68.42% Queen In Green & Gold / Chapter 13: Young Love

บท 13: Young Love

Peter stood on a light post waving to Sakura from below as she held onto her son on her back wearing her suit and her crown. She is carefully standing by as the crowds of people walk past her on the streets as superheroes become the new normal. Life was back to where it was supposed to be at the moment. A massive news report broadcasted behind Peter over a tall building. He turned to watch the broadcast in case it was anything important. Naturally, Sakura stood behind to watch this news report unfold knowing this never happens in her world. Television is brand new to her. A man came on the screen sitting on a desk holding pieces of paper in his hands.

"We come to you now with revelations about last week's attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, moments before his death. A warning, you may find this video disturbing."

A video displayed for the world to see of Quentin laying on the floor of the bridge battered by the Drones. His face is covered in blood and his costume is torn. Peter is nowhere to be found within the video at this time, but Beck does appear to be in distress holding his camera to his face.

"I managed to send the Elemental back, but I don't think I'm gonna make it off this bridge alive. Spider-Man attacked me for some reason. He has an army of drones, Stark technology. He's saying he's gonna be the new Iron Man. No one else."

"Are you sure you want to commence the drone attack? There will be significant casualties.

Peter's lower half appeared in the video, "Do it, execute them all."

The video cut off back to the man sitting down by a desk holding his paperwork. He looks to be in a good mood knowing he discovered the biggest news he could possibly imagine, "There you have it, folks. Conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio an interdimensional warriorwho gave his life to protect our planet and who will, no doubt, go down in history, as the greatest superhero of all time. But that's not all folks. Here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves, you might want to sit down."

Back to a new video clip Beck recorded his face once again, "Spider-Man's real name is Peter Parker."

Peter covered his face with his hands, "What the fuck?"

"That's right, folks. Peter Parker, a seventeen year old high school delinquent."

A photo of Peter Parker's face merged with Spider-Man is displayed across the entire world all at once. Instead of a hero he is depicted as a monster who tried to kill everyone. People are pointing him out and screaming profanity. Sakura in her suit caught the attention of civilians nearby. Someone snagged her shoulder and pulled her back. A ton of people shouted at her and she couldn't make out what everyone was saying.

"Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?" A man asked.

"Who are you?" Another man asked.

Peter jumped down from the light pole and tried to push everyone away from her, "Please, don't touch her. She has nothing to do with this."

"You're just a kid." One mentioned.

"You murdered Mysterio?" A woman asked.

"Did you help him murder Mysterio?" A man asked.

A woman reached out her hands to grab Peter's mask, "Come on kid, let me see your face."

In the heat of the moment Peter snatched Sakura's waist and pulled each other through the crowds of angry civilians. Once they had an opening they leaped in the air and swung to a high location as far away from people as possible. Peter led them above a bridges cables to the top of the bridge's tower. He stands there pacing back and forth breathing heavily. His school year is completely ruined, and it hasn't even started yet. People are throwing verbal threats aggressively to Peter from their apartment balconies. Luckily under Sakura's armor her son is protected enough where he can't hear a peep from under her suit. She waves over to Peter to get his attention as he is freaking out in front of her.

"What are we going to do?" Sakura asked.

"Are you okay? Is Nari okay back there?"

"He's perfectly fine hidden under my spider legs. The real question is, what are you going to do about this? The entire world believes you are a criminal? They will lock you up for the rest of your life, Peter."

"This can't be happening," Peter walked back and forth, panicking.

A news helicopter flew directly in front of them recording Peter and Sakura standing over the tallest point of the bridge. Nearby apartment buildings have people staring at them from their balconies. The entire world is watching his every move now and there's nothing he can do to stop this from happening. Peter reached out to Sakura's back pushing her away from the helicopters surrounding them in almost every direction.

"This isn't safe. You have to leave. Go someplace safe."

"Where would I possibly go? Are we really safe here?"

"I don't know yet, but you have to leave somewhere far away from here. Don't ever put on that Spider-Suit again if you want a chance at a normal life."

"Peter, I don't know how to live any other life. Without this I am nothing."

"I am sorry for everything. You should go back home to Norway."

"I am not going back to Norway when you need me here. I will stay close by. Do not hesitate to ask me for help."

"Thank you, now go."

In the opposite direction she escaped the large crowd without anyone noticing her. She changed to a modern black pencil shaped dress walking away with a baby in her arms. No one knew who she was, but she knew somebody who could help her. Sakura flipped out her sling ring and teleported herself to the New York Sanctum. She felt an odd chill coming from the interior. Stephen strolls down the long set of stairs wearing his cloak of levitation over his puffy blue jacket holding a cup of hot chocolate. He can see her standing there beside Nari who is clutching on to her terrified. This is concerning to him so naturally he will walk down the stairs to make sure the two of them are okay.

"So the big secret is out."

"The entire world believes Peter is a criminal. He will go to jail."

