32.59% Illusion Is Reality: Gravity Falls / Chapter 59: -Name’s Bill Cipher-(Part 1)

บท 59: -Name’s Bill Cipher-(Part 1)


I sat cross legged on the upside down mountain. I know the AXOLOTL wouldn't approve of this. Hell I know he would be...well not furious, I have never seen him angry...upset (yeah, probably upset) if he knew I was going to do this. But the curiosity was starting to get to me.

I knew that the Bills from other dimensions were...not the nicest of people...or at least that's what Ax told me. And if they were anything like CanonBill then I'm inclined to believe him. But...I'm not 100% a dick so there's a chance that some other Bills could be like that too!


I sure hope Ax doesn't find out I'm doing this. He probably will...I swear, for a guy who sleeps constantly he somehow always knows.

I know that he can see everything his Alternates see. But perhaps, like me, Ax can see everything happening in the multiverse? I know that he can see through his avatars (like the one living in my tank back on the Death Star) much like I can see through triangles. But seeing everything at once is such a headache. I hate that my powers work on an all or nothing deal and I need triangles to purposely limit my sight for the sake of coherency.

But despite all the risks...I couldn't help wanting to meet with another Bill Cipher. I just...wanted to talk to them. Maybe see how I'm doing compared to then. Am I doing a better job? Worse? I didn't know but I WANTED to.

It's not JUST because I'm a huge Bill fangirl and really wanted to meet him.

Nope. Definitely not.

I closed my eye and reached deep inside myself. Into my personal Mindscape. There was a door there, hidden away behind a shelf full of stuffed animals. It has always been there. A door at the back of the theater/bedroom that was my mindscape. It was a perfectly innocent looking door with the word EXIT above it. I had pushed the shelves in front of it years ago. Can't be tempted by what I can't see right? Ax told me not to touch it.

Now though, with merely a thought, the heavy shelf slid to the side, a few dolls jostled and fell. I grabbed the floppy rabbit and brushed him off before putting him back on the shelf. "Whoops! Almost took a tumble there huh Jellybean?" I gave this manifestation of my old toy from my first life a little squeeze before refocusing on the door.

This was it.

I am so not ready for this.

I placed my hand on the bar and pushed.


It was dark out here.

I glanced around warily. Aside from the void, there were doors. Hundreds upon hundreds of them. Thousands. Millions. An infinite number. I glanced up at my door and see it has the number 13291395 on it. Huh. We were numbered?

No. That can't be all this is. A quick glance at other doors showed that some were numbers and others had words. When I squinted at them I noticed the numbers and words were shifting into each other. One door read [The Road to Redemption] and the words shifted to be a number whenever I glanced at it head on. There was another door with the words [At my God's Feet, I show my Devotion] which sounded pretty badass. Another door said [Neurotoxinverse] Not gonna lie, I wanted to see that. Sounded fucking amazing.

[The Messenger who Shot Himself] interesting...damn, so many of these sounded incredibly cool!

I turned to look back at my own door.

[Illusion is Reality]

Okaaay~ that was weird.

So these doors must be for the other Bills. I didn't see anyone else here. It was a little scary being alone in this vast void surrounded by doors. I float around and read the names on the doors. Maybe if I just...find one that sounded...nicer? There was a door that said [Flat Dreams] and damn if that didn't sound familiar but I couldn't remember why. It had multiple other doors behind it which was interesting so I started checking them out.

I nearly float past a door before stopping and doing a double take. Did that just say…

I flew back and stared at the door.

[The Pines Triplets]

Whoa. What? Triplets?! That sounded cool. I couldn't help reaching out to turn the knob. I squeaked when I was suddenly thrown into the door as I opened it. Like water rushing out of a dam when it breaks open.

I tumbled around before smacking into someone with a loud yelp. I know it was a person I hit because they felt soft. I blinked and rubbed my face. Who did I hit…


(Third person POV)

Sebastian groaned as he put a hand on his forehead. What the heck was that? If it was the kids with their damned Nyarf guns... no, he already sent them to bed earlier!

He opened his eye and looked in front of him, staring at the floating figure watching him with a big surprised eye.

Bill! It was Bill.

He screamed and threw the first thing he had near him, in this case, a pillow, and watched the demon squeak and fly away from the improvised weapon in absolute horror.

"YOU CAN'T BE HERE! What-What are-HOW?!" He demanded as his hands ignited with blue fire.

"WAIT! WAIT! THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" the yellow triangle squeaks as he covers himself with his hands as if to block a blow. "I didn't know it would suck me in like that I am SO sorry!!!"

Sebastian frowned, glaring at the triangle still cowering from him. "What do you want, Bill?! Was bothering me in my dreams not enough for you?!"

The yellow triangle tilts in confusion. "What?" He looks at Sebastian a little more closely. "Wait a second...who are you? You're not Ford or Stanley...wait! I know! You're the triplet! This is the triplet AU!"

It was Sebastian's turn to tilt his head in confusion. "You already know who I am Bill...you're making even less sense than usual."

The 'Bill' just started laughing nervously. "Um...oh boy...I must be breaking so many rules right now…" he rubbed his feet together nervously. "So...I'm...not the Bill Cipher from THIS dimension. I know! Crazy right?!" He laughs awkwardly before whispering "Oh fuck I shouldn't have said that…".

The blond frowned a bit more, staring at the floating triangle with confusion. But...this was Bill! It couldn't be another one!

"But...But how? So you are from...my dimension? Wouldn't that make us explode..." Would meeting his past self affect him in some way?

Bill frowned. "No. I'm NOT from your dimension. I'm not from around here. Um...shit. I really shouldn't be telling you this." He glances around. "How can you even see me? I'm non-corporeal right now?"

"I don't know why I can see you!" Sebastian whined childishly. "I don't know many things at the moment, I lost my knowledge so shouldn't it be YOU explaining this to me?" He crossed his arms over his chest tiredly.

"Lost your memo-WAIT! Is this post-Weirdmageddon? Are you recovering from the memory gun? Shit. Is the Bill in this world already dead?" Bill blinked in confusion. "No. You're much too young...you can't be Ford and Stan's brother. Who ARE you?"

Seb glared at the triangle. Was he accusing him of lying?! Who did he think he was? "I am their brother, floating fucker! I am their brother and I am trying to bring them back after YOU tricked Stanford into building that stupid portal!" The blond spat.

Bill rubbed his side and sighed. "I think we're both misunderstanding something here…" he crosses his arms with a huff. "I told you, I'm NOT the Bill from this dimension! And like...I haven't even MET my Ford! He hasn't been born yet! Much less the whole portal issue."

Seb's tense shoulders relaxed a bit. It was weird. This Bill, he-he was weird, different. Yes, he had the same voice as the demon who invaded his mind weeks ago, but...He spoke like a person, like he was actually trying to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, I-I had a stressful day" Seb apologized. "My niblings are always getting in trouble and the store and my powers getting out of control sometimes and everything...Can we start again then? I-I am Sebastian, Sebastian Pines." He extended his hand to shake.

Bill tipped his hat. Sebastian Pines...what a cool name! "Hey kid! Name's Bill Cipher! I can see from your reaction that the Bill of THIS dimension must be a right ass. Well, I can say with certainty that I am only 25% an ass!" He giggles in a feminine manner before taking Seb's hand for a shake.

Seb laughed at the demon and gladly shook hands with him, ignoring for now his mannerisms. He sat down on his bed and looked up at him with a smile. "Don't let this face fool you, I can be an ass too, you don't seem like that though...You are nice...How? And most importantly, why?"

"Eh~I don't know how much I'm allowed to tell you. I broke so many rules and dad is gonna kill me when I get home...well not KILL I guess...but um...this is not something I'm supposed to share with little humans like you." Bill floated down to sit on a pillow. "What's with the clothes BTW? You're...kinda dressed like me...I thought you hated Bill Cipher?"

Seb's cheeks turned a soft red as he blushed and he looked down, staring at the sweater he was wearing, the one with a bowtie and brick patterns Mabel made it for him. "I...well, um, I-" Seb stuttered and huffed annoyed when the demon giggled again. "It is complicated, ok?! I like it! I am embracing my true self and that Dorito shouldn't take away that from me just because we look similar."

