand back and stop in front of him with my hands on my hips. He sighs harshly and grabs Bianca's hand before walking.

Can't have the media thinking it's fake.

The men greet us and then congratulate Bianca and Vince on their engagement and then talk about whatever. I look around, bored.

This continues for like an hour with me trailing behind Vince. My feet are killing me. Last day on Earth for him I swear.


I drag Vera with me towards my friend group. She keeps whining but she is the only thing keeping me from running away. Something touches my arm and I look at Bianca. Girl's getting too bold. I can't even do anything about it.

"Vee, these are my friends-"

"You have friends?" Little shit.

The guys laugh out loudly. What is this? Make fun of Vince day?

"I like her already." Ezra chuckles.

"Shut up. Vee, this is Ezra, this is Rio, this is Carter and that is Nick." I point towards each of them.

Ezra sticks his tattoed arm out. "Hi Vee-"

"Veronica. Her name's Veronica."

"Alright then. Hello Veronica." She smiles at him and something burns in my chest.

She greets the rest of the guys.

"This is my fianceé Bianca." I say through gritted teeth. How is this my life?

"Hello everyone" Bianca smiles and she looks like a pig's ass. They all smile at her but deep down they all hate her.

"I'm surprised to discover that you have friends Vince. Do you switch personalities with them so they think you're kind?"

"Kind? He is brutal, Veronica, brutal." Rio sighs.

"He wakes on the wrong side of the bed every morning and acts like someone pissed in all his cheerios." Killian joins us, hugging Vera.

"He does." Carter nods.

"Shut up you dumb fucks." I grumble

"Don't do him like that guys. He is just on his period. Poor guy." Vera tsks. I place a hand on her forehead and playfully oush her away.


"Don't be so dramatic it didn't hurt at all."

"It did, you bitch" I flip her off.

"Did it really hurt,Vera?" I ask quietly after a moment.

"It did." She nods slowly and presses her lips together.

"Fuck Vee, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" She bursts out laughing. This girl.

"Chill out. I was just messing with you." She says, still laughing and I smile. She looks so beautiful.

"It smiles! Oh my god it smiles. Ladies and gentlemen, we have officially entered multiverse." Ezra exclaims.

Vee pokes my dimples. "You should smile more often."

"You should learn to shut up more often." I pull her towards me. Bianca wraps an arm around my bicep. I forgot about her.

"Can I go eat now? I'm hungry."

"Of course. Five minutes more. They are announcing about the dinner soon, people will be seated to their assigned tables."


Soon enough, the host or whoever announces that it's time to eat and everyone starts gathering towards the counter. I drag Vera before there could be a crowd so she doesn't stay hungry.

We take our food and sit at the big table with my family and friends. Bianca sits on my one side and Vera on the other. I specially assigned the seat so she can keep me sane in my family drama.

Vera is in a conversation with Killian, Bianca is doing her make up, I'm just sitting there with people gushing over how beautiful my fianceé is and how lucky I am. I don't want her. The only person I want is the one I can't have. I fiddle with Vera's hand as she dips her nachos in salsa sauce. We were supposed to have only Italian menu but I included Mexican since she likes it so much.

Bored, I roll a tissue paper and hold it. Then I wrap it around Vera's left ring finger. It resembles a ring. I wish I could put a real ring on her but a paper ring has to do. She smiles slightly at me and I feel like a child on a Christmas morning.

A while after the dinner is finished, I see Vera going to take ice cream again for the 7th time. They're her favorite flavors.

Someone grabs her ass from behind. Joe Valence. I charge towards them but Vera grabs his arm and twists it backward. He grunts before backing and running away. That's my girl.

I walk towards Killian. "Joe Valence. Son of the owner of Valence enterprises. Bring him to the warehouse after the party is over. Make sure to tie him up." If he thinks he can get away with groping my girl, he is wrong.

I approach my girl. "Fifteen minutes and we are out of here."

"Boy, you have a whole ass fiancee to take home."

