42.1% Queen In Green & Gold / Chapter 8: What If?

บท 8: What If?

The enormous shipped docked itself above the innocent vessel forcing themselves inside. Slaughtering sinless families, and surrounding those who survived. Sakura placed the palm of her hand over her belly. She took a deep breath feeling sick to her stomach. Loki snatched her hand holding it tightly gazing down at her beautiful glowing eyes watching Hulk hide in the shadows to help defend the ship. Waiting for them to enter through the double doors Loki pushed her away to the doorway

"Go with them. If you stay here with us you'll die. Take as many Asgardians as you can. Go to Earth. Find the Avengers and tell them what happened here." Loki said.

"You said I could fight by your side from now on. I'm they're Queen it's my job to stand an fight for them while they escape. If I go with them that's one less living child." Sakura complained as Loki placed his hand on her belly.

"You are pregnant..." Loki said smiling for only a moment, "So no... We will have one less living child if I allow you to fight like this. I love you more than anything, but I'm afraid of what will happen to you."

For only a moment she stepped back holding her belly. She leaned foreword tightly clasping Loki's arm hugging him uncontrollably. Thor smiled giving Loki and pat on the back as a congratulatory gesture. 

"I'm grateful we are having a new baby in the family however, brother, who are these criminals?" Thor aggressively asked holding him up by his collar.

"Thor!" Sakura screamed attempting to yank his grip away.

"He's here..." Loki choked.

"Who's here?" Thor asked, "And why would you need our help. Why should I call the rest of the Avengers to help us?"

"Thanos. He used me to get to the Tesseract." Loki said as Thor released him, "His goal is to collect all the infinity stones and take over the universe." 

"He must think you have it. We have to explain to him you don't have the Tesseract, and he will leave us alone. The rest of them will evacuate just to be safe." Sakura said.

"This vessel can only evacuate less than half of the people aboard this ship." Thor sighed.

"Then it's settled I will stay here." Sakura smiled.

"Can you at least hide?" Loki said, "He has an army and it's only the four of us...."

"Fine!" Sakura grumbled walking away.

Quickly leaving the scene she hid low behind an indent in the wall. Covered on all sides but one she was at least able to see them. The door slid open and a few monstrous creatures passed through. Immediately after a Mad Titan had set his large feet aboard the ship. By looking at him Sakura's heart raced and she continued to quietly lower herself to the floor. The Titan faced Loki almost touching each other with an unpleasant look on his face.

"I can't thank you enough for finding the Space Stone for me, Loki. Now do me a favor and hand it over." The Mad Titan demanded.

"Nice to see you again too, Thanos. I don't know if you are aware of this but on Earth, I was captured on earth, so I no longer possess the Tesseract." Loki smiled.

His army surrounded them and a female with black horns and a black devilish paint splashed over her face held up a knife to Loki's neck. She smiled and whispered to him to give up the stone or else blood will be shed. Loki stopped smiling and stared back at her without a word.

"Kill everyone on board the ship until they speak," Thanos ordered.

A crowd of soldiers marched through the hallways of the ship slicing and gutting innocent children in front of they're mothers. Wives murdered in front of their husbands while the men die from a stab wound from the back hovering over dead family members. Those who did escape managed to survive, but those who stayed behind didn't even have a chance at survival.

"Leave them alone they have nothing to do with this! Why are you killing innocent lives?" Thor cried out.

"You are not telling me what I want to hear, thus I will kill every last Asgardian here until you tell me where it is," Thanos replied.

"The Tesseract isn't here!" Loki cried out.

"Then where is it?" Thano's asked.

"We left it on Asgard. Burned to the ground. Our planet was destroyed. We don't have the Tesseract!" Thor shouted.

A scrawny bald alien waved his arm slightly bending metal at his own will. He wrapped the metal over Thor covering his mouth and his entire body. Only his head is unsealed by a metal grave. Thano's placed his enormous hands over Thor's head like a melon ready to be squashed. He smiled at the two of them prepared to do anything to rule the universe.