"Your true self?" Bill blinks. What was this human talking abo-wait. Wait one cotton picking minute! He stares up at this Sebastian boy and looks closer.

"Wow! Too close, dude!" Seb grimaced as the demon got too close to his face.

"Um...this might sound weird but...are you...me? Not ME me, but like...are you Bill Cipher?"

Seb gaped at Bill's words for a few seconds before glaring at him, showing him his fangs. "NO! I am NOT Bill! I am NOT a demon! I am NOT A MONSTER! I am not HIM anymore! I AM NOT!" Seb didn't realize he was trembling.

Bill quickly put his hands up "Yeesh! Didn't mean to hit a nerve. So...you WERE Bill Cipher? And...now you're a human? That's…" Bill began sparkling with a wide eye "That's so cool!" He squeals as he flies in circles around Sebastian's head. "How did you become human? Fuck that, how did you become Stan and Ford's brother?! Did Ax do that? He can do that?!"

Seb scowled at Bill, who was still flying around him. "Stop! Stop moving!"

Bill slowed and spun lazily through the air like a tiny balloon. "Sorry. I get excited easily. So…" he glances at Sebastian's body, a slow pan up and down. "Is this what Ax means by another form, another time? I just gotta say... nice ~"

"Ax?!" Seb made a disgusted face at how nice and warm he mentioned that lizard's name. "That stupid lizard tricked me! I wouldn't be human if he hadn't lied to me! I made a deal with him, when-when, in my past life! And he forced me to go through this! Through years of pain and humiliation!" Seb blinked back his tears from his brown eye. He only liked being human because of his family, but it would have been nice to avoid all that burning pain through his first years of adulthood, or the bullying, or helplessness and self-loathing.

Bill frowned. Sebastian sounded legitimately upset. He floats closer and pats the other man's shoulder. "That...sounds rough kid. Do you...want a hug?" It was awkward but the only way he knew to comfort people was to offer hugs.

Seb wiped away his angry tears from his right eye and laughed humorlessly. "That-That sounds so unBill-like…" He mumbled but ended up nodding anyway.

Bill reached out and pressed close to this man, this...other Bill who was not Bill. He rumbled softly the way Ax always did to comfort him. His bricks pulsed lightly and he hoped it wasn't too weird.

Seb smiled slightly at the small triangular figure hugging him and he patted his top hat kindly. This was weird, but who cared, right? When they separated, Seb looked at his hands.

"I don't know why the Axolotl made me the Stan's brothers…" He said softly, answering the kind demon's questions. "I don't know why my dimension is so different from where my past self came from! Those Stans were old men-Haha- and the great uncles of the twins! I am their uncle! Really different, huh?"

Bill shrugs. "Well frankly I've read weirder. This is an odd AU but if it's got a hot guy like you I guess it can't be all bad. I can guess that you haven't had the easiest childhood and I'm not trying to out angst you or anything but...like...I get you bro. Being Bill Cipher, past or present, is kinda a hard life…"

Seb blushed at Bill's words. Bill thought he was handsome, that was so weird! "So…" Seb grinned a bit and threw himself back to his bed, watching the triangle settle down on the pillow again. "You said you are another Bill!" He sing-songed. "Which must mean you are nice because something happened! Spill~" He smirked.

Bill paled. "Um...well…" he quickly tried to think of another way to explain this that WOULDN'T be revealing how Gravity Falls was actually a TV show and that he was secretly a fan girl who had been reincarnated as Bill Cipher. That...would probably break poor Sebastian's mind. Plus, how does one explain to someone that their entire life was a story created for the purpose of entertainment?!

"STUFF HAPPENED! Yup! LOTS OF STUFF! ANGST EVERYWHERE! Like...you wouldn't even believe! Like...I kinda...ate my little brother in a fit of sleep deprived insanity kind of angst!" once again his mouth ran away from him, dropping deeply personal information. Dammit he needed a filter.

The blond human gaped. "You-You ATE...Liam…What the FUck!"

"No! Who the heck is Liam? My little brother was Will! Will Cipher! You know? Little blue triangle? Cries all the time? Has legions of fangirls who draw him in cute sweaters?"

"WHAT are you talking about?!" Seb laughed. "I have no idea what you mean, but that's horrible! You ate him?!" The human gasps before bursting into laughter again. "You are the worst!"

"Sleep. Deprived. Insanity. I was not in my right mind. I was panicking. I didn't mean to do it! And you know what's the cherry on top? I caught fire after eating him and burned all of Flatland to the ground! Goddammit who the fuck designed an entire dimension to be so fucking FLAMMABLE?!"

Seb, kind of sleep-deprived himself, laughed again and made blue fire appear in his hands, and started playing with it lazily. "Cool...Flatland deserved to burn. Ew with their world, ew with the circles and ew with the racists fucks in the government"

Bill rolled his eye. "Well I'm not gonna lie, I'm glad they're gone but I also feel kinda bad. There were a couple people I sort of liked. Purple didn't deserve to die…" he dulled to a pale yellow. "I didn't mean to kill everyone. It just...happened...and I guess that was my turning point? I had just eaten my brother's dead body and killed everyone else. I decided that I didn't want to go through that again." He pulled his legs up to his chest. "So...I tried as hard as I could to make up for it. But it's hard. Everyone hates me. Except my friends. They're the only ones who understand."

"You didn't mean to…" Seb repeated softly, watching the tiny triangle on his pillow. "That's where you are different than me-I mean, my past self. He destroyed everything, he wanted to hurt everyone...Now, now I am, like you, trying to be better, you know? I don't want to be a monster anymore, I just want-I don't know what I want!! I want my family to just-just like me! But I still fuck up sometimes...Sometimes I am a lot like...him. I scared my niblings, I don't want that to happen again."

Bill pats his back. "Yeah. I've lost my temper with my friends plenty of times. I've never seriously hurt them but this one time I scared Keyhole enough that he hid inside his room for a week. I felt like such an ass." He flicks his bowtie and watches it spin. "I guess we're both repenting Bill Ciphers huh?"

"I guess we are…" Seb smiled. "I would love if you were actually this dimension's Bill! We could have so much fun! You're nice."

Bill perks up. "Well...nothing says we can't hang out. I actually came out here to try and meet other Bills. And...I'm glad the first one I found was you. I was worried they'd all be like...evil or something."

Seb laughed. He was so excited! Forget sleeping! He had a nice version of Bill freaking Cipher in front of him and he could ask him anything! He could ask him about his own powers, or how he could make better deals! Or maybe he could even help him with the portal!

"Bill! Ok! I have so many things to ask you!" Seb squeaked excitedly, grabbing Bill's hand to guide him out of his room and to the basement. "Want to pick up snacks first?! I have a secret stash of Doritos the kids don't know about! You can have them! Come on!"

"Food?" Bill perks up and follows Seb out of the room. He never turns down free food. And the excited look on Seb's face was too adorable to deny. Plus, he was curious about this world. He could tell this was the 3rd dimension, it had to be since this was Earth, but it felt...different. Like there was no longer a thick plastic sheet between him and the world. There was still resistance but when Bill reached out to grab onto some free floating CO2 molecules he found them moving where he directed them. Holy shit. He could touch the 3rd dimension of this...dimension!

Unaware of Bill's inner thoughts, Seb tiptoed out of his room and guided the demon out. "Ok, I'm going to whisper because my niblings are sleeping and getting them back to sleep will be tedious and I don't wanna." Seb said. "So, well, this is my house! Well, Ford's, I'm taking care of it as I try to bring them back."

Seb inserted the code to the candy machine and soon enough, they found themselves in the basement. Seb grabbed Bill's floating form and sat him on the table where he worked next to the three journals so he could go grab some Doritos.

Bill played around with the atoms in the air. He could control them. This was...AMAZING! Sure the air molecules were so small no one could even see what he was doing right now but still! Bill only found a little resistance to his mental prodding as opposed to the heavy weights that made his powers difficult to use back in his own world. He looked around the room, portal, large metal machinery, lots of what looked like half finished inventions and experiments piled in a corner.

