96.22% Dragon Ball Oneiron / Chapter 51: Episode 23: (Son Goku Saga) The Gyumao of Mount Frypan & His Warrior Amah

บท 51: Episode 23: (Son Goku Saga) The Gyumao of Mount Frypan & His Warrior Amah

Dragon Ball – Scene 23.0: Earth, Southeast Mountain Area [Near Mt. Frypan], September 9th, Afternoon, Age 749


"After narrowly escaping Guyver III's attack, the 6 headed for Mt. Frypan in search of the 6th Dragon Ball. 2 Days into their drive…"


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

How much longer until we get to Mt. Frypan?


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

I have been wondering that myself.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Looking At The Landscape Absentminded)


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

(Notices Mauka's Absentmindedness, Worried)



(Annoyed, Driving)

We're almost there!


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

What's with this heat? It's weird for a place so far north.



It's 'cuz of Mt. Frypan! Apparently, it used to be a nice place called Chilly Mountain, but a Fire Spirit came down from the sky and set it on fire 10 years ago, which caused the climate to change too.


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

So it's fire, then?

(Waving Hand In Heat, Stressed Expression)

It's so hot!


(Kid) Goku:


Look at the sunset!


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


It's so pretty!


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:


Don't you all find that odd?


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


You're right! It's still afternoon…



That's no sunset! Those are the flames from Mt. Frypan!


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


No way!


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Not Paying Attention)


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:


Are you alright, Mauka-Chan?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:



(Bunny MILF) Stockings:



(Bunny Girl) Mauka:


WHAT!? WHAT!? Is Wesker or Guyver III Attacking Us?


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

(Relieved Sigh & Smile)

You were worrying me there. It's not like you to be lost in thought like that. Is something wrong?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

It's nothing…just a little nervous.


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


Are you scared you can't beat the Gyumao and his servant?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

That's not it. It's just…I think I know his servant…




YOU DO!?!?!?


(Kid) Goku:

When did you meet her, Sis!?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

Last time I saw her was 12 years ago…days before the destruction of our people…her, your father, brother and your Twin Sister.


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! Are you insinuating that the Gyumao's Servant is actually Son-Kun's Mom!?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

A Short-Haired Beautiful Woman With A Tail…it has to be her. Oolong? Are there stories of a Monstrous Great Ape appearing at Mt. Frypan on certain nights?


(Bunny Girl) Bulma, (Bunny MILF) Stockings:




Yeah! There were rumors of a giant monster that looked like an ape! How did you know?


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

(Scared, Hiding Fear Behind Furious Expression)

Are you that dumb, Pig!? That Great Ape Monster has been appearing in the world for the past 15 years. How can you not know that!?




Neither of you knew about the Gyumao, so don't at me about a Giant Ape Monster.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Surprised, Thinking)

15 Years!? But Goku, Hanasia, Gine-San and myself have been here on Earth for the past 12 years. Who was here 3 years prior? Wait…Mama supposedly died 15…


Snap out of it, Mauka! Mama is Gone! No matter how hard you wish for it, Stockings is not or ever be Mama! She looks like her, but she never had blue eyes like me! I need to just forget that stupid idea that she's alive and focus on finding Gine-San and Hanasia. But I can't help but wonder if there is a Saiyan other than us on this planet.


As Goku and his party are nearing Mt. Frypan, Yamcha is following them from afar with his radar. Meanwhile Shu and Mai who failed to steal the Dragon Balls are crawling back to Pilaf, injured from the bomb they planted. Everything follows as normal except for Wesker spying on them and considering joining forces with Pilaf by giving him and his gang the Dragon Ball he snatch from Mauka just to spite her. As their car is on sight of Mt. Frypan, everyone is surprised in seeing the mountain engulfed in a raging fire as they all step out of the car.



Look! That's Mt. Frypan!


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:




(Kid) Goku:

(Stands On Top Of Car, Looks At Mt. Frypan)



(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

No wonder it's so hot!



See? So let's forget about going there! The Gyumao's there too, you know!


