Reynard looked at the hands pulling him and he was surprised to see that he was being pulled by Apeps.
"What do I expect in Hell's back door, if not demonic animals?
He tried to break free from their hold but they were pushing him down pulling and tugging at him and they were digging their long paws into his flesh.
Reynard cried out in agony at the amount of pain he felt as the paws cut into him. However, he was determined to pass through. He needed to go to Esme and through there was the only way.
He fought and struggled and he managed to stand on his feet and his fingers became elongated and his eyes changed color to his golden demonic eyes.
He stood with his head bowed and he looked at the dozens of Apeps surrounding him. He waited for them to attack him. The Apes were also waiting to catch him off guard. They were moving in circles around him waiting for him to throw the first blow.