He glances at where Seb disappeared. If what he understood from the man formerly known as Bill Cipher, he needed help working on the portal to save his Ford...and possibly Stan as well. Well...Bill grinned mischievously as he twirled a few more atoms closer to himself.

What better way to help build a portal...than to have a physical body?

He giggled as the molecules in the air began to condense around his form. He built the body from the ground up, filling in the gaps, filling out the form. His flat triangular body began to stretch and widen, it gained volume, it gained flesh. He...or rather, SHE dropped onto the table with a startled squeak as the construct solidified and was pulled down by the force of gravity. "Ow. Forgot about that part." Miz whined as she rubbed her back.

Seb returned with the bags, enough to convince the demon to tell him what he should do next with the portal, maybe how to gain more powers, but instead of finding him where he left him, he was gone (Much like the twins when he asked them to stay put) And in his place, a small girl with dark hair smiled at him.

"Uh?!" The blond said, utterly confused. "Where-Where is…" Realization hit him in the face and he gaped at the figure. "Bill...How?!...Why?"

Miz giggled again, the sound coming out a little nicer in this female form. "Well I can't exactly help you when I can't even hold a wrench right? Plus, how was I expected to eat without a body? Also, you can call me Miz while I'm in this form." She skips over merrily and snatches the bag of chips from Sebastian's loose grip. "I just built myself a body from all this dust you've got down here. Speaking of which, you really need to clean this place dude." She opens the bag and munches happily.

Seb had so many questions, and he just pouted instead, watching the girl put some chips into her mouth and chew them. "But-but you can't use the 3rd dimension...I thought you couldn't...My past self couldn't...And-And why a girl? I mean, I don't have a problem at all with it!" He quickly said. "But I just..wanna know…"

Mis shrugged. "Beats me. I noticed earlier that whatever barrier is holding me back from the 3rd dimension doesn't seem to be as strong here. I'm guessing it's 'cause I'm not the Bill from THIS world?" She munches another chip.

"Um, right. So, that's great I guess! I can't do it myself, my meat-sack limits my powers, but, anyway!" He pointed with both hands at the portal. "Fix it!...Please?"

Miz turns to the half finished portal, her cheeks bulging with chips, she liked to put as many in her mouth as possible before swallowing, and wiggled her fingers. The machinery around the room glowed blue and moved a little. She finally swallows her mouthful and begins waving her hand like a conductor at a orchestra.

"So...you DO know that building this portal is gonna lead to some serious shit right?" She comments absently as she fits the pieces into place. Hm, there were a bunch of stuff missing. Not to mention there was nothing powering it. Sebastian would need vats of nuclear waste to get this thing up and running if he doesn't want to black out the entire town. And even then it'd probably only work for a few minutes at best. This thing was simply too unstable.

"Um?" Seb looked up at the girl, distracted from eating chips himself. "Oh, oh! Of course I know, duh!" He made a funny face. "I warned my brother to take it down, but that idiot didn't listen to me and, well, we fought and my two triplets are trapped on the other side now...But I know we can prevent Weirdmaggedon from happening!" Seb told her confidently. "I would be really stupid if I couldn't stop it. I mean, I created one in my universe, I should know when the signs are there."

Miz stared at Sebastian. He sounded sure of himself but there was an undercurrent of stress in his tone. Well...it wasn't really her place to judge…

"Why are you having trouble building this portal anyway? Shouldn't you know how it's done? You said you've done this before?" She puts her hands down, having done all she could with what limited materials were here.

Seb pouted and stuffed his mouth with doritos. "I told you I can't remember what I used to know as Bill…" He mumbled upset. "When I was reborn I held most of them, but-but I simply started forgetting as I grew up. It sucked. If I had my knowledge, or my powers when I was younger, I wouldn't be taking so long to bring them back!"

Miz gazed at Sebastian sadly. "I don't know the whole story but...losing your memories sounds awful." She went up to the computer and tapped out a few changes and corrections. The knowledge had been inside her for eons but this is the first time she was actually using it. The equations needed to tear apart space and time...she winced a little. 'Ax is definitely gonna be mad when he finds out about this...but…' she glances at the blond man who looked...exhausted and so very sad 'It's for a good cause. I'm helping. Right?' She frowned at the data flashing up in the screen. It simply wasn't enough, the technology wasn't enough. Even with the Hyperdrive from that alien ship this portal was never going to be something stable.

Miz straightens up with a sigh as she put in all the equations she could. "Well, that's the most I can do for now. You'll need to find a power source on your own. I don't trust myself to materialize nuclear waste without accidentally giving everyone in a 20 mile radius cancer…"

"Cancer?" Seb mumbled before shaking his head. "Ok, I-I'll find nuclear waste, I can do that!" He nodded confidently. "So...that's it?! After that I'll see my triplets again!?"

Miz winced. "Sort of...um...you see…" she fidgets with the hem of her dress. "The computer still needs time finish up the calculations. I'm not too good with computer stuff so all I can do is input the formulas and let the system sort itself out. Right now the machine is scanning your multiverse for your brothers. There's not much you can do until it finds their life signals and locks onto them."

She looks up at Seb and shifts uneasily. "So I don't know how long it'd take for them to be found...or even if they would be found...I'm sorry."

"No! They-they will!" Seb said quickly. "I know they will!" He touched his sixth finger nervously. "They are tough, he is with Stanley, he will help Ford, they will be fine! If older Ford could, I know my brothers will too...I-I need them to come back." He pouted and glanced at the pictures of his niblings, grimacing at Dillon's smiling face. "Stan has people waiting for him…" He whispered.

Miz opened her arms. "Do you need another hug? Or...um...I guess I can try to SEE through your multiverse and find them? But…" she glanced around suspiciously. "I don't know if your Bill would notice. You said that he's a jerk right?" frankly, she was glad her paranoia made her put up a perception filter around the area whenever she transformed.

"A lot" Seb agreed, looking at the floor defeatedly. "Well...Anyway, thanks a lot for your help, dude! It would have taken me a lot more if you hadn't helped." He grinned at Bill kindly and patted his head. "How do you even move from dimensions anyway?"

"Oh...well inside my Mindscape there is an EXIT door and…" Miz trails off when she realizes something. "SHIT! Where is the exit door?!"

"Exit door? You lost me. Is it, in your mind or something like that?"

Miz scrunches her face in concentration. After a few seconds she goes pale. "Well...shit." She begins pulling at her hair with a worried look. "I...can't get to my Mindscape!"

Seb frowned, getting worried himself for Bill. "Why?! I can get in my mindscape, why can't you?"

Miz bit her lip as her mind (and eyes) flashed through information at a quick pace, going through multiple scenarios and theories faster than most humans could even process thought. Finally she groans. "Ok...since I came through YOUR door...I think I need to use your door to get out."

Seb frowned a bit but nodded slowly. "Ok, I get it. So I guess you can get in…" He didn't like it when people saw too much about him. Having Bill, the kids and Soos there was a bad experience on itself...But, he felt he could trust this Bill. He owed him after helping him with the portal after all. "I can enter to my own Mindscape while sleeping or meditating, just, enter when you want." He gave him permission.

Miz slumps guiltily. "Sorry about this. I promise I won't touch or look at anything without asking! I know this must be really...uncomfortable for you." She gives him a weak smile. "So um...I guess you can meditate or go to bed." She peers at the bags under his visible eye. "Yeesh. Definitely go to bed. You look like something Teeth barfed out when we ate dinner at that Zixican restaurant." a waste of such a handsome body really.

Seb grimaced and rubbed his brown eye tiredly. "I will ignore that obvious insult despite not understanding half of it…If I'm going to sleep, I think I should go back to my room. If I fell asleep here until too late in the morning, Mabel and Dipper won't be able to find me and it will be hell to explain to them what I was doing behind the candy machine"

Miz's eyes lit up. The twins!? Ooh!!! "C-can I go see them?! They're not born yet in my dimension! Please please please? I want to see Shooting Star and Pine Tree!" she bounces excitedly.

