25.8% I’m Trunks / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Spotlight

บท 8: Chapter 8: Spotlight

After shooting my attack, my jacket and Frieza's body had been vaporized, leaving nothing behind but a crater in the ground, and the air pressurized enough that there was actual electricity in the dust cloud I created.



Brushing off the burnt pieces of leather from my shirt, I looked up to see the person who had been spectating me the entire time from the sky.

His eyes were wide while his jaw was slacked.

Judging by his body language, he was in enough shock for a gentle breeze of the wind to knock him over.

"Who… Are you?"

He asked as beads of sweat fell down his face like a cold bottle of water in the sun.

I had only seen him in pictures before today, but now, he was in front of me. I didn't know what to say.

It was weird. I had a father before, but in this life, after my mother told me how amazing and secretly kind-hearted Vegeta was, I started to long for another.

Meeting him hadn't even crossed my mind. But encountering him so suddenly, I was at a loss for words.

'I hope this goes well.'

Although my mother told me he had humane characteristics, she also informed me that he had many different layers she had to melt through to get to a warm side of him.

If he had too many layers up, knowing myself, there was a high chance our egos would collide.

Slowly flying upwards so as to not look intimidating, I put my hand in the air to wave as a friendly gesture.


Nervous, the man got into a combative stance, uncertain of what my next move would be.

His caution was understandable, therefore, I didn't fault him. I effectively killed his version of space Hitler. A monster that ruled over galaxies and caused mass genocide. Given, Father would have been the equivalent to 500 Saddam Husseins in his past.

"Don't come any closer or I'll make you regret it."

These were the first words that came out of his mouth… they were expected, but still, it caused some of my walls to come up.


"Alright. I won't come closer."

I replied as he looked me up and down.

"Who are you… and how did you do what you did without having obtained the power of a Super Saiyan."

He said with a look of hunger and desperation in his eyes.

Frieza was the person he hated most in this world. The Galactic Emperor had snatched almost everything from him. His planet, his family, his friends, and even his pride, something he held very dear.

"Can't you tell by looking at me?"

I asked, lifting up my arms, showcasing my battle scars.

My father knew everything about the Saiyans, including the secret to our biology. Being royalty, Zenkais was something he was well versed in. On planet Namek, he had even tried to force himself to get them by having Dende heal him.

"I see."

He stated, carefully observing me.

There was no need to explain to him what I was doing because he already knew. On Planet Namek, he had gone from a power level of 30,000 all the way to 500,000 from sheer Zenkai. He knew just how beneficial they were firsthand.

"Just how many fights have you been in… How many injuries have you received in order to arrive at that power level?" He mumbled in disbelief.

"A lot… A lot of battles."

I answered back.

"Just who are you? An elite that happened to be off-planet? No… That wouldn't make any sense. I would have remembered you if that were the case. No. Perhaps the child of an elite. Tell me… Who is or was your father?"

"My father… That's complicated."

"Then uncomplicate it."

He urged with grit in his voice, which I found strange. He must have known that he didn't have a chance against me, Righ?


'That arrogance… Just the way he carries himself… I wanna punch him in his face right now.' I thought.

Holding myself back, I held back my emotions and gave him the answer that he so desperately wanted to hear.

"My father's name… Is Vegeta."

When that name slipped out of my mouth, he flinched, then gave me a dismissive scowl.

"That's Impossible. My father only had one woman who provided him with 2 children. Me, and my pathetic brother Tarble. If you're going to lie, at least make them good." He spat, flaring his nostrils.

"I wasn't implying that we shared the same father, I only simply implied that our fathers had the same name."

Looking confused and overall defensive, he scoured his mind for any memories of another Saiyan that shared his name.

Deciding that enough was enough, he stopped thinking and asked directly, raising his voice.

"Stop toying with me, boy. What is your origin? Who are you?"

Getting a little frustrated at the fact that he wasn't cognitively aware enough to realize that out of the two of us, I held the leverage.

"Again... That's complicated."

I replied.

"Then again, uncomplicate it. Stop trying to be so elusive and mysterious and try being straight with me."

"It's a long story."

I cautioned, but this time, purposely, seeing as it would irritate him further.

"I can afford the time."

He replied. Surprisingly, he didn't take the bait.

Hearing his rebuttal, I then descended back to the ground and found a large rock to sit on.

