
ตอน 22: Chapter - 19


One Piece - Part - 10


A/N: Sodom's Beast / Draco new top waifu!



[Nuovo Mondo - Raijin Island]

The grand line has always been famous for having islands with extraordinary weather patterns, with Winter Islands such as the Sakura Kingdom (formerly the Drum kingdom) and Summer Islands such as Sandy Island(Which is where Alabasta is located). However, once you enter the New World and have acquired the new world log pose, one of the three possible islands you can sail too stands out from all other Islands we have seen before.

Raijin Island, an island where lightning strikes plummet from the sky every second of the day. Based on a weather phenomenon in Venezuela called Relámpago del Catatumbo (Catatumbo lightning), where lightning strikes 280 times an hour, 160 nights a year. It is also known as the "eternal storm"

And on this very island where no living thing could live without being reduced to ashes, a small group of people could be seen walking quietly without any problem.

"Captain, why did we come to this island instead of going to plunder some other place nya?" asked Avalo Pizarro, but he was promptly ignored by all the crew members as usual.

Seeing this he could only try his luck saying with obvious amusement written on his face "Ha this point why don't you leave me the captain's post-"

But before he could even finish speaking, two swords stopped near his neck, and he parted the sound of falling thunder, the place had gone completely silent.

"He is our captain! End of story!" exclaimed Devon with obvious force in her tone with clear murderous intentions while in front of her. Ryuma nodded as if this was natural, especially after he was defeated in a clash of swords.

Avalo simply raised his hands in surrender, certainly not wanting to be beheaded, but he certainly did not seem displeased by the words spoken earlier.

"Kahahaha! With your strength you are more likely to become fish food than to be the future captain of this crew," said Bullet who sat not far from the group in question completely ignoring the various lightning bolts falling on his body.

"And you are just an old fossil! Belonging to an era that has already passed and will never come back!" said Avalo in a strong tone, certainly not afraid of an old relic of the past.

Bullet cast a glance toward him as his conqueror's Haki pressed his surroundings. "Be careful what you say, brat. If you don't want to die crushed like the insect you are."

"And really an old monster!" he could only think, Avalo as he resisted the pressure that was directed against him that almost made him kneel. Luckily for him, an arrogant voice came to his rescue, though the annoyance that was well written on his face but to his misfortune there was nothing he could do to change it.

"Mhp! If you want to fight, do it somewhere else!" stated a young girl floating with the pink-haired goth theme as she held in her arms a Haetae who seemed to wear a betrayed expression and looked at the back of her apparator.

Bullet simply grunted as she dispelled he Haki and the pressure that was in he surroundings returned to normal as if nothing had ever happened.

Hearing her words, Avalo could only show a very vicious and perverted expression as he said in a clearly evil tone, "I would be the weakest member? And what would you be then? Don't you her say anything Douglas? And our weakest member and he is completely useless in fights without the power of his devil fruit."

Bullet merely cast a small glance at the girl in question that was enough to make her tremble and immediately clutched Haetae's body in her arms as she ran from his gaze and hid behind the back of the only person he knew could protect her.

"The boy has his own plans...," Bullet said with a big, mocking smile on his face aimed exclusively at his teammate 'buddy'.

After these weeks, Bullet had continued to face Kazuya several times without achieving any success in his battles. To his misfortune, his control over Goro Goro no Mi's power was becoming easier and easier, so each battle he faced became easier and easier to win, even without using any other trump cards.

Bullet could only admit that he was really strong.... So, for the time being, he had decided to continue his journey with him, at least until he could beat him or find someone stronger to fight with.

Avalo gave a simple grunt in response, evidently not agreeing with him much. After all, he wanted to be in control of this crew and it was impossible to do so if at least the second strongest member was not on your side.

But while he was still focused on his future plans. he heard a voice that made his whole back shake, not because it was strong or anything, but simply because it carried a sense of dread deep in the human soul.

"Do you have a problem with my choice of the members of this crew? Avalo?" asked Kazuya as he was being licked by an aroused Haetae and a Perona looking slightly at him from her back as she pressed her big tits on him.


No one uttered any words as a heavy atmosphere set in and it was quite hard to breathe as the thunder grew louder and louder as if it only took a little to start a storm.

"hahaha, just kidding captain..."

Kazuya cast a slight glance at him, before their surroundings returned to normal and all members could breathe a sigh of relief as the fear that gripped them subsided for the moment.


He certainly didn't want to play the part of cold and indifferent all the time, but unfortunately for him, he didn't have much of a choice, otherwise they would start to get annoyed by his overly soft and indulgent methods.

After all, he had to remember that all the crew members were certainly not good people, but just selfish people who only wanted to satisfy their own desires.

