72.72% I Cast Fist / Chapter 8: Fist 8

บท 8: Fist 8

I Cast Fist

Chapter 8

By: BigToFu

Clint looked at Nat and sighed, "Did they really just leave us behind in a magic wizard's tower?"

Natasha's brow scrunched up with a small frown on her face. "Yeah…"

"So want to merge our locker rooms?" Clint asked with a smirk towards Natasha.

Sure" she answered with a shrug of the shoulders. As they both turned to walk off, Clint noticed Banner heading for his lab while Steve looked a little lost. He would need to talk with Sébastien later about that. He was the self-proclaimed leader of the Avengers.

It was better he dealt with a lost Captain America issue than Clint. No way was he gonna stick his hand in that by a mile. Pulling out his Avengers card, Clint brought up his location map and looked over the controls to his locker room slash personal space. Finding what he was looking for, Clint sent a merge request to Natasha and then watched as the map changed itself as the merge took place after Nat accepted the request.

Before he put his card away, Clint had noticed that there were more levels to the place. The levels went both up and down, it even had a basement included for what it was worth. But what really pulled his attention was the Danger room listed underneath the training rooms.

Ohh, they would have to try that later.

Walking to the table in the room, Clint ran his hand over it to appreciate the rubbered texture.

Natasha nudged him in the side, "So what do you want to take a look at first?"


"You mean 'play' with, because come on Nat, honest to God wizard decided he wanted to make tricked-out toys for us," Clint replied, already in motion towards a locker that had a bow symbol on its front.

With a wide smile on his face, Clint hit the open and watched as multiple bows slid out on a gravity-defying rack for his perusal. A bow made out of hard light fields, a bow made out of water, clouds, magma, lightning, there was even a bow with an angry eye glaring at him, the choices just went on and on.

Then he went over to the arrow selection and a little shiver went down Clint's spine as he looked over the options. There were arrows to slay demons, angels, vampires, a sheep arrow, antigrav, sleep arrows and more as the list of options just kept growing. Hitting the tab for demon-slaying arrows, Clint saw crossroad nails, along with cold iron and a consecration arrow, and salt for zombies, what in the hell?

Shaking his head and closing the selection tab, he grabbed the sheep, antigrav, and the freezer. No way he was going to test an arrow called the melter. Best not to burn down the wizard's tower on the first day. He even took the boxing glove arrow with him on the way back to the work table where he found Nat already there waiting on him with two suits.

Placing his things on the workstation, Clint made a hand motion towards the suits, "What are those?" He watched as Nat held one up for him to see as she stretched it like spandex, Clint made sure to walk to the other side of the table, "I'm not wearing that."

She gave him a small smirk before putting the obvious spandex on the table and Clint had to blink as it transformed back into regular looking one piece jumper type clothing. Then she handed over a piece of paper to him, "It's called the Raid suit, comes with all the abilities of the Amp suit but with a lot more features.

Looking down at the paper, Clint raised a brow as he read it over and almost chuckled at the sight of the suit's activation phrase.' I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.' Clint liked that alot, a nice little nod that magic man had a sense of humor. Looking down at the note, it spoke about the suit's transformation ability and reading the warnings about sex in the suit and turning into animals.

Changing into things you have to be aware of not only animal traits and nature's but also the change in depth and sensory perception. Any change will shift your mass into what is known as Null space but for the magically inclined, it's also known as the red dimension or the animal dimension which is responsible for the meaty biological and primal nature of the universe.

All transformations must not last longer than 24 hours due to the risk of soul bleed. This is due to the fact that your soul works as the reality anchor of your being and consciousness. While transforming from men into women you can't get pregnant nor can a woman to men get someone pregnant.

Beware, animal transformations come with a rush of animalistic knowledge and should be tested in facilities before being tried on missions. Lions are apex predators and will fight for body control while the mouse is a prey species and come with an overwhelming fear response. Then there was a note at the end about not being able to turn into inanimate objects because of what it could do to the human mind.