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


Lately you've been doing nothing but ranting about this Gyumao…Is he really that big of a deal?




You've honestly never heard of him!?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

The first and only one who has ever brought it up was you. Void-Chan has never told me a thing.



I never heard of him either.



He's really horrible and people even refer to him as the Demon Emperor! Everyone who gets near that mountain gets this!

(Signals Head Gets Cut)


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


They get killed?



Look at the top of the mountain. See that castle? That's his castle! Inside it is the treasure that he's stolen from all over the place, so lots of people are always coming to get it! But with him guarding it…


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

So the 6th Dragon Ball must be inside, too!


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Annoyed, Arms Crossed)

So that's why none of us never heard of him.



What do you mean!?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka

I mean that the so-called "lots of people" coming for the Gyumao's treasure are actually Bandits. Wesker and Guyver III have a more Demon Emperor vibe than this Gyumao. A Demon Emperor needs to be known worldwide, not just in this small corner of the planet.



Then how do you explain the Fire Spirit doing this to Mt. Frypan?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

I can think of 2 possibilities right now – First, the Gyumao must have made a pact with the spirit in order to protect this treasure for some reason. It could be a cursed item or a sealed demon. Something to that extent. Or the second possibility – the Fire Spirit was in reality a Demon and did this to his mountain out of spite.



You're crazy!


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

I'm inclined to agree with Mauka-Chan. What she says it makes sense. Your way of speaking about the Gyumao is rather weak. Her explanations lean in a more logical route.





(Kid) Goku:

Is the Gyumao in the castle?




No, he stays at the base of the mountain, protecting his castle! The mountain erupted in flames while he was on a picnic with his kid and servant! The fire's really huge, so he can't return to his castle!


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

You sure know a lot about him, don't you?



Of course I do! He's even in school text books, you know!


(Bunny Girl) Mauka, (Bunny MILF) Stockings:

(Thinking, Annoyed)

Under the "Fairy Tales" section no doubt.



Now that you know, let's get the heck out of here while we still can!

(Rushes Back In The Car)


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


Don't be stupid! We came all this way!




Do you want to die!? No matter how strong Goku, Mauka and Stockings are, they're no match for the Gyumao!






(Kid) Goku:

He's that strong? I wish I could meet him…




Count me out! It was nice knowing you!


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Out Loud)

I don't recommend that you leave.


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

(Out Loud)

Mauka-Chan is right. You'll be sorry if you do so without our consent for the next 3 weeks.



(Remembers PP Candy Effects, Spooked)

Wait! Oolong-Chan—


But Oolong didn't want to hear it as he leaves in the same manner as originally and returns again as he was forced back because of Bulma's PP Candy. Yamcha and Puar arrived there as before, unlike the original story, they're there because Yamcha's worried for Mauka after what happened with her fight with Guyver III. Yamcha and Puar also know of the Gyumao and his servant who is known as Amah which is the Chinese Word for a female servant, a term for "mother", and/or an informal title for a Taoist Goddess. "Amah" was given this name for all 3 reasons: She's a Female Servant for the Gyumao, She's the Foster Mother for the Gyumao's Daughter after his wife passed away and because of her strength, power, wisdom, kindness and femininity, everyone around them considers her a Taoist Goddess. But the legend also says she's been blinded by the Fire Spirit for defending the Gyumao that she have been wearing a blindfold ever since. However Yamcha hears a girl screaming for help as she is being chased by a T-Rex and about to get eaten, but unlike the original story, a beautiful short-haired woman with a tail, wearing a Pink Qipao and a blindfold kills the T-Rex with a powerful kick to the head that decapitates it. This woman then approaches the girl as she happily hugs the woman calling her "Amah". Yamcha and Puar stays hidden as they instantly recognize the blindfolded beauty, but she looks at their direction and are spooked thinking they will be next. But the woman and girl leave the area with the woman draging the dead decapitated dinosaur by the tail as they head south. Yamcha and Puar are worried for Mauka and the girls as they return to where they are. Meanwhile at the base of the mountain…


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

It sure is hot!