"We have a court system here where we believe them to be innocent until proven guilty. We also have a separate government super hero legal team who are more qualified and more knowledgeable on these matters. So you won't have to worry about him. I doubt his actions will have him locked up in super hero prison. Stay here tonight so we can practice some more spells.'

"More conjuring weapons?"

"Oh, so much more than that I promise you."

"Why is it so cold in here?"

A blast of cold wind followed by snow entered the Sanctum from the back hallway covering everything in a white blizzard wonderland. A split last second decision led Sakura to use her Mystic Arts shield to protect her and her son from the sharp destructive winds. So powerful this storm could have frozen them where they stood. This frost brought upon her son's blue skin and deep blood red eyes. He wasn't even bothered by the winds blowing at his face. Doctor Strange flew to the doors in one of the hallways and closed it as soon as he was able to prevent the blizzard from destroying the Sanctum before rushing back to aide them. Afraid of what he might think of Nari she covered him in a illusion to make it look like he was back in his normal skin covered in frost in his eyebrows and hair. As his mother has to protect him at all cost.

"Are you two okay?"

"We're okay. He's just a little startled, that's all."

"I am so sorry about that."

"He just needs a nap. I will take him to his room," Sakura said, picking him up. Sakura closed the door behind them and tucked him under the covers of his bed. She kissed him and rubbed the blankets over him to keep her son nice and warm in this ice box. His skin had changed back to a normal peach tone.

Nari sniffled, "I want to go home. I miss Druig..."

"I do too, sweetie, but this is only temporary," Sakura kissed her son goodnight and closed the bedroom door behind her. She took a deep breath walking down the corridor still wearing her elegant dress she had put on earlier. The day turned warmer as it became the late afternoon. Stephen followed her to the large decorative window display. They can see everything in the city from where they stand. In only a couple of months the outside world will also be as cold and covered in snow as the Sanctum. Doctor Strange had to hire some help from the temple before coming to Sakura to seek her attention. He rubbed her back and kissed her gently on the forehead. The cloak removed itself from Strange and wrapped itself around her shoulders to keep her warm. She is still human after all.

"I want to learn everything I can to protect my children, and spend as much time as I can with them knowing I will die before they do."

"Who exactly did you meet in Norway?"

"It's a long story, Stephen."

"I have nothing else better to do than listen to your voice."

"Why do you care so much?"

"I care because I like you. You may be Loki's wife, but you don't fit the part of an evil queen."


"What if he comes back? Stephen, this universe is so much bigger than we could imagine. Turns out there are a lot of superheroes on this planet we haven't even met yet, and I believe the Multiverse is real too. This is beyond us."

"The Ancient One once said the same to me if she had told me everything I would run in terror."

"I met someone not from this world. He came here over seven thousand years ago to protect us from monsters. He's somewhere out there in a completely different time zone doing who knows what, claiming he's protecting me."

"He's from a different planet?"

"Yes, and he has a strong desire to go back someday after his mission here is complete."

"He wants you to have a normal life. You'll be so old lying in a wheelchair with a bag and tube stuck up your urethra almost lifeless while he rolls you around like you are his grandmother. That's not a life he wants for either of you. This guy is sparing you from disappointment. Someday I will be so old I can't even move my hands anymore."

Stephen lifts his hands to reveal every surgical scar he's hand on his shaking hands. These wounds don't look at all recent. These wounds look more than five years old at the very least. Sakura cupped her palms and touched his massive hands. Each finger had a scar line going down to his finger nails. Thumb included had a much larger scar than the rest of them. He doesn't appear to have Parkinson's, she thought. So what could this be preventing him full function of his hands? She used her magic to create a colorful image above his hands. A replica of the extensive damage given to him by some sort of accident. Zooming in rows of ligaments and tissue appear down to the crushed bones. The image vanished and held his hands tonight to start up a green aura that would begin his healing process.

"I can heal your hands with magic, but my training wasn't completed by the time I became a Queen. So all I can do is use herbs and heal with what I know in Asgardian magic. You'd have to do the rest with your own mystic arts magic."

"Herbs," Doctor Strange teleported them to a room of old knowledge in his Sanctum. He brushed through pages of book from his shelf tossing them back and forth trying to locate these possible Herbs that could help his surgical scars and help heal him back to his natural life. Strange lifted his index finger and shook it multiple times in the air each time he discovered something of use to him. He handed these books to her and they both researched all day what Herbs could do to help poor Doctor Strange.

"I have to go to Brazil and find these materials. These are in the Amazon somewhere I can do this for you. We can do this."

"Now hold on one minute you can't just walk through a portal and just leave."

Sakura grabs her forehead as if in deep thought, "You're right I can't yet. So much is happening right now I need to be here for Peter. I need to complete my training with you too. Nari has to start human school soon. I can't allow him to show himself in front of others. He's not even a normal child, an outcast."

"What makes you think he can't have a normal life."

"If I show you, promise me you won't be mad at me."