Please use the suit responsibly, then it ends with a little phrase of mischief managed. With a chuckle, Clint read over that the suits used a person's bio-energy and a few other things but he had already read the more important parts. With a shake of his head, they both went over the rest of the gear before gathering it all up and walking over to the elevator that would take them down to the training rooms located down on the basement levels.

The trip down was a fast one before the doors to the elevator opened up into a massive expanse of a room. No, that wasn't right, the room was both large and small with a lot of equipment easy to understand along with use. A hologram sign hovered with easy-to-read instructions along with a color-coded road map to follow. The danger room or, well, one of the danger rooms, was on the purple-marked road and that was the one they followed. One step, two steps and they were on the other end of the gymnasium, of course, more magic would be involved.

With a shake of his head, Clint walked over to where Natasha was typing away at the computer panel. Peaking over her shoulder, he noticed the scenario she was searching for. It was something to do with pirate ships, no that wasn't a spaceship, those were pirate ships. She turned and gave him a smile as the door slid open. Clint walked through first, his bow at the ready and when he turned back to check the door behind him.

Well, no that's wrong, she no longer just looked like herself, Nat was now seven feet tall with rippling muscles and stalked a werewolf woman holding two massively honking guns. His own clothes shifted to those of Robin Hood. Clint swore he would get her back for this while pulling on the front of his tights. Sea salt reached his nose as the ground underneath his feet started to tilt and rock from the waves smashing into the ship.


Notching an arrow, Clint followed Natasha up and out of the ship's cargo bay.

Shadow clone #87

Child Protection Investigator Sebastian Wild

My flying carpet landed lightly at the bottom of the steps allowing me to step down easily without any problems. With a quick check of my surroundings, I found nothing out of place even as I activated a few spells over my person. Some simple protection charms, reflection, and intangibility amongst a few others. Clearing my throat, I waited for my flying carpet to settle at my side with a nod of my head, then I gave him a pat because he was such a good boy.

Happy with everything, I finally pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. The thing was that I didn't have to wait very long before a series of shouts reached my ears before a head pushed its way through the door. And no, they did not open it and then pushed their head out to take a look at me. Instead, a head of ginger hair pushed out the door sitting on top of a young lady's face and two things struck me within a split second.

The first was that this was clearly Kitty from X-men evolution which means I couldn't hold them to the same standards that I would the adult team. And the second was this girl clearly lacked some common sense and allowed power to override basic manners. Playing up the surprise, I jumped upwards and back to hover in the air as I made the cross-hand sign.

"Mi madra, I see dead nina's." I hissed as a golden cross formed, holy light projecting outwards. I sent it outwards and watched as it captured Kitty Pryde within its confines as the cross shifted into a bubble. That was how the professor and the rest of the school. The sky shifted to gray as clouds rapidly formed along with the accompanying lightning and thunder.

A swipe of three claws swept through me and ended up inside his own bubble, spikes were captured and placed on a timeout without the skateboard. Taking a step back and then ducked underneath the red laser that cuts through the space over my head. I turned around and raised a hand to catch the strike of lightning when I heard, aaaggghhh!

While I had one hand raised to catch the powerful strike that was Ororo's omega-level Atmokinesis, I flicked my off-hand at laser eye boy and the goth chick trying to sneak up on me. Both were captured in isolation bubbles and before I could proceed any further, good ole baldy showed up.

"What is going on here?" A classic British voice asks as a man comes rolling out on a floating wheelchair.

Clearing my throat, I pulled out my badge along with papers quickly made so I could read them, "You wouldn't happen to be Charles Xavier?" I asked while holding eye contact, the mental probe he tried sliding right off my defenses, I raised a brow and he caught himself.

Charles cleared his throat, "Yes I am, and you are?"

"Sebastian Wild, Avenger, but for right now just a public investigator," I replied with a plum attitude, my badge flashing.

Ororo landed lightly outside of arm's reach because she was clearly smart like that. "And what are you investigating?" She asked with a raised brow and a none-too-pleased look on her face.

Letting out a sigh to put on a show of taking a look around me, I started to speak simply while undoing all the captured kids. *SIGH* "WELL, I did come to investigate why no one from this establishment showed up during the invasion, but seeing the under-aged minors, I'll have to close out this investigation." I said with a look around me. "You are their guardian, correct?"