"But I'm staying with my best friend."

"You're not. What will the media think?"

"Fuck the media. Fifteen minutes, Vera." I say and leave.

I see Vera finish her 14th cup of ice cream when I reach her.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yep," She puts her bowl down."Lets go."

I call my driver to pick us up. I have had some beers today and even though I'm safe enough to drive, I don't want to risk anything with Vee.

I lie my head in Vee's lap as we enter the car. She strokes my hair.

"Your house is almost done. There are like 100 men doing work there so it's going to be ready soon. Do you need to buy anything."

"I have a list. I'll buy whatever I need tomorrow. I'm tired right now." I fidget with her hand. She's still wearing the paper ring I made her.


"Alsooo I forgot to tell you. I think Bianca and her dad are planning something fishy. I recently hacked their phones to see if I can find something fruitful."

"Me too. I'm having one of my men follow her and her dad."

A shot rings out in the air and the car swerves to the side. Another shot rings immediately after the next shot and I stand up quickly, covering Vera but she pushes me and covers my body, the bullet entering her chest.

She lets out a groan and I look at her. Blood seeps out from her chest and my heart stops. No no no no. This is not happening. This is a dream. No.

I rip my shirt apart and cover her chest with it and hold it tightly.

"Drive us to the fucking hospital!" I scream at my driver. My heart bests loudly.

"Vee! Talk to me please. You need to stay awake. Open your eyes." If anything happens to her I'll burn this whole fucking world.

Her eyes close but I shake her. Open your eyes.

"Don't do this to me, my love. Stay awake please."

"Don't worry idiot," She coughs. "People can't get rid of me that easily. I'm fucking immortal." I love her so much.

"Stay awake. Just for a while."

A while later we reach the hospital and I immediately rush her into ER.

"Sir, you need to stay outside." A nurse stops me. I look as they rush Vera into a room.

"Why the fuck?"

"Only patients and staff is allowed. You have to wait in the waiting room and also fill some forms." Fucking fantastic.

It's been 30 minutes since I saw her. 30 longest fucking minutes of my life. I pace around the waiting room, barely keeping myself from breaking everything. I called Killian, he should be here in some time.

It should have been me. I should have been shot and on the verge of death. Not her. It all happened because of me. If she was lying in my lap, she wouldn't have been shot. She was shot because of me. She could die because of me. She could die saving me. She shouldn't save someone like me. I hate myself so much. I love her so much. She-

Someone taps my shoulder and I startle. Killian is standing in front of me, breathing heavily.

"How is she?"

"I don't fucking know, Killian. They wouldn't let me in."

"Did you find out who attacked y'all?"

"No. But once I find him, I will skin that fucker alive."

"I'll send some men to find out about it. I suspect Russians have a hand in this."

"Go find out about it. I'll stay here."

"No I'll-"

"I said GO." My heart beats fast as I think about the things that could happen to Vera. My love. My heart. My everything. If anything happens to her, I'll turn this world into a fucking blood bath and paint it with the blood of people who hurt her.

I pace around for hours. It is almost 2am when a nurse finally comes to me. Please let her be okay.

"She is awake right now but you have to come tomorrow at visiting hours."

"Like hell I have to. I want to see her. Now."

"You can't-"

"I SAID NOW!" I shout and breathe heavily. Her face shows her fear as she leads me to a room.

"I also want to shift her to a private ward. Your most expensive private ward. Now."

"O-okay sir-r" She leads me to a luxurious room. A while later they carry Vera in.

My heart drops when I look at her. Her dress is now gone and she is in a hospital gown. A blood bottle is attached to her. Her hair are messy and she is pale.

I run to her and hold her hand. I thought I lost her. Seeing her here almost brings tears to my eyes.

She tries to sir up on the bed but falls back with a groan. I rush over to her and hold her gently.

"What the fuck are you trying to do?"

"Yeah. Go on. Go on and scream at a victim of a massacre. Someone who has been so severely inhured. Continue." She rolls her eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic."