"You have two options. The first option is you tell me where the stone is and we will leave peacefully depending on what you say. The second option is if you don't tell us where the stone is I'll kill your brother and blow up this tiny vessel."

"Kill away...."Loki said with the most horrified look on his face.

Using his finger and the power of the stone he had already possessed he pressed on Thor's eye socket almost killing him. He screamed in agony bleeding all over himself. Sakura pulled herself away for a moment then turned back to see them thinking of what could she possibly do without killing herself in the process. She is nowhere near as strong as Thor or Loki and yet even they are no match for the Mad Titan. A tear rolled down Loki's cheek as he was heavily breathing.

"Loki give up the stone! It's not worth our lives. We will call for help on other planets and warn them of Thano's. Please! The world needs the two of you alive! Think about the child!" Sakura said telepathically.

"Alright stop!" Loki shouted revealing the Tesseract, "You want this so bad! You'll have to fight for it. We have a Hulk."

Above Loki, a raging giant muscular green man jumped over him attacking Thanos. They fight furiously throwing punches and throwing each other around. Eventually, Hulk collapses from the hits and Loki backed away as far as he could heavily breathing. All of his muscles and green skin faded away. Sakura waved over to him. He noticed her and crawled as Loki and Thor attempted to escape this situation. Struggling Heimdall lifted his sword as he bled out. 

"Please, Heimdall, stand down. My wife is on this ship. She is pregnant," Loki cried, "We won't win this time. Use the sword and send her to Earth." 

"What?" Thanos and Sakura shouted simultaneously. 

Using every bit of his power Heimdall had left he cast Sakura and Banner back to Earth. Striking New York Banner landed inside the New York Sanctum front staircase. Doctor Strange raised his fists in time for two shields to produce. Wong stood at his side and holding up his hands ready for an attack. 

"Thano's is coming!" Banner said heavily breathing. 

"Who?" Doctor Strange replied. 

"Sakura! Where is Sakura?" Banner shouted. 

"Again who are you talking about?" Doctor Strange added. 

Another thrown from the ceiling collapsing at the foot of the stairs barely leaving a dent on the floor. A mystical orange colored aura enveloped her body while she laid there unconscious. They turned their heads to see her innocence, but still cautious. Strange lifted his middle and index finger to her neck. 

"She's alive." Doctor Strange said.

"Stephen we can trust him. He's an Avenger." Wong said. 

"Okay, but who is she?" Strange asked. 

"Her name is Sakura. She's the Queen of Asgard. She's pregnant with Loki's child. We were in space after Asgard was destroyed. Thanos took over the ship killing the Asgardians and took the Tesseract from Loki. I'm not even sure Thor or Loki is even alive anymore. He beat the three of us in seconds. Apparently, he already has a stone and called the Tesseract a Space Stone. He's trying to take over the universe. We have to get the Avengers together and stop him." 

"Stephen, if someone is after the Infinity Stones your life is in danger," Wong added. 

"Where are the Avengers now?" Doctor Strange asked.

"I don't know. I haven't been on Earth since the Ultron attacked. I was on a weird planet when Thor rescued me and brought me to Asgard to help fight in his family affairs. We left Asgard on a spacecraft and I had the chance to get to know Sakura. She's the exact opposite of Loki, but she's a sorceress and a good one. Oh, I know, find Tony Stark. " 

"Give me a minute." Doctor Strange said leaving the area. 

Banner crawled out of the hole down the stairs to lean Sakura upright. He checked her body for any injuries and any signs of bleeding. Doctor Strange returned stating he knew where he could find Stark. he opened a portal to a nearby park to Tony and Pepper talking in the Park. Banner stood up watching Sakura.

"I don't see any signs of fetal distress. She should be fine." Banner said.

"Are you a doctor?" 

"Yeah, I'm more like a scientist, but I help heal people on the side. And you?"

"I was a Doctor some time ago." 

He walked inside the portal to the park followed by Banner and Wong. The couple turned to face them frightened at the sight of more possible dangers.

"Tony Stark, My name is Doctor Strange. You need to come with us. Oh, and congratulations by the way."  