Seb laughed at the girl's enthusiasm and after humming for a little bit, he nodded. "Alright, follow me, but be quiet" He warned seriously. "They are sleeping and they are babies, they need to sleep."

Miz makes a zipping motion along her mouth and nods quickly while giving Seb a double thumbs up. Then she gets distracted by her thumbs and starts wiggling them and giggling. She coughs and quickly hides her hands. "Right! Yes! Quiet! I can definitely do that!"

Seb smiled and motioned the small girl to follow him. They went back to the lift and appeared in the Gift Shop.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack, kid" Seb whispered, holding back laughter as he watched her awe. "I created this place with Question Mark years ago, pretty cool huh? And it was Soos who invented most of the first attractions!" The blond-brunet man smiled proudly.

Miz practically vibrate in place. Omg. Omg. Omg. The Mystery Shack! She wanted to touch everything. EVERYTHING. "C-can I...touch?" She whispers.

"Sure, but you break something, you pay for it"

Miz rolls her eyes and flicks her fingers. The dust particles in the air swirled around like a mini galaxy before condensing into a large gemstone. "Here ya go. A pure chunk of Jade stone."

Sebastian gaped in utter shock as she placed the gem on his hands. "H-How...Teach me" He whispered.

Miz grins wide, showing off tiny (but sharp) teeth. "Ca2(Mg, Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2." She says simply. "You see the dust in here are mostly bits of carbon fibers, skin flakes, pollen and a bunch of other stuff. I rearranged their protons and neutrons to create the elements I needed to build up the nephrite and then just copy and pasted them together until it became the right mass." She shrugs. "It's simple transmutation."

"Uh?" The poor human tilted his head. "Dude...I-I got a B on Chemistry at school…"

Miz pouted but then she raised an eyebrow. "Wait. Do your powers work differently from mine?"

Seb made a face. "Well, I guess? I can't create stuff because I don't have all my powers...I just make fire and make things float...I don't know how it happens though."

"Ah…" Miz scratched her head. "Well shit, it sucks that your powers don't all work but...it sounds like what you CAN do is easier than mine." She glances around and points at the jar full of eyeballs. "Can I eat one?"

"What? Ew" Seb puffed his cheeks but nodded slowly.

"Yoink!" Miz reached into the jar and popped one into her mouth before gagging. "This is disgusting!" She says with a wide maniac grin.

Seb gagged and covered his mouth with his six-fingered hand. "Gross!" He grinned and laughed.

"I can taste the formaldehyde! It's absolutely disgusting~" she giggled.

Seb laughed loudly but covered his mouth again. "I would try one, but I don't wanna poison my meat-sack." He grinned and sighed. "Let's go upstairs."

Miz skips happily after him. "Oh I can't wait to see the little niblets~" oh she really hoped her Earth would grow faster~

They slowly and quietly went upstairs. Seb motioned Miz to stay put as he slowly opened the creaking door. "Ok, they are still sleeping." He whispered. "Come in."

Miz quietly poked her head in and stared at the tiny children. Oh my Ax they looked so small. Nevermind the fact that she was around the same height as them while in her human form. "Ooh~they're so...cute~" she squeals quietly. "I can't wait to meet mine."

Seb grinned and slowly sat down on Dipper's bed, stroking his brown curly locks. "I managed to get him to wear Pj's...I love Pinetree but he is a dirty child."

Miz snorts with a muffled laugh. "Someone please bathe this awful child."

"I did once." Seb grinned, lifting his bangs to see his birthmark. "If I didn't, he would still smell like grass."

Miz stared down at the marking and reaches out a hand to gently trace the lines. "He really does have it…" she looks contemplative.

"Have what?"

"This." She leans against the bed and watches Dipper's chest rise and fall as he breathed softly.

"Oh yeah, since he was a baby. My brother Shermie was worried it was something bad but the doctors said it wasn't anything dangerous. My idiot brother was 15 when he had the twins, he was paranoid of everything."

"15?! Holy shit. What the hell was he thinking?"

"To be honest? No idea. Shermie was angry with the world because I wasn't home...After, Filbrick kicked me out, he wanted to rebel and do a bunch of stupid things, look how well that turned out."

Miz frowns but decides to drop the subject so she could go look at Mabel. The little girl was snuggling with Waddles on her bed, the blankets half kicked off. Miz gently pulled them back up and tucked the two in.

"Urgh, I told her not to sleep with the pig on the bed." Seb mumbled but smiled fondly at his niece. "She is wonderful. Both of them are. Despite everything they do, they-they make me happy…"

Miz smiles and pats Sebastian's arm. "I'm sure you make them just as happy. I know my kids and friends are everything to me."

Seb blushed slightly but smiled. "We have a soft spot for our family...Bill or not." He chuckled softly as he stood up slowly. "Let's go, we should let them sleep."

"Alright." Miz gives the children one last fond glance. Someday. She just had to wait. "After I leave…" she blushes a little. "Do you think I could come back to visit some time?"

Seb and Miz got out of the room and the man closed the door as gently as he opened it. "Of course! Maybe in this form you can talk to the kids! They hate Bill as much as I do, Mabel shot at him with kitten fists, so maybe you should hide your form...unless you want to give Pinetree a heart attack of course." He explained as he walked to his bedroom with Miz following him close.

"Pffth-I can heal heart attacks. Or at the very least, hold them in stasis long enough to get them to someone who can~" Miz shrugs. "Actually...I wonder if anyone has a kink for that?" She mutters under her breath about electricity S&M and various fan art she's seen of Bill Cipher torture kinks.

Seb luckily didn't hear any of that and sighed in relief when he saw his bed. He looked at the clothes he was wearing, remembering he never had the chance to change them, and sighed tiredly. "Wait here, I'll be back soon." He instructed the little girl watching him, easily forgetting he was talking to Bill Cipher, and grabbed his clothes to go to the bathroom.

Miz shrugged. "Kay." She watched him leave and hummed at the sight of it. Were all human form Bill Cipher's supposed to be so cute? Well...aside from the one Alex Hirsch drew...which was downright gorgeous (in a horrifying way). Feeling in a pranking mood, she shifts her clothes from the simple yellow dress into a squid costume and flops onto Sebastian's bed. The look on his face would be hilarious!

Seb yawned as he came out of the bathroom and his eye widened at the sight on his bed. He grinned then, not giving her what she wanted. "Nice try, kid, but I live and interact with two kids and Soos! I am immune." He said, smiling even more at her pouting face. He raised a hand and Miz yelped when she started floating away from the bed. "And that's mine."

She wiggled her arms and legs, making the tentacles of her costume wiggle as well. "Not fair~" she whined.

Seb laughed and put her on the couch gently. "It is! And it is hilarious!" He climbed to his bed and took off his eye patch to sleep. It made him blush a little bit but he knew that pouting girl was Bill, so there was no problem in showing it.

Miz blinked at the uncovered eye. "Oh. So that's why you wear the eyepatch." She tilts her head. "Isn't that...itchy?" She rolled around on the couch, the tentacles trailing across the piece of furniture.

Seb turned around from her, already regretting showing her his yellow eye because she was still looking at it. He pulled down a lock of curly hair to try to cover it. "It is itchy...But I have had it covered since I was fourteen...I-I am used to it. It's not nice seeing how everyone looks at you with fear or repulsion."

Miz could tell Seb was feeling self conscious. "Well...if it makes you feel any better, I think it's pretty." much nicer than the weird mouth triangle she turns into when she's angry.

"Thanks...I guess...But I still won't show it...It changes colors when I get angry...Especially in my monster form, but that isn't important anyway." He laid down on the pillow and stared at the girl with sleepy eyes.

"Monster form?" She tilts her head in interest. "Nevermind, you should sleep. Um...would you like me to sing to you? I do that with my kids."

Seb closed his eyes. "Monster form…" He said with a slurred voice. "Lots of yellow a-arms...And teeth, teeth in my torso...and red hair, really red hair" He giggled sleepily. "Sing." He ordered.

