17.43% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 38: Side Chapter: Pit Stop Derailment to a Dead Universe

บท 38: Side Chapter: Pit Stop Derailment to a Dead Universe

After Alex Gotten His Access to the Multiverse... He Chosen RimWorld as the technology there is useful....Sure Time did stop When he was gone... But upon his arrival... like his system said.... He was Not Welcome....

*Portal Closing*

Is this RimWorld?

<Welcome Home Alexander, to your Former creation, More Specifically, a dead Universe>

What do You mean a dead Universe? there's air, Trees, and that Bunny with Tentacles...

<It's what happened when you didn't complete the Story or a world that didn't end...here is your task...>

Shit What the frak is this!?

as Alexander is looking at his system Notification...

(Super Planet): "Tangerine"

A mega Sized Gaia Planet that is famous for it's orange skies, was lost in the Void... And The Factions that were stationed here have been fighting for a millennia, ever since the "Creator" Left, it has been A Constant war, Until Most Factions were Assimilated by the two major Powers, the Flood that seek Total Assimilation or by the Powers of Chaos to save themselves, or Destroyed and their weapons now turned against others... Now the Major Players in the Conflict has sense your intrusion in this world, and Now decided to join together to deal with you...

(316 Days remaining)


. Reach your Old Life "Former" Base and Reactivate It

(Location....1.2 Clicks West of your position...)

. Prepared the Wait for the uploading files to the System...., Upon Uploading the factions will immediately attack you when the timer is near Completion, best be prepared...


. Planet Tangerine (Copy) x2 (A/n: Would you like to eat a Tangerine?)

. All the Factions Technologies available to Create in your home universe and beyond,

Bonus: Whatever you Scrounge will be yours...

However you are unable to recruit Sentient people or Animals...


If You will Die before the upload, you will unable to enter this universe again...


Halo UNSC (Mixed Infestation)

Covenant (Chaos Corrupted)

Forerunners (Assimilated by Flood)

America Patriots (Destroyed)

Brotherhood of Nod (Chaos Corrupted)

Global Defense Initiative (Chaos Corrupted)

Soviets (Chaos Corrupted)

Allies (Chaos Corrupted)

Galactic Republic (Mixed Infestation)

Galactic Empire (Mixed Infestation)

Star war Minor Factions (Mixed infested)

CIS (Destroyed)

Rebels (Mixed Infestation)

Ewoks (Chaos Corrupted)

Halo Flood (Primary Faction)

StarCraft Marines (Mixed)

StarCraft Swarm (Assimilated By Flood)

Cannibal pirates (Chaos Corrupted)

Cowboys Outreach (Destroyed)

Fallout Caesars legion (Mixed Infestation)

Fallout Brotherhood of Steel (Mixed Infestation)

Fallout Minuteman (Destroyed)

Fallout New California Republic (Mixed Infestation)

Chaos Demons (Primary Faction)

Imperial Guard (Chaos Corrupted)

Eldars (Assimilated by Flood)

Orks (Assimilated By Flood)

Ta'u (Chaos Corrupted)

Starship troopers (Mixed infestation)

Arachnids (Assimilated by Flood)

Weimar republic (Destroyed)

Terminator Skynet (Assimilated by Flood)

(A/n: Mixed means it's 50/50 that they're Affected by both Chaos and Flood Each.)

Player (????)

As he looked at His status...

Alexander Solair

Age: ???


Shooting: 50

cooking: 9

Planting: 21

Construction: 36

Medical: 15

Melee: 35

Intellectual: 30

Social: 20

Artistic: 6

(A/n: Maximum Talent Level is 20 in RimWorld, but there a mod that Bypass the level restrictions...)

RimWorld Traits:

Industrious, Jogger, Iron Willed, Demigod


I better Reach to my Old Base.... but which one? I created Countless of Bases in Many Playthrough, But Which one? With this Many Factions, I could lower it to just a Few Hundred, Since I know this is a Battle Royale Planet... Was this version that I am A Kleptomaniac? Stealing, Weapons, vehicles and Technologies? or was I am Saint? Giving Resources to my Neighbours and watch as they tear each other apart?, Or a Scorch Earth Policy Powerplay? Scratching the last one out, since there is still so many of them...

