46.66% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 7: A Dragon's Mate and Preliminaries

บท 7: A Dragon's Mate and Preliminaries

Naruto was sleeping lightly when he heard Sakura throw a kunai. Naruto sighed to himself and shifted slitghly. Suddenly, he felt the scroll that Sora gave to him before he left and pulled it out because he was still slightly tired.

Dear Naruto,

Hey there! You must be in that 'tight spot' I mentioned earlier. Or maybe your just curious? In any case wipe some blood on the seal below and channel some chakra into it! You'll be in for a nice surprise. HEHE (chibi Sora giving a victory sign)

'Stupid Aniki. O well might as well find out what this is.' Naruto thought as he wiped his blood and poured some chakra into the seal. With a slight 'poof', Naruto was staring into the amber eyes of Shiroi. Now Naruto was confused... that is until he saw Shiroi with metal gauntlets convering her claws that seemed to move with her paws not hindering her nor making sound. She had a metal facemask that protected her head along with some armor along the sides to protect her if she was attacked there. All in all, she looked ready for a battle. A small strip of paper floated down from the smoke.

P.S. Hope you like the gift! Shiroi here has been blessed by the Dragons. I'm sure she will be of some help.

Naruto chuckled and looked at Shiroi who cocked her head to the side. 'Hehe, thats awesome! I can't wait to see what she can do!' He thought as he scratched under her jaw. She mewled softly in appreciation until they heard Rock Lee outside proclaiming something to Sakura. "Come on Shiroi-chan. We got work to do!" Naruto said standing up. Shiroi just yipped and gained a mischievous look similar to Naruto when he's ready for a prank. 'OOOOO this is gonna be fun!' Naruto thought as he headed out of the hovel.

As they walked out of the hovel, They came across Lee getting blasted by Dosu with his 'Melody Arm' and getting knocked unconcious due to the strain on his ears. Naruto motioned for Shiroi to go after the female holding Sakura as he stepped forward and Shiroi seemed to melt into the shadows slightly.

"OI! Who the hell are you?" Naruto asked crossing his arms and trying to look intimidating.

Dosu looked a little surprised, he thought they were both out cold. Zaku, on the other hand..., "Names Zaku Abumi, and your death dealer!" He yelled charging Naruto.

"Zaku wait!" Dosu said trying to stop his teammate from doing something stupid. Too late for that.

Zaku charged right at Naruto and threw a fast right. Naruto expertly sidestepped and grabbed Zaku's arm before spinning with Zaku and throwing him back towards his teammate. Zaku was pissed. No one manhandled him like that! "Zankuha!"(Decapitating Airwaves) He yelled thrusting his arms forward. Naruto's eyes bulged before he jumped dodging the attack. Dosu was watching fervently hoping to figure out the new arrival while team 10 was watching in the bushes.

As Naruto landed he found himself on the end of a vicious, albeit sloppy, taijutsu assault from Zaku. Right, left, sweep kick, knee. Every attack expertly dodged or redirected by Naruto. Naruto himself was happy to see his training paying off. As Zaku threw a punch, Naruto dropped for a sweep kick that Zaku jumped to avoid. Following through Naruto rose into a spining uppercut that knocked Zaku clear across the field.

"Man when did Naruto get so good?" Ino asked.

"Troublesome, looks like we won't have to jump in after all." Shikamaru said.

"Munch Munch Munch" Guess who?

As Naruto landed, he glared at Zaku who was getting back up and wiping blood from the side of his mouth. Just as Zaku was about to charge, Kin yelped in pain and let go of Sakura's hair grabbing her leg. She quickly looked around until she heard a soft growl from the tree behind her, she spun around just in time to get headbutted by Shiroi. Lukily for Shiroi, her faskmask took most of the damage. Unluckily for Kin, she was knocked out cold.

"Way to go Shiroi-chan!" Naruto said gleefully, "Now we have a hostage."

Dosu was silently cursing his teammates lack of awareness, even though they hadn't been briefed that the boy had a companion, while Zaku was chuckling. Naruto looked at him funnily until Zaku spoke up, "You think we care about her? She's nothing more than a hinderence! If she's in the way,... I'll blast her along with you! Zankuha!"(Decapitating Airwaves) He yelled thrusting his hands forward. Shiroi grabbed Kin's collar in her teeth and jumped to the side barely dodging the blast. Naruto, meanwhile, made the handseal to release his chakra weights.

Suddenly, evil chakra filled the air. Evryone froze then turned to the hovel where Sasuke was standing with the curse mark active. Naruto was right infront of him while Sakura was a bit to the left and Shiroi and Kin were farther right. Sasuke looked at the disheveled appearence of Sakura and said, "Who did that to you?"