Miz relaxed her shoulders. "Nightingale singing in the woods~serenading the forest~fills the air with a sad refrain~in the quiet of the evening~" she slowly get up and shifts her squid outfit back into a dress. "Pale moon~blue moon~crescent moon~shining brightly in the evening ~" she walked slowly closer to the sleepy man and brushed her small fingers through his hair. Just like she did with Pyronica's children when they had trouble falling asleep.

Seb inhaled softly and seconds later, he was asleep. He had barely slept for two days, he was tired, and sleeping just was so nice. Before realizing it, he was in his Mindscape, standing in front of the floating and fractured version of the Mystery Shack, and waiting for Bill to appear.

As he waited, Seb jumped when an annoying voice spoke behind him. "Great! You made friends with another Bill, a pathetic version, mind you." Bill2 laughed. Seb groaned. Not now.

Miz allowed her physical form to crumble away and floated into Seb's mind. She was Bill again, though she kept her dress so Seb would know it was her and not the evil Bill that was apparently somewhere in this dimension. She opened her eye to see Sebastian floating in his mindscape next to…

"AH! He's here!" She shot him with a tiny squid (squids were on her mind right now) and hit the small triangle floating near her new friend.

Bill2 squeaked when he was hit and was sent flying a few meters. Seb laughed loudly and mockingly as he pointed at Bill2 trying to get the squid off him. "You deserved that, dick! Great shot, Bill! High six!" He happily raised a hand for Bill to high four.

Slightly confused, Bill gave Sebastian a high four (does that mean this was a high ten?!) And stared at the other triangle struggling to get the Squid's tentacles away from him. "What's going on? Is that the Bill from this world?"

Seb stared at Bill2, who finally managed to get the squid off him, and grinned when the tiny triangle fumed and turned red. "Nah, don't worry. He's not even real. That's Bill2. I created him when I was a toddler. He's like an annoying imaginary friend or, the representation of my past-self."

Bill peered at Bill2 and if she had eyebrows in this form she would have raised them. "Um...cool I guess? Most of my mental issues look more like twisted abominations but, hey, to each their own." She turns to look around the shattered Mindscape. "Now where is that Exit?"

Seb looked around and shrugged. "Inside the Shack I have only seen my memories...Is that door usually hidden and you have to decipher something to find it?"

Bill rubbed her side, brushing off her dress as she did so and secretly feeling embarrassed by how wide her hips were as a triangle "Well...does the Shack have an Exit sign anywhere? In my Mindscape it was the Exit door to the theater/bedroom."

"Exit door...I have never seen one…" Seb hummed while Bill2 examined Bill up and down.

"You are wearing a dress" Seb's demon-self sneered. "Nice to know there are more stupid versions of me around the multiverse."

"Bill!" Seb scolded. "You can kill him if you want, I don't need him." Seb said quickly, smiling sheepishly at the real Bill.

"Naw, I've got a better idea." Bill grins at Bill2 and flicks her fingers. "Boom! Maid outfit!" She even gave it extra frills and ribbons!

Huh...it looks really good on him...

Seb immediately put his hand to his mouth to stop his guffaws, but he failed epically. He started laughing madly as Bill2 growled at both of them. His demon-self made the clothes disappear, but Seb snapped his fingers and the costume returned. "I said it stays like that, fucker!" He snarled and the tiny triangle raged internally.

The blond turned to look at Bill with a proud smile. "I have him mostly under my control, I'm good, see? No Bill controlling me."

Bill laughed at the angry triangle. "Well. Now that this little guy's-"

Bill2 screams "I'm not little!"

"-been dealt with, let's go find that Exit!" she floats off to begin her search. It should not be that hard. It's literally a door with the word EXIT above it. "The shack has entrances and exits right? So it should be near one of them?"

"Maybe...I should tell you the doors of my memories shift places…" Seb started awkwardly. "So I guess the exit also shifts too...But don't worry! We will find it!"

Bill nods, pushing away any fearful doubts of how she could be trapped here forever and began looking around. There's no way she wouldn't be able to find it. If she came in, she can go back out. Huh...maybe this was why Ax didn't want her messing with this.

"You know, now that I'm seeing you closer, I think you are also different because you are a girl." Seb commented out of the blue. "I-correct me if I'm wrong-but I feel you are more feminine than what I remembered myself...But why are you still a triangle and not a line?"

Bill shrugs. "I don't know what you mean but if you're wondering about my sex, I am a hermaphrodite. Were you a male?"

"Um, ye-yeah!" Seb said, smirking when he saw Bill2 floating next to him, and looked back at Bill. "Bill was a male because he was a shape, women were lines in his world…"

Bill stared at Bill2 with interest. "Hm...that's another difference I guess. In my world everyone were shapes. Male and female were determined by your genitals and the Council arranged your Pairing to an appropriate mate."

"From what I know, Bill's Flatland was also controlled by a really strict government, they hated irregulars, shapes who weren't as 'perfect' as they wanted and they killed them off! Haha, Bill killed all those flat minders." He raised a hand and despite his anger, Bill2 had to high four him.

"Nice memories." Bill2 nodded.

"Your council sounds even worse than mine. And mine wanted to use me as a breeding machine...just...pair me up and make me pop out babies for the rest of my life. Luckily they took me on as a scientist so they couldn't do that to me." Bill shuddered. Dodged a bullet there.

"God, that-that is awful." Seb shuddered too. "They killed off my brother, well, Bill's. That was why he decided that world wasn't worth it. I guess he was right, but he went insane in the process." The curly haired man told Bill and sighed.

Bill2 grinned with his eye. "It was hilarious hearing them scream in pain!"

Bill dimmed in color. "I lost my brother too. But...it was my fault. I joined the triangle rebellion, I built them weapons. We broke into the council room, we took down the Circles...we...we WON. But...one of the Circles tried to run and the other Triangles shot at him...and…" her voice cracks a little "...and they shot my little brother instead…" Will had been killed by the very weapon she had created. It was all her fault.

Seb had to stop to take a deep breath, despite the fact that he didn't need to breathe in his Mindscape. "Bill...I-I am sorry" He wanted to pat him comfortingly but didn't dare. "Digging in old memories isn't nice, I shouldn't have talked about it."

Bill mimes a deep breath. "It's ok...Ax says that it's always better to talk about what makes me sad then to keep it bottled up. I haven't really gotten to talk about Will until just recently when Pyronica had her kids. They remind me of him sometimes…same with your niblets..." the tears flowed a little faster. "It's just...if Will had been human he would have been around their age...maybe a little older?"

Sebas winced, feeling terrible for Bill and sighed. "I'm sorry...Um..." He thought it was better to change the topic. "I don't think the door is just going to be there. It must be related to something similar to it, my mind is organized by association so...Where can a door related to 'getting out of somewhere' be…" Seb muttered under his breath as he stroked his goatee.

"I know!" Bill2 suddenly exclaimed, startling both Bill and Seb. The tiny triangle made the humiliating clothes disappear but neither Seb or Bill cared right now. "When you broke Sixer's project! You were kicked out, right? That is the only moment I can think of when you were forced out of somewhere, so the Exit Door must be close to where that memory is."

Bill looked over at the taller man. "Well..does that sound right to you?"

"That sounds pretty reasonable." Seb nodded excitedly but then pouted. "Now we just gotta find that horrible memory." He sighed loudly and motioned the two triangles to start floating and search.

Seb, followed by both Bill and Bill2, walked around the dark version of the Shack, trying to locate either the memory or the door. The curly haired man pouted when he felt Bill staring at him curiously and he rolled his eye.

"I didn't break it on purpose." He clarified. "I was destroying my project and accidentally hit his, but Ford never let me explain and I-I guess I was a little jealous he won…" Seb trailed off and shook his head. "It-It doesn't matter, ok?"

Sebastian saw Bill nod and he smiled slightly. While he searched for the Exit door he started wondering how he never saw it before. The only guess he had was that because he never wanted to see that memory, he never noticed it before...His train of thought was interrupted when he heard Bill squeal excitedly.

