Upon reaching the park, we sat down on the grass, facing each other. Before speaking, I looked straight into her sparkling blue eyes, feeling butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"Alright," I began. "I want to ask you something..."
Fae waited patiently as I searched desperately for words. Finally, I blurted out my question.
"Would you ever consider dating me?"
My heart pounded furiously within my chest when I heard those words come from my mouth. This was exactly what I hoped would happen someday; however, I never thought it would occur so fast. Now here I am, proposing to her on our second date.
Fae seemed surprised by my sudden confession. For a few seconds, she didn't reply. However, once she regained composure, she told me honestly, "If you truly mean it, then yeah, I guess I would."
I breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing her response. At last, I can stop worrying about rejection!
Now all that remains is for me to figure out how to proceed from here. Should we kiss first? Or perhaps hold hands? Oh god, what if she says no?!
Fortunately for me, Fae's surprise quickly transformed into delight. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her body.
Our lips touched tenderly for a brief instant, before parting ways again. My heartbeat quickened dramatically. I wanted to deepen the contact between us, but fear held me back.
Then Fae grabbed my hand and pulled me close to her again. Our bodies pressed against each other firmly. A tingling sensation spread through my entire being.
I closed the gap between us and kissed her deeply. To my great joy, she responded enthusiastically. Her soft lips tasted sweet on mine, causing me to moan quietly.
After kissing passionately for nearly five minutes, we reluctantly parted our mouths apart. I felt lightheaded and dizzy from the amount of pleasure I received.
However, this wasn't enough for me yet. So, I continued pressing my lips against hers, enjoying the taste of her smooth lips. Meanwhile, Fae reciprocated by wrapping her fingers around the back of my head and deepening our embrace.
Soon, our tongues danced sensuously along each other's surfaces, exploring their own unique textures.
Finally, Fae broke away from the kiss, gasping heavily. She rested her forehead gently against mine, breathing rapidly.
"Wow..." she muttered breathlessly. "Aden, you really know how to kiss."
"Really?!" I gasped. "I've never done this before. Is it good?"
"I think so, it's my first time too." She laughed lightly. "It feels amazing though."
"You're great too." I complimented her lovingly.
"Anything else you wanna do right now?"
"I'm hungry."
"Then let's go eat."
Together we got up off the grass and walked towards the nearest diner. On the way there, we stopped by a grocery store where we bought snacks and beverages to share.
In less than an hour, we returned to the park. There, we sat down side-by-side, sharing various kinds of junk foods until they ran out.
While we munched on our leftover snack, we chatted idly about random topics ranging from school life to movies. Every once in a while, we glanced at each other, admiring each other's beauty.
Eventually, we grew tired of sitting upright and decided to lie down on the grass instead. Soon enough, we cuddled up closely, resting our heads on each other's shoulders.
Both of us sighed contentedly, basking in the warmth of the sunlight streaming across our faces. And although we weren't saying anything explicitly romantic, I knew deep inside that Fae and I shared strong feelings for one another.
Hours passed slowly and pleasantly as we enjoyed ourselves under the warm sun. Eventually, the sky darkened further, signaling that the end of daylight was imminent.
"Shouldn't we go home now?" I suggested.
Fae nodded silently. Together, we rose from the ground and collected our belongings.
Halfway there, we paused momentarily. Suddenly, Fae turned to look at me with sparkling eyes.
"Are you sure about this?" She whispered. "I won't get mad or anything if you change your mind."
"No," I shook my head. "I wanna meet your parents."
For a moment, Fae remained silent. Then she took a deep breath, composing herself.
"Okay," she mumbled. "Let's do this then."
We resumed walking towards her house. Upon arriving at her doorstep, she unlocked her front door and stepped inside.
I followed after her and shut the door behind me.
In the living room three people was sitting on the couch: Fae's mother, father, and younger sister. They stared at us curiously as we approached.
Fae introduced me to her family briefly. Then she explained why we are here: to introduce me as her boyfriend.
"Hi mom, dad, and Lisa," she addressed them politely. "This is Aden, he's going to be staying over tonight."
Lisa gave me a shy wave upon seeing me. Her small frame was covered in casual wear that matched her short brown hair perfectly. She reminded me of Fae in many ways – including her dazzling blue eyes.
Her mom and dad also greeted me respectfully. Her mom wore a white shirt and a dark gray skirt. Both of their expressions were calm and gentle. Their personalities appeared similar to Fae's.
All four of us stood awkwardly in silence for a few moments. Fortunately, Fae cleared things up by explaining the situation to everyone. The tension eased slightly as I watched the rest of the introductions take place.
"So…" Fae began hesitantly. "What should we do? Can he stay here for dinner?"
Her parents exchanged glances before replying.
"That sounds fine with us," Fae's mom agreed. "But don't expect any fancy dishes. It'll probably just be sandwiches or something like that."
"Oh, alright!" Fae shrugged nonchalantly. "Whatever works best for you."
"Well then, we better start making dinner," her dad announced.
The family members gathered around the kitchen counter, preparing food and chatting amongst themselves. Meanwhile, Fae led me upstairs to her bedroom.
There, I laid down on her bed and stretched lazily.
She joined me on top of the bed, placing her head on my chest. We stayed that way for quite some time, simply gazing at each other.
Eventually, we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Fae raised her head and peeked through the doorway, spotting her sister standing there.
"Hey sis," Fae called out cheerfully. "How'd everything turn out?"
Lisa entered the room and flopped onto the bed beside us. She snuggled up next to Fae and placed her head on her shoulder.
"Fine," she replied casually. "Mom made chicken sandwiches for dinner. Do you guys wanna join us?"
"Sure thing," Fae chuckled happily. "C'mon, Aden."
With a smile, I climbed off the bed and followed them downstairs. Once we arrived at the dining table, we found Fae's parents waiting patiently for us.
"Welcome!" Her dad exclaimed brightly. "Please sit down."
Everyone took their seats and began eating together.
"Thanks for having me over today," I said sincerely. "Your daughter has been telling me wonderful stories about you two."
They both smiled at me, thanking me for my kind words.
During our meal, we talked about several different subjects ranging from work to hobbies. As expected, Fae's parents possessed very pleasant personalities, which helped make the conversation flow easily. In addition, Fae's younger sister was incredibly cute, and I couldn't help but admire her adorable features throughout the night.
Once we finished eating, we moved into the living room where Fae's parents prepared tea for us. Afterward, we spent some more time talking until eventually, it became late evening.
At long last, Fae's parents excused themselves and bid farewell to us. Fae's little sister left with them.
As soon as they left, Fae embraced me tightly and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. When we finally separated, she spoke softly into my ear.
"Thank you so much for spending such a lovely day with us."
"Not at all," I assured her. "You're welcome anytime."
Fae and I went to her bedroom, where we lay down on her bed together. Again, we gazed intently at each other for a few moments before deciding to sleep.
Before falling asleep, I whispered, "Goodnight Fae."
When I awoke the following morning, I immediately noticed Fae lying next to me. Her face was still buried beneath the covers, hiding most of her expression from view.
Still half-asleep myself, I reached out to caress her cheek. Immediately, she opened her eyes and looked up at me.
A faint smile formed on her lips as she lifted her arm, inviting me closer to her body. With a soft touch, I brushed my fingertips against her silky skin.
Her delicate scent filled my nostrils.
Third person from here on out, sorry not sorry
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