"The hell are you doing? Don't fly away from me when I'm speaking to you, you rude bastard." He said, crossing his arms.

"Stop whining and sit down. Like I said, "It's gonna be a long story."

With attitude, he abided, sitting atop a rock directly across from me.


"Go on. Spew your tragic backstory. I can already feel it coming"

He spat.

"Put your listening ears on then, and don't interrupt."

I responded, getting slightly fed up with him.

"If I wasn't going to listen, I wouldn't have bothered sitting on this filthy moss covered rock to begin with. You really make our race look bad when you don't use your brain."

"And you make yourself look bad wearing all that pink and yellow. You look like a flamboyant business casual flamingo, but you don't see me putting up a fit about it."

"Ha. You have jokes. But you should be the last one to be calling anyone flamboyant with that long flowing purple hair of yours." He laughed sarcastically.



"Epileptic hazard."

"Fake samurai."

With the last comment he made, he and I shared a smile.

He was funny. I hadn't expected it.

"How do you even know about samurai?"

"Being on this planet full of weaklings has been insufferable. What I do credit the earthlings on is that they have entertaining cinematography."

He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Ha. You're kinda funny."

I noted.

"I know I am. Now tell your story and stop wasting our time here."

With that exchange, he and I both lowered our guards slightly.

"Alright. Alright… This is gonna be a lot of information I'm about to throw. I ask that you be open-minded."

"Boy, go on with it. We come from a race of people that can turn into planet-sized apes. I don't think that it's possible for another person to be as open-minded as me."

He did have a point.

"Good to know that we can establish that basis…"

Seeing Father nod at my comment, I continued.

"I'm not from this Timeline… I'm from the future. A future where you and my mother created a life."

Shocked at the absurdities that came out of my mouth, Father was taken aback.




For over 2 hours, I explained to him in great detail the events that transpired throughout my 17 years of life.

I told him almost everything ranging from how hard I trained to all I knew about the androids, excluding Key details like the fact that I had unlocked Saiyan 2, who my mother was, and my revenge plot I had in store for Cell … I still planned on making good on my word by ripping the head off of his past self with my bare hands upon reaching his perfect form.

I knew that my goals were selfish. I knew that people would get hurt if I allowed him to reach his final form in the next few years… But his death was the only thing that I thought would put my heart at ease. The people could get wished back later.

"To think… people made out of scrap metal would end my life."

Leaning forward and resting his arms on his, he clenched his fist tightly.

"I won't allow it."

He vowed.



"Although you supposedly changed from your past self, because of your cowardice and unwillingness to step forward, you've managed to ruin your own timeline. If you are really my son, then you need to do better. You falling as miserably as you did will not be permitted in this timeline. Do you understand me? If you tarnish my name like that again by avoiding confrontation as you've done in the past, I don't care if you came from my loins, I'll beat you to death with my own hands. Got that?"

He exclaimed, getting up out of his seat and grabbing me by my shirt.

Raising my brow at his comment, I couldn't help but be reminded of the scalding I gave other Trunks.

"You do realize that you failed too, right? You died in the future, just like everyone else."

"That version of me in the future failed… not me. We are two entirely different people." He quarreled.

"Arguable. Aside from that, how do you plan on making good on your word, exactly? How do you plan on beating me?"

I asked. It wasn't like I was just a little bit more powerful than him, but the difference between my current father and myself was the difference between a Super Saiyan and a farmer with a shotgun.

Letting go of my shirt, he then took a few steps back and pointed to himself and smiled in a Vegeta-like fashion.

"Simple… By becoming a Super Saiyan just like the future version of myself. After that, I'll surpass you and Kakarot, transcending to new heights beyond imagination."

He declared.

Smiling, I got up from my seat with resolve, looking into the windows of his soul.

"That won't happen. I can guarantee you that. You may get stronger, but I won't be sitting on my ass when I know there are stronger people out there who wanna take my life."

"Ha. That Saiyan blood is strong in you. Although you don't have the Saiyan hair, you definitely have the attitude of one. Anyway, you'll just have to wait and see… Until then, I sense Kakarot's energy coming. Let's go to where the other version of you and the earthlings are."

Nodding my head and taking the lead, Father and I flew to our destination.

Upon arrival, the Z-fighters caught on to my presence and surprisingly greeted me warmly, while the other me seemed to be panicking, seeing as I arrived next to father.