"Found it!" She pointed at a door hidden halfway behind a display case full of items from the pawn shop. In the memory. The door was INSIDE the memory. The loud yelling voices made her wince. Oh. This did not look good. She gasped when the memory of a younger Sebastian was struck by his father, the angry Filbrick screaming at him about how he ruined Ford's chance for a good college.

Seb slowly walked towards the door and sighed, watching Filbrick dragging him out of the Pawn Shop by his hair. He...didn't need to relive that again. Bill2 laughed at his sad expression and Bill looked at him with what he could interpret as a guilty look.

"It's alright. It was decades ago…" He smiled easily at him and glanced at the EXIT door. "Well, I guess this is it, other Bill. It was really fun meeting you! Hope we see each other soon!" The curly haired man smiled, wincing just a little bit when he heard his younger self sobbing and Filbrick threatening him to never come back, and moved away from the door, just enough for Bill to float to it.

Bill looked guilty at the distressed emotions flowing through the air. "Um...right...I really enjoyed my time with you. I guess...maybe I can come visit again someday…" she gives Sebastian a kind smile with her large eye curving. "It was really nice meeting you Sebastian. I wish you luck in getting your brothers back."

Sebastian was going to respond but Bill2 growls in frustration at the positivity trying to form in the room and flies over to the door. "Just LEAVE already!" He kicks the door open and the three of them all cry out in surprise when, like before, they were sucked into the door and sent barreling out into the void.

It would have been just a simple fix if they got their bearings to find their way back to Seb's door but by some stupid coincidence, as they flailed around in panic, Sebastian accidentally hit another door out in the void and they screamed as they were sucked into it.

The void of doors was silent after the door slammed shut. The infinite doors floating peacefully even as two misplaced Bills were sent into the world of another of their Alternatives.


"Ugh…" Bill moaned as she tried to get up, only to find that she couldn't move. "Ah! Get off me! You're heavy! Why are you heavy we're both incorporeal right now!!!"

She shoves Sebastian off her and floats up to stare incredulously at where they were. It looked like a simple apartment. A clean one sure but…

There was a young man in the room, human, it seemed he didn't see them but what surprised her was the small yellow and black figure hissing at them. A tiny little bee.

A tiny little bee wearing a top hat and bowtie who was swearing at them angrily "Who the fuck are you people and what are you doing in my house?!" The bee screams at them.

The human in the room turns away from the kitchen stove he was cooking at. "Huh? What are you talking about Bill? There's no one here but us?" Bill stared at the boy. He looked...familiar somehow…

"Dammit Pine Tree do you not see these strangers in your house?!" The bee points at the gobsmacked group of displaced dimension travelers with one of his little black legs. "They're right fucking THERE!"

"Have you been getting into the Poppy again Bill? You know that pollen messes you up." The young man, who was apparently this dimension's version of Dipper, he looked to be college aged. Bill couldn't help but admire him. Oh my~little Dipper grows up into quite the handsome boy~

Sebastian was thinking exactly what Bill was. That boy was Dipper, definitely Dipper. And he was an adult!

"Pinetree…" He whispered. "That's Dipper, right?" He looked at Bill, who nodded.

The bee was still screaming at them to get out of his house. Poor Dipper, who couldn't see the demons in the Mindscape was trying to calm the small insect down. "Bill. It's ok! There's no one there."

"How do you not see them? There is a weird blond man with yellow hair-"

"Hey!" Seb cried offended at the insect.

"And...a triangle with a dress!" The bee starts flying at them, his stinger aimed out. Dipper begins to panic. "No! Bill stop! You might accidentally sting me!" He ducks behind the counter and watches his companion flying around attacking empty air (at least that's what he saw.)

"Bill?" Seb mumbled. "So one Bill is an insect…" He said slowly and before sharing a look with Bill2, both of them started laughing hysterically.


Seb just wheezed. He was laughing so much he couldn't even say the pun he was thinking of.

Bill (should she just refer to herself as Miz by this point? If only to avoid confusion?) Rolls her eye. "Don't worry. I got this." She raises a hand and flicks, the space before her twisting as the particles clicked together rapidly.

Dipper makes confused noises as the air above his kitchen counter seemed to...shimmer and suddenly there was a...flower?

It wasn't any species he recognized, and ever since he met this strange talking bee, he'd learned a LOT about flowers. But this was something new. It was a lovely pale blue color and smelled wonderful. Dipper watched as his bee friend slowed his frantic flying and hovered in front of the flower that just appeared out of nowhere. "What the heck?" Dipper cries.

Bee Bill moans as the scent of this flower reached him. What was this?! He'd never smelled something this delicious? He flew down and landed on a petal, marveling at the softness. "What is...are YOU trying to bribe me, intruder?" He snarls at the triangle in a dress, but he couldn't glare at it for long as the scent of this flower was...just so inviting...

Miz turns to Sebastian and sighs. "Well. That should keep him distracted…"

Seb wiped his tears from his brown eye and sighed happily. He hadn't laughed this much since forever. "So, in this universe...the tiny insect over there caused Weirdmaggedon or some shit? And why is Dipper with the bee?" He looked up and saw the brunet young man still staring at Bee Bill with a confused expression.

Miz shrugged. "Don't know. Don't particularly care." Given that this world's Dipper seemed perfectly fine being around his little bug friend, they were probably not on bad terms. Then again, how much trouble would something that small be able to cause anyway?

"Fair enough" Seb nodded. "And you-" The blond man was going to yell at Bill2 but stopped and his face paled. "Bill, where exactly are we?! I-I need to go back or-or the kids would be alone!" He cried frantically.

Miz winced. She quickly tried to calm Sebastian down. "Look. We got sucked out of your door and ended up here. Which means we just need to find THIS Bill's door to get back out. And then we just...find your door. It shouldn't be that hard right?" In a smaller voice she mumbled "It's not like there are an infinite doors or anything…"

Seb whined childishly at Miz. He didn't hear the last part of what she said, and Miz should be glad for it. "But how loonng it will taake?" He pouted.

Miz glanced at the bee butt sticking out of the flower that this world's Bill had crawled inside, hungrily slurping up the nectar. "Well if all goes well, this Bill will fall asleep soon. I made this flower's pollen soporific. Then we just go inside his dream, take a detour into his Mindscape and find his Exit."

She glares at Bill2. "And THIS time, we DON'T go kicking the damn door open like an asshole!"

"This is all your fault!" Seb glared at Bill2 and smacked him in his top angle.

"If you hadn't talked to her in the first place we would actually be in our meatsack!" Bill2 shouted back and smacked him in the forehead.

"Well, EXCUSE me for trying to be ni-"

"Slurp~slurp~aw man this is slurp~FUCKING delicious!" bee Bill moans drunkenly from inside the flower. By this point Dipper had come out from behind the counter and was inspecting the mysterious flower. Where did this come from? Then again, if Bill was to be believed...he was apparently a magical demon bee so maybe he created it?

"Look, I'm just gonna finish making lunch...you...do you." Dipper sighs and turns back to the stove. "AHHHH!" He cries when he sees his eggs burning. "Nooo!"

Seb snorted and looked at Miz. "Dipper isn't that good at cooking in my dimension either."

Miz grins and then reaches down to poke the bee butt. He grumbled sleepily but otherwise didn't react. "Ok. I think we're good to go." She turns to Seb. "Um...you know how to go inside other people's Mindscape right?"

"Pfft! Kid, Of course I know how to do that! I even possessed a man once! Let's do this!" Seb cracked his knuckles but whimpered softly when they hurt a little too much. "Ow."

Miz sank inside the bee (and wasn't THAT just an odd sensation) and found herself inside a huge beehive. There were huge house sized triangles filled with honey and it was also eerily quiet. Where were all the other bees? Not that she'd want there to be millions of bees around.

Seb and Bill2 (what other choice did he have?) followed her into the bee's Mindscape, wincing a bit at the effort. He knew he said he could do it, but that didn't mean it wasn't hard or painful.

He stood beside Bill and gasped as he looked around. "This place is crazy" He commented as he unconsciously went to clean the blood from his nose, even when he didn't have blood to shed right now.