While many people had different thoughts running through their heads, Naruto's and Dosu's made the most sense. Dosu was wondering why Orochimaru had given Sasuke a curse seal then ordered his death. Naruto, however, was worried. 'Crap! this is not good! His chakra feels too much like a demon's. At this rate, my Dragon side is gonna take over and kill him. I've gotta stop him before things get outta hand.'

Zaku got cocky and said, "I did it to her! And I'll do the same to you! Zankūkyokuha!" (Extreme Decapitating Airwaves) He thrust his hands forward straight at Naruto and Sasuke. As the dust settled, both were nowhere to be found. "Hahaha not so tough now are you!" Zaku exclaimed.

"Care to test that?" Sasuke said darkly. He reappeared infront of Zaku and proceeded to smash him face first into the ground. He grabbed Zaku's arms and pulled them back at an unnatural angle, "You seem awfully proud of these arms. Perhaps we should see what your like without them?" Sasuke bent back Zaku's right arm until a sickening 'CRACK!' was heard and everyone winced as Zaku screamed in pain before blacking out.

Sasuke was about to head towards Dosu when Naruto appeared behind him and chopped him across the neck making the marks recede as he faded into unconciousness. Naruto sighed in relief, 'Thank Kami! I'm glad Aniki taught me how to control my Dragon urges.*' He turned to Dosu, "I'm tired, Leave your scroll and you can leave with your teammates unharmed." Dosu nodded and pulled out an Earth scroll. 'Whew, we can head in now.' Naruto thought. He wasn't really tired he just didn't want to kill him if he could avoid it.

Dosu picked up his teammates, "When we meet again we can't back down so expect a full fight." With that he jumped into the trees.

Shiroi yipped at Naruto and pointed to the bushes and up in the trees. Naruto nodded and said, "Come on out guys. If you wanna fight, I'll be happy to take you on. If not perhaps we could all travel to the tower together? Nothing againest working together after your done right?"

Shikamaru and his team came out of the bush with him saying, "Troublesome, We are done and your right so we will travel with you." 'Maybe I can find out a bit more about you Uzumaki Naruto. Mah nevermind its too troublesome.' Anyone who could have heard his thoughts would have sweatdropped.

Naruto looked around and noticed Sakura and Ino fawning over Sasuke before he looked up to see Team 9 standing with Lee over Neji's shoulder. "We have no need for you goodbye." Neji said and they disappeared into the trees with an apologetic look from Tenten.

"Alright then lets head out. I'll carry Sasuke, We can make it to the Tower by the end of the day and have two days to rest." Naruto said. They all nodded, after all this guy was completely winning againest those Oto shinobi when they could have barely hurt them. They set out at a brisk pace.

Same time: Tower infirmiry

Anko groaned as she woke up. Suddenly her memories came back from two days ago and she almost bolted out of her bed. She was held down by two rather srong arms. She looked over at who was holding her down and her sharp retort died in her throat. Sora had his head laying just below her pillow with his arms firmly holding her to the bed. It was obviously an uncomfortable position seeing as he was seated next to her bed but he looked peaceful.

She heard a chuckle and someone said, "You know he hasn't left your side for two days now? He had them bring his own tray of food so he wouldn't have to leave." Sarutobi smiled seeing the look of shock on Anko's face. 'No one, I mean NO ONE has ever sat by my bed while I was out.' she thought. Her shock turned to gratitude and a genuine smile spread across her face as she gently tryed to remove his arms.

He snuggled his head closer and tightened his arm around her midsection. She blushed because he was pushing right into the side of her breasts. Suddenly that registered on her 'female protection' area of her brain and she grew a tic mark before smashing her hand into his head.

Sora was dreaming a wonderful dream full of open skys and Anko riding his dragon form when a lightning bolt hit him square on the head. He bolted upright yelping in pain while the Hokage snickered and Anko had a flame of righteous woman fury in her eyes. Sora smiled widely, the pain forgetten, when he saw Anko awake. "Your OK!" He said smiling.

"Of Course I'm OK, you moron! And what did you think you were doing dropping in as a dragon? Not to mention who gave you the right to watch over me LET ALONE sleep next to my bed?" Anko asked ranting. Sora was a little shell shocked until he realized it was her coping method for the failure and Sarutobi simply stepped out of the room letting Sora take Anko's rant. Kami knows he'd be hearing more of them in the future.

Sora smiled and was actually chuckling lightly as Anko continued her rant on how stupid and moronic and idiotic he was. "AND WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME!" She screamed at him.