By the Throne, this is like almost Bloody Multiverse Vs One Man!? Except on a smaller scale... But the Technologies would be.. Amazing....

I recalled the Allies Chronosphere and Soviet Iron Curtain was Introduced in the new mod update, Along with the Prism Tank, Mirage tank and the Apocalypse tank and the Tesla Coils... and the NOD Obelisk of Light.. And I remembered that There is a Aircraft mods... rather than Worrying about how it looks like better look positive...

I headed to the Designated Location...


As my positiveness Lowered, What I saw on the Horizon... My Former life old Base "Arcadia" a Walled Mega-Sized Complex That I created Ground up... within 4 days... Able to handle Orbital Bombardment, A Self-Sustaining Base, if the world Burns, it would be there... Able to House 500 Colonist And 1400 Robots "theoretically".... What scares me... was that the "Flood" already infested the Base... Or used to, As I See Scorch Marks on the Wall and some of the Fleshy veins burned to cinders.... as I hurriedly went to the Residential Quarters hoping to find survivors... The Quarters had Hastily Built barricades of aged Furniture blocking someone or Something from coming in.... and dried Bloodstains and Mummified Limbs was enough for me to know... My Colonists... are dead...

I reached the Command Room that was Under emergency light, a Dead Man was Near the Command table.. With Food plates that is empty, and a Revolver was held by the corpse.... A Holo Video was Shown...

"Hello... This is Jake, if you read this, I know that you, a Sentient person has Come After My Passing... We Held Out As long as we could, and we brought in Refugee from Other Factions to from the fires of war... the Flood Spores infected some of our people, Despite of our Capacity, We failed Containment as Chaos invaded our place...I don't know what you wish to pilfer from this Dead Place... I hope you know what you are doing...I am Granting you Access...of my Buildings and All the Technology the refugees brought with them...I only wish to ask you one thing.... Kill as many of this Freaks as you possibly can... I know I could trust you...since the moment you came to Arcadia... I would know that, you are not Infected or Corrupted, otherwise... Under my Desk is filled with Anti-Grain Shells ready to explode, if that door was to be breached by force, Sarah I am sorry, that I had to put a bullet into you...This is Jake Sullivan Commander of Arcadia Signing off *Bang*"

As the Man on the Holovid Shot himself in the Skull, Some Droid appeared behind him and Sucked all his brain matter and immediately incinerated the Brain to deny the flood from taking more information..

"Jake... You were my First Colonist that I started out with in this world that I created... Thank you for following my Absurd orders... I will bring your body incinerator to prevent your corpse to be Meddled with..."

<RimWorld system Is merging.... Complete...

Warhammer 40k Crucible mod system... Complete... Warhammer Apocalypse System is now Available...May Your Words Bring Salvation, and your Deeds Bring Death>

I best get Prepared...

Activate The Buildings.. and the Droids... activate the Factories and the Hydroponics farms.... Make the Mines reopened

Start Building, Start Mining Ores, Start Producing Weapons of War, Now Arcadia, Rise from your Slumber... Rise that you Can Avenged the lost, A millennia worth of Suffering that was lost to you...There will be no Mercy amongst the Stars, and will this lands filled with the Blood of the Damned to pay the Journey of innocence to the Ferryman....

As Alexander spoke, Machines Rumble to heed his call, Rusted Droids Forgotten by time, Awakened to commence their Ancient duty...

The Derelict Power plant Now Rumbling with the Desire to produce Power, even at the risk of Overloading the Core....

I started this world.... I will end it....

Time to enact a Crusade of my own....

At the Chaos Imperial Guard Outpost near Arcadia,

Now Prepping for their Assault at a Flood infested Rebel to the north, Noticed something was Wrong with the Derelict Base nearby now showing Signs of Activity... first time over a millennia... They were shocked that a Man and a Army of Droids Rushed out to meet them... before they could respond to the Threat, they Got shot in the head... and the Radio Operator was Killed before he was able to contact the others... A few Hours Screams can be heard...

Now the Outpost is Now Under Alexander Command, As he Refurbished the Base to build more droids and Banished the Taint energy around it, As he looked at the Map they held...