"Stephen takes a deep breath, "Now I'm a little worried. Show me so I can help you."

Later that evening Sakura finally arranged for her son to leave the bedroom to the open hallway near the stairway. They stand beside an empty plant bowl full of snow. Nari is wearing nothing but a tank top and some shorts to show off his strange abilities. Stephen brought Wong to see how dangerous this could be to the Sanctum. This was a big moment for the little boy. His mother nodded to him to do what she had asked him to do. Nari shoved his hands inside this pot of snow turning his skin blue and revealing some dark blue markings. The whites of his eyes turned a light red. Darker red eyes and his pupil is black. This cold weather doesn't bother him in the slightest. He lifted his hands from the pot to warm himself up again. His body returned back to normal again only a minute later.

"What monstrosity did you bring to our protective barrier?"

"This is another long story I'd rather not get into. Odin as you know adopted Loki to be his son, but what you didn't know is that Loki is from a planet with massive building sized blue men known as Frost Giants. His biological father was the king of Frost Giants, so he was the rightful King of his former planet. Now I have a Frost Giant son, the last of his kind because Loki destroyed his biological planet."

"Will he grow giant?"

"No, because he's half human. Besides I have a spell I had learned from Frigga to keep him a proper size of no more than seven feet tall."

"How dangerous is he?"

"I have to be honest with you, I am not sure. He has powers beyond my knowledge. All I know is he can withstand any cold temperatures below zero. He cannot freeze to death, nor can he feel cold. Honestly I am not even sure how long we will live for either. Between now and possibly five thousand years from now."

Wong took one good look at Strange before stepping away through a portal he created, "If he does anything to defy us, Strange, you'll have to kill him someday."

"I am willing to take that chance."

Wong left them to question the decisions they'd be making for themselves in the future. One decision could lead to catastrophic consequences. This hasn't stopped them from continuing Sakura's training even further in Kamar-Taj, one of the most beautiful sights she has seen. She dressed up in dark red robes cloaked over her shoes. The heavy material constricts her movements although it does look good on her spell casting could bring great peace someday. In the courtyard Sakura would spend hours practicing whips and jumping on small mystical platforms. Training to fight with magic is a requirement.

On a mountain top, Stephen created a shrine for his late master. A final resting place for her with a stone facing the sun. Colorful wildflowers grow by the hillside path leading up to her grave where Stephen spends some of his time meditating. Sakura would watch him every day for a week. She sat beside him at the grave and leaned on his shoulder.

"She would be proud of you."

"Yeah, she would."

"My son will have to be homeschooled, won't he?"

"You've done your research. Yes, due to the powers he possesses he has to be homeschooled. We have never come across this before so we will need some help from somebody who also has powers."

Sakura's phone buzzed in her pocket. She reached in her pocket to grab her phone seeing Peter rapidly sending her messages, "Can our life get any worse than this?"

"Why do you say that? Update me details in Peter's small world."

"We fought fake monsters."

"Yeah I watched those fights. You were only there for the last few fights assuming it took Fury awhile to find you in Norway."

"Actually Fury hasn't been on Earth for the past year."

"What? Then who was...?"

"I have no fucking clue, but after the Mysterio incident this Fury doppelgänger vanished. Now Peter and his friends have been arrested for crimes against humanity. They've arrested Happy, Tony's friend too."

"He will be okay. We have an organization for superheroes here on Earth that can help him get through this. He is not alone, I promise you."

"You keep saying that. I hope you are right. I wish I was there to help support him right now."

"If you want to go I can't stop you, but know that your place in life is here. Not in the arms of a teenage boy."

"I hear you, Stephen."

"Let's continue your training in relics now. Let's go, get up."

Sakura stands up as wind blows her hair in her face "When do you think I'll get my relic?"

"The relic chooses you and is much more lifelike than others. Some types of relics are strictly magic. Some relics are weapons used to attack and other relics are used for defensive purposes."

"What category does the cloak fall under?" Sakura giggled.

"Who knows it has a mind of its own."

A few more days went by of training with Doctor Strange and she felt more powerful as the days went on. This power wasn't enough to keep her occupied. She had to test it out in real life situations. Sakura traveled the streets of New York in her crown and spider suit swinging from building after another hiding from the crowds of people. She landed in another alleyway to take a quick break and opened a portal to Stephen sitting on a chair in the Sanctum reading a good book.

"Do you read all day? Get some sun, Doctor."

"Vitamin D deficiency doesn't kill you, everyone has it, even Doctors do. What are you doing out there, by the way? Isn't it dangerous to be wearing that suit?"

"This suit makes it easier for me to be more flexible."

"Be careful, please. Peter may be out of the woods with the police, but that doesn't change public opinion."

"I know, I know. Bye!"