As the conversation led on they returned to the sanctum to finish this long unappealing talk. Rubbing his head in distress he noticed the girl lying motionless leaning on his staircase. He pointed to her frowning over to Banner then to Doctor Strange. 

"Who's the Barbie girl?" 

"She's Loki's wife. Queen of Asgard. She's pregnant with his kid." Banner repeated. 

"Another Asgardian criminal! I don't think I can take much more of this. Where's Loki?" 

"Tony I don't think he survived. Thanos threatened to blow up the spacecraft. I think she's the last Asgardian left. Thor might be alive, but I highly doubt it. Thanos used Loki and definitely killed him."

"What do we tell her when she wakes up? Will she murder this planet mourning for her dead criminal husband? Is she a murderer too?"

"No! She's the opposite of Loki. Sakura is a healer on Asgard. She learned magic from Thor and Loki's mother. She learned to see the good in everyone no matter how bad, but Thanos scared her. She was too afraid to move when he walked in. She's a healer, not a murderer." 

"Loki..." Sakura whimpered healing herself. 

"She can use sorcery to heal her wounds?" Doctor Strange said.

"That's what I just said," Banner added, "She's waking up." 

Her eyes opened to the small group of guys arguing over her. She lifted her arms struggling to stand on her feet. Doctor Strange held his hand out to her helping her. She looked up to see his beautiful mesmerizing blue eyes. 

"Are you alright?" Doctor Strange asked. 

"I'm fine," Sakura replied. 

"We're safe now, Sakura." Banner said.

"I highly doubt that," Sakura replied holding her head, "Where is Loki?"

"Dead hopefully." Tony Stark whispered. 

"Really, Tony?" Banner complained. 

"Come on he killed so many people."

"So have you." 

"Do not start with me!" Tony said pointing at her. 

"Stop both of you!" Wong yelled. 

"Listen to me. If Loki is alive he wouldn't want to live in a world where there's nobody to rule over. I truly believe Thanos plans to eliminate the universe. Collect your army here on Earth and prepare for the greatest war in human history. This is far worse than what Loki had done here I guarantee that." 

"I'll figure something out," Tony replied calmly. 

"There's something going on outside..." Sakura announced. 

The whistling wind struck the heavy doors. Above them through the window wooden branches and random objects are flying everywhere. Everyone walked outside witnessing humans scattered throughout the streets screaming for their lives. A massive ship hovered over the city flashing a beam of light to the street. They followed where it had landed helping civilians on the way. A nearby car set on fire and a woman ran out of the car screaming yelling her child was in the car. Sakura ran to the car transforming to a Japanese Shiba Inu. She jumped inside the car pulling on the little girl in the back seat and transformed back to shield them from the explosion of the car. 

"See I told you." Banner said. 

In a rush, Sakura healed the little girl running to the ship. The boys followed her as quickly as they could. She spread her arms out casting spells before their eyes. She forged daggers out of thin air transforming her armor back on her body. 

"Where is my husband?" 

"Give us the stone and we will provide you the answers you desire." The scrawny, Ebony Maw said. 

"No, no! Earth is closed go back from where you came! That means you too Squidward!" Tony yelled. 

"Stone Keeper. Do these chattering monkeys speak for you?" Ebony Maw said to Doctor Strange

"No certainly not. I speak for myself. You are trespassing in this city and on this planet." Doctor Strange said walking beside Sakura. 

"What are you doing you have the stone?" Sakura complained. 

"I can handle this." Doctor Strange replied. 

Stephen glanced down at her stomach walking forward holding his shields up accompanied by Wong behind them. Stark looked to Banner waiting for him to transform to his Hulk form with no luck at all. 

"What's the hold-up? Where's your guy?" Stark asked. 

"He won't come out. We're having a bit of a thing here." 

"No, that's a thing right there. Let's go. Come on you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards." Stark sighed, "Okay, you know what just step back." 

He walked closer removing his glasses away from his face as his nanotech suit developed over his body.  He pulled out floating machines to blast out beams, but Ebony Maw managed to dodge because one of his own took the hit. 