"That is Alot of Ground to cover..."

as He looked at the Chaos Map side of things... Almost Every part of the Planet is either covered in Chaos Faction Camp or Flood Infested Base...

Thus He began the "Lone Crusade"...

Followed by Soulless Machines that is only loyal to him, He began a Purge that would have made Khorne made Alexander his champion had he known of his deeds, As his path was Soiled with Blood and Oil.. Stolen Vehicles now freed from Corruption and Taint only told tales of his deeds, and the bases and Camps no longer reused as the living standards, now Only Focused on building Droids and Vehicles for War, and Defense Buildings Of different Factions now Covered the Captured Bases, Nod Basilisk, Earthshakers, CIWs now litter the Compound

as he Began to learn to lead, No longer 200 men he lead in Warhammer, No longer 750000 Soldiers he sent to Klendathu, He now knows how to Lead Legions, Droids of Steel and Circuits, as they began the Purge... as Hundreds of Thousands of First Gen Droids were destroyed, Millions 2 Gen took their place, There were Begs of mercy of the defeated... Only Shot to the faces were answered, as He began to Purge Cities, Men, Women, and Children that was blessed by Chaos or Infested by the Halo Flood, none of them show mercy to his base, they shall have none in return...And he razed them the ground, since they will always escape from his Path, and rebuild it from ground up..

And He ensured the Supply lines are always Secure... as supply Transports are always accompanied by Heavy Support droids and Heavy Air support, Almost 14650 Kilometers did he stopped "The Purge"

And He began Building Defenses, Entrenching the lands he conquered, From the top of the mountain ranges, to the Subterranean caverns, he built defenses to the point, that he would receive Rogal Dorn of Approval... Countless Artillery Guns of different Caliber filled with Shells of all Kinds, Anti-Grain, Phosphorus, High explosive, Plasma, Void Shells, And NOD Obelisk Towers Scatter all over the Areas overseeing critical Points, Soviet Tesla towers and Prism towers stood side by side as Turrets Are built almost neverending, Never needing Ammo for the flood of evil that flows into their path... Mines of Promethium and Anti-Tank littered in the frontlines ...

Apocalypse tanks Stood in front, as Prism Tanks stood Behind protected by series of Mini Shield Generators, Mirage Tanks Hidden in the Forest and Jungles, M1 Abrams, Bradley and stayed as a Reserves

Shield Generators Covered the Skies from Drop Pod invasions and Artillery Barrages are almost everywhere where Alexander held his territory,

Droids are filled with all kinds of Armament due to hasty Manufacturing, from the M16, LasGuns, Shotguns, Sniper rifles, Flamethrowers and Miniguns, Javelin and much more , All of them can dual wield and have Shield Belts, and wearing assorted Clothes , Like a Spartan Mk 4 to GDI uniform, to a humble Guardsmen Armor, As they Stood ready in the Trenches, the Manned Guns, Vehicles for the enemies to come...

Aircraft Now Flying in the air as if someone just Mash different Factions all over the Place for fun, GDI Orcas, LAAT and Valkyries From the Republic and Imperial Guard ready to deploy Droids, B17 ready to drop Payload and F-22 raptor, Vulture Droids Ready to intercept...

As Alexander Held His Breath..

<Time Remaining: 74 Hours till complete Download>

He done so Little Damage of a Fraction of the planet population, is under his command he wonder it it's not enough...

And whatever he has done... He hoped Would be enough to stem the tide...