(Spooked, Angry)

Stop shouting, you idiot! The Gyumao might hear!


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:




Stop it! You wanna get us killed!?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Evil Sneer)

Life is all about being in danger. You'll never get strong by running away from it.


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

(Evil Smile)

Wiser Words Have Never Been Spoken Until Now.



Give it up, Oolong-Chan. Mauka-Sama is always like this.


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

Same for my mom. I wonder if they are really related.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

I highly doubt it. My mom passed away 15 years ago and I've made peace with that.


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:



(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

Ah, so that's the castle.




Oh man, oh man, oh man…!


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

Where exactly is the Dragon Ball?


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

According to the radar, it's almost definitely up there…So it should be a cinch if someone flies up there! Hey, Son-Kun! Mauka-Chan! Mom! Do you think you can bring back the Dragon Ball that's up there?


(Kid) Goku:

(Playing With A Skull)

I can't say for sure without trying…But Sis can do it easily.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

Hey, Oolong! Are these outfits Fire-Proof?



No, they aren't.


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

Then neither me nor Mauka-Chan are going up there. We don't have a spare if these get burned.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

That's True.


I do have my spare armor after Stockings cleaned it after fighting that river salamander and if I remember correctly, she still have her maid outfit from that day. They were only drenched, not that severely damaged or destroyed. Stockings did use the motorhome's washing and dryer machines, so they have to be clean.


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

Please! Would you try, Son-Kun?


(Kid) Goku:

(Yells, Nods)

Hey, Kinto Un!




Are you stupid!? I just said not to yell!


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Out Loud, Evil Smile)




Knock it off!!!


(Kid) Goku:

Okay, I'll go see!

(Flies Away)


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


You better find it!




Hurry back!


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

What happened to "No Yelling", Piggy?


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

(Evil Smile)



Oolong is annoyed by Mauka and Stockings' remarks as Goku flies up to the castle, hoping to see if there's a way in, only to be burned by the flames and jumping to a nearby pond. Suddenly a large ax is thrown at Oolong and the girls. They look where it came from and sees a large imposing man. He grabs his ax and looks down at them with Bulma, Oolong and Voidotte scared out of their minds to the point that Oolong peed himself, but Mauka and Stockings looks at him with a curious expression…



What are you doing here!?


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:


Y-You're Gyu-San, right…!?



You didn't come here to steal my treasure, did you? Ha? Well?


(Bunny Girl) Bulma:

N-No! We—


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Pulls 4-Star Ball)

We're not interested in your shiny junk. We're here for a Ball that looks like this one.



Oh! Now that you mention it, I remember seeing one! But unfortunately you can't have it.


(Bunny MILF) Stockings:

I assume it is because is inside your castle and you cannot get in?



Indeed. Even if I could give it to you, I still believe you are after my treasure.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:


And I said that we could care less for your junk. All I want is the Ball to bring back my Grandpa!



(Distrustful Stare)



(Kid) Goku:


Hey! Leave my friends alone!


Goku, thinking his sister & friends are in danger, battles the Gyumao just like originally and it ends in the same manner by Goku instantly befriending the Ox-King by the Master of Mt. Frypan recognizing the Kinto-Un, Power Pole and learning that Goku and Mauka are his friend, Son Gohan's Grandkids. Mauka was surprised to learn this from the Gyumao that she's curious about their relationship with each other in their youth. The Gyumao asks them if they could meet with Roshi and bring back the Bansho Fan in order to stop the raging flames covering his mountain. Mauka declined sternly as everyone wonders why since he's willing to part with his Dragon Ball after all is said and done, she looks away like a Tsundere and says that she wants the Dragon Ball but she wants a bonus too: for him & Roshi to tell her & Goku more about their Grandpa Gohan. The Gyumao laughs and agrees with Mauka's request as Goku & Mauka ready to leaves. However the Gyumao stops them and tells them that he sent both his daughter & servant to look for Roshi & the Bansho Fan earlier. One of their names shocked Mauka to her core as she was hoping for it more than anything; and when Stockings hear the name, she suffers a mild migraine as she faintly remembers who this person is. The names of are Chichi and "Gine", but Chichi lovingly calls her "Amah".