"Where'd that come from?" Banner said.

"It's nanotech, you like it?" Tony Stark replied. 

The fight had gone on as the group of wizards and the Ironman threw vacant vehicles at them. In return, Maw chucked rocks and other small deadly objects. Earth's Sorcerers created portals to space deflecting the attack. Strange pulled out his whip striking Maw pulling him. He pushed Strange up against a building wrapping bricks around his body. Sakura screamed covering her mouth. She hurried over to the building to save Doctor Strange, but Wong snatched her arm. 

"What are you doing? He's in danger!" 

"He cannot take the stone that easily. Trust Doctor Strange he's the best Sorcerer here on Earth." Wong replied.

She watched as Doctor Strange fall over a white car and roll to the floor. He stood up waving his arms around as green glowing circles appeared from his arms. He opened the necklace revealing the stone. Roots rose up from the rubble wrapping around his arms to restrain Strange from finishing his spells. They circled around his body tight. He struggled like a wounded animal trapped in a bear trap. It lifted him up choking his neck as it crawled higher like a snake. 

"Let go of me! I'm not weak!" Sakura shouted pulling away. 

Attempting to free Doctor Strange, Sakura jumped on him as he was about to collapse. She struck her dagger on the slithering cords with no luck then decided to pull it off his neck by hand. Her strength only made the metal move slightly as she whimpered. Doctor Strange couldn't breathe. Only using his lips he worded her to save herself before passing out. A street light struck her sending her flying against another vehicle on the side of the road. She picked herself up watching Ebony Maw carry him away on street rubble. Luckily for the Cloak of Levitation, it pulled him out safely. His cloak flew him across the city and Maw floated over to catch up with him. With both Tony Stark and Bruce Banner fighting in another location Sakura had to take action. 

"You see what happens when you don't listen! Now teleport me over there before they reach the ship!" Sakura yelled. 

A portal opened up in front of her and she jumped right in making a run for it to see how far back the cloak was. It flew directly above her accidentally catching itself on a pole releasing its grip on Stephen.  A guy in a red and blue costume caught him as it beamed them up. Sakura transformed into a bird purposefully landing inside to be zipped up behind them. She transformed back reaching for Strange's arm. 

"Hey, we're being beamed up here!" Peter cried out to Stark looking down at Sakura, "Who are you?" 

"I'm not the enemy! Where's Tony?" 

"Wait you know, Tony? Okay, I guess you're not bad. Wow, you are really pretty." Peter said. 

The beam of light pulled Sakura and Strange inside once she snagged on to his sleeve. They landed in a room. She lifted her body to look behind her, and she noticed a beautiful view of the sky. The cloak of levitation tapped her on the shoulder. 

"Oh, right!" Sakura panicked. 

She leaped out of the view and landed in front of Doctor Strange's body spread across the floor like a corpse. She rolled him over and rubbed his cheeks. A green glow sparkled throughout his body healing his life-threatening wounds. She watched him for a long time feeling like she was falling in love all over again. Sakura lifted her hands up in the air biting her lips holding back on her feelings.  Suddenly the ship moved and they were already in space. She looked up frightened at Ebony Maw hovering over them. An ugly grin on his face alerted Sakura to guard Strange with her body. 

"Leave him alone!" Sakura shouted casting a protection spell. 

"You claim to be Asgardian, but you clearly are human. Who are you?"

"I am Sakura Astoria Queen of Asgard. It was my duty as Queen to protect my people, but now it's my job to save the universe. To save his life." 

"You'll die as your husband did."

Plates of metal shards landed in her back like arrows. Her protective shield deflected them back. Ebony Maw had no other choice but to rip him off of her. He wrapped wires pulling her arms behind her back and neck yanking her off. She screamed as he caged her like an animal. Poor Doctor Strange was elevated up in the air with odd glasslike needles surrounding his body. After a few minutes of poking at his still body, he woke up in extreme pain. His eyes widened trying to make sense of the situation. Stephen carefully watched Sakura crying over him. These shards slowly and painfully touched his skin forcing him to moan in agony. 

