
The Terror Continues

--Namek-- Zarbon's perspective right before the arrival of the pods.

After leaving the destroyed namekian village, my heart still racing from the victory against Zeuun, I soared through the vast expanse of the sky, scanning my surroundings. With every gust of wind brushing against my skin, I focused my energy and closed my eyes, delving deep into my senses. It didn't take long for my heightened perception to pick up on multiple powerful ki signatures, resonating not too far from my current location.

My instincts pulsated with anticipation as these unmistakable energy readings sparked a sense of familiarity within me. Memories surged through my mind, reminding me of the slug jins I had absorbed to bolster my strength. With a seamless glide, I effortlessly traversed through the air, propelled by my ki. As I drew closer to their source, my heart quickened once more, echoing the rush of adrenaline that coursed through my veins.

Summoning my status window, I could feel a surge of eagerness as I accessed the translucent display of vital information before me. Its ethereal presence came alive, painting a detailed portrait of my capabilities and serving as a trusted companion on this perilous journey ahead. With this empowering tool at my disposal, I gathered my thoughts, honed my focus, and prepared to confront my soon to be opponents that awaited me.

Status Window:

Name: Zarbon

Power Level: 45,000. [...]The power level experienced a dramatic surge after absorbing and assimilating Vegeta's formidable full power Galick Gun. Vegeta, the prince of Saiyans, and the lifeforce of the slug jins were the sources of this remarkable increase in power.

Assimilation rate: 55.9% [...] The assimilation rate level surged as a result of intense clashes with Vegeta and Zeuun, respectively.

Transformation: Monster form- [...]

Potential: High. [...]

Karma: -950 points. [...] The decrease was rather subtle due to the removal of malevolent individuals.

Skills and Techniques: absorption, Flight, Martial Arts (Intermediate), Ki Control, Elegant Blaster, Telekinesis (Intermediate), Monster Crush, absorbed heal ...etc.

Trait: Demonic Impact Physique - By harnessing the power of ki, individuals can tap into an extraordinary wellspring of strength. This enables them to infuse their muscles with heightened ki levels, surpassing ordinary limits. With this profound ability, they unlock immense physical strength, transcending boundaries and gaining an unparalleled advantage in combat scenarios.

Zarbon, a remarkably gifted individual hailing from the planet XXX, possesses an inherently high power level that sets him apart. However, fate has taken an unexpected turn as an unfortunate soul finds themselves transmigrated into this body, forever changing the course of destiny. With this unexpected occurrence, his power level has not only doubled but also spiraled into uncharted territory, catapulting him into a realm of unimaginable strength and prowess. The mere mention of his name shall strike fear into the hearts of those who dare challenge him, as they become acutely aware of the sheer magnitude of his extraordinary abilities.

I soon noticed several differences in my status window from the last time I inspected it. The rise in my power level was obvious to me, as I had successfully integrated some of the ki I had absorbed into my own. Surprisingly, my karma had decreased, and my assimilation rate had gone up, leaving me both intrigued and puzzled. While I still didn't fully comprehend the concept of assimilation, I was aware that karma would play a significant role in determining my fate, whether it led me to heaven or hell in the event of my death. I also noticed the addition of something called trait, I put it in the back of my mind for now.

Amidst the use of my absorption skill, one vital detail caught my attention - whenever I absorbed someone's ki, the absorbed energy was absorbed by my body however it wasn't stored inside my own body but rather in an unknown location which I decided to name the absorption storage for now. Curiously, the specifics of where the energy was stored didn't concern me as long as my ability to harness it functioned properly. If the absorbed ki were to accumulate within my physical form, I feared the overwhelming power might exceed my body's limits, leading to a catastrophic explosion.

Nevertheless, an innate understanding emerged through the use of this remarkable ability. I realized that I could absorb the ki of individuals even stronger than myself, which filled me with gratitude towards the mysterious grantor of this power, who had thrust me into this reality. Of course, there were limits to absorbing energy from those considerably mightier than me. Hypothetically speaking, after some rough estimation, I believed I could absorb ki from someone even twenty times more powerful than myself. However, this calculation accounted for absorbing ki blasts specifically. In the case of an unsuspecting Frieza peacefully slumbering, for instance, I could absorb his ki simply by making physical contact with him. The rules slightly differed when it came to absorbing ki blasts or energy attacks thrown at me, as I could only absorb energy from those near my own power level or up to twenty times higher. Moreover, by absorbing at least twenty percent of the life force within someone or their ki, It allows me to assimilate a fraction of their abilities, harnessing their skills as my own, along with their fighting experience.

