
ตอน 15: I Kill to Survive

The IDs of officers on patrol revealed I had arrived at the Kunlungfang Institute, a strategic research division in Dahan.

I knew little of Dahan's history, only that it was founded in the Third World War and destroyed two years later by a powerful Japanese magician clan.

I try not to think about the details of mankind's history, but the truth remains that wars still exist and suffering is rampant throughout the world. No matter what cause they fight for—

I surveyed the still figures of the patrol officers strewn across the ground. I hesitated, trying to decide whether I should take advantage of this momentary respite to look around and explore, or if I should stay put and use my magic to gain combat experience. The world was in the midst of a raging war; it would hardly be considered unusual for an important area like this one to suffer damage.

I only sought to test my Sukunahikona's power, and it worked.

[Do you want to try the quest?]

The system read my intentions and asked me if I wanted to try the quest in a similar way to how it had queried me when I challenged Tatsuya to a duel.

I accepted the quest: [destroy the Kunlungfang Institute branch and kill everyone except an experimental subject, rewarded with a 100-story building in Tokyo.]

I weighed my options - the reward of a 100-story building in the heart of Tokyo versus the consequence of destroying a branch of the Kunlungfang Institute and killing everyone, except for experimental subjects.

The thought of it sent a chill down my spine; no matter how much I had to gain from this quest, I knew that taking a life was not something to take lightly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; I decided that I would endure whatever nausea or remorse this endeavor may cause me. This was an opportunity to test my strength and gain invaluable experience, and I could not afford to lose it. Steeling myself against what was to come, I silently vowed that I must succeed if I wanted to survive in this world.

As I breathed out, my breath fogging the cold mask that disguised my identity, I looked down at the two men lying on the ground.

I remembered their conversation; one of them joyfully talked about his wife expecting a child and the other was disgusted by the story of a newlywed couple.

Who were they? I couldn't tell if they were good or bad people, but it didn't matter either way. But, guilt washed over me as I realized that maybe, someone at home would lose their husband or son tonight because of me.

I wanted to apologize for what had happened, yet I could not bring myself to do so.

Was this guilt? Or was it a rejection of my urge to kill?

They weren't my enemies, but Dahan was an enemy state. Does that make them my enemies too? I wasn't sure how I felt at the moment.

I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my flesh, and demanded that I remain composed in the face of such emotional turmoil.

With a deep sigh, I opened my eyes and saw two men before me - enemies of this country.

I could feel the ice coursing through my veins as I rose my arm and formed a lance of purest ice in my hand.

Pointing the sharp spearhead at one of them, I lunged forward and felt the coldness of the lance pierce their body with a sickening crunch.

A fountain of blood gushed out from their mouth as they slumped to the ground, lifeless.

Not wanting to hesitate more than necessary, I repeated this process on the other man, feeling nothing as I watched his body fall limp to the floor.

The smell of blood hung heavy in the air around me, yet not a single drop was visible on the weapon I held in my hands - for their lifeblood had already congealed.

Yanking off my mask with a roar, I fell to the ground between the two lifeless bodies. My stomach heaved and twisted until finally, it vomited up its contents, a wretched offering in this dismal corpse shrine.

Ninjutsu was created for destruction, yet even its power couldn't prepare me for the conviction that flooded through me as their blood snaked around my legs, and seeped into my arms.

Abhorrence shook me from head to toe as I knelt in front of my sickening offering of death.

(Maya's POV)

The room was cold and dark, the only light shining on me, my body bound by wires that dug deep into my skin. I could hear their voices speaking in a language that I didn't understand, yet I knew they were talking about me, about running tests and experiments with me as their subject. My mind raced with fear as I watched the old man bark orders, and it was then I made a choice: to fight back against these monsters who treated me like an animal.

I could feel every single wire cutting and ripping at my flesh, and my brain was pushed to its limits. But no matter what pain they inflicted upon me, I would not give up without a fight. With every ounce of strength, I had left, I screamed for them to stop and begged for mercy—but all pleas went unheard as they continued with their sadistic torture.