He praises how strong and caring Gine is as he brags on how innocent, shy and cute Chichi is that he wants Goku to marry her as he is the grandson of his best friend. Just like in the original, Oolong imagines Chichi to be just as ugly as the Gyumao but unlike then, in this alternate timeline the Gyumao shows a picture of Chichi and Gine, but Mauka is curious on why Gine is wearing that blindfold. The Gyumao is saddened by Mauka asking this and tell him it's his fault. The real reason for the mountain to be on fire is because he had a wizard surround his castle with fire to keep intruders out, but the fire went out of control and even he was not able to get in; in the process his wife died in the fire and Gine was blinded trying to save her and Chichi. Mauka wants to kill Gyumao for stupidly allowing this to happen but she knows if she does, Grandpa Gohan would never forgive her when she wish him back.


Watching from a safe distance, Yamcha and Puar are surprised by seeing the picture and they now understand why that woman is so strong: She's Goku's Mother and from the same "Tribe" as Mauka. Goku & Mauka takes off with Goku in his Kinto-Un and Mauka flying next to him. Yamcha & Puar follow them in their car as he's worried that Gine won't recognize Mauka or Goku now that she's blind and he promised to help and protect Mauka from any danger no matter what. In the air, Mauka activates her Scouter to see if she can pick up Gine's power level, but since she's been in this planet for too many years, Mauka tunes her Scouter to find quick boost of power as she believes that Gine is purposely suppressing her Power Level so Frieza doesn't notice the Earth possessing someone that could peak his interest. Her Scouter finds a signature of 100, then disappears just as instantly and notice smoke coming from the direction of the scan.


Phase 1:

Dream Link 4 – Vs. Gine


Upon arriving there, Mauka is about to speak, but her Scouter makes a noise that Gine instantly recognizes that startle her to the point that she doesn't give Mauka & Goku any quarter as she attacks the Young Saiyan Princess and her son. Mauka doesn't want to fight her, but when a Saiyan like Gine goes into battle mode, the only way to stop is someone dies. Seeing them struggling, Yamcha joins in to help them, but Goku doesn't trust Yamcha, however right now they need the help to subdue Gine. However her Power Level is not as strong as she was on Planet Vegeta, but she's still a force to be reckoned with. Originally Gine's Power Level was 1,060, but due to her getting blinded and unable to train like she used to because of it, her Power Level is now 220 but her heightened senses like hearing makes her even stronger than what the Scouter is letting on. Yamcha then remembers what Mauka told him the other night: Goku's Greatest Weakness is his Tail. He never wanted to resort to using it unless Goku became a nuisance as he wants to show Mauka he isn't that big of a scoundrel, but since Gine is blind and trying to kill them, Yamcha has to resorts to it; however Gine could sense Yamcha sneaking behind her, so she back-kicks him away. But in doing so leave her open for Mauka to grab Gine's Tail instead, subduing the Mother of Goku. Mauka pleads Gine to calm down, that it's her and that she found Goku, but then instantly remembers that she's been calling him that for so long, she reverts back in calling him Kakarotto just this once so Gine could stop attacking them. Mauka lets go of Gine's Tail as Chichi runs to her Amah and hugs her as she is scared on what happened. Gine carefully touches Mauka's face and notices that the Saiyan Princess is crying, which Gine hugs her and calls Mauka "Hime-Sama" as Mauka hugs her back as she finally recognizes her. Luminescence couldn't believe that Mauka attained a Dream Link during this fight that she reached the conclusion that Mauka only attains a Dream Links if she fights against those that will define her in a positive way, so long as she's fighting alongside with those who is supporting her either fighting with her or cheering her on. After they all calm down, Gine shares the dinosaur meat she made from the T-Rex she killed protecting Chichi. Gine keeps petting Goku with a smile on her face which makes him remember something he hasn't felt in a very long time.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

So how have you been, Gine-San?



