22.36% Psionic (Marvel) / Chapter 17: Chapter 16 - Spar

บท 17: Chapter 16 - Spar

[15th of August, 2011]

[Danger Room]

3rd Person P.O.V

Half A Month Later

Andrew stands in front of Colossus about five meters away while taking a serious stance. In this mock fight, he intends to use his ability minimally to test how far he has improved in terms of his physical aspects after experimenting a bit using his body manipulation for the past fifteen days.

Numerous mutants stands outside the room as they looks at the impending battle excitedly. Scott stares at this battle with a smug look as he can already imagine the would-be wasted form of Andrew. Jean just looks at this with curious eyes waiting for the battle to happen.

While the other younger mutants–specially the invisible kid–cheered for Andrew–they like him since he always interacted and plays with them by making them fly with his telekinesis and stuff–While some also cheers for Peter.

At the same time, Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde a.k.a Shadowcat and Anna Marie a.k.a Rogue cheered for Colossus since they know how strong he is and doesn't really know that much about the strength of Andrew aside from the fact that he can lift heavy things with his mind just like Jean Grey.

The new mutants at the side also cheered on for their friend who have fought alongside them in a life and death situation.

The adult mutants like the Charles, Hank, Alex, and Ororo stood on the circular viewing deck attached to the ceiling–which also held all the controls that powered the room–with serious look on their face with the exception of Kurt who is just smiling.

"Who do you think will win?" Alex turns to the smartest guy in their group for his idea.

"Well It'd obviously be Andrew knowing that he can actually throw boulders and walls of houses, it'd would be easy for him to play around with Peter from a far. But since he said earlier that he would try to not use his main ability ... Maybe Peter since he got his extraordinary strength .. this is really interesting, since i don't know why Andrew would choose to not use his ability.. Maybe he got some kind of trump card? I don't know.. but let's just see." Hank answered with his two fingers on his chin as he tries to deduce how the battle will go.

" Of course it would be Andrew, he's pretty confident but maybe he's just being arrogant which is unlike him.." Kurt interjected after Hank finished and gave his honest opinion.

"Hmm..I also feel that Andrew is hiding something and will reveal it in this battle.. We'll see.." Charles Xavier also voiced out his opinion.

"I think that what Andrew is gonna reveal is his strength.." Ororo gave his opinion but after seeing the three looking at her for more she continued with "What i mean is his physical strength.. I once saw him last week crushing a chalice with his bare hands–so that is definitely saying something."

"Wait really? I thought he was a psionic like Jean and Professor? Where did that enhanced strength came from? Is he like Emma who has double mutation?" Alex was astonished by what Ororo said and asked curiously.

"Well technically he seems to have two mutation seeing the results of the tests. But, that two ability are entirely psionic based and have no relation to physicality whatsoever.." Hank McCoy answered with a curios and puzzles look on his face.

"He's really an enigma since he can even block away a Telepathy as powerful as me." Charles spoke with seriousness at this as this has been a sorespot for him.


"Are you ready, young andrew?" Piotr Nikolaievitch "Peter" Rasputin spoke with his thick russian accent as he stretched his hand to crack his knuckles as it produced some metallic popping sounds.

"I was born ready." Andrew answered with confidence as he also began stretching his body.

"Haha! that is the spirit!" Peter laughed boisterously as he began running towards Andrew while producing heavy thuds of sounds.

Andrew immediately took a proper stance seeing this and clenches his fist, he brought down his left hand towards the level of his belly while his right hand is brought up to the face level.

Peter defied common sense and arrived rather quickly–contrary to his size–and tried to probe his opponent with a right jab to the head. Andrew without even using his parallel processing to enhance his reaction and calculating speed was able to react as he swerved his head to the side and crouched a bit and punched Peter's stomach quickly with a half his strength.


The punch produced a loud sound, Peter took a step back from the force of the punch but the surrounding mutants was stunned by this feat. It was worth to be mentioned that when Peter was in his organic metal form, he unknowingly exchanges his carbon atom to osmium atom–an extremely dense metal and this form of his can even withstand ballistic penetration, including that of a 110 millimeter Howitzer shell–so Andrew making Colossus take a step back was a feat to be amazed with.

Colossus was also stunned but immediately recovered and brought his right feet to make a hook kick to Andrew's side. Andrew reacted by bringing his hand to the ground and made a backflip to get away of the metal man's range.

Andrew landed perfectly on his feet but didn't give Peter any chance and dashed to him quickly–he then punches the other party's face and then proceeded to rain down punches while showing an amazing flexibility as he dodges the metal man's punches–which was was now beginning to increase his strength.

"HAAA!" Peter who for all his kindness was also now getting annoyed so after enduring one more punch from Andrew, he lifted his right foot in the air and then smashed it down forcefully.


Their immediate surroundings shook as Andrew lost his footing while Peter immediately took this chance to inch closer to him and then gave Andrew a solid punch in the gut while still holding back some strength.