Kazuya completely ignored the surrounding voices; by now he had become accustomed to their discussions, which were mostly about killing and stealing anything that caught their attention.

Our protagonist could not help but observe his surroundings with obvious interest; he had come here for one reason only, to increase his power even more.

There are however one known way to permanently change the climate of an Island in the One Piece world. One such way is having an awakened logia user use their abilities to change the very essence of the island itself. Could it be that Enel, or a previous user of the Goro Goro No Mi changed Raijin Island into what it is today?

Although I do use the goro goro no mi's ability to read electric fields and listen to everyone's thoughts and what they are saying at the same time. The possibilities are endless.

And if we were to assume that raijin island is the result of an awakened Goro Goro No Mi the destructive power increases tenfold. But then who was this previous user that changed Raijin Island? This part of the theory is pure speculation, but we can assume one thing. If this Goro Goro No Mi user was so skilled with his devil fruit that he awakened it, he might have done other great things as well.

He belive Raijin Island was changed into the lightning rod it is today by an awakened Goro Goro No Mi user!

Thinking about this he could only try and look for a way to make his theory work. Well, he was going to become a human lightning rod, hoping that this would be enough to unlock his awakening.

Otherwise he would have to come up with a much more direct and destructive method.... And he could only doubt that this island would remain completely intact after his experiments.


[Wano - New World ]

Not long after, the Oni Pirates (Provisional name given of course by Kazuya for his crew) reached Wano. All thanks to an Eternal Lay that he had obtained during one of his personal excursions during the events of Imper Down in order to make it to the samurai island.

Their ship did not crash like a cannon or something since Kazuya was acting as a navigator. With his 300-kilometer radius sensing powers together with his electromagnetic powers, it was needless to say that he was at the level of the best navigator in all the universes in existence.

After climbing the inverted mountain with the help of some fish, they reached Kuni, or more precisely, Kazuya, led his crew there without any problem proving that his abilities were getting stronger and stronger every day.

However, he was to meet Tenguyama Hitetsu, who was in Kuni, and take the Kitetsu II, Nidai Kitetsu from him, and he did not think it would be so difficult with Ryuma by his side.

After all, he possessed the meito Shusui and was also sure that he would be treated very well once he got his sword skills, after he would naturally find a suitable shadow for him.

And this would certainly not be a big problem after giving him the devil fruit card so that he could personally find a suitable shadow for him.

The main reason he wanted Ryuma to learn and control the power of the devil fruit, which basically gave you the power of a necromancer from the fantastic worlds, was very simple. It was about controlling the possible residual power of a dead man.

Imagine, how powerful would a zombie Kishin who can still use his powers be? Maybe even have several for a hypothetical army to form a large army to serve him fully.

After all, there were many alliances in the world of Soul Eater, and even he couldn't help but seek out some help when he needed it. Especially if he really intended to become the next Kishin in the future.


"G-Get out of here, pirates!"

"Y-Yes, we've suffered enough already!"

"We don't want you here!"

"Y-Yes, you have suffered us enough already!"

The first thing is the Oni pirates. encountered after reaching land safely was a group of people armed with sticks, cooking utensils, and other equipment that were not

In front of the crowd, a man wielding a sword stood with a little girl hiding behind him. The man wore a dark tengu mask on his face that had an extremely long nose. More importantly, his most distinctive feature was the pair of wings behind his back. The wings resembled those of a Birkans that could be found on Skypiea.

Seeing the angry crowd in front of him, "We surrender, we lay down our arms..." said Kazuya smoothly with a small smile adorning his face as he had his hands in the air in a clear sign of surrender with no intention of fighting.

His crew looked at him strangely as their captain for this choice, but since they had received an order beforehand they did as he had told them and remained quiet as they got tied up without too much trouble.

Kazuya did not want to fight them, what a joke.... He might be a very selfish person but even he could empathize with the people of Wano after reading that arc in the manga. Above all, there was no advantage in doing so.

"Let everything go smoothly, I don't want any problems with Kaido right now, first I want to be prepared and get everything I need," he thought as the nervous villagers began to tie them up with simple tails.

"A lot of food!"

"They have food?!"

"Look at all that meat!"

"Look, there are fresh vegetables too!"


Kuri residents chatted among themselves inside the Black Pearl, stealing the ship's food supply. Proving that they had not eaten adequate food for years.

So the sudden supply of food by this pirate ship made them strangely happy and excited. And without shame, they began to loot the Oni pirate ship. They pulled out all the food there was, some even tried to take the food of others, and a small commotion ensued.

Kazuya's crew members watched all this in silence as he continued to have a small smile on his face, as if everything was going as planned, but this soon disappeared when he made a serious face. "I wonder if it would be a blessing for them to use my divine wavelength."