My name is no longer Gine. I go by "Amah" now and I can tell Kakarotto goes by "Goku", so I will call him that. But I don't mind you calling me by my old name, Hime-Sama.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

I understand. I go by Magi Negi, but I don't mind for those close to me calling me by my real name.


(Kid) Goku:

I don't mind you calling me a carrot, Sis.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

It's "Kakarotto", not Carrot.




So, Gyumao-San asked you to help us?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

Yes, because we met the Turtle Hermit a few days ago and it looks like Gyu-San is good friends with grandpa.




He was friends with King Vegeta II!?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

Nonononononono! I meant the Old Earthling that raised me and Goku.



(Ashamed Laughter)

Sorry! I never expected someone like you to bond with someone from this world. Your family besides your mother never would have done that. I believe your brothers are just as open-minded to embrace this world just as you have.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:


I hope so. This world…is something wonderful.



(Blushing, Looks Away From Mauka)



(Notices Yamcha's Heart Skip A Beat, Smiling)

Well…I hope the day will come when you are reunited with them.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

Not yet. I still haven't found Hanasia and I need the Dragon Balls to wish Grandpa back. I won't stop until I finish my mission.



Is Cooler listening in?


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Shocked, Thinking)

Oh, Crap!

(Activates Scouter, Out Loud, Worried)



Scouter (Cooler):

You have done well, Mauka. I'm proud that you succeeded in finding the Saiyan Gine. But you should have contacted us sooner on what you were doing and you encountered 3 new enemies besides Wesker. Sax told us about this Hemlock before, but this Guyver III and Griselda are new.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:


Forgive me, Cooler-Sama.





Scouter (Cooler):

No need to apologize. If you were killed, your mother Nion would be mortified and head to Earth to gather these Dragon Balls herself. And unlike you, she would have not hesitate to kill this Bulma and anyone who stood in her way.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Nervous Smile)

That's all the more reason for me to get stronger and be more careful when fighting them.


Scouter (Cooler):

Mauka. We believe in you. I'm sure you will succeed in your mission. After all, you belong to my organization and I only take in the best. You, just like my Armored Squadron, are the best the universe has to offer.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

Thank you, Cooler-Sama.

(Turns Off Scouter)



You know he's using you. If these Dragon Balls can grant any wish, what's stopping him for wishing for immortality? I wouldn't put it past him or Frieza for wishing for that or something far worst.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:


Forgive me Gine-San, but I know for a fact that Cooler-Sama is much more than what Frieza is. If he wasn't, then why keep me and Mama Nion safe?



If there are still Saiyan Survivors out there, having a member of the Royal Family on his side would make recruitment for his cause all that much easier. If your twin brother is under the beck and call of Frieza, I'm expecting the same idea crossing his mind.


(Kid) Goku:




(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

(Furious, Trying To Stay Calm)

Forget it! Let's get that Bansho Fan so we can get that Dragon Ball and get going.





(Bunny Girl) Mauka:

I don't want to hear it. Let's just get that fan.



I'll go with you.


(Kid) Goku:

I don't trust him, Sis.


(Bunny Girl) Mauka:


After how he helped us just now, he has my complete trust.

(Blushing, Thinking)

Not to mention on how he also helped me dealing with Griselda and Guyver III.




So Hime-Sama is into that Earthling. After fighting him, I can understand why she likes him. A Saiyan not only falls in love with someone strong, but on how well they handle themselves in a fight. Also…I notice that Chichi's Heart is beating in the same manner as Hime-Sama and this Yamcha every time Kakarotto talked. Could it be that she likes my son?


This is perfect! Having my son marry the girl I helped raise is a parent's dream come true. I should keep close tabs on them and help when they get stuck somewhere along the way.


