Everything he mentioned about the future home at the restaurant she remembered. She didn't say anything, but it all registered in her heart.
"You went too far. "Be careful with what you say." She admitted it.
“I know. "I'm sorry, but did you know you were the only one I had?"
She felt a jolt in her chest. "You're not serious. We do nothing but fight and complain." She stated.
"I know, but I'm a lonely man wandering in a world deprived of love." I never had anyone to keep me company. When I see people with sisters, brothers, or parents, I wonder how it feels to have them.
I imagined the world as a battlefield, a jungle where survival of the fittest is the order of the day.
I had no personal feelings for anyone, and no one had any feelings for me either. I was just a lonely and depressed guy, with no daydreams but sorrows in the rain. Exiled and treated as an outcast in society.
I lived my entire life with no one to warn or admonish me. My professionalism informed me that you were a target the first time I saw you in the restaurant, but I never acknowledged the part that stated you were a solace to me.
My negative mindset did not allow me to see the light that flashed from your eyes, yet a force held me together.
And I couldn't help but think of you. I tried to push you out of my head. I had no idea why I was attracted. Justin continues...
I'm still not sure how I revealed you my life's secret, and even though I warned you not to tell anyone, I believe Mercy is unaware of it.
Most of what I said was genuine, but it was all a means to constructing an air castle. You are a privileged girl from a wealthy family. I am a street kid with no family.
I never attempted to take you seriously because I didn't want a broken heart. I've never loved and have always been quite safe.
But I view you as the one person to whom I could talk to, and the way you listened to me was the nicest thing I've seen. It was the closest example to having a family. But I'm sure it won't last.
Because life is so unpredictable, I could vanish into thin air or die. Even now, you've made me feel things I've never felt before and forced me to leave a harmful life.
I realized that my acts were not just to collect food, but that some of these females felt something and hoped for something more, which I was not prepared to deliver but instead misled them in order to get what I wanted.
Miss Sunshine, thank you so much." Justin said.
She remained silent for a moment, perplexed. "What do you mean when you said you might depart soon?"
" I just have a feeling. It's difficult to say." he said.
"Has it occurred to you that you would be hurting me if you leave?" she said.
"You must not leave! Just know that I am here for you and will be there if you need me."
What exactly did she say? Petra? " I know it's hard to believe....but you mean a lot to me." "I'm not sure how you achieved it." She continued. He was still silent.
"Bare in mind my background."
He spoke quietly. " Please don't bring it up again. "I don't mind!" "I appreciate you coming into my life." He stated.
" And promise me you won't leave." He grinned as he stared at her.
"I promise." Justin responds.
" I'll call you Walter Marcus for convenience. You have temporary amnesia. It's tough to tell, either you have retrograde or anterograde amnesia.
You appear to react to some items that spark your memories. You spend a lot of time looking at the computer and the microscope.
You requested that I lend you twenty dollars rather than Bolivian Boliviano. You are truly American. But I have the man who brought you here.
Mauricio Carlos is his name. Curzela Cresent, his restaurant in 876 is being managed by him. I'm not sure if he can help. Be cautious; I don't believe you have paperwork.
These days, the authorities are severe. I'm only a doctor, and I can do more than just aid you with your health. Your bills were not paid." Doctor Mark explained.
"Thank you very much." Walter stated.
" I'll leave right away. "I'd like to know who I am, where I'm from, and what I'm doing here." Walter said.
"I suppose you must have had an accident in a private jet." the doctor said and Walter smirked.
Hajiya Fatima noticed him through the window. She had a feeling he was the one.
Petra has not told her about him, but how effective could a daughter be in concealing such information from her mother?
She began to suspect the day she asked Petra to eat some chips and she replied she was fasting.
Fasting? Petra was one of those ladies, and such women were the majority, who would skip certain days of fasting due to the inconsistencies of a woman's nature, but would not payback those days until a few days before the next Ramadan.
When they realize Ramadan is only a few days away, they begin to exclaim, "Ahh! Azumi bina Ana hudu (Ahh! "I owe myself four days of fasting." Was she fasting extra now?
Hajiya also noticed that she had fasted on Thursday. She then noticed her frying some delights.
Petra was not a good cook. She fried and boiled, packaged some, and assigned one of the drivers, Rabiu, to deliver it somewhere.