"Yeah yeah just go ahead and call an injured person dramatic."

"I'm sorry, Vee," I hold her hand. "This all happened because of me. You are here because of me. I should have been faster to cover you. I hope you forgive me. I don't deserve it but-"

"Can you keep quiet?"


"This is not happening because of you."

"It is. I'm so sorry-"

"If you say sorry one more time, I'm removing the pipe that is blasting blood in me."

"Like heck you are."

"I'm very serious Garry. Also I'll help you find the fuckers. They ruined my fucking expensive dress."

"You're unbelievable"

"I know. Now help me sit up."

"No you'll hurt yoursel-" She glares at me and I shut up.

I hold her gently and look at her, trying to see if it hurts her. Her face is blank so I continue to gently lift her up so she is half sitting- half lying.

She yawns and her eyes are drowsy. "I'll sleep on the couch now. Wake me up if you need anything. Anything at all, Vee and I'm serious."

"Shut up. You are sleeping here with me. There's enough space for three people here."

"You'll hurt yourse-"

"Sit back down, Vincent" She says in that authoritative tone of hers and I sit back down.

"You might as well be sitting on the floor. Scoot closer."

"No. You'll hurt-"

"Shut the fuck up." She says and lies down, pulling me closer to her. I switch off the light before lying carefully beside her.

"You could have died, you know. I saw the report. You were almost shot in the chest. Because of me. You put yourself in danger for a monster like me. Why would you take the bullet for me? I don't deserve it." I mumble quietly.

"I fucking told that doctor to hide the file. Can't do the job properly, can he?"

"I'm serious Vera."

"So am I. And you're not a monster. You're the best person I know. All these years we have known each other. Do you think I would have made my way throughout the years without you? The stupid crazy guy who shot a professor because he said I was too hot? Or the time you bought the whole company because I like their salsa sauce? Or the time when you ate all the brownies I made for you even though they were burnt and tasted bitter? That guy. Isn't a monster. That guy is a lifesaver who always saved me from trouble, my emotional support, the guy who brought me home after I was drunk at a party, the guy who waited every day till my karate classes were over so he could take me to the book store to buy a new book every day, the guy who hasn't seen me in five years but still called me everyday for five years to ask about my life. So if you think you are not worth taking a bullet, then go fuck yourself. You are worth everything in this world. Try to object that and I'll end your life.

"I'm so sorr-"

"I'll disconnect that blood pipe I swear."

"No don't. Sorry."

"Ughh! Can we just sleep?" I nod and stroke her hair.

"Yes. Sorry-" She groans and pulls the blanket over her head.

A while later, she is out like a light. I toss and turn for an hour but I can't sleep knowing the fact that she can hurt herself anytime. She wouldn't have to do that if I wasn't with her. It's all my fault.

I stay up all night just looking at her beautiful face. I can't sleep. My phone rings and I quickly answer it before she wakes up.


"Vera's parents and your parents are worried. They are continuously asking for your location. They want to see her. What do I do?" Killian speaks.

"Tell them they can meet her later. She's sleeping. If any one of them come to the hospital now, I'll shoot them in the eye."

"Alright chill out. No one is going to come." I hang up. It's almost 7am and Vera is sleeping peacefully. I call Greyson, her boss, to inform him that she will not come to office for a month and that it will be a paid leave for her. And then I call Ezra.

"Heyoo? Who the fuck is calling?" He sounds sleepy.


"Oh shit. What's up boss?"

"Go to Vera's apartment and check how much work is done. Send more men to do the work if needed. I need it to be done by tomorrow. There should be tight security in her house. Also check if the secret passage I made behind the fireplace is ready. Everything in the house should be the way she told. If anything is out of place I will kill you all."

"But it's seven!"

"See if I care. Are the walls and glasses bulletproof?"


"Okay. Also after the house is done, hide the guns and knives I sent you in the secret compartments in the house."

"You got it boss." I hang up the phone.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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