Softly landing next to the group that consisted of Krillin, Yamcha, little Gohan, Paur, Chiaotzu, and mother walked up to me and introduced themselves.

"Hey! You must be Trunks' older brother, right? I'm Krillen."

Older brother? What was he talking about?

"Yeah! Your name is Scar, Right? Cool name by the way. Is it cause of the… Ya'know… Or is it your real name?"

Yamach asked, motioning his finger down the left side of his face where my scar would be.


Were they making fun of me? Why were they calling me Scar?

"Yeah. I think it's a cool name too, Mr. Scar."

Said a miniature version of my mentor. It was strange seeing him after so long… It would have gotten a little emotion out of me if the atmosphere weren't awkward.

"Scar? Trunks. What the fu-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I was interrupted by a rapidly approaching Super Saiyan Trunks who covered my mouth with his hand.

"Brother! It's so good to see you that you're safe. I sure am glad that you managed to defeat King Cold all on your own. Boy, are you strong! Haha. Didn't even need Super Saiyan. I'm so glad to have someone like you as an older TWIN BROTHER." He said as he powered down.

Of course, this scene made everyone around us confused. Well… Almost every one.


Vegeta had an outburst of laughter which even furthered the confusion.

"What the hell is he laughing about?"

Said Yamcha.

"It's weird, right? I didn't even know he was capable of emotions till now. Well, besides anger, anyway."

Spoke Krillin, rubbing his head.

Seeing the coldblooded Vegeta laugh even sparked the curiosity of Piccolo.

"What's so funny, and where were you two all this time?"

Said the 7-foot Namakian who had been keeping silent up to now.

"I was minding my business Namekin. Why don't you ask SCAR, for the details, if you're so interested?"

Father nabbed while giving me a smug smile.

Scowling, I looked at him, then shifted my eyes to Trunks who actively had his hand on my face.

Grabbing his wrist, I grumbled in a low voice.

"Mind explaining this to me… LITTLE brother?"

"Hey! That's Dad's energy! I knew it"

Gohan exclaimed while pointing to the sky.

Everyone's attention was taken off me and other Trunks and was directed to Goku.

"You're right! It's Goku!"

Krillin expressed with excitement as Goku came hurling towards earth.

Everyone excluding Piccolo and Vegeta were basically jumping with excitement.


Creating a tremor with his arrival, I felt Goku's energy for the first time.

"W-would you look at that, Everybody? Goku's Here! Let's go and say hi!" He said with a nervous smile on his face, trying to weasel his way out of my grasp, but I didn't intend on letting him go until he explained what he had told everyone else.

While all the Z-fighters and father ran to see their long-time friend, I stayed behind with Trunks.

Letting his arm go, I crossed my arms and pouted.

"What did you tell them?"

"Does that really matter? Goku's here. Let's go introduce ourselves and tell him why we're here.

"Yes. It matters. Because we're here for different reasons, remember? I told you already that I plan on staying here. It's gonna make things difficult for me if I have to live a convoluted lie."

"But what about the Timeline?" He said with worry.

"What about it."

I said glaring at him.


"Well… About that. I kinda told them that I was here to save Goku's life. I didn't tell them that I-... That we were from the future. I only told them my name because it was gonna make them even more suspicious of me if I didn't at least give them that. Especially with you being here."

"What about me? What about the part where you dragged me into your lie?"

"Ah… That part. You see, when they saw that there were two of us, they assumed that we were related and jumped to the conclusion, I kinda just went along with it." He said with a guilty look on his face.

"And you told them my name was Scar, of all things? Not Brandon. Not Michael. Scar?"


"Of all names, why Scar? Did you have to be so ridiculously on the nose with it?"

"Yeah… That one's my fault."

"What are you talking about? This entire awkward interaction is your fault." Frustrated with being berated he snapped back.

"What about you, Huh? You made things awkward too."

He rebutted.

"Me? How?"

"If you hadn't interrupted, I would have killed Frieza and King Cold. Then maybe, instead of me making up things on the spot, we could have come up with something beforehand!"


"Ouch! What the hell'd you do that for!"

He said, rubbing his bright red forehead that had my nail impressioned on it.

"Because you're annoying,"

"You know what? I'm starting to get real fed up. This entire time, I've just been accepting your bs, but I've had it up to here with you! I don't care if you think you're strong. I'll kick your ass if you keep looking down on me!"