Sora continued smiling and replied, "Your cute when your angry."That shut her up. Her face was redder than a tomato and it was NOT from anger. 'He- He really thinks I'm cute? Not slutty but cute?'

"Wh-What do you mean by that?" Anko asked her blush subsiding slightly thought she was still red.

"Quite simply, I. Think. You are cute. When you. Are. Angry." He said cheerfully, pausing and making a point at each stop.

She stared at him for a minute before puttind her head down letting her bangs cover her light-brown eyes.

"Why?" She asked simply but softly.

"Why what?" Sora asked confused what she meant.

"Why did you stay by my side?" She almost yelled at him. "Why did you save me? Why did you let me ride you if you haven't let anyone else?"

Sora was silent for a moment before he responded, "Because I wanted to. Do I really need a reason to help you?"

She almost broke down right there but she had one last thing she wanted to ask him. "Do you... Did you really mean what you said about the curse seal?" she asked.

Sora frowned, "Of course I did. I saw what that man did to you in the forest with just a little amount of Chakra. Much more and you would have died."

Anko felt sad, 'So its pity that he wants to mark me. Just to get me out of Orochimaru's grasp.'

Sora smiled softly and almost as if reading her thoughts said, "Of course, having you for a mate would make for an interesting eternity indeed."

Her head shot up so fast you'd think she got whiplash. "Do- do you really mean that?" She asked her voice barely above a whisper.

He chuckled and hugged her, "Of course, you don't think I spent all this time with you just for Naruto eh?"

She really did start to cry then. She buried her face in his chest, happy that someone would care for her instead of just throwing her away like Orochimaru did. She sobbed and told him how no one ever stayed by her bedside before to wait for her to wake up. How no one wanted to be her friend because of her past association. And exactly how much it meant that he came to help her and went so far in caring for her. (before you ask YES Sora had an inkling but he never pryed into her history)

She wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him. "Mark me!" she said cheerfully.

Sora chuckled, "You sure you..." He didn't get to finish because she smashed her lips into his.

"Mark me now or I'm going to remove the reason for you to WANT to mark me!" She said sweetly.

Sora gulped and nodded before channeling his silver chakra into his canines. His eyes flashed golden for a second before he bit down right on the curse seal. The seal contorted and Anko hissed in pain but Sora's eyes glazed over.

Inside the seal

Orochimaru's soul was growling in annoyance, 'How dare this man try to override MY seal!'

Sora arrived and took one look at Orochimaru before grinning ferally. "You know... this seal makes it so the two souls have to duke it out. And I assure you, " His eyes flashed gold again, "My soul is FAR stronger than yours!" Orochimaru was actually scared for once, well this part of his soul anyway. Sora took his time, almost five hours of nonstop torture in the seal was only two seconds outside. Sora sighed, "This has become boring. I can't actually kill you so I'm going to end this. Begone!" He flicked Orochimaru in his head and the soul shattered breaking the seal.

Back Outside

Sora's eyes came back into focus and he let go of Anko's neck. The seal swirled for a second before becoming a silver dragon with a golden snake wrapped comfortably around its body. Sora smiled and looked at Anko, he grabbed a mirror and handed it to her, "Here Hebi-hime, Check out your new tatoo." he said jokingly.

She glared at the nickname for a minute before adjusting the small mirror. She gasped and then smiled brightly. She wondered why the snake was golden though, until she looked at her eyes. Where before they had been a light brown, now they were a deep shade of brilliant gold. 'Guess I know why its golden, and I can't get mad at his nickname." She thought.

She looked at Sora who was grinning goofily before she grabbed him once again and started a tongue war. After a minute or so they broke for air and she said, "Well, hubby I guess you need to buy me some new clothes. After all, I need a wedding present before we get to the honeymoon." Now Anko may not look it but she LOVED to get new clothes, especially kinky things. Surprisingly she was not into BDSM. Sora on the other hand was sweating thinking how much his new wife was gonna cost him.

She quickly got up and chuckled, "That'll have to wait till after the exams though. We have a job here remember?" Sora sighed and nodded. Anko got dressed and they made their way to the waiting area.

Timeskip: Chunin Exam Preliminaries

After arriving two days ago and Sasuke getting his seal errrr sealed. Team 7 had taken it easy and relaxed. Luckily no one had attacked them and when they got to the doors Iruka had greeted them from the scrolls. Unfortunatly, Sasuke had bee pissed when he awoke and demanded that the 'dobe' tell him how Naruto beat Sasuke. Now they were standing in a giant hall with two balconies on each side, a veiwing platform for the Hokage and his entourage, and a statue with the ram handsign.