Once she closed the portal a man took a brick smashing it up to her skull. Sakura hit the floor, waking up in a different alleyway unable to move. She's on the floor bleeding from her head injury. Two men snatched her left wrist, and pulled her further to the back behind trash bins. One stood laughing holding his phone up to film this morbid scene. The other man hung her wrists up on a rope and a sailor hook. She was helpless to do anything, barely conscious. She opened her eyes to see him holding a metal rusted pipe. He beat her so hard blood pooled from her mouth. Within minutes Sakura's eyes sprung open. A dagger appeared in her hand ripping the rope to pieces. Her body hit the floor in a pool of blood. She webbed the boys against the brick walls leaving them to cry for help. The streets were pitch black lit up by small street lights. A sharp pain struck throughout her body. Nobody was walking the sidewalks or the streets late at night. She crawled to opened up a portal to the Sanctum.

"Strange, help me please!" Sakura called out in pain.

Strange rushed down the stairs frightened by the blood path she didn't realize she had. He lifted her shirt checking for bleeders searching through her body. His hands were shaking and his eyes were too watery to see clearly. Somehow her body was cut up and bruised in every spot on her body. Her latex spider suit was destroyed to the point where it's unrepairable.

"What happened to you? Who did this?"

"I don't know they knocked me out before I could see who it was behind me. I have no idea what happened to me."

"Can you heal yourself?"

"No, I can't move my arms. I just lost feeling in my arms."

"I have to take you to the hospital."

A portal to a closet inside a nearby hospital opened to them. Doctor Strange lifted himself off the floor holding Sakura in his arms. Quickly running through he slammed the closet door open running to the Emergency wing of the hospital. Nurses are moving out of the way to help her on a movable hospital bed. Her body suddenly started shaking uncontrollably.

Stephen panicked, "Christine!"

"Stephen? You can't keep randomly appearing in the hospital asking for free medical treatment," Christine said looking down at Sakura, "Oh my god who is this?"

"Help her, please. Help her!"

"Nurse, we need an exam room."

"Right away, doctor."

"Her name is Sakura Astoria. She has no past medical history; it's unknown if she's allergic to any medications. Right now she's more than four weeks pregnant."


"She's a close friend of mine..."

"We will take good care of her."

The nurse rolled her in a room attaching needles in her arms and monitors. A few more wrapped straps around her belly and tubes for her nose. Doctor Strange stood close by holding her hands. He called Peter during the process, but the emotional pain was too great to make out what he was saying.

"Hello, Sakura. My name is Doctor Palmer, I'm here to help you. This is going to be a hard question, but I need you to answer honestly. Can you do that?"


"We're you raped in the last twenty four hours?"

"No, I don't know. I don't think so."

"Okay, first off, I want to let you know your baby is okay. Somehow the baby managed to survive through the trauma. Tough little cookie this one. We'll monitor the baby closely just to be safe and we'll have to do a rape kit. This is completely up to you if you want to do that?"

"No, I don't need one."

"Stephen, you can leave the room now. I have her."

"No, it's okay. Anything you say to me you can say to him. We've been together long enough for him to know my medical history."


A full cart of materials is wheeled inside of the room and left beside Doctor Palmer. She handed her a light blue gown over to Doctor Strange and began prepping her for testing. Unable to move, Sakura knew someone had to help her change her clothes. Strange sighed, cutting off her clothes for easy removal. Making the wounds more noticable. He helped her arms through the sleeves and tied the back over the wounds. She replied yes over every question holding Strange's hand until the finish.

"We're done," Doctor Palmer said carrying the cart of supplies out, "I will not return in just a moment."

"How are you feeling? If it weren't for the former Queens spells you would have a miscarriage."

"I am okay I promise."

"Peter is here. I have to go find him because he doesn't know his way around the hospital as I do."

"Be quick about it."

Only a few moments passed by and Peter ran through the door to wrap his arms around her. Doctor Strange behind him rolled his eyes and sat back down on his chair watching Sakura's vitals on steady numbers.

"Hey, are you okay? I told you not to wear the suit. This is my fault."

"The police will be here shortly to get a statement from you. This is a policy here in the hospital." Doctor Strange said.

"Where were you? Why did you leave her alone? I could have helped her."

"You don't even have a high school diploma yet." Strange added.

"Stop," Sakura attempted to yell, "Stop fighting."

Doctor Palmer opened the door to her hospital room, surprised to see another guest, "Who's this?"

"Christine, this is Peter Parker. Peter, this is Christine Palmer, an old coworker of mine."

"Spider-Man, Peter Parker?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm not a bad guy like everyone says I am, it's a horrible long story."

"I cant possibly imagine what you three do all day fighting crime or whatever it is that you do. Nice to meet you," Doctor Palmer uncovered Sakura's arm to check the IV., "I have some test results."

"She's in a lot of pain right now. Can we give her anything?"

"Right. No we can't give her more? I'm sorry. Are you okay with me sharing this information with them? If not, I can have them leave the room."

"Honestly I don't care."