Ororo and Charles shared a look while I ignored the growl from Logan. They shared a pensive look before Charles spoke up, "Why would we need to be investigated for not showing up during the invasion?"

This time the look I gave him was flat as drywall, "Those in the know within the halls of power are very much aware of the type of school you are trying to get approved."

"So what's that mean, you coming here to shut us down?" Scott asked, stepping forward, chest puffed up and chin sticking out.

Instead of looking at the teen, I stared at Charles, he took the hint as he cleared his throat. "Maybe we should talk about this within my office."

With a raised brow, I let the silence stretch, letting him sweat before breaking it as I started to walk towards his location, "Sure, so much for us to go over."

Before we left the yard, I gave everyone a nice once over and even flirted with Ororo a little, Logan growled and kept himself on the edge of what he thought was my range. Following behind the trio, I acted as if I couldn't feel or tell that the students were following behind to listen in. Or well, they were trying to but a few illusions sent them off along little routes through the massive mansion. Charles pulled into the office, the hover chair not even releasing a hum. Would need to acquire that technology, stealing was such a plebian thing to do.

Ororo offered me the seat across from Charles Xavier's desk and I took it and settled into it like I was always supposed to be sitting inside of this seat.

"So Mister Wild, might I ask… are you a mutant?" Charles asked with an open that was straight for the throat.

With a chuckle, I shook my head, "No Charles, nothing of the sort even if I could make myself one. And we would need to have a discussion about that naming convention later."

Charles shared a look with Ororo, "And what is it that you would like to discuss?"

I was silent again as I tapped a finger on the armrest of my chair before I then flourished a hand magicking up a few copies of a certain transcript. "A lot of people in high places are looking to place blame and point fingers. And a few of those are aware of this school and are asking funny questions about why you weren't there."

Maybe I was being a bit of a dick, but someone needed to twist the knife in his gut about dragging his fucking feet. And that sure as shit wasn't a dig at him being a cripple either. I sat in silence as he shared the transcripts of a few senators and congressmen with Ororo, frowns clear on their features.

"I'm an educator, I can't force my students out into a warzone," Charles stated with so much fucking dignity that I almost believed him. I gave it to him though and didn't call out the hypocrisy of the little scuffle at the start, or the hollow underground training facility.

" Yes, I agree," I answered with a nod then made a minor wave of the hand. "With the information I had on hand, I was directed to see why you haven't done your part to protect our little blue marble, but as I got here and saw your students. I no longer have that view on things, as an educator, your first priority is the kids. Everyone would agree with that, even the courts."

Charles nods his head agreeing with me on the matter. "Some of our mutations can be a little volatile, especially within city limits.

"Quirks…" I quickly interjected.

Charles stopped in his confusion, "I'm sorry?"

I shot him a smirk, "Quirks, call your abilities Quirks."

"And why would we need to do that bub?" came the gruff growl of a voice standing over my right shoulder.

I shrugged, "Because eventually, the world will turn its attention toward powered individuals. And you want a quick and easy PR win to lead the charge and a good fun name will do that." I continued to speak, then pulled out my badge once more and placed it on the table for Charles to take a closer look." If you accept the Avenger's backing, we can put certain things in place to mitigate the upcoming power-rush that's undoubtedly seen a few vanish into some deep dark black ops lab."

Logan growled some more behind me but the look Ororo shot him shut him up.

Charles sighed as he leaned back inside his hover chair, "You might as well share what you have been sitting on."

"The Avengers are sitting on a lot of goodwill with the public right now which allows us a certain flexibility," I stared while tapping a finger on the arms rest. "My idea is to fold the school underneath the Avengers umbrella which would do two things." I continued as I held up two fingers. "The first: protect the kids by putting them in the spotlight as prospective heroes."

"And the second?" Ororo asked, shifting one leg to the other, a hip sticking out with a lot of attitude.

"With a joint front and a school for heroes, it keeps the undesirables from trying to insert themselves into the equations," I answered Ororo but kept my gaze on Charles. Then I shrugged, "It also helps that the Avengers will be applying for our own United Nations mandate."