Miz nodded. Dear cheese this hive was HUGE. How long would it take to search for the exit? She flew over to inspect one of the triangular hive walls. It was filled with delicious looking golden honey. She couldn't help shifting into Miz's human form (currently dressed like a pretty bee-girl, what? She likes her cosplay) and grabs a handful of the honey.

Before Seb could stop her, Miz stuck her hand in her mouth and ate the honey. "Ooh! Issh weeally sweet!" She says with her mouth full.

The blond watched her take another handful of the honey to her mouth. He was torn between wanting to try because Hell, he was in a bee's mindscape! But his adult, more mature self was stopping him.

"Do you even know what exactly you are eating?" He asked.

"Do I look like I care?" Miz shrugged as she materialized a large pot and began shoveling handfuls into it. Souvenirs~

"Well, you are eating his mindscape. Call me a buzzkill but I don't think that sounds safe...for the bee."

Miz rolls her eyes. "Safe Shmafe, honey is just bee vomit. I doubt this is gonna hurt him. What's the worse that can hap-"

There was a thunderous roar and the three intruders turned slowly to see a GIANT bee staring down at them. Miz couldn't help but think 'Oh! That's why this hive is so big…'

Bee Bill was...a lot more intimidating at his current size. His mandibles were sharp and dripping with what looked like acid as it frothed and sizzled. His legs were tipped with sharp claws and his large eye had turned red. "HOW DARE YOU!?!?!" He bellows at them.

"I told you…" Seb sing-songed softly as he stared at bee. "Now I think I shouldn't have laughed at him." He said aloud and Bill2 glared at him.

"You think?"

Bee Bill screams at them with a sound beyond mortal comprehension and Miz grabs Seb's hand to drag him along. "Run! RUN! RUN!!!" She screams.

The two ran away from the bee, screaming their heads off, as Bill2 floated behind them, watching the Bee just getting closer and closer.

"If we die outside our body we die for real?!" Bill2 screamed, but both Miz and Seb decided to ignore him.



Seb winced when he heard her sob. She sounded so scared. She was Bill, he knew that, but-but she just looked so helpless and scared and that bee! How dared he scare HIS friend!!?

The man's eyes turned black and he turned to look at the demon bee. Much to Miz's amazement and horror, Seb grew two more pairs of yellow arms as his hair turned red and he screamed at the bee.

Bill2 was nowhere to be seen (Seb and him were temporarily morphed together to form the monster form) and the raging human charged at the monster bee.

Bee Bill was caught off guard and thrown to the ground by the human's back arms. The bee pushed Sebastian back with his strong clawed legs and threw himself over his fragmented body to try to bite his head off with his sharp mandibles. Seb screamed when the ugly head came too close for his liking and his hands caught on yellow fire before grabbing the Bee by its hind legs and throwing it away. Bee Bill hit a wall full of honey and after shaking his head, he charged at the human once again.

Miz watched the two fight, understanding what Sebastian meant by monster form. His body had grown and his torso was fragmented in a way that looked really painful, especially because his spine had been fragmented in three, and from each part, yellow sharp teeth and black tongues appeared. That was her monster form too, the one she accidentally slipped into when she lost her cool. Except more fleshy than her triangular form.

Apparently it happened to Sebastian too.

Sebastian tackled the bee to the ground once again and with his six hands he burnt him, forcing him to stay on the ground shrieking in pain. "YOU MADE HER CRY!" He shouted with a booming voice, tying the bee's legs together. " STOP!" Seb ordered and the bee stopped thrashing, giving up.

Panting loudly, Seb's form slowly pieced itself together again and the arms retreated to the inside of his body. His form shrank to its original size and Seb collapsed exhausted next to the giant bee, Bill2 floating out of him and dropping onto Seb's chest tiredly.

"Yeah! Take that! Don't hurt Miz again or I'll kill you!" The blond human threatened wheezing.

Miz ran towards Seb and Bee Bill. "Are you guys alright? That was AWESOME! I didn't know you had a Kaiju form!" She glances worriedly at the twitching bee and quickly grabbed Seb's arm to sling over her shoulder. "Come on. We need to get out of here before he recovers…"

She looked around as her eyes flashed through multiple images, the good thing about the triangular honeycombs was that it made her job easier. She accidentally glimpsed a few of BeeBill's memories as she dragged Sebastian through the Mindscape.

Bee Bill appearing before the first bees and teaching them how to spread pollen, how to build a hive out of wax, how to create honey, how to read the sky for directions. Bee Bill protecting a young queen larva when the hive was attacked by a large mammalian creature. Bee Bill carrying the baby queen away, upon the urging of the current queen "Go! You are our last hope!"

"I can fight! I can help!" Bee Bill cried as he watched his hive, his...colony...attacking the beast and giving their lives in the process. The queen shoves him out of the hive. "GO!"

Miz saw Bee Bill fly off in a panic, holding the frightened baby queen and hearing his hive, his first hive get torn apart behind him. She saw how he raised the new queen and taught her and her children everything he knew for generations upon generations for hundreds upon thousands of years...only for his hive to kick him out. She blinks out of those memories, feeling a little bad for the guy.

More importantly though, she found the exit. "Hang on Seb." She tells him before bracing herself on the side of the hive and kicking off as hard as she could, rocketing them towards a door near the top of this hive with the words EXIT above it.

They tumbled through, a little more gently this time, and Miz quickly slammed the door shut behind her before collapsing to the ground tiredly.

Seb groaned as he stretched but he felt better already. He looked around, gaping at the millions upon billions of doors around them, all with numbers and letters. "Alright! So, where do we go?"

Miz looked around for any doors she recognized. "Um…" if she could sweat she would be doing it. In fact she could feel them forming and then disappearing as she glanced around. "Well...I know we can't have gone that far...and um…" she went up to try and read the labels. "I guess we just need to work our way back?"

Seb and Bill2 deadpanned at her. "Great, when I get back, the twins will be the same age as Bee Bill's Dipper!" He exclaimed with fake enthusiasm.

Miz gives him a weak smile. "Hey, look on the bright side, dimensions all run at different speeds so maybe you'll return to your world at the same time you left." She tries to look like she knew what she was doing as she gestures and accidentally hit a door.

The three of them stared at it for a split second in horror before they were once again sucked in.


Bill downed another bottle as he sulked in his room. He was sobbing loudly and quite frankly, he was an absolute mess. But none of that mattered. Nothing mattered. Sixer just...Sixer BETRAYED him!

Bill took another swig from the bottle and hiccuped softly. He needed to think, no, he needed THIS. This right here…

Bill blinked woozily at the bottle in his hands. Damn...why had everything gone so wrong? "Sixer…" he sobs softly. He already screamed and raged and destroyed most of his room. Now he was just trying to drink enough that he couldn't think anymore. Not about Sixer. Not about the investors. Not about the portal...


Bill yelps as several things hit him in the back and he drops his bottle. Nooo! His alcohol!! That shit's expensive!

Turning around angrily, a heavily drunk Bill glared down at the intruders in his penthouse, one hand raised with blue fire ready to incinerated whoever this impudent little…

He froze. His arm dropped and he blinked blearily at the person he saw. "Sssixerrr?" He slurred drunkenly.

Seb stared at yet another Bill, a drunk one to be specific, and tensed up when he dragged a thin black hand across his face.

Sixer? Did he call just call him Sixer?

"Help." He pleaded to Miz who was also watching with a confused look.

Miz shrugged. "Look, we just need to get inside his head and find the exit. Um…" she looks at the bottle spilling on the ground. "Keep distracting him while I spike the drinks…" she began pulling the liquid back into the bottle and enhancing the effects of it.

Bill hadn't even noticed the 2nd person in the room, his eye was fixed on Sebastian's awkward form. He lowered himself down and ran his small black hands through his hair. "Sssixer...yo-you...how did...you get here?" he slurs. Also there were multiple Ford's...or maybe he just couldn't see straight.

Seb looked at Miz, who glared at him to just distract the drunk demon, and he sighed. The blond coughed a bit and made his voice a bit deeper. "Ah, yes, yes...It is I, Ford…" He hid his left hand and showed him his right hand with six fingers.

Miz face palms from behind Bill's back.