"Give up the stone." 

"No." He replied glancing over at Sakura. 

"if you give me the stone I'll see to it she returns safely to Earth." 

"I've heard you don't keep your promises." 

"I'll kill you both." 

"Yeah, you've said that already." 

A bast on the side of the ship made a gaping hole to space. Suddenly Ebony Maw was sucked outside as did Doctor Strange. The new guy spewed webs from his hands pulling him back inside the ship before Tony sealed it using nanotech. The spells were broken and they were safe from the Black Order for now. 

"What are you doing here? Now your life is in danger. I can't protect you. If I have to choose between the three of you or the stone I'd have to choose the stone." 

"I was going to ask the same question to Peter. I told you to go home."  

"I was gonna go home!" 

"I don't want to hear it." 

"...but it was so far up, and I thought of you!" 

"Now I have to hear it. I can't believe the two of you." 

"I can't be a friendly neighborhood Spiderman if there is no neighborhood." 

"That's what we signed up for," Sakura added. 

"I guess we can all introduce each other." Tony sighed.

"Right. I'm Parker Peter, Peter Parker. Oh, right, we're using our fake names. I'm Spiderman." 

The boy put his hand out to Doctor Strange, but he only glared at him. Tony Stark continued to sigh as he turned to talk to Stephen to figure out a plan on where to go. In Embarrassment, he turned to face Sakura blowing out a puff of air. 

"My name is Sakura Queen of Asgard. It's nice to meet you Spiderman." Sakura giggled. 

"Asgard? Thor is from Asgard." 

"That is correct. Our planet was destroyed so we came to Earth for shelter, or at least we tried. A monster from the planet Titan has finally revealed himself from the shadows with an end goal to destroy the universe. I'm not too surprised about their reactions right now." 

"I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't mean to flirt with you back there if I had known you were recently..." 

"Thank you. I'm okay I need to move on. We need to fight Thanos and mourn our losses after the war is over." Sakura sighed. 


"Hey, so what are we doing? We can't sit here in space as the universe falls to Thanos."

"We're bringing the fight to Thanos." Doctor Strange replied. 

"That's a bad idea! He has the upper hand on Titan. You are basically handing the stone over to him, and if that happens it's over."Sakura whined.

"You don't get a say in this. If anything goes wrong we have you to heal our injuries." 

"It doesn't work like that it takes time to heal wounds. If an injury like a cut takes a few weeks I could make it fully heal in two hours. So if you have extensive damage I can't do anything quickly to heal you. I can take away the pain, but I don't think I can handle more bodies." 

"Kid, come help me steer the ship." 


In front of them, a massive steering setup was in place. Two tall robotic machines to place their arms inside, and a view of space. Together they placed one of their arms in each cup to steer the ship to the planet Titan where Thanos is from. Doctor Strange guided them there. He watched Sakura place the palm of her right hand on her chest breathing heavily and backing away. She turned herself searching for a way off the ship. Doctor Strange wrapping his arm around her waist and pulled her back over. Eyes locked on to one another. Her eyes lit up like the night sky and turned re as tears rolled down the side of her cheek. 

"I didn't ask for this..." Sakura cried. 

"Neither did I. I'll do what I can to save you, but the fate of the universe is in my hands. You should have stayed down on earth. Why? Are you in love with me?" 

"Should I be?" 

"Hold on!" Tony yelled.

Over the balcony outside the window, only sand and reddish colored dirt were visible to them. The cloak of Levitation returned to Doctor Strange's shoulder allowing him to take Sakura and hold her as they flew back to a wall. Sakura crossed her arms and shielded his spine, but the impact still affected him. She stood up promptly turning back around to remove his pain.

"Are you alright?" Strange asked.

"I should be asking you that," Sakura replied smiling.

Rubble fell from the ceiling landing a small distance away from them. The crash ended up breaking a large hole through the ship. Sakura lifted her hand to Doctor Strange slowly as if he might bite her. He sighed as he held her hand placing all his weight on his foot instead of her hand. Peter placed his hand on Sakura's back looking at her with sparkling eyes. 