He exclaimed, balling up his fist.


I uttered.


"Let's go see what's up with Goku, before I beat you up by accident."

I said, gently placing my hand on his shoulder.

"And what makes you so sure you'd win, huh? It wasn't like I went all out on Cold. I'll have you know that I'm stronger than you think I am!"

He said with more confidence than he should have for some of his skill level.

"Don't care. I'd still win."

My comment infuriated him. I could see it in his face. I wanted to laugh, but I knew that would escalate things.

"Then let's test that."

Replied Other Trunks, but I was already walking away.


I remarked, flying off into the distance, not bothering to look at the face he made.

It didn't take long to make it to Goku and the others.

Flying behind me was a very agitated Trunks.

"Hey guys, over here!"

Shouted Krillin who stood in a circle around Goku modeling from planet Yardrat.

Gohan grabbed Goku by the hand, leading him closer to me and other Trunks.

"Dad! These are the guys that stopped Frieza and his Dad." Gohan said with excitement.

"Really?" Goku said with a curious yet excited look.

"They sure did. We watched the whole fight happen… Well, one of them at least." Yamcha reassured, with a smile.

"We did really see the other guy's fight, it was probably just as impressive. He made Frieza's more powerful father look like a joke." Tien.

It was then that Vegeta stepped in to voice his opinion.

"The words, "Just as impressive", is lowballing the fight with Frieza that I witnessed first hand. That one didn't even go Super Saiyan." He said while pointing at me.


The group shrieked simultaneously in shock.

Majority of them knew how much of a threat Frieza truly was firsthand. Others had felt his energy before I killed him. To them, in order to stop a being like that, it was impossible unless you had a prolific state of transcendence like Super Saiyan. Otherwise, defeating him would be impossible.

"Didn't need to go Super Saiyan? Surely your mistake. If that wasn't Super Saiyan, then what was that spike in energy we felt?" Piccolo said nervously.

"It was his natural state of being."

Vegeta smirked.

He appeared to be feeding my ego from an outside perspective, But I knew what he was doing. This was a provocation for Goku.

"That energy wasn't Super Saiyan? Scar… If that's true, then you're a monster." Krillin spoke with reverence and a hint of apprehension in his voice.

Squinting my eyes at him, I frowned.

"You know, when you say it like that, it doesn't sound like a compliment. Makes it sound like you're scared of me."

"W-wait! That didn't come out right. It's just… It's just… Somebody, back me up on this one." He stammered.

"You didn't need Super Saiyan to beat Frieza?"

Goku asked with vigor to spar. The battle manic almost was jumping out of his shoes with ambition, going so far as to invade my personal space.

Before I could say anything, Father continued on with his praise.

"Although those boys have both managed to reach the ascended state of the Saiyans, Scar here, didn't even need to use the legendary transformation. A feat that I'm certain that you can't even do, Kakarot." Vegeta grinned.

Rather than being frustrated, Goku looked rather intrigued, as expected of him.

"Well, at this point, you might as well kiss the guy."

Bulma murmured quietly, just loud enough for everyone to hear which broke the tension that was building.


Yamaha, Krillen, Puar, and Chiaotzu all tried to hold in their laughter, but they couldn't help themselves.

"What did you say, you annoying blue-haired dunce?!"


"Are you just gonna let him talk to me like that, Yamcha?" she said, understandably ticked off.

Frowning, Yamcha intervened.

"You're right. Hey, Vegeta! You can't talk to her like that. She may be annoying, but she's pretty smart too!"

"What did you say?!"

She inquired, raising her voice in disbelief.

"What? I called you smart! It's a good thing, isn't it."

Yamcha stated, giving the dumbest argument possible.

"Good thing my ass! You just insulted me in front of everyone, you jackass!" she erupted, slapping his face.


She then stormed off in a fit, finding a rock to sit on.

"Wow. What a screw-up."

Krillin voiced.

"And what do you know about women, huh baldy?"

"Well, I know they don't like it when you call em annoying, that's for sure." He smirked.

They bickered for a bit while I watched on.

This was the first time in a while that I had this much human interaction. I never realized how much I missed it till now. Living in a forest so long makes a person miss moments like this.

"Hey, you two. I'm Goku. I gotta say, I'm kinda shocked. Vegeta's always telling me about how they're no more Saiyan's left. Seeing you two is a surprise."