"Bloodwork looks normal on our end here. You don't appear to have anything wrong there. It's too early for a pregnancy test, but it's possible to be pregnant and then have another pregnancy with a completely different trimester. In about a week if you'd like we can talk options if you are ready. So you have a first born?"

"I have a son named Nari. He's five years old right now ready for school."

"That's great. Do you have any family who can help you right now? The baby's father I assume can help you? Are you the father, Stephen?"

"No," Stephen quickly jumped to reply.

"Both my parents are dead. The father is out of the picture. So Stephen and Peter are all I have left here."

"Where is Nari now?"

Stephen smirked, "He's safe, don't worry. Have you forgotten who we are and what we can do?"

"Okay, we'll right now I want to talk about the rough stuff first then we can move on to the good news. Does that sound okay?"

"That's fine."

"Both of your arms were pulled from their sockets including both your legs. Your right arm is broken. You have two broken bottom ribs on the right-hand side. You have bruises on both wrists, ankles, neck, thighs, chest, and stomach. The swelling will go down, but I have to run a few more tests before giving you some more antibiotics. Would you like to take a break or should I keep going?"

"Keep going..."

"You have whip lashes on your buttox and back. We will have to schedule some surgeries and you should be out of here in a few months or less. I'd restrain yourself from talking too much to let the swelling on your throat go down. We can start you on soft food. Tomato soup is a good start. Don't eat anything until after the surgery tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Christine..." Doctor Strange said

"You're welcome. I'll be back to take some blood samples in an hour."

Through the glass window, they watched as Doctor Palmer walked away out of sight. Peter jumped on the bed to lay beside her gently rubbing her belly. His other hand stroked her head and played with her perfectly dark waved hair. A colorful bruise spread across her neck and throughout multiple locations on her body. The baby was moving and nobody spoke for a good long half an hour.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked.

"I'm hungry."

"You can't eat until tomorrow, and you, Peter Parker, have school tomorrow morning so go home."

"I'm not leaving her alone."

"The Sanctum is not left unguarded. I can stay here and protect her if anything happens. You have my word." Strange said as he approached Peter.

Peter hands Sakura her iPad before he leaves, "Fine. I'll see you later, okay. I'll come by right after school. I brought your iPad so answer it when I call. I'll be staying at Happy's house, so I can take your son with me for a few nights. Nari will want to see you when he goes to bed."

"You don't even have a high school diploma either..." Strange questions.

"I don't need one..."

"I guess not..." Strange giggled.

Doctor Strange leaned into her face caressing her cheek. She leaned in, staring at his lips and back at his perfect blue eyes. The door opened up behind them and the twosome quickly pulled away from each other. Christine walked inside holding a small kit in her hand placing it in the table in front of her pretending she had not seen anything.

"Hello, I'm back. Time for blood tests."

"What is the blood test for?" Sakura asked.

"We are running every test on you just to be safe."

Doctor Christine hovered over Sakura's arm, withdrawing blood from her system. A few more viles and she labeled and capped everything. Each white label had her name listed beside all the information Sakura could give them about herself like age. Sakura's lap began to vibrate. The iPad glowed up to a phone call and a picture of them together. Sakura is holding Nari on her lap with both Peter and Doctor Strange leaning over her for the photo. She answered the facetime call staring at Peter's pretty little smiling chipmunk face Sakura loves so much. Before the conversation started Doctor Palmer left saying goodbye for the night.

"Hey, Nari really misses you." Peter said holding up the camera, "Nari, say hello to Mommy she's right there."

"Mommy! When are you coming home?" Nari cried.

"I'm sorry sweetie I don't know. How about I sing you to sleep. Would you like that? I promise we will work something out."



A yellow aura surrounded Sakura as she sang a gentle tune. Nari closed his eyes and Peter held him in his bed kissing him on the cheek as she sang. He sat back and closed his eyes, propping his phone on his desk so she could see them both. Healing Aura reached the two of them all the way in his home. Sparkles floated above her like the night sky until she stopped singing and everything stopped.

"Peter, he's asleep..." Sakura giggled, "Peter?"

Looking carefully at Peter she noticed his gentle breaths and movement clarifying he was asleep. Sakura turned her head to Doctor Strange sitting by her bedside leaning on his hands as a pillow asleep. He comfortably moved positions resting his head on her bed. She quietly laughed, running her fingers through his gray hair as he slept like a baby.

"Oh no, it appears I've knocked all three of you out."

All night long she spent time on her device staring at pictures they've taken together after the war, and holding on to Strange to prevent him from falling off the bed or his chair. As she watched the clock every hour go by she struggled to throw a blanket over Strange. Impatient, she stared at her iPad watching the time until a text came in from Peter. The morning finally put her in a good mood. She turned her head to Doctor Strange poking at his cheeks. The constant touching finally woke him up.

"Good-morning Doctor Strange."

"What time is it?"

"The time is Eight forty-five. My surgery is at nine, so they'll be taking me in soon."