To summarize, if I successfully absorb all the ki or lifeforce within someone, it not only grants them an assisted death but also allows me to harness their lifeforce, known as ki. Moreover, I gain their formidable fighting experience and skills, which undoubtedly makes me incredibly overpowered. I hope that the author does not decide to weaken my abilities in any future updates, as the current state of my power is truly remarkable. Truly, this unique ability adds an intriguing layer of complexity to the narrative.

The intricate nuances of this newfound ability fascinated me, leaving me with an insatiable desire to unravel its secrets and explore further realms of power and potential. I decided to find a way to increase the power of my absorption and also increase the range from which I could draw ki. Although this process will be arduous, I eventually hoped it will allow me to absorb even greater quantities of energy from powerful opponents. The newfound capabilities will be detrimental in my fights against stronger foes, as it will be easier to overwhelm them.

Shortly after, I recalled the status window and noticed, from a considerable distance, a group of individuals adorned in the distinctive Slug Jin uniforms. As I weighed my options, contemplating the abandonment of stealth, a thought crossed my mind with a tinge of apprehension, 'their army must surely be well-informed by now. Undoubtedly, they are aware that an unknown assailant not only dismantled one of their squads but also managed to eliminate one of their elite fighters with unparalleled precision.' With a mix of determination and caution, I sent my ki senses out to inspect one more time, sweeping the area meticulously, for one can never be too careful amidst such a situation. As the waves of ki information reached my senses, I felt a powerful presence, not surpassing my own strength but undoubtedly emanating an aura slightly more potent than even the formidable Zeuun, among the ranks of the enemy.

I made a calculated decision to forsake stealth, halting my approach and finding refuge behind a small hill. With a surge of anticipation, I swiftly transformed into my monstrous form, causing my outfit to be ravaged, particularly the area over my chest, arms, and legs. Undeterred by the consequences, I pressed forward towards my targets, fueled by an overwhelming power. Aware that the individual likely already sensed my presence, much like Zeuun who possessed the formidable ability to detect my ki, I couldn't help but assume that this fellow harbored similar capabilities. It was imperative for me to harness my full power, determined not to repeat the same error I had committed with Zeuun in the past. Lost in reminiscence, my hand instinctively brushed against the right side of my neck, a lingering reminder of the potential consequences I had narrowly escaped due to my own arrogance and carelessness. With this poignant memory etched in my mind, I propelled through the celestial skies, my incredible speed propelling me forward with an unyielding sense of purpose.

Soon enough, I arrived at their location, which turned out to be another Namekian village. With utmost caution, I descended slowly until I reached the ground and concealed myself atop a hill on the left side of the village. From there, I cautiously peered down and surveyed the scene unfolding below. To my surprise, there were several slug-jins scouring the area in pairs, their frantic movements indicating an intense search. It seemed as though they were desperately seeking something of great importance.

Among the slug-jins stood a towering figure, exuding a sense of power and authority. Clad in the same outfit as the others, this individual had a distinguishing feature—an imposing helmet with a red visor resembling an upside-down, enlarged triangle. As if that wasn't enough to set him apart, he sported two demonic-looking wings gracefully attached to his back.

"Dorodabo," I quietly muttered, recognizing the individual instantly upon laying eyes on him. He was undoubtedly another henchman of Slug's, or rather, he used to be, since I had every intention of eliminating him today. It appeared that he had sensed my presence, though unable to pinpoint my exact location.

I engaged in a lengthy debate, carefully weighing the multitude of potential courses of action available to me. The sly tactic I had successfully employed with the previous squad, silently maneuvering and absorbing them one by one, proved unreliable this time. After meticulous consideration, I ultimately decided to stick with the frontal approach, which I had initially deemed inevitable. Before proceeding, I cast a final glance in Dorodabo or Wing's direction, catching him engrossed in a conversation with a slug jin, most likely the squad captain. The stroke of luck manifested itself as a perfect distraction, diverting his attention to some extent. Focusing my mind, I channeled my ki, tapping into an extraordinary level of strength that surpassed my usual capabilities, courtesy of the acquired trait. With one swift movement, I traversed the distance with unparalleled grace and speed, seemingly phasing out of existence and reappearing mere inches behind Wings. The sudden appearance caught him completely off guard, as I'm certain he could feel the immense ki signature that now lingered right behind him. The tension in the air was palpable as the gravity of the situation sank in for both of them.