Some Fishy is really going on. Petra had transformed amazingly. She has become more conservative, courteous, humble, and religious. Someone always called her at morning, and she would get up to pray.
She would sometimes phone the person and say, "wake up you lazy bone and pray." She assumed it was the boy.
Thank you, GOD. Hajiya Fatima was accurate on her observations.
Justin and Petra were leaning on her car that day. "I want to get out of here." Justin said.
"with a free ticket to the land of peace." “Leave? I thought we discussed it. "Where are you going?" "A place where I can sit and cross my legs."
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" Subahahllah " And will not fast or observe salat." I'm not going to recite the Qur'an or offer charity... I'm not going to do anything..."
" What rubbish are you implying? "Enough now!" "I'd want to invite you." "I told you to stop. What kind of insane thought is that?"
"The insane thought of leaving this world with faith and works in the hope that Allah will have mercy on us and admit us to Aljanna."
There will be alcohol, and no fasting, prayers, monthly visitors, farting, job, meat, sickness, old age, or death... and I'm terrified.
I used to be so closer to Allah. I used to recite the Qur'an frequently, with a lot of azkar and zikr, which purifies the heart.
I gradually lowered all of those things, and that's when I started doing some pretty horrible things. Now I want to reclaim my former self.
And the only way to do so is to draw closer to Allah by good acts. "Will you join me to accomplish this?"
She pondered for a moment before nodding. " Yes. I'll join you." she said.
" Do you have a stomach ulcer? "severe ones?" She moved her head. "Then, insha Allah, we'll fast on Monday.
As a result, their religious practice began. " I'll be your Jay-Z, and you'll be my Beyoncé." A deep voice jolted Hajiya out of her reverie.
She quickly turned around to see her hubby standing behind her. What was he up to? "What exactly is this old man upto?"
"I'm 'fly' like Justin barbar (Bieber), so you'll be stylish like Selena Lopez (Gomez)." He said this while posing with his hands in his pockets.
" Ga wata sabowa (This is something new)." " Why are you surprised? Petra described my last attempt at romance as "old school" So I want to improve" Alhaji Usman (Petra's Dad) said with a smile on his face.
So I saw Jay-Z and Beyonce on TV, and then I saw a younger pair. The boy's name is Justin Barber, and the girl's name is Selena Lopez." " She laughed.
Your first son is thirty years old." "Revitalizing, yo." They both laughed. " How did you spend your day?" As he held her, she queried.
" Thank you, Allah. You look stunning. "You are stunning." " I appreciate it." "Even the upcoming Amarya (new bride) is not as lovely as you."
“Enhhh?” " I'm kidding." He burst out laughing. "Who is afraid? Allow her to arrive." " Hmmm.....so, why are you standing this way?"
"I was just taking in the beauty of nature. "Didn't I tell you about Petra's transformation?" "What makes you so surprised? I always told you not to be too worried or concerned about her.
"Didn't she transform when she turned eighteen?" " She did not change simply because she is eighteen. There is a reason for this". Hajiya responded.
She would have been more rebellious if it had been up to you." "So, what is the reason behind Petra's transformation?" " A boy. "Your daughter has fallen in love with someone" she replied.
"Hmmm...who is this boy?" he asked.
"I'm still trying to figure things out, but he's had a wonderful impact on her life."
"Inform her that he is invited to dinner on Saturday. "I'd like to meet him."
" What exactly did you say?" With his eyes wide open, Justin asked in shock. " I was surprised." Petra said. "Yesoo, my dad is inviting you to have dinner with us this Saturday, he is really interested in meeting you. ."
"I mean no offense, but I am declining the invitation." " Why?" " Can't you tell it's sticky?
When did Nigerian parents begin inviting their daughters' boyfriends to dinner? Your father only wants to catch me and beat the crap out of me."
"Irresponsible." "Do you realize that marrying you is suicidal?" " What?" "You are the golden child." The only girl with two muscular brothers. Justin said.
If I accidentally make you furious and they find out...phew! Take a look at the guy who drives a Benz. You can see his chest, can't you? When he says, 'he did this to you?' and the next question is, 'where is he...right now?'
Then your elder brother will call and say, 'I am at the gate.' 'I've come to see you.' The eldest will then call and say, "I heard, no issue."