With the Hokage were all the clan heads and their respective families (meaning immediate family only). The Hokage stood up and said, "Welcome I am pleased to see all of you here today. Now, let us get right to business. Anko?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama. Now since the second exam did not weed out enough of you brats... we need to have an elimination round." Anko said. Apparently no one took notice of her eye color change. Well except for Naruto and Kurenai because they were actually looking at her eyes. 'Looks like I gained a nee-san' Naruto thought happily. Kurenai however was curious.

Hayate stepped forward, "Excuse me Anko... Allow me... Hayate Gekko... To explain..." (dots=coughing) "Before we... begin... would anyone like... to quit?... It will not... affect your team..."

Sakura was worried about Sasuke but then remembered te extra seal placed on him, so she kept quiet. Kabuto raised his hand, "I wish to forfiet. I got hurt on the last day and I don't believe I can continue." Hayate nodded and Anko called out his name. Naruto made a discreet signal to Sora, who was standing with the Hokage, for 'enemy'.

Sora turned to the Hokage, "Excuse me, What stats do you have on that man?"

Sarutobi was a little surprised but motioned to Anko, who said,"Kabuto Yakushi. Average Genin, son to a medical ninja, took the exam 7 TIMES? and always dropped out before preliminaries."

"Hmmmm Anbu!" Two ANBU appeared at the Hokage's order, "Have that man followed by a squad." He turned to Sora, "Thank you for catching him."

Sora chuckled, "Don't thank me. Thank Naruto, I simply relayed the message." The clan heads looked rather shocked aside from Hana and Tsume who were internally laughing up a storm.

Sarutobi nodded knowing the news was for the clan heads, "Very well regardless if we capture him or not. Have Naruto come by my office for a C ranked spy pay. If there is more when we capture him, He will be payed accordingly." Sora nodded and looked back at the proceedings. Apparently, the rules were explained and people were making their way to the balconey. Most of the clan heads stayed with the Hokage, however the Inuzuka's and Aburame's joined their children on the balconey.

Naruto smiled at seeing Hana even if it was standing by Kiba. He hadn't stayed near his team opting instead to stand at a midway point between all the teams. He sighed, 'This is gonna be boring! Why can't I go all out?' He thught as he watched the Screen. It lit up with Sasuke Uchuha vs. Akado Yoroi.

Naruto watched intently trying to see why Sasuke kept dodging and backing up instead of fighting. Akado decided to tell everyone about his ability to drain his opponent's chakra just by touch and Naruto frowned. 'You really shouldn't give away your only trump card.' He thought as he watched Sasuke blast Akado with a Gokakyu no Jutsu (Grand fireball technique). 'Bye Bye Akado' He smirked as Sasuke knocked him out after he barely dodged the fireball.

Shibi and Shino approached Naruto both nodding to him and joining him silently. Naruto was a little curious until Shino spoke up for once although only the three present heard him. "Naruto-san, Because of my Kikai, I was told of your burden. Over the past three months, I have not felt your 'visitor's' chakra. May I inquire as to why?"

Naruto was a little shocked and looked at Shibi, "Yes, I told him because he figured it out in class. The Hokage gave me permission. I apologize if this offends you Naruto-san."

Naruto chuckled, "Just Naruto Please! I can't stand formalities. As for the fox," At this point several of the Jounin were listening in, and Naruto scowled. "I'm afraid I cannot divulge that information because there are prying jerks around." Shibi and Shino looked around noticing the Jounin's and both of their hives got agitated.

"I apologize for my rudeness Naruto. We shall be going." Shino said.

Naruto shook his head, "Not at all Shino and please stay if you wish. It was not YOUR rudeness. If you wish to know the story, Come find me or Sora after the exams."

Shibi nodded and Shino simply stood back where he was actually comfortable with another who carried a burden that people discriminate againest. Hinata, while over her crush, still looked at the 'new' Naruto and wondered what happened to change him. The Jounin who were listening were all worried though. From what it sounded like, The Kyuubi was gone. If that was true, then where did it go?

During this time, Kankuro had fought Misumi Tsurugi and beaten him soundly. Apparently Kankuro was a puppet user and Tsurugi could contort himself like rubber. However, After getting hit with some poison, Tsurugi quickly lost the match. The screen flashed and Shino vs. Zaku came across the screen. Dosu warned Zaku about paying attention and keeping it cool. Shibi simply nodded to Shino who proceeded downstairs.

As the fight started, the Jounin approached Naruto. Kakkashi spoke up, "Naruto, What were you talking about with Shino?"

Naruto frowned and looked towards Sora who was staring rather intently at everywhere but at Naruto, "It was personal and you should know that."