"When did I fall asleep?"

"I was singing a song to my son and all three of you fell asleep by the time I had finished."

"What's the song called?"


"You sang a hypnotic sleep song. In addition to forcing the person or people to sleep it also heals them. Singing this song results in a lack of sleep. Did you even sleep last night?"


"You can heal other people with a song, but you can't heal yourself... When I was sifting through all the possible endings of the war some of them resulted in our failure with your songs. Why?"

"My emotions can affect it as well. My songs can be lethal, but I have no control over it."

"You've done this to us before. How long have you had this power?"

"Frigga taught it to me, and for the safety of others, she asked me never to use it unless I am happy. I forgot about singing until I had Nari and I'd sing to him every night."

"That is some strong magic. You can have your blanket back."

A crowd of nurses behind Doctor Palmer walked in unplugging her from machines.  Nurses surrounded her in a crazy frenzy. She panicked, breathing heavily. Her face turned pale and she wasn't feeling too good. Stomach curled, throat tightened, and her body uncontrollably started to shiver.

"Sakura, are you ready for surgery?" Christine said, smiling brightly.

"Will it fix my arms?"

"Unfortunately not. Luckily you won't need surgery, but it will take as long as four months to fully heal. Right now our goal is to realign the broken pieces of your bones. Should only take about a few hours. Are you ready?"

"I guess..."

"I'll walk with you guys. Would you like for me to check on Nari for you?" Doctor Strange said, holding her hands.

"Peter has him. He should be back a few hours after my surgery."

"It's okay. I'll work on it with Peter."

"Thank you."

Nurses by the foot of the bed wheeled her out the door to the hallway. So many people had their hands on either Sakura or the bed down the hallways over the elevators. Doctor Strange still had not let go of her hand thankfully. She looked up to him smiling as he did the same to her. Past the elevator to the double doors labeled for personnel only.

"This is as far as I can go with you. You'll be okay. I'll be right outside these doors."

"Thank you."

Another few minutes passed the doors she had gone under general anesthesia and her surgery began. A few hours passed by and Sakura returned to Doctor Strange still asleep and her wounds were slowly healing. Her arms are returning to normal so she can heal herself soon. Sakura opened her eyes to Doctor Strange's face hovering over her.

"The anesthesia finally wore off. How are you feeling, Sakura?" Doctor Strange said.

"I'm okay."

"Sakura, good to see you awake and responsive. Now we've repaired all of your injuries you're looking at a good half a year to almost a year-long recovery. The bruising should all be gone in three to four weeks. The scars on your back, unfortunately, will stay there for a long time. I will schedule an ultrasound at the end of the week. I'll release you after we have the results on that."

"Blood test clean?" Strange asked.

"Perfect bill of health. I'll have a nurse check in with you later. You should be able to schedule a follow up with an orthopedic therapist soon. I wanted to make sure you were ready, but I have called the police so you can give them a statement. When you are ready."

"Can I talk to them when Peter gets here?"

"Yes, let me or one of the nurses know so I can send them in."

"Thank you."

Sakura wiped away her tears staring at her arms and she couldn't move. Worried that her arms will never function ever again. Without her arms, she has no use of her sorcery. Doctor Strange held her in his arms patting her on the shoulder.

"A year... I won't be able to do anything with my son for a year...." Sakura cried.

"Once your arms are healed you'll be able to heal the rest of your body within a few hours. You'll be fine. Stop panicking."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the Frost Giants... I don't want Nari to become one of them..."

"No, you made the right decision. It will all work out I promise. Maybe not the way you'd hope, but it will work itself out."

"I've ruined my son's life. Ow, my stomach hurts!" Sakura yelled.

"Where? Give me a symptom!" Doctor Strange said hovering over her.

"It's hard to breathe and it hurts. I think it's my lung..."

"Hold on! Nurse! Sakura, your broken rib punctured your lung. They will have to do surgery."

"What about Peter?"

"Don't worry about him."

A new crowd of nurses and Doctors pulled her out of the room and rushed her to emergency surgery as her pain increased. She screamed, gripping her stomach. Peter casually walked inside the room to Strange standing over where Sakura would have been laying. He dropped his bag and looked around the nurse's station and the room for her.

"Where's Sakura?"

"She had to go in for emergency surgery. I'd say give it a few more hours."

"What happened?"

"Her first surgery went well. Although her broken ribs punctured her lung. It might have been air or blood I'm not sure. One of those would have been leaking free-floating inside of her. They had gone in to fix it. Drain out the blood or air."

"So we just wait..."

"That's all we can do."

Holding back his tears Peter tightened his fists then pointed to Doctor Strange. He walked closer to him and held back the urge to punch him across the face. Peter turned back and sat down over a chair tussling his hair moaning in emotional pain.

Peter whined, "Why are you so attached to Sakura?"

"I'm a Doctor."

"You don't have full mobility in your hands, so clearly not anymore."