"Would you bypass the government of the United States?" Charles questioned, shock showing on his features.

My response was to shrug, "We might be loyal to our country but that doesn't mean we will allow them to turn us into weapons or monopolize our lives. Think about it for a moment, we do ESPN live field day for the world to see or just our little slice of it. Hero's are going to be insanely popular, and all it would take to move mountains is a little direction. "

"You have given me a lot to think about Mr. Wild, I do hope that I would be allowed some time to review all that you have shared with us?" Charles asked, holding eye contact, then broke it for a moment to look at Ororo. "Would you mind showing Mr. Wild out please."

Cutting this off right here, I spoke up, "I was hoping to take a look around the grounds and maybe help the kids. Your agreement to join or not doesn't change the fact that some of these kids might need some assistance."

The old man smiled at me, "I thank you Mr. Wild, but what are you if not a mutant, if you don't mind me asking?" Charles Xavier pressed a little and I could feel the slight pressure of his mental abilities trying to press upon my mind. With a snort, I stood tall, fixed the front of my clothes even as I sent a shock of pain back across the astral planes into Xavier's mind.

Waiting until I got to the door to give the man an answer, I half turned with a smirk on my lips, "I'm just a mage." Then I turned as the door closed on its own right behind me without a sound. Following along behind Ororo, I walked with her as she looked for the students who were still stuck inside of my illusions going off on a little adventure. The brats were lucky I didn't pull an LSD-fueled spell out of my ass and throw it at them. With a snort, I dismissed the spell and then smirked at Ororo as she turned to look at me with a raised brow.

"So, Ororo, how long have you been a teacher here?" I asked leaning against the door frame to the living room.

"It's Miss Monroe, Mr. Wild, and I have been a teacher here a little over six years now." She replied coolly, ahh yes, Xavier might be inside of her head. I would need to deal with that. I doubt he would want to experience the memory of the original fucking her up the ass. That was a nice ass no doubt about it and it was easy to see why the Original lusted after her.

Ignoring the barb, I turned towards the sounds of commotion, "And how would you sum up your experience of working here, Miss Monroe."

This time her attitude melted a bit as she smiled at me but I noticed that it didn't reach her eyes.

"It hasn't all been fun, but it's very fulfilling that I get to teach the next generation and defend those that can't defend themselves," Ororo spoke with a small smile. I never got to reply as the kids had finally found us.

"Aunty O, have you seen."

"YOU!" All the teenagers yelled while pointing fingers at me.

Pointing my own index finger at myself, I looked around, "ME!" I asked, acting shocked and stunned. "Couldn't be me?"

"Yes you, was that magic?" Kitty asked as she poked a head through the chest of Spike.

With a sigh and a rolling of the eyes, I pressed a finger to her forehead and pushed her back through. "My dear, that is not only bad manners but also an unacceptable display of quirk discipline," I stated with a frown on my face. Kitty pouted as she tried to slink away but as I said, she tried. I pointed a finger at Spike, "Now apologize to your fellow housemate."

Kitty looked at me with pouty eyes but I was firm in my stance, this shit wasn't going to fly. If I was going to turn these teens into superstars and usher in the age of heroes, they would need to have at least basic respect for their fellows. Walking right through another person or the wall to their room was more than saying you gave no two fucks to even respect their basic privilege of civility.

"Now young lady so I can start to assist your fellow housemates," I stated then looked around. "We are all waiting on you."

"Sorry Spyke," Kitty muttered.

"Use his name, young lady, and what are you sorry about?" I pressed and her pout extended some more.

After a bit, the girl finally mustered up the courage to actually apologize which was good.

Kitty looked between everyone, then released a sigh, "Sorry Evens for phasing through you, it won't happen again."

Ororo gave her nephew that older Aunts liked to give out, and the kid folded like wet cardboard.

"Apology accepted Kitty." Evens returned with a small smile.

Ororo thought that I would miss it but I noticed the respect she sent my way as I walked with the teens into the living room area. They went around giving me names, but it was a certain question that drew my attention the most.