Dragon Ball – Scene 23.1: Earth, Southeast Islands Area


While Goku & Chichi flies on the Kinto-Un, Yamcha & Puar riding his Air Car and Mauka & Gine are just flying over the archipelago as they arrive in the area where they met Roshi, however they don't know where exactly the Turtle Hermit lives and Mauka doesn't want to use her Scouter because she doesn't want Gine to chastise her for letting Cooler hearing what they are doing or letting him know where Roshi is; so Goku asks a dolphin swimming nearby for directions and thanks to it, they find Kame House where Roshi & Turtle as they all greet each other. However, hiding under the sea there are multiple aquatic B.O.W.s similar to the T-Abyss Types, making a beeline towards Kame House.


"They've finally found the Turtle Hermit! Will they be able to successfully borrow the Bansho Fan!?"


Scene 23.2: Dreamscape, White Void, Age 799


Upon seeing all of this everyone looks at Ark & Luminescence on the changes that they have created, many makes sense while others feel off. Gine is the first to point out one change that is bothering her.



Luminescence? May I ask you something?



You already did, but since I am a nice Devil Goddess, I'll let you ask another one.



I just remembered that it was Bardock who named Kakarotto, not me. I was the one who named Raditz. Not the other way around.



Not my fault. When Elements that don't belong in a certain points in time and space, Small Changes are bound to happen, even changes that should never happen like what you just mentioned. That change in all honesty I DO NOT approve.



How about her Dream Link? Why did it get stronger fighting Kakarotto's Mother? Sparring with Kakarotto himself didn't raise it until you asked your acquaintances to join in.



It seems raising her Dream Link requires more than just fighting with those who will define her. She needs to fight along side her allies or be cheered on by said allies so long as her life is in danger. When Mauka fought Gine, that's when I knew that was it.



But when Mauka fought Blade, her life was not in any danger. How do you explain that?



I get the feeling that if Mauka faces off against someone from her original universe, she doesn't need to meet all of the conditions required for a Dream Link.



What about when she fought Artyk? She didn't attained a Dream Link then.



That's easy to answer. She didn't want to fight, she was forced to by Cooler. Saiyans attain Power when they are motivated to fight either Selfishly or Selflessly. When a Saiyan refuses to fight, they unknowingly are suppressing their potential just like Gohan did when you and Nappa fought against everyone of your soon-to-be-allies.



That is true. I find it infuriating that even though that happened. Mauka's loyalty and devotion to Cooler it's truly unbecoming of a Saiyan. I hope it is a phase and one day she cuts ties with that bastard.



I highly doubt it. I'll admit that Cooler is a member of the ultimate mutant alien race, but unlike his family, Cooler has a code of honor. That code is the second reason his father, King Cold chose Frieza as his successor instead of Cooler. Cold wanted his successor to be as imposing as himself – someone to teach the universe that their family is an organization that none should cross. Cooler is more of a negotiator like his father and only resorts to threats & murder if they overstep.



You give Cooler too much credit.



True, but to be honest I don't know what the Real Cooler would be, but I believe he'd be far more open-minded than Frieza if he met Goku before ever meeting his Brother.



I highly doubt it.



No, in a good number of timelines that has happened, Vegeta-Kun. I've see him be a powerful ally to Son-Kun. There's even a timeline that Frieza is the one that merges with the Big Gete Star instead Cooler which caught me by surprise when I saw it.



Metal Frieza? That doesn't sound as menacing as "Mecha Frieza" does.



What are you on about?



Did you forget? When Frieza came to Earth with his Father, he was rebuilt into a Cyborg as Goku here did some major damage to him, although most of it was self-inflicted since he accidentally cut himself in half by his own Death Slicer Attack. He also lost his own left arm in the process too. When Cooler merged with the Big Gete Star, his robotic clones were fully mechanical; the only thing of his original body that survived was his head and it was connected with countless wires to the core that it straight out of a horror movie. It's pure nightmare fuel.



I find it annoying that you decided to make Gine blind during this time.




Didn't you hear what my father said? Gine-San sacrificed herself to save me and my mother from the fire. I know I was still a child, but I can still remember the intensity of the fire that engulfed my home. I'm not surprised Gine-San lost her sight saving us.



Unfortunately Gine failed to save your mother.




It wouldn't have made a difference since my mother was terminally ill. Even if Gine-San saved her, she'd pass away soon after. But it's strange.