My heart wept for the cruelty of this world, yet boiled with rage for turning me into a sacrificial lamb. If they touched something of value from within my womanly being, I swore to kill them slowly for every violation against me. No longer would I be just a test subject; now they faced a foe unwilling to go quietly into the night.

(Haku's pov)

Haku watched the Chinese dynasty-style building from behind the trees and concluded that security was very strict. He counted 30 armored personnel carriers, 10 combat helicopters, 25 tanks, automatic cannons, anti-tank, air defense systems, supersonic guided missile launchers, and 700 personnel with a third being magicians. He thought of collapsing the power source and surveillance system to break in. The laboratory was surrounded by an open area with trees making it difficult for enemies to sneak around. Bullets and tanks were ready to be fired anytime.

"Yawn! This task is incredibly easy. I could do it in my sleep!"

"I don't know what they're trying to accomplish here, but isn't this a bit excessive?"

"I understand that, but this just goes to show that we're protecting something incredibly important."

The two individuals grew bored and relaxed their surveillance, but suddenly, the lights surrounding them abruptly went out, causing their eyes to widen in surprise.

"What's happening? Why did the lights go out?"

"There might be a technical issue, perhaps."

One of them pulled out a pack of cigarettes, took one for himself, and offered the pack to their partner.

"You know smoking can be deadly, right?"

"Haha! Nonsense..."

As he prepared to light the match with the cigarette between his lips, he took a thoughtful drag, exhaling smoke wearily while gazing at the clouds and the gloomy sky.

He continued to inhale until he noticed that the area around them had become shrouded in a dense mist. "What the hell?" Confusion filled him as he stupidly examined the cigarette pack, raising his eyebrows.

While reading the brand name, a hand emerged from behind him.

"Hmmph!" The man cried out in pain as his mouth was covered, causing him to accidentally consume the lit cigarette.

His eyes widened in shock. "Who is this?" He screamed internally. He attempted to spin around and strike, but the mysterious figure swiftly thrust an Ice Needle into his neck.

The man's body instantly collapsed, and life was extinguished as blood poured onto the rugged ground.

As the mist dissipated slightly, a striking figure dressed in a pink kimono and wearing a mask emerged from the shadows.

Haku, with blood still staining his hands, gazed at the lifeless smoking man and his fallen comrade, along with numerous other bodies that lay in the vicinity.

He sighed, his eyes reflecting emptiness. This was just another killing in a long line, causing him to question and convince himself, "You can do this." He rationalized his actions by believing that it was necessary to kill in a cruel world, where peace could not exist without war.

Gripping his bloodied arm with determination, he hurled an Ice Needle toward the soldier's cigarette pack.

"Tch! I detest smokers," Haku muttered with a cynical snort.

Renewed with confidence and resolve, he advanced toward the open area.

Although it was swarming with enemies armed with deadly weapons, he believed his magic could withstand it all. From now on, he would not allow anyone to subjugate him as they had before.

"What on earth are you saying!?"

Major Yu Chen bellowed in astonishment from inside the dimly lit control room, where the only source of light was the afternoon sun.

He couldn't fathom how the entire facility had plunged into darkness after the generator mysteriously vanished.

"We're attempting to connect it to the main line, sir, but the entire network seems to be down as well," reported his subordinates, their voices tinged with fear and confusion.

Yu Chen gritted his teeth in anger.

Boom! Tutututututu!

Suddenly, gunshots rang out from outside, jolting the entire room.

Yu Chen and those around him hastily rushed to the balcony, their hearts racing.

"What... What's happening?"

Yu Chen questioned, his voice low and a chill creeping up his spine.

He witnessed a long-haired girl, masked and dressed in traditional attire, walking barefoot while his entire squad directed their firepower solely at her.

Yet, what terrified him to the core was that every bullet, missile, or spell aimed at her vanished into thin air.

"Quick! Summon Doctor Fang! We need No. 1 to eliminate her!" Yu Chen commanded, his arms trembling.

"AHH! AH!"

"She's a monster!"

His troops exclaimed in horror as their comrades were instantaneously impaled by Ice Needles that appeared out of nowhere when the girl extended her empty right hand towards them.