Asuma stepped forward genuinly concerned, "Naruto, if there is something wrong, I'm sure my father..."

Naruto sighed, "This is personal! You have no say in the matter and neither does the Hokage. Please leave me be and return to your students." Shibi's hive was buzzing slightly because he was annoyed at the Jounin's flagrant disregard for subtlety. The Genin were all focused on them instead of the fight. Even if the fight was already a sure thing for Shino.

Kakkashi frowned and said, "Naruto, I am your sensei. I should have your trust and if there is something wrong with the fox..."

Once again Naruto cut him off with a snort, "Sensei? What right do you have to claim that title with me? In the six months, I have been on your team what have you taught me?"

Kakkashi bristled, "You have learned the value of teamwork and tree walking of course... and..." He kept thinking 'What HAVE I taught Naruto?' (to any and all Kakkashi fans, My Naruto is a bit bitter sorry for this)

Naruto scoffed, "Thats it Hatake-san. Even then, I am the ONLY one who learned teamwork. Sasuke hasn't helped since Wave and Sakura is too weak and fangirlish to care about me. You even let her hit me daily. Tell me, what have you taught Sasuke?"

By this time, Shino had won his fight and most of the eyes were on Naruto's group. Sora was smirking thinking of the smackdown Kakkashi was getting as a sensei. 'You may be a great shinobi but you allowed your so called debt to Obito to cloud your judgement.' He thought.

Kakkashi was thinking about Sasuke and his team, 'Sasuke learned the fire dragon, pheonxic fire, and of course we started his elemental manipulation. But, I really haven't taught Sakura or Naruto anything! How could I have let that happen!' His visible eye widened.

Naruto sighed and turned back to the screen that was flashing, "You know your mistake. Its too late to fix with me, maybe you can make it up to Sakura. If you can do that, I'll call you sensei again." The Jounin's were a little shocked that Kakkashi was doing this but only Gai understood why. "Don't let that fool you sensei's each of you has a weak point. Kakkashi's was just the most obvious." Naruto said. Shibi was rather impressed at how he skillfully dodged the original question and got them off on a tangent. The screen flashed for Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno. Naruto groaned as did Sora.

The clan heads near Sora heard him and Inoichi asked, "Whats wrong Sora-san?"

Sora sighed, "I'm sorry to say this, but this is gonna be a draw. Those two down there got here on the coattails of their teammates. They are fangirls of the highest caliber and while Ino may have her family Jutsu, Sakura is nothing but an academy student with a good memory. If she was to go into the medic corps or do genjutsu then she might be decent by now."

Inoichi and the rest of the clan heads frowned, "Surely you are exagerrating."

"I honestly wish I was Inoichi-san. Their sensei's and the academy system here have failed them horribly." Sora said.

Sarutobi sighed, "No matter what I do, the civilian council shoots down all progressive training for the school saying its not cost effective or that the civilian students can't pass."

Sora eyed the Hokage as they watched the fight, "You are Hokage Wyrm! Ignore them and make the changes! If you don't you will lose more shinobi than you will save. Not to mention the fate that awaits kunoichi should they be captured." Everyone winced at that. It was well known women were subjugated to rape more often than not. "Fangirls expect their knight in shining armor to always be there. When they aren't, well the results ain't pretty I'm sure you know this." Everyone nodded. They looked back at the fight to see it was indeed a draw and, while they fought admirably, their skills were terrible. Inoichi thanked Sora and said he would take to training both girls PERSONALLY if thats what it took to get them to an acceptable level. Sora smiled at that.

The next two fights were rather uninteresting. Temari was the worst possible matchup for Tenten however when Temari was about to let Tenten fall onto her fan. Sora appeared and caught Tenten. "A fighter who gave her all should be honored not humiliated Temari." He said glaring at the Suna nin who shook slightly before huffing and going back to the stands. Shikamaru vs. Kin was an intellectual battle and Kin was knocked unconcious due to the planned strategy of the famed Nara mind. As she was being taken off the field however, Naruto noticed the look the sound Jounin had in his eyes. He didn't like it one bit.

He turned to Shibi and whispered, "Sibi-san, as a favor for the story. I would like for you to take Kin Tsuchi under your protection." Shibi raised an eye at that and Naruto sighed, "I have reason to believe Otogakure is actually run by Orochimaru. If you take her into protective custody, then she could give you information. She does not have the same vicious streak as her teammates and I do not want a woman to be harmed if I can help it." Shibi nodded and walked down to the infirmiry. He would return without Kin but she was in his clan's infirmiry per her request after being offered asylum.