"I might be missing something but what was that word you used earlier." Bobby Iceman Drake asked with a raised hand while sitting in a chair next to Kurt.

"I called your abilities Quirks, there is a long list of reasons for the name change, but don't worry about that right now," I answered them with a minor wave of the hand dismissing the question. "So, who first would like my help?"

No one volunteered so it fell onto Ororo to Voluntold one of them to get some help.

"Scott, why don't you go first," Ororo told the kid and even with his visor on it was like he was a deer caught in headlights.

"Wonderful," I replied with a clap of my hands. "So want to explain your problem?"

The kid was mercilessly pushed out of the couch and he had to stand up before he fell on his ass. The kid stood up and looked around the room before clearing his throat. Then made a motion toward the visor on his face.

"My powers are uncontrollable so I have to wear this," Scott started but I stopped him with a raised hand along with a scoff.

With a shake of the head, I took a step toward the kid and created a bubble around his head to absorb and redirect it. Along with genetic samples and a few other things. "Nonsense, every power might be unique, but everyone has their own ways of controlling their powers."

Then I lifted the visor off his head and the room went deathly silent, while Scott freaked the fuck out. Yet, no one in the room got a face full of red concussion blasts as it was all contained within the bubble around Scott's head. With a wave of my hand, I cleared out the bubble so he could see us while I looked over his visor. I might not like the asshole he was capable of growing into, but that doesn't mean I should leave the teenage version without any guidance. Or only just the guidance of Charles to put shit into the kids head.

So I spun a tale of bullshit while giving him a few perks and applying mental barriers to his new and upgraded visor.

"Hmm, powers aren't hurting you so you're obviously immune or you would have ripped off your eyelids, but that's not just it," I muttered as I transmuted the visor into a basic pair of square glasses. Both of the glasses were made out of transparent ruby quarts along with shrinking the power mechanisms and changing them to run off the excess power the kid generated. "Hmm, then it must be something else."

With a hand waved over Scott, I waited for the screen to appear next to him so everyone could see it. Ororo stepped forward and pointed at the red dot by Scott's head. The rings around his eyes were selected and when I zoomed it in for a closer inspection. I found that the muscles were pinched wide open.

Ororo pointed at it and looked at me, "What does this mean?"

With a sigh, I pinched the bridge of my nose. "What it means is that the kid is pressing down on the gas and not letting up."

"Hmm, excuse me but what?" Kitty asked from her location near the tv.


"Nothing is wrong with his power's control mechanism, which means there is something else wrong with why he can't control his powers," I answered for the group, then pinched my left-hand pinky and thumb together and did a small circle before me. The color coding on the cuddle changed and I took a closer look. "Fear…" I muttered then shook my head. I then gave him the glasses and instructed him to put them on.

Scott looked up with his eyes closed and took some time before he even tried to peak. Then his eyes flew open as he looked around. "Kurt, you're blue!" Were the first things out of his mouth and I took a step back while everyone jumped to get closer to Scott.

Then with a flick of my fingers, I sent a paper airplane flying over and around his little gaggle of friends about what his new and upgraded glasses could do. Letting teenagers be, I went to the only other person in the room not excited for Scott. Well, she was but she was also depressed and wasn't very happy with her lot in life.

"Miss Monroe, mind telling me about that one?" I asked from beside Ororo as I made a hand motion towards Rogue.

She looked at where I had made the hand motion, "Anna Marie, she likes to go by Rogue, has some of the same issues as Scott, maybe worse."

Taking that for what it was, I gave Ororo a nod before gliding over to Rogue where she sat with a hand idly petting my flying carpet. I had wondered where the little bugger had gone. Ignoring the little traitor for now, I gave Rogue a nod of the head.

"Your next little Miss Goth," I stated with a wave of my hand, a blue bubble appearing around her seated form. "Hhmm, almost same issues, emotional trigger holding powers active instead of releasing."

There was a yelp, but I ignored it as I checked her over, summoned her gloves, and then made them into training wheels. The gloves would shrink down into rings or fingerless gloves along with extending back up her arm.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Ororo standing there. "What do you mean by the same issues and emotional triggers holding powers active?"