Even though it is supposed to be a samurai country, people are now forbidden to even wield swords. This is all because of Kaido and his Beast Pirates, who are even monopolizing the entire food supply.

Kazuya could only sigh. He noticed that some members of his crew were already beginning to get irritated and he could sense an obvious murderous intent coming from most of them.

"Ehi," the crew members turned their heads toward them. "Don't do anything stupid and stay quiet for a while longer so that you gain their trust," he told the others to wait until they had finished eating.

He did not want to disturb them now that they were eating after such a long time, to gain their trust as quickly as possible. After all, his time was running out and he had to hurry.

He, who had his arms tied behind his back, closed his eyes. during his observation Haki's range widened and reached the sky above Onigashima.

And he could 'see' Kaido's crew, feasting and eating with his entire crew without caring about the plight of Wano's inhabitants. 'I can understand that as Oni, he hates all humans, but this is not a kingdom and only a prison created for his experiments without any freedom or desire, an empty shell...'

Kazuya opened his eyes and sighed. 'All-Star King is definitely strong, but his fire ability is very weak.' he muttered as he looked out of the corner of his eye at a small fire creature above his head.

"You shouldn't have any problem dealing with him even if you've only regained a little of your origin power, right?" he asked as he could see the fire spirit nodding its head.

"Then I'll rely on you," Kazuya commented as he decided to think no further about it and looked at his crew to see that they seemed calmer than I initially thought. In the end, fear is really the best deterrent for most situations

They had been together for a few weeks to get here from Risky Red Island, so now they were pretty close. Especially since he used their fear of him to get closer to them.

After teleporting away from the ropes that were binding him, Kazuya walked toward the busy crowd and observed that they were still busy eating everything inside their plates.

"This is the face of this world under the mask of shounen manga, huh." Kazuya thought as he approached the crowd of citizens.

Even when he was standing next to them, they did not notice him. They were busy eating. However, one person did notice him." Wait," he suddenly found a sword on his neck. "Don't make a move. How did you get free?"

More importantly, the creator of Kitetsu Sandai and the current holder of Kitetsu II, Nidai Kitetsu or better known as Kozuki Sukiyaki, the former Shogun of Wano.

He looked at Hitetsu, their eyes meeting from under the hood. 'If I get it, I will have a complete collection of Kitetsu blades. At the moment, he was looking for a suitable shadow for Ryuma and also a way to heal his dead body and make him normal again. With him, I will have he Oden

Ignoring his thoughts, he raised his hands when people finally noticed him and walked away. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking I could cook some food since you all eat it raw, it's kind of pathetic, actually."

People looked at him confused. Of course, being a pirate, he had to lie, right? Under the light, the small crowd of people outside the pirate ship whispered among themselves. Their target was the man in front of them, wearing strange clothes and a hood covering his face.

After a few seconds of struggling between people's stares, Hitetsu removed the sword from his neck, while Kazuya remained motionless so as not to let them think he was dangerous.

"It's really disgusting and also a little unhealthy. Perhaps, you can make them delicious, traveler?" Hitetsu said, his voice still as stern as steel.

Hitetsu was quite strong and, thanks to his high intuition, he could perceive no malice on his part. Although, in truth, he felt a great form of threat coming from him, so he dared not let his guard down in case they were enemies.

But he believed that he was a good judge of character. So he decided to give the benefit of the doubt to this boy in front of him, just hoping that he would not bring any more curses on his people.


*Crackling* *Crackling* *Popping* *Popping*

The sound of firewood on the stove.

The cooking fire danced as if they had a life of their own.

The sparks burst and extinguished quickly....

The smell of good food wafted into the surroundings making the people of Wano drool. It had been a really long time since they could eat something really good.

"Unbelievable!" Hitetsu exclaimed, shocked and surprised. He was so intrigued by Kazuya's cooking that his eyes couldn't help but shine just by looking at it. "That's a fascinating scent, I've been smelling something like that for a long time."

Kazuya ignored the people in front of him like a professional cook as he kept shaking the spoon inside the pot while adding different seasonings and spices to make his dish even more appetizing.

Hitetsu swallowed his saliva "To think that we will witness an Oden of such quality made by someone other than Oden-sama!"

"You're praising me too much. I can't even cook it properly." replied Kazuya calmly and indifferently.

Just like that, Kazuya was cooking Oden. In the pot, there was an assortment of vegetables and various proteins, mochi rice cakes, boiled eggs, daikon radish, konjac yam, and tofu, and stewing them in a light broth seasoned with soy sauce and a special soup called dashi in a large hot pot in the center of a table!