Andrew who was caught off guard was thrown in the air and began rolling on the ground. Andrew stops at approximately seven meters away and lied there for a while.

Peter's supporters cheered on seeing this especially Illyana who wasn't able to hide her excitement at the fight and also began shouting to her brother words 'You're dead if you lost this fight!' which Peter just smiles wryly while Andrew's supporter like Sam Guthrie and the rest began shouting some encouragement

Andrew smiled wryly as he looks at his supporters and thought that he seems to be fighting like a gladiator right now.

"That is one good punch, Peter.. *heavy breathing*" Andrew said as he tries to catch his lost breath and then stood up straight after 'seems like I need to up my game here..'

Andrew took on a serious countenance as he began gathering a bit of his TK energy and then began filling his whole body with it slowly. Andrew grits his teeth a bit as he felt his muscles began expanding a bit and veins ballooning up as if would burst any moment.

His whole aura began changing into a more dangerous one as Colossus also took a more serious stance as he felt this.

Andrew took a deep breath and felt his already considerable strength forcefully increasing 'I wouldn't even try this if don't got my own healing factor, heh.'

He then dashed forward with speed that leaves his earlier speed in dust and jumped high and brought his right foot for a chopping motion towards Colossus.

Colossus felt the threat that Andrew now brings and immediately brought his hands in a "X" motion above his head to block the attack.


The kick connected while Colossus was stunned as he was then quickly brought to his knees from the force. Andrew seeing this followed his kick with another kick to Peter's stomach after doing a 360 rotation in the air.

Colossus' eyes widened from the force as he then flew away because of the kick and slammed at the wall of the Danger Room.


Andrew's P.O.V

I looked at Peter who immediately tried to stand up but it is rather shakily and then looked at my arms as I clenched it to feel my strength. My strength have considerably gone up a notch after filling my whole body–from my muscles to my bones—full of TK Energy.

While it is addicting to feel this kind of strength coursing through my veins. I know that this is only temporary and the moment I remove my TK Energy in me I will feel pain since i am literally forcefully pumping my muscles and bones full of energy and that's is dangerous.

My inner monologue was broken as Peter have already recovered and was now standing while rubbing the area where i kicked him hardly.

"You've become strong, young Andrew.. How did you do that?." Colossus asked curiously as he rubs his aching arms and belly that receives the full force of my attack.

The other mutants' ears watching also perked up after hearing this since they are also curious where Andrew got this strength.

What should i say? Lie? Isn't lying bad? Okay let's lie..

"I don't really know.. It's just like when I woke up one day, I felt some sort of extraordinary strength in me that came out nowhere." I shamelessly lied to his face, while i don't really know if Charles Xavier could know if I'm lying based on my mannerisms and facial expression since he was said to have a doctorate in psychology, I don't really care since he still can't read my mind.

I looked up at the viewing deck and saw him having a serious face.

Heh, suck that up baldie, hehe

While i know that him not being able read my mind has been frustrating him so much since he have grown up being able to read anyones mind with just 'snap'. It is still a good thing that he is not doing any drastic measures against it and is just going with the flow unlike his comic counterpart from the comic where he just.. ugh.. I don't even want to think about it.

But still. I can't trust him, and anyone in this mansion, since Charles can just go "fuck it" with me and the new and all the mutants in this mansion and outside will rush to me heeding Charles commands.. Fucking Telepaths.

My thoughts were once again broken by Peter who after flexing arms a bit to feel it began running at me again at full speed. Truly unbefitting of his size and weight.

He quickly reach me and gave a fast punch—while still holding back of course—to my head. I brought my left hand to the incoming punch and deflected it by the wrist to the side and countered with my own. My punching speed was definitely faster than before as my punch quickly connected to his face.

Colossus seems to be disoriented by the force as i immediately took this chance to jump high in the air and clasped both my hands and brought it down to his head. The smash also connected as he was then brought to the ground from the impact. I wanted to follow the attack punch to his unmoving form on the ground but he managed to dodge as he rolled away from the range.

My punch connected to the silver metallic floor as i my fist sinks–proving my now extraordinary strength. I removed my hand from the ground as I saw a deep fist imprint on it.

I was about to continue admiring the result of my strength when I heard footsteps rapidly approaching me. I was late to react as the moment I lift my face–I was met with metal punch to the face.

Deja vu. I was once again thrown away as I rolled to the ground. It was definitely me to blame for getting my own guard down since i don't have my [TK Domain] active which i purposely deactivated to test my self since that skill was a bit of a cheat.

I immediately stood up flexibly and and Instinctively brought my hand to my lips as I felt something. Looking down at my hand, I was met with my own blood on my hand. He managed to make me bleed ... Hehe


Piotr Peter Rasputin P.O.V

Looking at young Andrew who is staring at the deep imprint his fist left on the ground–I immediately took the chance.