<Time Remaining: 24 Hrs, May The War be in your Favor Alexander...>

Various Roars and Screams was heard around the Surroundings, as Flood of Flesh and Steel began to converge to Arcadia and the Skies is Blotted out with Both Flood and Chaos infested Aircraft.... Chaos Spartans Sprinted towards the minefield and Nurgle infested Abrams provided Artillery support They were met with Artillery Barrages and Machine gun Bunkers and Droid in trench lines... and Alexander Air force Met Corrupted, both sides Planes debris fell down like Fireworks display...Of Flesh and Metal fell from the Air, Countless of Monsters and abominations that one's mind could think off is Arriving at the Frontlines as Abominations like Nurgle Sons wearing the Spartan Helmet rushed forward hoping to Tank the Shellings...and The Corrupted Artillery began To Barrage at The Defenses....And the Shield Generators held on until the Constant Barrages Managed to Flicker, the Corrupted cheered as they intensified the Barrages... Alexander Commenced Counter battery Taking out the Most of them, but more came up to the front and launch shells to them, Alexander Frontline shield was Broken... and Dreadclaws filled with Flood soldiers and Nurgle infested Spartan Halo Dropped in the Trenches, Never caring about where they land only want to kill, the Droids managed to Destroyed every last one of them... and The Engineers Droids managed to Make More Shield Generators, while fixing the burnt out Circuitry of the Overburdened Generations... A group of Vehicles rushed towards the Trenches and Detonated Numerous Nuclear Fatboy's Nuke in their Trunks and Blew Up the Trenches.. And Carved a Path to the Arcadia, as Assorted Monsters like Flood Ultralisk and Flood created Giants Rushed in to be the Tank, as Chaos Soldiers that still had a modicum of Sanity took out the Remaining Droids in the Trenches... and then followed their Infested Cohorts... through the Mountain Pass, the Enemies steps on the mines without a care, as they ignored the Bunkers that is filled with Flamethrowers and Mountain Guns at the Side, Even Ignoring a group of CIWs immediately Shot at them, Making a Temporary respite of the waves as the Artillery began Triangulate to shell the pass, and Anti-Air Guns Began to Shoot the Skies with Flaks, missiles and Tracers blotting out whatever a transports or Close air support Craft entering their vicinity.... then the Flood infested Arachnids Burst out of the Artillery Nests, Tried to Destroy the Artillery, only to find out A Abrams tank Aimed their Guns at the Bugs, and Shot them at Point Blank... Snapped the Bug into two, as a Squad of Advanced Droids Newly Made, Entered the Bug holes and wrecked havoc behind enemy lines...

<Time Remaining: 7 hours>

The 7 Hours was the nervous moments as the Enemies are Just 24 Clicks away from his Base, He Ordered the 4 Karl Gustav's inside the Base, to immediately fire on their respective direction... he noticed that they Managed to Chrono shift their Forces inside the base, only for them to be destroyed, and He also Saw a Iron Curtained Chaos Rhino tries to Rammed the Gates, only to fell into one of the Giant potholes that Alexander ordered, Timer seems to slow to know end... as he is forced to release the Reprogrammed Terminators on the Field...

Timer already Reached 2 Minutes... and Alexander is already cornered in the Inner section of the Base... and Most of the Droids that were not Combat Operational, Detonated their Power cores taking scores of Enemies to hell... while some of the Advanced Droids are Making, They managed to Take out Chaos Jedi and Flood Infested Siths... While Alexander was on the Platform of the Communication Console firing on the invaders... He was shot Several Times, but not too severe... as Scars and Cut is on his face...

The Timer almost reached 30 Seconds...


Alex was Ecstatic that he nearly almost done until he was Impaled by a Flood Elite blade...

He shook of the Shock and Lopped the Elite head off... and watch as the Second became Zero....

<Congratulations Alexander, you Passed 🥳>

As a wave of Golden Light Flooded the Ruined Base and went to beyond covering the planet, stripping Flood and Chaos Infestation and let the dead and Vehicles lay to rest as they no longer they need to be sent to the front lines,

Alexander Was Picked up by a Surviving Droid that received orders and Placed him in a MedPod in the Infirmary, as the Machine is fast Removing all his fatal wounds and let him rest... The surviving Droids gathered all the fallen Weapons and Intact vehicles now cleansed from taint and infestation.... and await Alexander to Wake up...


Author here, Brain melted overload...

I wonder, if I added Flood infested Captain Picard or Chaos Alignment Captain Picard, Well That is funny, that Alexander Survived a Small scale Multiverse conflict, but the benefits outweigh his suffering... Mines that never run out of ores, New Technology to implement, Medical Technology that even bring back Limbs and Reverse Aging... and New Toys that his Mechanicum would like the best... And Two Planets to call his own, and a large scale training for him... A iron Curtain Leman Russ, Or A Mirage Wolfhounds Titan? or a Teleporting Titan? possibilities Are endless...

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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