Bill reaches out to grab onto Seb's hand. He runs his fingers along the 6 digits. "Sixer…" He says softly. Suddenly he turns red and grips the hand tighter, not enough to break anything but it was definitely uncomfortable. "You! You freaking asshole!!" He growls.

Miz looks worried but she was adjusting the bottle, turning it into a spray. Come on, come on...

Seb grimaced as the triangle's grip on his hand got even tighter. "Wa-Wait! Bill, why are you upset! Um, we-we are friends! I am stupid! I need your inspiration as my muse!" Bill2, hidden behind Miz, rolled his eye.

Bill flickers between multiple colors for a bit, seemingly caught between being angry and joy at hearing Ford call him his muse again. Ultimately he went back to growling but he loosened his grip on Seb's hand. His expression was still pretty drunk as he dragged Seb over to a large bed. "Why am I upset? Why am I upset?!" He snarls. "After how...you...you USED me! You-a-an-and then you SERIOUSLY THINK you could just LEAVE ME?!" He grew larger as he got angrier.

"You...you...you ruined EVERYTHING!" He screeches. Just as quickly though, he calms and says, almost soberly "Why wouldn't you give me a chance? You said you would listen. You said you would let me explain." He blinks rapidly and looks confused, swaying to the side.

"When...did I change your hair? It looks great mind you, yellow is the best color...but...huh?" He sounded so confused.

"Um...Um…" Seb stuttered. "I think it changed on its own." He lied. "The-The molecules of this air and...you know, science…"

Miz was spraying Bill with the modified alcohol bottle. Bill finally noticed her and looks even more confused. "What the fu-" he didn't get to say much more before the modified alcohol began to take effect. The triangle swayed and collapsed onto the bed. Miz made a note to herself, the tranquilizers her friends used to capture Jan, pretty strong stuff.

Seb sighed in relief when the triangle fell asleep. "Did you see him?! He-He has something with Ford!" He cried horrified. He gagged and covered his mouth.

Miz shrugged. "I'd ship it." She says.

Seb made a disgusted face and climbed out of bed, wincing when Bill shifted because of the movement.

"Whatever you say. Let's-Let's just find the door." Seb complained. He was tired despite not having a body. Was he too old for this?

"I can't help shipping who I ship." Miz rolls her eyes but the three of them sank into this Bill's Dream/Mindscape (Miz was severely tempted to make Inception references) to begin their search anew.

This Mindscape was...a jumbled mess of colors, images of EVERYTHING happening throughout the universe and screaming voices. Miz covers her ears. "Great! A proper Bill Cipher huh?"

Seb made an angry face at her while covering his own ears. Miz looks around and sees madness bubbles everywhere. Are those the memories? She goes up to inspect one, the door was probably in one of these, since she couldn't see any doors around here. "Um…" she turns to Seb "Are you ready to see this guy's memories?"

"Nope...Let's do it." Seb nodded.

Miz took a deep breath before driving her hand into the bubble, it glowed brightly and the two (three if you count Bill2) were pulled into the memory.

"Interesting." the intruders stared at the scene. The one who spoke was...Ford. He was leaning in close to blond man with dark (nearly black) skin. "And the reason I can see these futuristic designs but Fiddleford can't?"

"Maybe you're just special." The blond man, who everyone realized suddenly was Bill, spoke almost...fondly as he grinned and trailed his hands across Ford's shirt. Miz was blushing as the two men leaned closer to each other, gazing into each other's eyes. "Oh my~" she squealed.

"-God" Seb gaped horrified and slowly put a hand up to cover his mouth. His brown eye was wide though. Full of shock and disgust.

The memory Ford and Bill continued their conversation, Ford puts a hand on Bill's slim waist and pulls him closer, almost pressing their bodies against each other. Miz was blushing bright red and had her hands pressed to her cheeks as she made happy giggles.

(I got lazy with the anatomy >.> didn't really plan this out...)

"No! N-No! No! No!" Seb got out of his shock and covered his eye. "That's not happening! Ford wouldn't, my brother wouldn't-"

"It is happening." Bill2 said softly, still staring at the two men.

"Yesss~yessss~" Miz chanted as she stared at them. To her disappointment and Seb's relief, Memory Bill pushed himself away from Ford. Miz glanced around. "Welp, the Exit's not here so let's go check another one."

Seb glared at the smiling girl as they left the madness bubble. "That was horrible…" He declared. He really hoped his real brother didn't like his dimension's Bill because if not he was going to kick his ass!

Miz looked around and chose another bubble. "Alright, here's hoping we have better luck with this one." She declares.

They arrived in a rather domestic scene of Bill and Ford lounging on the couch together watching the tv. Well, Bill was watching the TV, Ford was working on some papers but he would sneak a glance at Bill every now and then while the demon in human form would do the same, each one pretending they weren't looking.

Miz sighed. "Boring~"

"No comments." Seb rolled his eye before looking away.

They left that memory and Miz runs up to another bubble "Come on! Please be a juicy one!"

"Please let that be the exact opposite." Seb begged with a whining voice. "I don't want to see that."

They appeared in the memory in the middle of the forest. There was a huge, burning campfire with flames shooting nearly 20 feet into the air. Next to it was a tent, closed of course but the thin material did nothing to keep in the sounds.

And oh boy were those sounds loud. Miz had a perverted grin as she saw the tent shake while they heard Bill's voice crying out loudly from inside. They also heard Ford's voice grunting softly in between Bill's moans and screams.

"He's murdering him, right?" Bill2 commented blandly.

Sebastian screamed, traumatized, and ran away, tripping and falling to the floor face first as he tried to escape from the sounds. Miz started laughing at him.

"Damn...if only the tent was see through~" she cackled.

"YOu!" Seb's voice cracked a bit. "Are a perverted evil girl! I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BROTHER IS FU-"

Miz shrugs. "Well, unfortunately, there are no doors here...unless you count the door to the tent…"

"No." Seb shook his head. "I don't count it."

Miz sighed "Alright let's try another one."

They went through many memories. Surprisingly (or perhaps not) there were a lot of...shall we say, scenes of an explicit nature. But there were just as many quiet scenes. Just calm and pleasant moments of Bill and Ford living together. Ford cooking their meals. Bill and Ford laughing together as they shaved some unicorns. The two having picnics together. The two sitting side by side quietly watching the sun set.

Seb watched this Bill's memories, both horrible and cute, with a disturbed expression. The more he watched, the more he saw Stanford smile and laugh...He was happy, this Bill made him happy, or used to, judging by Bill's reaction when he saw him. His Fordsie wouldn't be with Bill...Heck, he wasn't even sure if Ford liked anyone that way, but he was glad he was happy now that he is...

Miz glanced at Sebastian. "Hey...are you ok?"

Seb shook his head a bit and looked down at Miz. "Ye-Yeah...Just-Just got lost in my own thoughts…" He cast one last look at this version of his brother and sighed. He missed him. "Can we continue looking?"

Miz frowned but stayed quiet as they entered yet another bubble. This one...was not as happy.

It was raining heavily and a monstrous Bill, with huge gaping wounds all over his body which had turned into mouths filled with teeth and drooling blood was standing in front of Ford along with a red haired woman. They were speaking to each other but Miz and Seb were standing too far away to hear.

"What…" Seb muttered. He and Miz shared a look and walked a bit closer to hear what they were saying.

Memory Bill slowly calmed and went up to hug Ford. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Sixer. You won't regret it. I'll give you anything you want. Absolutely anything." Bill kissed Ford with little pecks here and there along his face and neck. He sounded so happy.

Miz furrowed her brows in worry. Memory Bill sounded so relieved and trusting but...she glanced at Ford's face. His expression was grim. Determined. "Oh no…" She whispers.

"What's wrong?" Seb asked but his question was answered when the ground underneath Bill and Ford began to glow.

A magic binding circle.

Miz's eyes were wide and horrified as the memory Bill began screaming frantically. "Sixer no!" He sounded so scared. His yellow eyes were wide in confusion. "You're doing it wrong. Stop! Stanford! SIXER! You're hurting me!"

Load failed, please RETRY








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