With precision, before he could react, I swiftly launched my right hand, tightly clenched into a fist, aiming right where the vulnerable curve of his spine should be. In that split second, time seemed to slow down as my body surged with an unbelievable amount of ki, my focus sharpening on the target. Every muscle in my arm tensed, ready to unleash a powerful strike. -A calculated strike, fueled by a surge of ki, adrenaline and unwavering determination, ready to seize the moment and overcome any challenge that lies ahead. The force of my fist collided with his armor, piercing through his back and penetrating deep into his body. As it made its way further, it shattered multiple vertebrae in his spine before finally making a brutal exit just to the right of the center of his chest. This adrenaline-filled moment was marked by an unrelenting determination, delivering a powerful blow that proved fatal. "Gawrk!!" I heard him say, a pained exclamation escaping his lips. I could hear saliva, mixed with a trickle of blood, fall from his mouth, adding to the grim scene. With difficulty, he managed to utter, "That... was... not... fair..." The words hanging heavy in the air, his struggle for articulation mirrored the intensity of his agony.

Deciding not to waste time, I swiftly activated my unique ability to absorb his life energy. Within a mere twenty seconds, his body quickly vanished into thin air and tiny light particles, leaving behind nothing but his torn clothes, bearing a hole as wide as my arm. The sequence of events unfolded so rapidly that the squad captain, frozen in both fear and astonishment, remained motionless for those fleeting moments while my ability was actively absorbing Wings's ki.

Without further delay, the captain emerged from his stupor and directed his right arm towards the sky, unleashing a vibrant blast of yellow-hued ki energy that ascended swiftly before detonating in the atmosphere, generating a gentle gust of wind. I couldn't help but shake my head disapprovingly at his seemingly wasteful utilization of ki, which soon would become mine.

Shortly after, numerous Slug-jins quickly materialized around me, gradually forming a tightly encircled barrier. Indifferent to their presence and too lethargic to pursue each one individually, I allowed them to assemble, entertaining the possibility that one might attempt an escape out of sheer fear, unlikely as it may be. After all, one can never be too certain of the unexpected.

I heard one of them say, in a booming voice that resonated across the entire area, a voice filled with a combination of disbelief and dread, "What happened, sir!! Where is Lord Dorodabo? what is this croc-like Monster?" The squad leader, visibly shaken and trembling, fear evident in every quiver of his voice, responded with great difficulty, "He... He... He is dead." The captain's response hung in the air, suspended in a moment of absolute silence, so profound that even the faintest sound would disrupt the heavy weight of the reality that had just unfolded. In that moment, a hushed calm settled over the vicinity, as if time itself paused to witness the impact of those haunting words on the faces of all present. Their eyes widened, their breaths held tight, while the collective gulp of their swallowed saliva became an eerie echo, mingling with the expressions etched on each face - a mixture of shock, disbelief, and unadulterated terror.

Without warning, I moved my arm, causing all of them to instinctively point their hands towards me, their palms open and facing my direction. Suddenly, one of them shrieked, "Don't move! You're surrounded! Surrender now!" I glanced in his direction and noticed him cowering behind one of his fellow squad mates, attempting to shield himself from the imminent danger.

But I was not one to back down easily. In that tense and precarious moment, as the tension hung in the air, I made a calculated decision. Seeing the opportunity to assert a disguise, I stepped into the role of a cunning villain. With a chilling deep, grave tone in my voice, I proclaimed confidently, "I think you misunderstand something here. The one who is truly surrounded is not me, but you." As my words echoed through the room, a gasp escaped their lips, their startled expressions revealing the realization that the table was not in their favor in this unexpected turn of events.

In a split second, I moved with astonishing speed, appearing before their leader. With a mere touch, I absorbed his ki, resulting in his body vanishing into thin air, leaving behind only his discarded clothes as evidence of his existence. The air crackled with energy, as the remaining squad members stood frozen in disbelief, now facing a new and uncertain fate.