"You fool! What part of our planet exploding don't you understand? These two are anomalies."

Vegeta stated, irritated by Goku's ignorance.

"Haha. Well, I guess it doesn't really matter either way."

Goku chuckled.

For any other person, that comment would have sounded rude and facetious, but for Goku, he gave off the aura of being lighthearted and whimsical.

From a few feet away, surprisingly, mother came up to us looking irritated.

"Yes it does matter, mister. I guess you don't take anything seriously, Do you?" She scalded.

"I don't?"

He genuinely sounded clueless.


I chuckled.

"And what are you laughing at?"

Somehow, I was now under fire due to a misunderstanding.

"Do you find the destruction of your own planet funny? Is that it?" She asked, waving her finger at me.

"Uh… What? I wasn't laughing at that. I was laughing at-" Before I could finish, I was cut off mid-sentence.

"Don't care. You and Goku need to be taught some manners." She pouted, crossing her arms disapprovingly.

'The hell did I do?'

I was honestly taken off guard and was at a loss for words. But at the corner of my eye, I saw a smirk from the little purple-haired bastard next to me. As soon as I made eye contact, his attention shifted to Goku.

Taking the lead in conversation, Other Trunks spoke up.

"I'm Trunks. This is my twin brother, Scar."

He said, not making eye contact with me. He was still pissed off. But I knew for certain that he was laughing at me internally.

"Ya'know. I wasn't gonna say anything about it, but what's that red spot on your forehead? It's kinda distracting. It kinda looks like someone flicked you real hard with their fingers."

Goku gestured, which caused other Trunks to tightly clench his jaw and me to return the same smug grin he gave me.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

He said, rubbing his head.

"Anyway, Goku."


"We, uh… Need to have a word with you."

Other Trunks stated, looking brooding, which was saying a lot considering my disposition.

Everyone was surprised. What was so important that we needed to discuss on a personal level, and why couldn't they hear?


He said, confused.

"You just met those kids and now you guys are keeping secrets?" Yamcha asked, feeling a little betrayed. I could tell that he wanted to catch up a little more with his friend. It was probably ages since they had last spoke.

"Don't worry, Yamcha. I'll be right back."

He said, comforting his friend.


Before he could give an argument, Other Trunks, I, and Goku flew off.

Getting a comfortable distance away from the others, Goku, Other Trunks, and I began conversing.

"Here should be good."

Other Trunks stated as we landed.

"Oh. I forgot to say it back there, but thanks alot for taking care of Frieza for me. I guess I let him off too easily, huh?"

"You were supposed to be the one to take care of him and his father. But events didn't seem to go as planned, so we stepped in. Ya'know, to pick up the slack."

Other Trunks stated.

"Yeah. Frieza must've made some really good time in his spaceship. I really didn't think he'd beat me back. I guess he didn't learn his lesson after Planet Namek, but I would've taught him not to mess with earth." Goku declared clenching his fist.

The way he talked, he didn't sound like he was angry at Frieza. More disappointed than anything, to which, I found bizarre.

"He ended up coming 3 hours before you. There might not have been an earth by the time you got back."

"That's what you think, but I had a little something up my sleeve. It's a little skill I picked up from a planet called Yardrat. It's called instant transmission." He smiled.

At those two words, my ears perked with interest. I remembered that skill. Very well. I wanted it.

"You mean like teleporta-"

"Teach it to me."

Surprised by my request, both of them gave me a peculiar look.

"What? You didn't even allow him to finish explaining the skill. You don't even know if your capible of doing it and don't know how long it even took him to learn it!" Other Trunks argued.

"It's teleportation. What else does the man need to explain? Goku. How long did it take you to learn it?" I asked.

"About 3 months, I think."

He replied which seemed to frustrate Trunks more.

Looking back to me, he continued to nag.

"How are you just gonna come out of the blue like that and ask him to teach you an ability. Skills like that are priceless! Just asking him something like that so bluntly is like telling him to give you his life's-"

"Sure." Goku said with a wide closed eye smile which caused other Trunks' Jaw to drop with disbelief.

"Wait, Goku. You can't be seriously considering teaching him that skill because he asked, right? He didn't even say please, for crying out loud!"

"Why not? He doesn't seem like a bad guy, right? Hey scar, you're not a bad guy, are you?"