Hovering back over the gloves to Anna Marie, I replied, a welcome to her thanks, then walked out of the room with Ororo to let the kids have their space. We made it to the front of the mansion and I stood on the front stoop and sighed.

"It's like a self-feeding cycle," I commented. "You're of course aware of how the meta gene activates right?"

Ororo gave me a bland look, "Yes, during puberty with heightened emotional distress." Then she paused, "I see."

I returned her look with a nod of my head. "Their quirks activated but because of the emotional trigger, their quirks never deactivated allowing them to learn control. That's why I called it a self-feeding cycle."

Ororo gave me a nod of understanding and went to say something else but we were both interrupted by the car pulling up and the redhead getting out. Huh, so that's where Jean was, and she already had the potential for the phoenix. There was no missing the power that radiated off the girl, even if a part of it was tinged black with a multitude of emotions.

Xavier really stepped in it alright, when Jean finally exploded, he would be first on her kill list. It's not that hard to figure out who fucked with her head causing such a schism of mental breaks.

Shadow clone #47

Sebastian - Might Guy - Wild


Standing in front of the mirror, I gotta admit, I made the forest green spandex look damn good. I twisted one way, then the other as I observed myself, but it was clear that something was off. I couldn't figure out what it was until I heard the little tinkling from the kunai's dangling from the ends of my dreads. With a shake of my head and a wave of my hand, my hair changed to that of the infamous bowl cut. Then I gave my flack jacket a little fwap to add style. I then did a few flutter kicks showing off my orange leg warmers.

My mouth split wide as I turned and gave the mirror the infamous thumbs up, "YOSH!"

With a twist, I turned on a heal and got down into a runner's stance, the portal before me opening to the countryside of China leading up a very particular mountainside. I made sure the cameras were recording for this as I channeled reinforcement through my body. I then locked onto my target a quarter of the way up the mountain pass and deep inside a cave before taking off with a launch of, "YOOOUUUUTH!"

Nothing stopped me as I ran across the country and up the mountain pass, not even the chi-ward they had to turn those with lesser minds away. I ran past mountain cats and goats, and jumped over frozen streams along with crevasse. I sped onwards and upwards with nothing in my way. But, when I saw that cave entrance, I could only think of one thing.

That's a trap, and I'm gonna spring that bitch anyway.

With a deep chuckle in my chest, I ran forward anyway and the moment I breached the entrance to the cave many things changed. The mountains of snow that were outside of its entrance wasnt covering the floor along with there was a massive set of doors set in the stone walls deep within the mountain. I knew that it was a massive set of double doors because it had to be a quarter of a mile away and I could still see its golden surface flicker with torchlight.

It was clear that somehow these chi users had figured out how to do spatial folding and had made this place larger on the inside than it could be judged from the outside. Then I almost face palmed as I remembered that cultivation was a thing that came from China and this should've been expected. My thoughts about the entire thing were interrupted as I felt more than saw the attack approach from my blind side, I was pretty surprised they didn't go for my back.

Ducking over with a twist, I planted my hands on the ground as I returned with an upside down classic Ryu hurricane kick also known as, "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!"

The person who had attacked me took the blow on their shin and forearm while being deflected away. Standing back up, I folded one arm behind me while folding the other before me, palm facing upwards in a classic come at me bro moment. I stared at the other person in green, gold, and some black, their face covered, but it was easy to tell that this was a guy. The open chest section, missing boobs, and no massive dragon tattoo told me that this was a person from K'un Lun but not the one I was looking for.

"That sneak attack was not very youthful!" I called, my pearly whites sparkling inside of the dark.

The ninja looks at me, then scoffs, "Outsiders are not welcomed here."

Making a show of deflating along with dropping my guards, I started to mutter, "But isn't this the place of martial arts…" The ninja attacked, but I was already changing pace. "Then i'll just keep trying five hundred, NO! A thousand times until I am taken to K'un Lun." I rapidly fired off as I blocked a flurry of quick blows, then jumped over a low scorpion ankle-breaking kick that came my way.