And you know what that means, right?" She burst out laughing. "You're hilarious." "But truly, I'm scared." He stated.
"What makes you think he invited me?" he asked
"I'm not sure. He probably just wants to meet you. He will not bite you."
"I'm confident he won't bite me. He may, however, use a stick on me. He replied.
Naija ( Nigerian) parents invite you for a dinner? 'It's usually Tell him I want to see him,'.......
"She laughed. "I pray whatever he does, he doesn't take me away from you."
He spoke slowly. "What led him do that?" "I'm not sure. Miss Sunshine, I'm just afraid of losing you."
"My father will never do anything to hurt me, and what hurts me more than being separated from you?"
"You've become an inseparable part of me, absorbed into my veins, aligned with my heartbeats, and a protective screen against sorrow." You appeared out of nowhere to shower me with love and happiness.
And I'm terrified because there is no one like you, not even a fake in Justin's opinion.
I suppose you were named Petra in honor of me, because who needs you more than I do? Never, ever leave me." Her beautiful face broadened into a smile as her thoughts fought back tears.
"I'll be there." "Miss Sunshine, I looooove you." "I really love you, Ya Hayati."
Aazim was watching from his vehicle. So this is really true. Hmmm, what an excellent work.
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Carlos was a large man with a swollen face and serpent eyes. His face was clean shaved, with thin lips that held a cigarette securely.
" Oh my God! (Oh my goodness)" He was ecstatic. "Que suto!" (What a surprise!) "I recognize you."
He asked, "what's your name?"
“ I don’t speak Spanish.” " Oh, okay. " He stated. They were outside his restaurant, where he normally sat to smoke his cigarette.
"Can you tell me your name?" "My name is Walter."
"What happened to me?" Walter asked Carlos.
"How dwhere you able to locate me here?" Carlos asked looking uneasily at him.
"Did you forget something?"
“I can’t recall what occurred. "I don't even know what my name is or where I'm from."
“Hmmmm…. That was something I suspected.
"Are you a member of the CIA, FBI, or any other federal agency?" " I'm not sure." But he remembered the words, he said. “ I found you in the mountains, not far from the water.
Because Bolivia is a landlocked country, I usually like to visit the hummocks near the sea. It was a peculiar place for me. That was where I found you and I discovered something on you. "I kept it."
As he entered the spacious living room, Justin's heart began to race. He was surprised by what he saw. Her siblings crowded the table.
"She never told me it was going to be a United Nations meeting." What was the point of this? He thought to himself.
The table was long, with six costly dining chairs on both sides and two master chairs facing each other at the ends.
Alhaji Usman(Petra's Dad) sat at one end while Hajiya Biliki(Petra's Mom) sat at the other end. The children sat side by side. Petra escorted Justin to the table.
"Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah" means "peace and blessings." "Ameen wa alaikum salam," Justin saluted. They all joined in. Alhaji Usman smiled broadly and extended a friendly handshake to Justin.
Justin hesitated, feeling awkward, before reluctantly offering his hand. "I am delighted to meet you." Petra's father stated. " Could you please have a seat? "Your seat has been reserved."
He was led to a seat right opposite Petra. He was quite uneasy. He could feel her brothers' gaze digging into him.
Justin smiled at Hajiya Biliki and bowed slightly before greeting her. He sat on the chair, straining to get his baulk under control.
The table was set for the prepared feast. A variety of cuisines were on display. However, Justin did not feel the need to eat that day. He wasn't sure if he could eat there.
He discovered a side of himself he had never known existed: shyness. He also noted that Petra was a little shy. Their gazes would occasionally meet, but they would instantly separate like a flash of fire.
"I appreciate you accepting my invitation." Alhaji Usman said with a friendly and pleasant gesture. " Please feel at ease. This is your home, and we consider you a member of our family."
"I appreciate that very much, sir." "You're the little secret my daughter never told me—her dearest Friend." He laughed.
" As a result, I was eager to meet you and get to know you more. And we normally have dinners like this to keep the family together, and as a member of the family, I thought it would be a good time to come join us." Justin remained silent.
" My name is Usman and that lady over there is Hajiya Biliki , the first lady of the house." I go by Justice Barber, and she goes by Selena Lopez." Laughter erupted and everyone laughed, but Justin merely smiled and lowered his head.