The screen flashed again and this time it stopped on two very important names. Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka. Naruto sighed at having to fight Kiba. He had hoped to hold off and prove his worth some other way. Still... He DID interupt Naruto's makeout time with Hana. Kiba on the other hand was whooping and hollaring. "Come on Akamaru! we got the dead last this should be easy!" he said.

Hana shook her head and said, "Kiba don't count him out that was half a year ago he has changed since then."

Kiba scowled, "Ya hes changed alright! To think you wanna date him! I won't allow it and I'll show that dobe he can't date you!" He yelled.

Now this had several reactions. Most of the clan heads were actually happy that the neglected boy had someone. Ino and Sakura, who had both woken up, wondered what she was smoking. The Hokage, Sora, and Anko were smirking up a storm. Most of the guys were congratulating Naruto in their minds except for Shino who looked at Naruto and then gave him a low five! Naruto was smiling like he won the lottery. Hana was blushing so red that Hinata would be put to shame. Unfortunatly, She was standing near Hinata and Kurenai when that was said and once it sunk in... well she had two beams of concentrated KI coming at her. Tsume was grinning like a madman but that faded as she felt her daughter take a step back towards her.

Hana glanced at Hinata and Kurenai to see both of them pissed. Kurenai for Hinata because despite breaking her obsessive need to get near the boy, she hadn't totally broken her heart. She just wasn't that cruel. Hinata, on the other hand, was pissed because she hadn't given up on Naruto. She had only pretended to so her sensei would get off her back. So here we are, with Hana being a little scared. That is until Kiba and Naruto appeared downstairs and everyone turned their attention to them.

"Dobe. I'm gonna beat you and once I do you will not date my sister got it?" Kiba said with a snarl. Akamaru was actually hiding in Kiba's jacket. He could tell something was off about Naruto and that he had gained "Alpha" status.

Naruto growled softly and pulled out a scroll before wiping blood and some chakra on it. "Your sister choses who to date mutt. If she wants to date me, well who am I to deny such a lovely lady?" Shiroi appeared in front of Naruto, with a puff of smoke, in her battle armor. She eyed Kiba before yipping in happiness as she dropped into a fighting stance.

Up in the stands, Hana was blushing again and Tsume was chuckling, "Looks like your mate is a smooth talker. I wonder if his tongue is good for anything else?"

"MOM!" Hana said indignantly. 'Still looks like I was right about Shiroi. She has had some training.' She thought. 'Your mom was right though his tongue IS good (feral grin)'

Naruto stared at Kiba for a few minutes as Akamaru feebly jumped out of the jacket. "Shiroi-chan, why don't you play with Akamaru for a little while? I wanna fight Kiba one on one."

"Fine with me dobe! Akamaru take care of that fox!" Kiba said confidantly.

Shiroi and Akamaru shared a look before Akamaru looked at Kiba with a 'What the FUCK are you smoking?' look. Shiroi, on the other hand, desummoned her armor. (yes shes able to do that). She slowly sauntered over to Akamaru who had his eyes glued to her form. She walked right in front of him and then trotted past him wipping her tail across his snout before dashing over to a corner. Akamaru blinked twice before his mind rebooted and he quickly took off after the vixen. Everyone noticed they had stopped in a corner and Shiroi was scratching behind Akamaru's ear as his foot thumped agianest the ground.

Tsume and Hana were laughing while Kiba looked positivly outraged. Naruto chuckled and then said, "Well she IS a vixen after all. Not what I meant but that works too." Shiroi just gave him a foxy grin.

Kiba glared at Naruto and said, "Let's start this already. I need to defeat this dobe!" With a shout of "Hajime" from Hayate, Kiba dashed forward. He threw a straight right which Naruto dodged and threw his own right which was blocked by Kiba who jumped back. He growled lightly and yelled, "Shikyaku no Jutsu!" (Four legs technique) His nails grew longer into claws and He looked more feral. He crouched down on all four limbs. "Let's see you block this! Tsuga!" (Spining Fang) He jumped and spun in midair, becoming a whirlwind of motion, charging straight for Naruto.

Naruto was rather impressed. He had seen this move before and knew it was not an easy one to learn. He made the hand seal to release his weights and, just before he got hit, disappeared. Kiba stopped spinning and landed looking around. "Where are you!" he yelled trying to pinpoint him with his smell. Naruto chuckled to himself and dropped from the ceiling. When he was in range he yelled, "Ryu Koka!"(Dragon's Descent) He flipped in midair and brought his heel down straight into the back of Kiba's head and the force knocked him halfway across the arena.

"Kiba, Your a good fighter, but you should stay out of your sister's business. You have no right." Naruto said.