"That will never change outsider," The ninja called back even as he blocked my falling axe kick with an X-shaped guard. He then shifted his stance, twisting his arms around my leg, turned, and threw me far towards the entrance of the cave. The throw was far stronger than it had any right to be and could only be powered by one thing, chi. Even if I didn't see any external light of chi, it could only be that in this crazy martial arts place. Plus, everyone in the know knew these people lived with the Undying Shou-Lao, that massive chi dragon.

"AH! HA! SO! YOU HAVE ALSO UNLOCKED THE SECRETS OF CHI!" I yell out bombastically while performing another classic thumbs-up with a tinkle smile. I could see the moment that the gate guard realized he fucked up. "OUR BATTLE SHALL BE LEGENDARY!"

I could see the cringe that he tried to hide as he realized what he was facing.

I was back in his personal space with a flash step, my fist aimed at his center mass. The K'un Lun gate defender twisted at the last second dodging the blow as a shockwave left my fist and hit the air. Dust kicked up along with the cave shaking a little. I took I half step to my right dodging a kick that sent out a chi wave that sliced into the ceiling of the cave.

HO!HO!, guess he was finally going to stop holding back against me.

Things kicked up a notch in an insane flurry of kicks, dodges, punches, and adapting on all fronts as we battled on a knife's edge. The sweat that dripped from my brows exploded to mist as the punch aimed at my face missed me by barely an inch. My body was already dropping into a stance to send out Konoha's elbow his way. He dodged and my elbow slammed into the mountain, the blow sending a crack all the way twenty feet out from the point of impact. Grabbing the wall, I used the handhold to perform a perfect split as I fought upside down against the gate guard.

Blocking another blow, I used its power to flip back a few times across the floor of the cave and stood off against the warrior. Both of our breathing was labored from the insane high-speed combat. And it was easy to tell that our next attack would be the make or break of the situation.

The K'un Lun gate guard got into the space around his body, arms out and circling around him as both of his arms started to glow with the power of his chi. Since he was preparing to end this, then I could only respect him and return with one of my favorite attacks.

The guard came forward with a call of, "Kikosho!"

Both of his hands were together before him as a blast of chi shot directly at me. So, I could only reciprocate in kind as I also called out my own attack. "DAYTIME TIGER!"

Out from around me formed a massive white fire made of air and force as he shot forward. The ball of Ki that was fired at me was consumed within my tiger's jaws as it exploded from a ball of chit into a spiraling death tornado only to not stop my attack. How unyouthful, he was trying to kill me with that attack.

The guard was picked up by my tiger's jaws as he was carried to the far side of the massive cave and slammed into the gates of K'un Lun. Instead of walking at a sedate pace, I bore down on the K'un Lun gate guard, but came to a hard stop as I arrived under the gate and his crashed location to find a much older gentleman waiting for me with a very displeased frown on his face.

Pulling to a stop, I took a Bruce Lee combat pose, "Are you also here to face this BEAUTIFUL GREEN BEAST?"

I could see the moment the Elder cringed so hard he physically flinched. The golden rays of Youth Shined bright behind me.

Authors Note: Anyway, things got too serious with Xavier and his cult soon to be not cult. Anyway, for those who haven't noticed and I'm really trying to not spell this out, but the actual plot is being woven in with the Shadow Clone shinanigans. I'm really trying to not hold the readers hands but its been made clear to me that I was being too subtle about things so let me clear it up. Xavier and Natasha are plots and build up for later payoffs while the Might Guy was to be allowed into Kun Lun which is also a later payoff. It's too much for one person to do that's why its split off and divided between the shadow clones.

Might Guy is one of my favorite characters from Naruto, they don't put enough respect on his name. The same with Rock Lee. Guy caught Madara slipping with his Daytime Tiger! And he would have won if not for those damn cheating ass eyes. So many times Guy could have bodied Madara, but Kishimoto is such a damn cheater.

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

You can come and find me here chatting with the server so come join us.

dis- cord - GG /p2QJNck

On there you will find all of my stories including the side ones.

pat- tron - TheToFu

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C8
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