I replied.

"See? He's good."

Goku chuckled.

"And you're just gonna take his word for it? Like that?"

Other Trunks asked, still shocked.

Honestly, I myself was supprised that my approach worked. The only reason I bothered asking him to teach me his skill so boldly was because he seemed so simple. In a way, I was taking advantage of his nature. But it's like I meant any ill will.

From our brief interaction, I also realized something. Goku was also straightforward. When he wanted to eat, he ate. When he wanted a new skill, he just asked. When he wanted to fight someone, he just asked.

Complexity was his enemy. Long-winded lessons just confused him.

While Other Trunks was putting his fingers on the bridge of his nose and taking long sigh, I realized that the best way to communicate with a type of person like Goku was by adapting to the way he communicated.

"This isn't why I called you two here."

He said with an edgy dark tone in his voice.

"Oh yeah! I forgot. You wanted to tell me something, right?" Goku asked cheerfully.

"Yes… I wanted to tell you that-"

"We come from the future. We aren't brothers. We're the same person. Strong guys called the androids come in 3 years, but you can't fight them cause you get sick and die. After you die, the strong guys kill everyone and take over earth."

"What?! You two really came from the future?!"

Goku exclaimed while Other Trunks was at a loss for words.

"You can't just throw that information out there like that, you Idiot! People won't be able to understand it! You just completely threw out the idea of nuance and said screw the details! How the hell is anyone supposed to know what you're talking about if you're so damn direct?! How dense can one person be?!" He shouted with rage. His entire face turned red while a vein popped out of his forehead.

At his vocal bombardment, I shrugged my shoulders. I was certain that if anyone was capable of processing this information in the manner of which I delivered it, it was Goku, for sure.

"Wow. So I really die…and if it was because I got sick like you said, then I probably wasn't able to be wished back by Shenron. And because of that, all my friends and family ended up getting killed because of those strong androids you were talking about.…Bummer."

Goku mumbled.

"You mean to tell me you understood what this idiot just said to you, Goku?" Other Trunks was turning purple. If his blood pressure raised any higher, not even the dragon balls could bring him back.

"Yeah? It wasn't that hard to understand. He said you were from the future and you're the same person… But wait, how are there two of you?"

Goku replied.

"I… I need to sit down. You handle this since you're so good at it." Other Trunks expressed this while opening a capsule that had a chair in it.


I nodded.

"So, Goku. You know how there is a past, present, and future, Right?"


He said, tilting his head, trying to follow along.

"Well… There is always only one past. There is always only one present. But there are a lot of futures. Out of that lot, me and Other Trunks came."

"Oh! Okay. I get it now."

Goku nodded.

"Good… Now, here's your medicine so you don't die. Take it, or you will. Even if you don't feel sick."

I said while reaching into my back pocket, tossing the capsule to Goku.

Catching the bottle, Goku looked at it closely, then shook it up a few times.

"Well, I don't feel sick right now, but you said I should take it even if I don't feel it. That means I'm probably sick right now then, Right?"

Nodding my head, Goku gained a look of concern.

"Then, how many of these am I supposed to take? Do I just put all of them in my mouth?"

"3 a day for the next month."

Other Trunks voiced.

"Mmm. Alright then. Now that that's all set, want me to teach you instant transmission?"


I smiled.

"Before I teach you though…"

Grinning, Goku's aura shook the earth as he transformed into a Super Saiyan.

"Let me see how strong you are. I haven had a good fight in a while." He smirked.

This guy… Just being around him, I was being absorbed by his positivity. I knew who he was before this world was a real place to me, but now, being in his presence, it felt truly different. I had never met a person like him before in my entire life… It was… A relief. And getting to fight him, I frankly felt honored. I knew I would probably win easily, but I also knew I would have fun just like I used to with Gohan.

"Before you guys start punching each other. I got a question." Other Trunks stated.


"Goku, are you seriously not gonna ask how we even exist after all the other Saiyans were wiped out? If I were you, it would've been the first question on my mind."

"Huh… I guess I was a little curious about that. If you guys were raised on Earth, then who are your parents?"

"Other me, you want the honor?"

Other Trunks asked.

"Nah. You go for it. I feel a little bad for stealing your spotlight all-day." I retorted which caused him to roll his eyes dramatically.

"Our father and mother are…"

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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