"Are you okay?" Peter asked. 

"Yeah, I made it out okay." 

"Hey, this isn't over yet! Leave the barbie girl alone." Tony Stark complained. 

The adults walked passed Sakura discussing a straightforward plan to bring Thanos to his knees. Leaving Sakura out of the conversation she fled to the hole in the spacecraft. Peter followed her crawling on the ceiling to catch up to her. He lowered his body to face her and smiled. 

"Whatcha doing?" Peter smiled. 

"Are you following me?" Sakura giggled. 

"Yeah well, I was thinking maybe when this is over you and I could spend a little more time together." Peter blushed. 

"Where would you take me?" 

"I haven't thought that far, yet. Someplace cool." 

"Okay. I'm going to leave the ship to see if anyone is here." 

"No, no! What if Thanos is out there waiting for us to come out. Let's just go back over there and listen to what they have to say. You probably don't trust Tony, but I do. Please, for me." 

"Only because you asked nicely." Sakura giggled.

She headed back to Doctor Strange and Tony arguing over a simple plan. From the ceiling, Peter Parker dropped slightly holding on to his thick spider webs. His brown wavey hair all over the place and puffy chipmunk cheeks trying to speak up as he noticed some movement behind them outside. He lifted his fingers as Tony and Strange were talking to one another. 

"Hey, remember that movie..." 

"I don't want to hear another pop-culture reference out of you for the rest of this trip. Do you understand me?" Tony pointed. 

"I'm trying to say something is coming." Peter pointed out. 

Through the gaping hole, a small crowd of humanoid creatures from other planets stormed inside attacking Sakura and the Avengers. A small explosive device fell between the four of them launching them in all different directions.  A figure wearing a glowing red-eyed helmet holding up two guns walked in first. 

"Thanos!" one of them screamed. 

A muscular shirtless monster appeared tossing a knife at Doctor Strange. He shielded himself from his attack asking the cloak to take him out. The cloak wrapped itself on this grey-skinned creature forcing it to collapse. Floating above them Ironman rushed in to try and blast whoever he caught in his sight. Sakura pulled Peter away from an antenna lady approaching him fast. She picked him up and carried him over to Doctor Strange. A blast struck Sakura's back, and she rolled passing Strange's feet. The helmet man picked Peter from the neck and held him at gunpoint. Sakura sighed and stood up with her hands slightly in the air looking over to Stark who had pinned down the muscular guy. 

"Everybody, stay where you are! Chill the fuck out!" The man said removing his helmet as he pointed his gun at Tony, Strange, and Sakura, "I'm going to ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?" 

"Yeah, I'll do you one better. Who is Gamora?" Tony Stark said removing his helmet. 

"I'll do you one better! Why is Gamora?" The muscular man oddly said in response. 

"If you don't tell me I'll shoot this freak!" The man said.

"Let's do it! You shoot my guy, I'll blast yours! Let's go!" Tony yelled as his suit's arm changed to a gun. 

"Do it, Quill! I can take it!" The muscular guy said panicking. 

"No, he can't take it!" The girl shouted. 

"She's right you can't." Doctor Strange added. 

"Oh, yeah! You don't want to tell me where she is. That's fine I'll kill all four of you!" Quill shouted. 

"Wait! What? Thanos? Alright, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?" Doctor Strange said standing in front of Sakura. 

"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?" 

"You're from Earth," Tony said. 

"No, I'm from Missouri," Quill answered. 

"Yeah, that's on earth dipshit! What are you hassling us for?" 

"So your not with Thanos?" Peter quietly asked. 

"No, I'm here to kill Thanos," Quill responded holding the gun back to Peters' head, "He took my girl. Wait? Who are you, people?" 

"We're the Avenger's man," Peter responded as Quill let go of his neck. 

"You're the ones Thor told us about." The girl said. 

"You know Thor?" Tony asked. 

"Thor is my brother in law. What?" Sakura added.