Kiba stood up and spit out some blood from his mouth, "BULLSHIT! Theres no way your worthy of my sister."

Naruto sighed and his eyes glowed a deeper blue for a second before he said, "As you wish, Kiba. I will beat you with my next attack. If I don't, I won't date your sister."

Kiba's eyes lit up and he smirked, "Fine! Let's see what you got."

Up in the stands, Tsume and Hana were a little worried. They didn't want Kiba to die for his stupidity. "Don't worry. He won't kill him. Although this will probably hurt if he's gonna do what I think he is." Sora said. They nodded at him at returned to watching the match.

With the clan heads, Choza spoke up, "Why do you believe in him? He is strong but how do you know what he's going to do Sora-san?"

Sora chuckled, "Sarutobi didn't tell you? I trained the hatchling. Why else would I join the senseis? Luckily for me Kakkashi let a gold mine slip away. I simply capitalized on it."

The clan heads were both shocked and intrigued. How had this man made Naruto that strong in only three months? They'd probably never guess that mass shadow clones and A LOT of physical workout helped.

Naruto smiled and said, "Well Kiba this is it. Sorry but this is gonna hurt... ALOT!" Naruto blurred from veiw as he charged at Kiba. No one saw the lightning chakra accumulated in his hands. He quickly took Kiba's feet out from under him before he punched him into the air. He appeared infront of Kiba and threw mutliple strikes that would have killed him had naruto not held back, following this he twisted in midair backhanding Kiba into the ground before landing beside him. As he landed though he spoke in a calm voice, "Ryu Rendan!"(Dragon's Barrage).

Kiba coughed barely conscious. "Well Kiba? You haven't touched me this entire fight. I just beat you with one move. Still think I'm a dobe or weak?" Naruto asked seriously.

Kiba shook his head but said, "Why can't I move?"

"Simple I charged my hits with lightning chakra. It'll take about three hours for your body to flush it out and you'll be fine aside from some bruising. I held back." Naruto replied.

Kiba nodded and fell into unconsciousness as the medics took him away. Naruto lightning shunshinned to Hana and frowned slightly, "Sorry about hurting him but he needed to keep out of your business." Hana chuckled. Tsume sighed and took off to the infirmary. Hinata and Kurenai were still glaring daggers at Hana who had moved to stand next to Naruto's spot before. Most were surprised at his win and Sasuke was wanting the power he exhibited. Kakkashi was still a little lost but understood Naruto's comment about himself and he resolved to help Sakura during the month break even if she wasn't in the finals.

Hana smiled as the screen rolled and all eyes turned to see the next match. She quickly turned to Naruto and gave him a 10 second tongue war before whispering,"Enough for now. Watch the fights. Don't wanna get caught by Hinata."

Naruto frowned and said, "I don't really understand. She supposedly likes me yet can't say it? If she had..."

Hana nodded as they saw Hinata vs. Neji. "She is a shy one but if she can't lay a claim then you aren't off limits... besides, " she grinned ferally, "Your MINE now so don't even think about it."

Naruto chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist saying, "Never! But that doesn't mean I can't be her friend right? She looks like she could use one."

Hana shook her head, "As long as I'm here, I don't mind friendship. Try anything more and you'll lose what makes you a man ok sweety?" she said sweetly at the end.

Naruto shook he head vigorously. He watched as Neji put Hinata down with mind games and saw how Hiashi seemed to actually nod at one point! How could someone in your own family not believe in you? He was outraged.

"Hinata! Don't listen to that crap!" Naruto said, "Everyone has strength to fight all you have to do is believe in yourself. Fuck what others think!"

Hinata looked at Naruto thankfully and activated her Byakugan saying, "Naruto-kun is right! However, you are the one who is denying his fate Neji-nii-san."

Sora frowned as he watched the fight. No one was inherently that shy and had such low self esteem someone had to work on it. He looked at Anko and remembered she was friends with Kurenai, "Say Hebi-hime, "Most people gasped that he called her that and didn't die, "why does Hinata have such low self esteem?"

Anko sighed and thought for a minute, "Nai-chan once said that her family berates her constantly because she is too kind for their image. Her father brutally spars with her and she holds back so she doesn't hurt her little sister. At least thats what she told me."

Hiashi spoke up, "She is worthless as a clan heir. She is far to kind and she does not possess the necessary will to carry on as a clan head."

Sora turned and was about to burn the man into ashes when Sarutobi spoke up, "I know you aren't happy Sora-san but it is a clan matter. I cannot interfere."