Haku observed the line of tanks, then opened his empty right hand in their direction. The tanks either vanished or shrank within the confines of the laboratory grounds.

Helicopter gunships swirled around Haku, firing all their ammunition, only for his defense magic to effortlessly neutralize their futile efforts.

Haku observed the helicopters encircling him from all sides and extended his right hand toward them.

Using a minor Ice Needle jutsu, he shot it at them. Initially, it appeared to have no effect, merely piercing the helicopter's hull. However, he employed Sukunahikona to enlarge each ice needle lodged within the helicopters, causing them to grow and ultimately bring down the aircraft.

Then, Haku sensed 50 magicians rapidly approaching, utilizing acceleration magic and wielding magically enhanced swords.

Ice rapidly formed, manifesting as a 2.3-meter-long Ice Lance in Haku's right hand as he accepted the challenge and charged toward them.

The first three assailants leaped at Haku, slashing their swords with intent.

Haku halted his charge, blocking the three attacks with his Ice Lance. In an instant, he disappeared before them, reappearing behind them and swiftly severing their necks with precise cuts.

Next, ten individuals encircled him, thrusting their swords.

Haku adeptly dodged their attacks, leaping and plunging his Ice Lance into the ground. While airborne, he retracted the Ice Lance and executed a series of slashing maneuvers, deeply carving into their chests.

Without waiting for them to engage, he sprinted towards the remaining seventeen adversaries.

Four individuals intercepted him, two slashing their swords from the front and conjuring sharp crescent-shaped wind magic, while the other two moved to flank him from both sides.

Haku smirked as he sprinted towards the wind magic, neutralizing the magical assault with Sukunahikona.

The two men confronting Haku bit their tongues, but Haku swiftly launched his Ice Lance at the head of the other man, sending him hurtling backward. Stunned by this sight, the man beside him momentarily dropped his defenses, screamed, and slashed his sword.

Haku deftly dodged, crouching low and sweeping the man's legs from beneath him. Simultaneously, he unleashed a surprise kick toward his left and right, propelling them backward.

In mid-air, Haku extended his arms outward, and the enlarged Ice Needles pierced their bodies upon impact.

As his feet touched the ground, Haku utilized an enemy's corpse to shield himself from the barrage of knife attacks that followed, allowing him no respite.

"Let's end this," Haku declared, discarding the corpse shield contemptuously. He crossed both hands, palms open.

In an instant, massive ice spears erupted from the ground, impaling anything in their path, whether it be humans, armored vehicles, or the carcasses of helicopters.

They dangled helplessly from each end of the spears.

When Haku lifted his head to observe this inhuman spectacle, he noticed that the Ice Spears were drenched in blood, some droplets even landing on his mask.

After all, was said and done, he could feel his hands trembling. However, he mustered the strength to endure and proceeded slowly toward the entrance of the Kunlungfang laboratory.


Upon entering, Haku found himself in a modern room illuminated solely by red emergency lights. The sizable building appeared vacant, devoid of any sign of scientists or personnel.

Assuming they had evacuated, Haku employed Elemental Sight to discern their whereabouts.

"Found them."

Furthermore, he sensed the feeble attempts of two individuals to conceal themselves from his "eyes."

"Reveal yourselves. I know you're both hiding," Haku calmly stated, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Impressive. You'll make exquisite additions to my collection of new dolls."

From the shadows of the room, two figures emerged, moving silently.

Behind his mask, Haku narrowed his eyes at the repugnant sight before him and the pity it invoked.

A bald woman in her mid-twenties, with a pretty face that was overshadowed by iron rods protruding slightly from various points on her head, nose, ears, hands, and feet.

Without scrutinizing her body further with his "eyes," Haku surmised that there were more rods concealed beneath her traditional garments.

The woman's expression appeared devoid of emotion as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

The elderly man with long white hair casually smiled, unaffected by the taboo nature of their circumstances. His eyes betrayed no hint of remorse for the cruel treatment the woman endured.

Haku merely formed an Ice Lance in his right hand, toying with it momentarily before uttering,

"Yeah, fuck that."

Livice Livice

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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