What is?



My mother passed away before my father hired that wizard to create that fire that would enshroud our home. Why was she still alive by then?



This is going to be a little long explanation, so please bear with it. The reason for your mother to live a little longer this time around, was because of Gine.




What do you mean?



When you were born, she was happy like never before and that happiness subdued her illness for awhile, but as time went on, that happiness was replaced with the fear of leaving you without a mother. Fear has the power to induce Stress upon you and that stress has the power to worsen your illness. When Gine arrived at Mt. Frypan, your mother took care of her and they became friends. Gine wanted to look for Goku and Hanasia, but she noticed that your mother was very sick, so she decided to stick around. Since Gine is a rare Kindhearted Saiyan, her friendship with your mother grew to the point that she promised to look after you once she found her own children and raise you alongside them. Hearing that from Gine, filled your mother with hope which brought happiness to her, which in turn her illness got better and helped her live a little longer. Happiness has the power to improve one's mental state and helps the body get stronger in certain aspects. That also includes life extension. When Mortals and even Deities give in to the stress that darkness entails, their lifespan is drastically shortened. If Zamasu didn't have a chip on his shoulder on about Humans, he wouldn't have crossed as many lines as he did and would have been a Kaioshin that all wanted to become…someone to strive for. But it was never meant to be.




You are right. I should have found a way to quell his resentment towards Humans, but all I did was fuel it instead.



There was no avoiding it. The seeds of his resentment towards Humans were planted long before he became your apprentice. But don't worry. I already have a means to give Zamasu his Redemption Arc. But unfortunately that will take years for Mauka as she's right now 18 Years-Old. She'll meet Zamasu in her 40s.




But Zamasu is in Universe 10! How will Mauka meet him before Goku-San!?



(Evil Smile)

That's for me to know and you to find out.



(Evil Smile)

That's right. That would be telling and we don't do Spoilers! But I'll give you a hint…

(Points At Old Kai)

You all should be thanking this old fool for that happening.


Old Kai:


Why would I allow a Mortal to meet a God from another universe!? It doesn't make any sense!



You'll find out in due time. Right now just enjoy the show.


Queen Vegeta:

Hold on! I need to know something.





Queen Vegeta:

How long will I stay an amnesiac? Since Gine is blind, she won't be able to see my face. Henceforth she won't be able to snap me out of my amnesia.



You will regain your memories soon enough. But I will say Gine is the second factor to help you get out of your amnesiac state.


Queen Vegeta:

Second? Who was the first?



Mauka & Goku. The term you should use is "Were". I know the rule of 3 is a very boring overused cliché, it is used too much because it works.


Queen Vegeta:

So when will the third happen?



Not long now, that's all you'll get from me.



(Proud Smile)

Well said.


Queen Vegeta:

"Not Long Now"? I hope it's by the time they collect the Dragon Balls. By the way…

(Saddened, Hiding Sadness Behind Cold Demeanor)

…Will Mauka be alright when she finds out that the Dragon can't revive Son Gohan? From what I remember, Shenron can't revive someone who has been dead longer than a year and secondly if their bodies are in bad shape or worse.



That, unfortunately I do not know. But know this – I am deeply concern for her. Unlike Goten and Trunks, Mauka currently doesn't possess the mental fortitude to become a Super Saiyan at this moment in time. Also…she needs to become a Super Saiyan around the same time as Goku, not a moment sooner.



What if Mauka-San masters her Primal Form? What will happen to her?



A Mastered Primal Form would be no different than Broly's Ikari Saiyan Form, but relatively weaker and with a massive drawback due to her current Power Level.



(Worried, Hiding Worry Behind Annoyed Demeanor)

What do you mean by that!?


Ark looks at everyone seriously and tell them what will happen when Mauka learns to control her Primal Form as they are terrified for her well-being, for the drawbacks has the power to end her life prematurely…


To Be Continued…

StarscreamSigma StarscreamSigma

Script by: Starscream Σ

Created By: Akira Toriyama

Owned By: Capsule Corporation Tokyo

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