Oden is one of Wano's most distinctive dishes. In winter, oden is best served hot with soup, while in summer, it is often served cold. With a smooth texture when combined with carefully crafted soup ingredients, it indeed becomes a very delicious dish indeed.

As a cook, Kazuya was not on the level of Sanji or other famous cooks in the anime world. *Ugh* Shokugeki no Soma... But he was at least confident enough in his skills to surpass the cooking of a swordsman like Oden.

Above all, thanks to his assimilation with Dan Haewi he had discovered a flair for cooking that was really a lot of fun for him. He believed that even mommy shiro/Archer could not be at his level as a cook.

"Am I glad you like the smell so much?" Kazuya quickly grabbed a bowl from the other table next to him and filled it with Oden.

"But I'm sure it tastes much better in your mouth," he lifted the bowl toward her face with a small smile.

"O-oh!" With slightly trembling hands, Hitetsu accepted the bowl. And he loosened his mask a little just to show his mouth and took a sip. His eyes grew instantly as he jumped with obvious excitement.

"Oh! This is great!" After a few seconds, Hitetsu's cheeks were covered with tears. "T-This is magnificent! Haha!"

The Oden was undoubtedly good, but not to the level of making it so emotional. It was a simple soup with a long history that brought back many memories to the people of Wano, as it could only form a connection between the late Oden and themselves.

"Young man, thank you..." he said ""T-Thank you so much," he was simply too happy tasting something like this, the food he last tasted when Oden gave him a bowl 23 years ago. "You don't know how happy I am..."

"All right, I'm happy to make you so happy," Kazuya said and also handed a bowl to Tama, who was hiding behind the massive figure of Hitetsu.

At this point, thanks to her electromagnetic powers he had already discovered where Nidai Kitetsu was. Honestly, he would have simply taken the sword by force, but there was a better way to behave.

If he stole it, he could no longer be here. So, the crew can no longer stay here and they have to escape inside Wano. It wouldn't make sense to ruin everything else just for that sword to begin with, the sword was just a side mission.


Shortly thereafter, Hitetsu walked toward the bound Pirates of his crew and bowed slightly. "I, as a Samurai, am ashamed to have captured you, benefactors." He remained in that position for a few seconds before raising his head. "Please allow me to release you."

He pulled out his sword and before anyone could even feel any sense of danger, he lunged forward. In the next moment one could see, the rope binding the crew fell to the ground in many small pieces demonstrating a swordsmanship that should not be underestimated.

The crew members did not comment, not wanting to end up being killed by their captain for saying something they should not. Although some seemed eager to confront Hitetsu's sword skills.

Meanwhile, Kazuya was busy giving people bowls full of Oden. They were eating excitedly after accepting it. He had to admit that it was a sight that conveyed some happiness to them.

Among them, the girl named O-Tama was also eating, quickly pouring everything into her mouth. "Nom... So tasty!" She quickly finished her bowl when she noticed people asking for seconds and taking them. Frightened, she walked toward him. "Big brother, c-can I have more?"

Seeing O-Tama lift her bowl like that, Kazuya simply gave a little nod and poured more soup into the bowl. She flashed a bright smile and again began to eat the food.

Hitetsu was very touched to see this. O-Tama was like a granddaughter to him, rarely having a full belly. This made him emotional and grateful toward her.

'Oden is certainly better than eating raw food, damn you Kaido, we will have our revenge...' Sighing to herself, she grabbed a bowl beside her and walked toward him to get a second one.


"You're pretty good with children, master~~." whispered Devon in an obvious mischievous and teasing tone.

The beautiful black-haired woman went to him and caressed his shoulder with her own "I wonder how you will behave with our children, hmm~"

He pushed her away slightly and prepared to cook some more of the Oden that was already beginning to finish. "Instead of talking nonsense... Help me with the food distribution," as he said this he focused on the kitchen.

"Sure ~ I expect a big reward for this free service, though," she said as she went up to his ear and said in a seductive voice, "Most of all, I want to see that little pink-haired girl choking on your cock and being completely ravaged and turned into a cute pet for our uses~~"

Kazuya could only be left speechless," Since you ate that devil fruit you have become even crazier..." he could only comment honestly

"And your fault for making me so beautiful ~~ Now it is my right as the most beautiful pirate woman in this world to have everyone under my feet~~"

"How much modesty I hear coming from your mouth..."

"Oh~~You will see how pleasant my particular mouth can be~~"

Finally after some more teasing, the beautiful woman in front of him had finally decided to lend a hand while they finished feeding the people of Wano.


Demon_King22 Demon_King22

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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If you want to support me for more chapters:

- TDG: Son of the Lord of the Ten Worlds: 3 advanced chapters:

- DC: True Power Saiyan: 3 advanced chapters:


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