"Good news. She's okay. Let us know when she wakes up."  Doctor Palmer smiled, wheeling Sakura back inside.

"Okay. Thank you." Peter said as she left.

"She's awake!" Doctor Strange yelled out.

"Sakura! I'm so glad you're okay, you scared me to death." Peter cried.

"I'm fine. You two, on the other hand, are a bigger wreck than I am now. You should see each other's faces right now." Sakura laughed.

"That's not funny. I thought I was going to lose you." Peter said.

"I'm fine, don't you have school tomorrow? What are you doing here? It's late..."

"Tomorrow's Saturday. So I asked May if I could spend the weekend with you."

"I'd like that. Although I haven't eaten all day, my son must be terrified right now."

"Actually he's doing great. May is taking good care of Nari. So much he's forgotten about us already."

"Ouch." Doctor Strange added.

"You don't have to be here anymore. We're okay." Peter said.

"Define okay." Doctor Strange said, "I'll keep an eye on her vitals, and read my book. You can pretend I'm not here."

"May and I have been looking for schools in Queens. We found three and this one here seems to be the best choice. I went there to see how I turned out." Peter said, ignoring Strange.

"That's so sweet, but Nari has powers so he can't go to a normal school. Stephen is going to set something up for him."

"Oh, okay. Are you okay?"

"She's fine." Stephen said annoyed.

"I can't lose her. Not after I lost Mr.Stark. I can't lose her too." Peter cried.

"You won't."

"You two are in danger now. I'm here to protect the two of you until the time arrives where she can fend for herself."

"You don't think I'm enough. You don't think I'm strong enough to protect her on my own!"

"No, I don't." Doctor Strange said standing, "All you can do is shoot webs from the device on your wrist. What good will you be to her if you're dead..."

"Enough! Stop fighting! You two are ridiculous..."

"Why do you care so much...?"

"Why do you care that I care so much?"

"Stephen, can you go find something for me to eat?" Sakura asked halting the argument.

"I'll go see if the cafeteria is still open..."

"So you and Doctor Strange are on fir me st name terms."

"I know you miss Tony... I do too. I can't tell you everything will be alright because it won't. The world knows who you are now so you have to be more careful."

"Did you two sleep together?"


"So I can't talk you out of this... I'll be the forever boyfriend, the dessert. Would Loki be the main course, or would this new guy you found in Norway be the dish?"

"...and Doctor Strange?" Sakura giggled.

"The Appetizer." Peter laughed.

"I heard that... I'm not going to ask..." Doctor Strange said, appearing out of his portal.

"Nice timing. The world knows who I am, yes. I have to consider the limited options I have and try to have a normal life. I am applying for three colleges now."

Sakura giggled, "The baby is growing bigger and soon I won't be able to do any of this Hero work. What will I do when you go?"

"Doctor Strange will take care of you and Nari. Go stay with him."

"I can do that." Strange replied.

"I don't want to come back to see you on top of her. Do not take advantage of her when she's pregnant."

"Peter it's not like that..." Sakura said.

"That's bullshit..." Peter said walking to the doorway, "A while back when you were at the sanctum that night with Doctor Strange. That's when you two..."

"No, Peter, that's not what happened."

"Then what happened?"

"Doctor Strange asked me about healing magic from my world, so I showed him and then you came to the front door."

"That's not all is it?"

"I kissed her. Why are you so jealous? A relationship between the both of you isn't legal here. Besides, this is none of your business. Why did I even say anything?" Stephen smiled, stroking the hair on her head.

Clenching his fist Peter turned his body and put his entire weight to punching Strange. He fell back against the glass walls shattering them. His body flew smashing over the Nurses station causing everyone to scream and scatter throughout the room. Unable to move or do anything Sakura sat there whimpering with tears dropping to her bedsheets. The doctors and nurses stared at Peter standing holding his bloody fists in the air. Finally Doctor Strange lifted himself up off the broken glass looking at everyone.

"No need to panic, everyone. This is official S.H.I.E.L.D business, so charge them for the damages." Doctor Strange said.

"Touch her like that again and I will make sure you never see the light of day again."

"It's not up to you..."

"Peter, stop please!" Sakura cried, "I'm sick of the fighting. I know nothing will return back to normal, but I need all of us to get along. Doctor Strange has saved and helped us countless times. He's a doctor for crying out loud leave him alone. We've all had a rough five years. If you continue this they'll arrest you again."

A man wearing a nice suit guarded by two police officers walked straight to the scene where nobody had moved since what occurred a few moments ago. One spoke on his radio allowing the man in the suit to speak. Nurses hurried to Doctor Strange's aid, padding down his bloody face with gauze.

"Sir, Are you alright? You seem alright, you should be unconscious since you hit headfirst out through the glass."

"I'm fine. Give me a head CT. It's me, Mark. Doctor Strange..."

"Doctor Strange? Surely you haven't been practicing since your accident."

