Sorry for any false hope, but I just wanted to say that it'll be a while until I update this fic, rather than just stay silent.
I reviewed a bit of my knowledge of the DxD world and found that I am rather lacking in my knowledge of the story. Though I can just go off of the anime and some snippets I've encountered of the light novels, I personally don't feel comfortable with that.
I take my time to review the stories I want to write. Like how I read the light novels and side stories of danmachi for my danmachi fanfic.
I've also seen a lot of DxD fans on this site is light novel readers, so I want to write a story that doesn't just annoy them with constant wrong facts. Im also a person who gets annoyed with fanfics getting lore wrong consistently.
So I'll be taking my time reading the light novels before I make a new chapter for this fic. Im a generally fast reader and my commute to and from school is rather long, so I'll have free time to do so.
I hope you can stay patient in the meanwhile, because I only want to produce quality fanfics.
Thank you and have a nice day.