--3rd person POV--
The Lacrosse Team of Beacon Hills was in the middle of training and as it had been since the new freshmen joined the team, Thomas was getting all the attention. Be it for pure strength and stamina or for his abilities he was ahead of everyone else, even the captain, who was a senior, was outclassed.
The older students weren't that happy with the new recruits who had come stealing their glory, but they couldn't do anything about it since the coach valued skills and teamwork above all else.
Other than Thomas there were two other good players among the freshmen: Danny Māhealani and Jackson Whitemore.
Danny in fact was already well received by the whole team since he was friendly and more importantly, he didn't compete for girls' attention. A very important factor for a group of hormonal teens who pass their times trying to show off to all female human beings.
In the middle of the training Jackson suddenly approached Danny and started talking to him.
"Danny, do you know what kind of juice Thomas is taking?"
"I don't think he is taking anything, maybe it is just good genetics"
"Please, he was clearly afraid of competing with me fairly for the position of captain and decided to take some kind of steroids"
"We are still freshman I don't think we are even considered for that position, and he was better than you even in middle school"
"You are my best friend you should side with me"
"I'm his friend too"
"JACKSON MOOVE ITS YOUR TURN TO TROW… wait am I interrupting something?" Said the coach interrupting their dialogue.
"nothing" said Jackson while going ahead to throw.
In the meantime, Thomas approached Danny.
"Is there something between you two?"
"Nothing, we are just friend"
"Really? I always thought he was into men as well"
"Maybe, but he hasn't realized"
"And what do you think of him?"
"Our personalities don't match; I'm more interested in Brian (Unimportant OC)"
"You mean our senior"
"Yes, I have seen him check me out in the showers"
"Good luck with that"
Except these three freshmen who were exceptionally talented, all the other were just normal novices who still weren't in the main team.
A good example of this are Scott and Styles who have been on their own since the start of practice, not really wanting to stand out and make a fool of themselves in front of everyone.
"She came here to cheer for him Scott! What will it be of my life now? Should I just change sexuality?"
"Calm down, there are still many fishes in the sea, you'll find someone else eventually"
"The problem is that in this ecosystem we are the equivalent of a plankton"
That realization brought their conversation to an abrupt end. Teenagers' life is either filled with depression or excitement, there is no in-between.
--Lydia POV--
Seems like I choose the right one, just looking at those flexing muscles get me wet!
After all, if I want to get those bitches in their places I have to aim for the best.
I always thought that to succeed in life all you needed was doing well in your studies, but where did it get me?
Even those ugly idiots dared to act superior in front of me, just because they have other ugly friends and below average boyfriends or simps to back them.
Society has a hierarchy, and those above you will always give it their all to remind you of your position, the only way out is to be at the top, and today I'm going to make Thomas Knight my boyfriend and get my well-deserved position as the queen of this school.
I won't stand the snarls of those moronic skanks for another day, they don't even know linear equations and demand me to let them copy during tests, those good votes are mine and now Thomas and the queen's title will be mine too.
"Hey, what are you trying to do by wearing slutty clothes and approaching Thomas? Do you think he would care about you and forget that you are just a nerd? It is clear as day that you are trying to seduce him by acting like a prostitute"
Here they come again, enjoy these last moments of superiority, tomorrow will be my day.