"I'll be fine. This is a S.H.I.E.L.D matter."

"Then the three of you need to leave for another facility under S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Stephen! Oh my God, what happened to you?" Christine yelled, checking his eyes and head.

"I'm fine. Mark, you won't need to transfer Sakura. She will be okay when I take her home. She's stable and perfectly fine."

"Sakura just had surgery and she can't go anywhere," Christine said.

Doctor Strange rolled his eyes and dragged himself over to her bedside. Panicking, Sakura did her best to hold him up to sit down on a chair despite the pain she was in. He lifted her arm and gown to show her scars had been fully healed but still visible to the doctors and nurses outside the room.

"All better."

A burst of energy coming out of Sakura shook the hospital. During the chaos her body was able to heal itself at an incredible rate once her arm bones set back to normal. She would return to full function soon. Stephen opened a portal back to the Sanctum and the three of them ran out of there before anything got out of hand. Everyone stared in shock as he closed the portal behind them. The three stood uncomfortably in the middle of the open space by the front entrance. Peter shook his head walking to the front door.

Sakura cried out, "Peter..."

Peter kissed Sakura on the lips, "I really like you. I love you. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I just want you to know that I am here for you if you need anything. If we have a relationship it's illegal, but if you are up to it after I turn eighteen we can. Sleep on it tonight and text me later, okay."

"I will. Thank you, Peter. I love you too."

"I am so glad you are happier now. On the news they found two males attached to a brick wall in an alleyway covered in blood. They were dehydrated but alive. No one  will go after you for what you did because it was out of self defense. So go easy on everyone with all these new powers you have. Not everyone is as great as you."

Sakura smiled, "See you around, Peter Parker?"

Peter left the Sanctum with a bright smile across his face. The cloak of levitation circled her a number of times before landing perfectly on her shoulders. Her body lifted off the floor with a green and yellow aura combining magic. A black spider suit created over her clothes then formed her crown above her head. She was more than one hero combined. A Queen worthy of her crown. Sakura landed in Stephen's arms kissing his gentle lips.

"You look incredible." Stephen said.

"I had no idea I could do that. I am..."

"A Spider Queen Sorceress. An entirely new hero was born right before my eyes. I feel confident in sending you to Brazil as a first mission."

Little Nari ran down the staircase excited to see his mother again after being away from her for almost an entire week and gave her a big hug, "Mommy, mommy, your home."

"Yes, my little prince. I am home."

"Mommy, can I go too?"

Sakura kneeled to her son's level, "This planet is a dangerous place. We have no idea what dangers we will face. Someday if that is what you want I will allow you to fight by my side. Do you understand?"


"How about I come back to get you when it's safe. Would you like that?"

Nari nodded and hugged his mother, "I love you, mommy."

"I love you too, sweetie."

"I taught you everything you needed to know about the portals. Do you think you are ready to make a portal to another area in the world?" Doctor Strange said.

"I believe I can do it."

Stephen nodded his head and stepped aside so she could pull out her sling ring. She waved her arms in the air and a massive portal appeared in front of her releasing an outdoor fall breeze. This forest is dark and covered in a dense fog. Shrooms and soggy wood cover the dirt path leading further in the forest. Massive black birds fly over the trees. As most smaller species of birds live within the forest. An oddly shaped bird with a red head, grey wings, and a black chest feathers are fluttering around like a pack among the branches close by. So many creatures in one area it can be intimidating. She actually created a portal to the Amazon all the way in South America. This is a fantastic achievement for both teacher and student. A proud moment for them both.

"What are you waiting for?" Stephen asked.

"I feel bad leaving Peter behind. All he wanted was to go to MIT, but his life is over now."

"We have people here on Earth who are more than qualified to help him. Don't worry about him, and don't worry about me either. You are allowed to love the immortal man. He is the baby's father after all."

"Thank you. I will be back soon so please take care of Nari for me."

Sakura stepped through the portal and waved goodbye to Stephen on the other side as he closed it. The forest is massive. She spotted a Buje plant off the path she walked down. A green fuzzy weed spreads across the bed of these trees in front of her. She picked a bundle of the leaves and placed them in a small pile. She picked a tree to hide them in and left to search for more in other areas of the forest. Sakura thought about starting a fire tonight to keep her warm, but that would draw too much attention to herself.

In the distance she can hear the sound of flowing water in her left ear. She followed the noise down hill to spot a huge river flowing west to Peru. Wood river boats are neatly aligned by the shore next to an old man who provided safe passage up the river. Sakura snuck up behind him and possessed his body. He pushed the boat out and stepped aside for her. She took possession of his cooler full of food and a row to help her go down the river calmly. A peaceful ride down a hefty river. Dolphins are jumping over the boat happily greeting her. The warmth was the perfect temperature for a nap in the sun. She slowly closed her eyes curled up in a small ball. Listening to the sounds of bird flying by in small groups. Fish splashing up and down the stream. Life for once was perfect.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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