Running forward to him with my quick speed i reached him immediately as i punched him in the face with my full strength.

I was a bit worried that wouldn't be able to endure my strength but seeing him quickly standing flexibly brought me relief.

I was stunned by what he did next as after he wiped the blood on his lips–which also brought me another shock since all he got from my punch was just a popped lips–he looked at his blood curiously and then a grin began forming on his face. He smiled.

Worry began to surface again in me as the thought that maybe Andrew's brain was damaged from my punch and he is now going crazy.

The other mutants who are watching also share the same concern as me as they murmured and talked. My thoughts were broken as i saw Andrew began running again towards me while still sporting the same grin at his face.


3rd Person P.O.V

Andrew dashed at Peter with unnatural speed and quickly reached his range as he began assaulting him with numerous punches left and right without even holding back—the speed of him leaving Peter not being able to react.



The fast pace of Andrew left Peter not being able to react at all as Andrew made him an efficient punching bag as he gave the metal-man a beating that he will definitely remember in his entire life.

Left hook!

Right hook!

Kick to ribs!

190 degree midair kick!

Andrew whom after beating the now disoriented and dizzy Peter gave his finishing blow. He began floating from the ground high up and positioned both his feet forward and began speeding down towards the dizzy head of Peter Rasputin.

Colossus was late to react as the moment he managed to gather his senses, Andrew's double force kick already connected to his chest.


The force of the kick brought all the air out of Peter's lungs as he drew an arc to the air blasting away and some spits of saliva came out of his mouth with his eyes widened.

Peter slammed once again to the silver metal wall of the Danger Room but this time–the wall wasn't able to endure the force as it also crumbled leaving the metal mutant deep within the clutches of the wall.

Peter tried to stand up again but wasn't able to because of the pain so he just leans there at the wall and rapidly took deep breaths to recover his lost oxygen as he immediately reverts back to his flesh and bones form signifying his surrender.

Andrew on the other hand lands to the ground and then sits exhausted on the ground as he deactivated his TK enhancement afterwards quickly. Immediately after doing that he was then assaulted by intense pain that seems to reverberates throughout his whole Muscular System. He grits his teeth at this and thoughts about the idea of turning off his pain receptors in the future if he got the chance.

The other spectating mutants was shocked silent but the silence was immediately broken as the younger mutants began cheering for Andrew's victory.

Charles couldn't help but shook his head seeing the cheering mutants while also feeling shock inside as he himself also couldn't believe that Andrew would actually be the victor. He then signaled to Hank who after receiving the order quickly pressed a button at the metal wall beside the glass wall.

The gates of the Danger Room opened as the cheering mutants began pouring in after it opened. Illyana immediately ran to her brother to check on her brother but after seeing that he doesn't even have a single scratch–she slapped his head rather roughly and then turned to the direction of the now laying Andrew and stared at him with a look that promised pain.

The other mutants like Sam, Rahne and Danny also immediately ran up to checks upon Andrew but after seeing his exhausted look and bruises–turned to the incoming Charles and requested for Andrew to be brought to the medical room to be treated which the latter immediately refused.

Andrew casually just refused as he can already feel his healing factor kicking in and beginning to heal his bruises and inner injuries.

Feeling the pain slowly diminishing, Andrew carefully stood up but surprisingly Roberto a.k.a Sunspot seems to have a cold as he actually tried to help Andrew stand up by holding Andrew's hands over his shoulder.

The other new mutants looks at this scene with a stunned look, Roberto who saw their unbelieving gazes just said "What? He deserves to be helped by this handsome me seeing how hard he fought and actually attained victory against one of the leading members of X-Men...right?"

The other mutants just laughed at him but also agreed to this and then they turned to Peter who was being helped by his sister.

"That was a good fight, Andrew. You continue to surprise me. You really did a number on me.. ugh.." Colossus shook Andrew's hands and immediately praised him for his victory while rubbing the aching area on his body.

"Don't overestimate me, Peter. If you actually gave your all and used your full strength then i wouldn't be standing here right now conscious..." Andrew said as he knows that the metal-man still held back–a lot in–their fight.

"You two. Now to the medical room. I have to check upon you two seeing how intense that battle was." Hank McCoy said seriously as he then signals to the other mutants surrounding them to help him bring the two to the medical room.

Andrew was about to refute and say that he was now okay but seeing the glare he got from Storm, he just shuts up since there's no way out of it.

Along the way out the Danger Room, Jean, Rogue and Kitty also walked along with them while praising Andrew how well he fought while Scott just said 'Not bad' and then ignored Andrew and then proceeded to try and get Jean's attention like a dog.

Bobby Drake and John Allerdyce was together as they also walked with them and also congratulates Andrew along the way.

The other mutants laughed and talked to each other as they walked along with them.


No words should be said at this point as you already know what to do. Give me your stones or else!


Moziel Moziel

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Creation is hard. GIve me all your damn stones!!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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