--MC POV--
School began again and months kept passing as they always do, after that day we started helping Laura in finding clues, but we didn't really get anything.
Whoever left that spiral on the deer body has been staying under cover, and maybe he won't let himself be found now that he knows we are searching for him in four.
I wouldn't say it was wasted time, since we had fun passing time with Laura, and even now we are staying in her pub.
I also lost my job as Deaton deemed that I didn't need him anymore now that I had Laura to teach me, and there was another boy who was truly interested in being a veterinarian, who asked if he could be hired.
Malia is now studying on one of the tables with Lydia's notes from last year, since it has been decided she will join school at the start of the spring semester.
"Why did you even buy all these bottles if the pub is closed and you plan to go back, once you resolve this case" I asked Laura, who sat with me and Lydia at the table near Malia. The empty shelfs behind the counter were now full, and if she wanted, she could start the activity tomorrow.
"I don't know, I like how it looks. It was my dream to open one, while it is true that Brian gave me the idea, I ended liking it more than him, and even now I do want to open one"
"Like how Lydia is starting to like sex more than me? I'm starting to doubt if she has some succubus blood in her." These words raised the curiosity of Lydia.
"Do they exist?"
"No, for what I know they are just an invention, sometimes kitsunes were also confused for one" said Laura and silence settle for some seconds.
"I thought I would have disliked coming back here, that I would have kept remembering that day where I lost everything. But in fact, I'm feeling good, like I came back home, and I also found my cousin who I thought was dead. If only Derek was here, it would be perfect"
"So, me and Lydia are not worthy of being mentioned"
"You are right, I also found two horny teenager friends who keep looking at my ass whenever they get the chance" remarked Laura
"We help your self-confidence" I said.
"Thank you, I truly needed the opinion of an adolescent to feel beautiful"
As we all laughed, we heard some knocks on the door and then the footsteps of a man running away, when we opened it there was a letter on the floor.
"Should I follow him" I asked
"Better to be safe and stay here, it may also be unrelated" I doubt that she probably just doesn't want me to run after him by myself.
As she opened the letter, we stayed behind her and read the message.
"Comes to the high-school tomorrow night, I have some something to reveal about the fire that involved your family." This was all that was written, but there was one particular thing that caught my attention, I felt like this handwriting was familiar.
"I have already seen this handwriting" I stated
"It is Mr. Harris" stated Lydia
"Who is he?" asked Laura
"Our chemistry teacher…" I muttered incredulous at the fact that our teacher may be involved in the murder of an entire family.
"For making an arson pass like an incident you would need an expert in chemistry" what Lydia say make sense.
"I'll see what he knows, but it is better if I go by myself, he would be pressured if two of his students came with me" while she is probably right this doesn't seem right for me, but I already know it would be useless to debate, considering Laura's character.
"Yes, but report what you found immediately after you end speaking with him.
--Laura Hale--
Do they think I am a kid? I have double their age, but they try to look after me.
Well, I grew a soft spot for them during these months, they make me forget of the year I passed under another identity, while staying hidden.
The school is as I remembered it, few things changed, and memories of my time with Brian came back to my mind.
He wasn't anything special, just a normal human whose life was cut short, but in the end even a family of werewolves like mine died in a fire without the ability to do anything.
As my thoughts reached this point a frown appeared on my face, and I opened the door in front of me.
Sitting at the desk was one man, Adrian Harris, who was looking at me while sweating.
It seems that I won't have to pressure him, his conscience has done all the job.
"How did you know I was in Beacon Hills" I asked, affirming my role as the one who makes the question
"I heard some people saying they saw you" he stuttered.
"Ok, so then tell me why did you want to meet me? What do you know about that fire"
"I didn't participate in the arson."
"But you do know it was arson" I looked him right in the eyes, while he tried to look elsewhere.
"Just tell me what you want to say, I can see you have a burden on your conscience, and you need to free yourself from it, if you aren't guilty you have nothing to fear" These words convinced him and he soon started talking.
"I was new to this job, and I couldn't stand my students anymore, so I used to visit a pub to have a drink. It was then that she approached me. She was a beautiful woman and I felt like she understood me." He indeed looks like someone easy to seduce, if I ever open a pub, I should pay attention to these gold diggers who approach simps to get something out of them, I don't want trouble in my turf.
"We started seeing each other often and she seemed to be interested in science, so I answered all her question, happy to finally meet someone who shared my same interests. Soon the questions began to be more specific, like how to how to melt the lock of a bank vault, dissolve a body to get away with murder, and start a fire to get away with…arson." I see so he was just used.
"What was her name"
"I don't know" he didn't even get that? He truly was an easy target; she didn't even have to give him a little kiss and he just told her everything she wanted.
"But I remember that she was wearing a particular pendant, she said it belonged to her family" He drew a stylized pendant with a wolf on it.
I don't remember seeing it, but now I'm sure she was the one behind this and that she was targeting us.
Finally, I got something.
"Don't worry I don't have any interest in accusing a guy who was used by someone without his knowledge"
"Thank you" he seemed relieved now that he told me everything, so I left and started writing a message to Thomas.
"I got a lead: the image of a pendant that the murdered wore"
Just after sending the message, I got a call.
It was the long-term care facility where my uncle stays.
(What will happen to Laura? What is Peter planning? You'll only find this in tomorrow chapter or by joining my patreon www.patreon.com/WebReaderPub or you can also use this link patreon.com/user?u=60696780)