Sora growled as he watched Hinata get struck in the heart a second time. She had put up a far better fight than many thought possible. Heck Even Hanabi had not faired this well against Neji. She stood once again and this time Neji was going for the kill. The Jounin quickly appeared and held him back. "Special treatment for the main branch? tch how typical."

"Take another look fate's bitch." Sora said. Neji looked straight forward to see a hand covered in lightning chakra barely three inches from his face with his pointer and pinky fingers where Neji's pupil's should be. "You were just saved from blindness. Naruto calm down!" He said sternly.

Hinata coughed up blood and the medics arrived just to say they couldn't help her. "Sensei? Can you do something?" Naruto asked.

Sora sighed, "Ryu Mashi!" (Dragon's Mercy) Silver Chakra poured into Hinata's wounds and healed them. Sora sat back breathing hard. "Dammit. I'm not a healer so this takes about three times the normal amount and even then this is the best healing jutsu we have." he looked at Hiashi and Hanabi who were both staring at Hinata with disgust. even though he was tired, now he was pissed. "Alright Wyrm, You can't do anything BUT I SURE AS HELL CAN!" Sora disappeared and then reappeared next to Hinata with Hiashi and Hanabi.

"What do you think you are doing?" Hiashi asked coldly.

"Tamashi Tenso!" (Soul Transfer) Sora yelled as his chakra enveloped the three family members. After about a minute it died down and Hiashi and Hanabi started gasping for air with tears running down their faces. "Next time you beat up your daughter or sister remember the pain you just felt. Because I'm sure you know, she's not weak." Sora said leaving them there and returning to the stands sitting next to the Hokage seat. The Hyuuga's were lead to a private Infirmiry room.

"What did you do?" Sarutobi asked.

Sora sighed, "Something forbidden but I don't care. I forced them to feel the pain of every strike they ever gave Hinata, as well as the emotional backlash from them." He explained.

Most of the clan heads seemed to agree with his punishment actually. Sarutobi nodded and they watched the next fight. Sabaku no Gaara vs Rock Lee.

Naruto was being held by Hana who understood why he reacted so badly. How could family hurt themselves like that? They both looked up as Lee yelled about FLAMES OF YOUTH! They turned just in time to see the fabled unbreakable sunset genjutsu. Hana screamed and Naruto jumped into action. "BYAKURAI, BYAKURAI, BYAKURAI, BYAKURAI!" About two minutes later and alot of dodging on Lee and Gai's part. they stopped. "Never again you understand me?" Naruto yelled, "No genjutsu! Flames of Youth are fine. got it?" Both nodded their heads. Gai from behind Sora and Lee from behind Hana. ( the only two safe places)

Sarutobi stuck his pipe in his mouth and said, "Naruto-kun, Please report to my office once these exams are over." Everyone thought he would be fined or something, well the Gennin and Jounin anyways, "You have just completed your first S ranked mission congrats!" Everyone sweatdropped, while Kakkashi just shook Naruto's surprised hand.

Gaara stood down in the Arena slightly annoyed and yet fearful at the same time. That genjutsu was scary but the lightning bolts all over was even scarier than that! When Lee finally started the match it looked like He wouldn't be able to harm Gaara at all. Until he took of his weights that is. Man he was fast! Sora and Naruto noticed the demonic chakra and bloodlust coming from Gaara after Lee used his attack. They weren't going to let him get hurt for something stupid like a match. Naruto looked at Sora who pointed to himself, at which Naruto nodded and let his Aniki settle things.

As the sand wave was about to grab Lee's arm and leg, Lee was suddenly gone. "This match is over control yourself Gaara." Sora said. He whispered to Lee, "I'm sorry I stepped in but he would have crippled you otherwise." Lee simply nodded knowing he couldn't have escaped.

Gaara was proclaimed the winner but he spoke up, "Why is mother afraid of you?" he asked.

Sora gave a grin, "Dragon's bow to no ONE hatchling." He replied.

Gaara seemed satisfied and the Suna shinobi breathed a sigh of relief. The last match was Dosu vs. Coji. Unfortunatly, Choji, while motivated, lost due to crashing into the wall and being unconscious.

Sarutobi stood up and gave a big ol' speech about the importance of the exams and how it helps keep the peace while people drew their lots. The final matchups were decided.

Naruto vs. Neji

Gaara vs. Shino

Kankuro vs. Sasuke

Shikamaru vs. Temari

winner vs Dosu

"Please prepare for the next month and we hope to see you all at the Chunin exam finals!" Sarutobi said before dismissing them. He looked at Naruto who was celebrating with his Girlfriend and brother and new found sister. He smiled brightly, 'With Sora by your side Naruto, I know you'll be ready for your father's name.'

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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