"Yeah. Tall guy, not that good looking. Needed saving." 

"Where is he? Is okay? Was Loki with him? What happened to the vessel?" Sakura panicked. 

"The ship Thor was on blew up to bits. We found him floating with the other bodies. He said he was the last one alive on that ship. Are you Sakura?" 

"Oh my god, yeah that's me." 

"He told me if we found you that we could you trust you. To trust the Avengers."

"Where is he?" 

"Our group we call ourselves the Guardians of the Galaxy. Half of our crew came here to Titan. Thor had gone with a few of my guys to another planet to help him forge a new weapon. Something about his hammer being destroyed." 

"Thor's hammer is destroyed. Oh, no I don't like this." Peter said.

"No Thor's hammer was destroyed during the fight he had in Norweigh with his sister Hela. We have to move." Sakura announced. 

"Right, let's go," Quill said holding up a small yellow glowing device, "Titan is off its axis. The gravitation pool is all over the place." 

"Yeah, we got one advantage. He's coming to us. Pretty simple. We draw him in, take him down, and get what we need. Definitely, don't want to dance with this guy we just want the gauntlet." 

"Come here for a second," Doctor Strange whispered to Sakura. 

She followed Doctor Strange not too far from the crowd. Tony is fighting with the others, and Peter was there standing by his side. Sakura watched them as Strange dragged her away. He opened the necklace revealing the stone as it glowed bright green in Sakura's face. 

"What are you doing?" Sakura asked. 

"This is the Eye of Agamotto also known as the Time Stone. Using this stone I can control time and see the future."

"Your sorcery fucks with time. That's amazing. Can you bring back Loki?"

"Maybe, but I won't. If we mess with natural order it bites back. If Loki is dead I can't fix that, but I can change our future to help us win this war." 

"Okay," Sakura cried, "Go, I'll guard you." 

"Thank you," Strange said sitting down, "Peter likes you by the way. It's obvious." 

"I know." Sakura smiled. 

Strange floated holding his hands up touching his index fingers to his thumbs. His head was twitching as he was moving from one future to the next searching for their possible wins. The antenna girl glanced over concerned.

"Does your friend often do that?" The girl asked. 

"Strange! You're alright?" Tony questioned. 

"He's using his sorcery to go through time and watch our possible outcomes of this war," Sakura replied standing next to him. 

The green circles over his arms and his glowing green aura faded away. Seconds after his magic declined, Strange fell from hovering for a short time. Sakura held on to his back and shoulder as he gasped for air. 

"What did you see, Strange?" Sakura asked. 

"I saw fourteen million six hundred and five endings of this war." 

"How many do we win?" Tony asked.


"Hey, does anyone else feel that?" Peter said holding his arms out. 

"Someones coming?" The girl said. 

"Everyone scatter! We don't know what he's capable of." Tony said. 

"Sakura we don't have a lot of time. Asgardians can perform illusions correct?" Strange asked. 

"Yes, why?" Sakura questioned. 

"If everything fails I want to hide the Time Stone. Place an illusion on me to make it seem like the Time Stone is in the necklace. I can't have you do anything more than that. He might kill me, but it's worth dying for. Okay." 

"Okay." Sakura cried. 

She kissed Doctor Strange causing an immediate reaction. A green aura scanned his body, and a fake illusional stone was born. Taking a deep breath he kissed her back the pulled away in the out of sight. Avengers and Guardians spread themselves throughout the area out of sight. A huge purple Titan appeared staring at his surroundings. Tony lifted a building off the ground from somewhere close by and dropped it over his head. A breeze of dust spread when the building landed. Thanos destroyed the building painfully holding up the gauntlet in his hand. A stone glowed from his fists. He switched to another stone causing to move forcefully in one direction attacking Tony like a flock of birds. Quill slit his left calf using one of his knives to distract him for Doctor Strange appearing from a portal to attack him. His magic allowed him to create a sword attempting to cut him. An explosive device is placed on his back thanks to Quill. The cloak of levitation finally joined the fight wrapping itself around Thanos' fist so he couldn't use the stones. Strange used his portals to help Peter physically kick and punch him to slow him down. Thanos growled catching Peter by the neck and throwing him off. He ripped the cloak of levitation off the gauntlet then used it as a blow torch. 

In the sky, a ship crashed down over Thanos, and a blue android joined in on the fight. Strange wrapped a thick whip around the gauntlet. On the other side, Quil held him down and so did Peter. Sakura held a knife to his throat. The Antenna girl landed on his head placing both her palms in his head to control him. Everyone held tight waiting for Tony to pull the Gauntlet off with Peter's help. Quill jumped back down from the sky facing Thanos. 

"Where's Gamora?" Quill yelled.

"He is in anguish." The antenna girl says crying.


"He mourns..." 

"Gamora... He came back with the soul stone, but she didn't." The android said. 

"Asshole! Tell me you didn't do it!" Quill said.

"I had too...." Thanos said in agonizing pain.

"No!" Quil screamed whipping the gun in his face.

"Quill! Stop!" Sakura shouted trying to pull him away, "Peter!"

"It's coming, it's coming! I got it!" Peter yelled. 

Before the gauntlet was ripped from his hands Thanos pulled it back smacking the girl with the antennas off him. Peter Parker fell back in the dirt, but he stood back up in time to catch the girl. He threw Doctor Strange and smacked Tony Stark to the ground.  He snapped his fingers and a purple wave struck the Guardians leaving them immobile. Right after he rose his hand to the sky as if he was gripping something and threw his hand down. A noticeable planet from the sky crumbled hitting Titan like meteors. The Avengers did there best to evade the attack. 

"Sakura! I caught Quill and the others. Can you take care of them?" Peter shouted.

"I'm on it!" Sakura said. 

Peter gently dropped them one by one covering them in webs. Casting her healing spells she took some time to reverse the paralyzing effects from the stone. Her heart froze witnessing Doctor Strange singlehandedly fighting Thanos. He grasped Strange's neck ripping the necklace from his chest. Sakura screamed trying to place a protection spell on him from her distance but failed. Thankfully Tony Stark fell between them. She left the Guardians behind wielding daggers from her hands prepared to give her life to save the sorcerer.  Sakura ran up the hill to heal his wounds. 

"Get away from here!" Doctor Strange yelled out. 

"I know you want to die protecting the stone, but don't give up fighting."

"This is not the ending we win, but I can do whatever I can to make it happen in the future." 

"You'll die." Sakura cried. 

"Go help the others. Peter will need you when his world falls beneath him." 

Using his remaining strength Doctor Strange wiped away her tears and kissed her on the lips. A loud stabbing sound and a moan from Tony had them panic. They glanced over at Thanos holding Tony's head with Tony's own weapon through his body.  Doctor Strange pushed Sakura down the hill offering Thanos the real stone. Peter webbed Sakura's wrist yanking her over to him. He placed her on small pile rubble out of breath. He laid down next to her.

"He's giving up the stone..." Sakura cried out

"What?" Peter said standing back up, "Oh, no!" 

A green stone floated from Strange's hand to Thanos's gauntlet. He smirked teleporting back to Earth using the power of the Tesseract. The Guardians picked themselves off the ground swearing like sailors. Peter held on to Sakura giving her a hug. For the first time in history, the heroes have lost. They'd gone silent and before they realized the antenna girl dusted away. Next to die was his muscular and Quill followed soon after. 

"Why'd you do that?" Tony asked. 

"There was no other way." Doctor Strange said fading away.

"No!" Sakura cried out reaching out for him. 

"Mr.Stark I don't feel so good. I don't know what's happening. I don't want to go. I don't want to go! Mr.Stark, please. Please, I don't want to go." Peter said grabbing on to Tony. 

"What's going on?" Sakura cried. 

"Thanos did it. He wiped out half the population of the universe..." Nebula, the blue android said quietly to Sakura and Tony who are lying helplessly on the dirt. 

"So it's over... We lost..." Sakura said. 

We're in the EndGame now.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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