I repeated the process yet again, this time targeting another slug-jin. As I initiated my dance, a symphony of loud wails, infused with sheer fright, echoed all around. The slug-jins, realizing the danger, attempted to flee, but my lightning-fast movements and overwhelming power left them frozen in their tracks. With precision and finesse, I absorbed their ki, one by one, ensuring not a single fragment escaped my grasp.

Once the dance concluded, a scattered collection of clothes lay strewn in a near perfect circle, hinting at the power that coursed through me. Taking swift action, I swiftly gathered their discarded garments, stashing one in my capsule and adorning myself in a new one. The remaining attires met a fiery fate, consumed by a minuscule but potent ki blast, reducing them to mere ashes.

With my now refined and heightened senses, I diligently searched for more power signatures. As my senses became attuned to the surroundings, they registered the presence of several powers swiftly traversing away from my current location. Without a moment's hesitation, fueled by a surge of excitement, I leapt up and propelled myself forward at my maximum speed, eager to absorb more exp.

---Namek--- unknown pov---

"Toonya... Toonya... Toonya, do you copy?" I heard the urgent calls over the coms, repeatedly echoing in my ears. Slightly exasperated, I pressed the speaker button, revealing my annoyance as I responded, "Yes, I copy. What do you have to report?"

The voice on the other end wasted no time in delivering the grim news, "Wings' life signal has disappeared. It is highly likely that he has been killed." The words hit me like a punch to the gut, and I couldn't help but exclaim loudly, complete surprise lacing my voice, "What?! First it was ZEUUN and squad 1, and now Wings. What about Squad 3? Did they manage to survive?"

The response I received was mind-boggling, "No, all of squad 3 has been decimated as well." A happy tch sound escaped me, the realization sinking in that none of them stood a chance against this formidable enemy. I pressed further, my curiosity piqued, "Do we have any visual confirmation?"

The answer I received left me slightly slumped, my happiness dwindling. "No, this adversary is cunning. He disguised himself as one of the slug jins, making it nearly impossible for us to identify him." The revelation struck a chord within me, as most powerful warriors in the universe would typically forego stealth if their strength was unmatched.

Kakuja, our resident scientist, chimed in, sharing more unsettling details, "This individual is not only powerful, but his battle with Zeuun was recorded through the armor body cams. He completely overwhelmed Zeuun after he transformed and, caught Wings off guard, resulting in his demise. Remarkably, his transformation bears a striking resemblance to yours."

With astonishment lacing my voice, I processed the information I had just received, barely able to comprehend it. "What! Quick, send me the video through my interface. I need to see this for myself."

After my urgent plea, I anxiously awaited his response. Finally, I heard him say with determination, "I will! But first, Lord Slug wants everyone back at the base to regroup and reinforce the squads with the reserves." His words echoed through the commotion that surrounded me, the urgency in his voice palpable.

Pausing momentarily, he continued, "After analyzing the data from the cameras, we noticed something alarming. Every single Namekian village that our forces have journeyed to has already fallen victim to ruthless attacks by some unknown beings." The gravity of his words hung heavy in the air, causing a chill to run down my spine.

Adding to my growing concern, he revealed, "Moreover, Taroung and Squad 5, our brave allies in this dangerous mission, encountered a group of Frieza's soldiers while on their way to secure the dragon balls. It seems highly likely that Frieza, the formidable tyrant himself, has already managed to acquire all seven dragon balls, increasing the urgency of our race against time." The implications of this shocking revelation sent powerful shockwaves through my mind, leaving me unnerved and uncertain about the future. Frieza's unexpected presence on Namek undoubtedly complicated the delicate balance of power and added an extra layer of unpredictability to the already challenging situation I faced.

Without a moment's hesitation, I swiftly conjured my response, my unwavering resolve radiating through my words. "Frieza lurking on Namek? Now things just got interesting," I conceded, preparing myself for the daunting obstacles lying in wait. "Inform Lord Slug that I'll rally the troops and be back in a flash."

A brief pause followed my statement, then a subtle "hmm hmm" sound emerged, conveying a deep understanding of the situation. With a swift motion, I terminated the communication, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief as the connection dissolved into the abyss. A faint smile crept upon my lips, an acknowledgment of the fortuitous turn of events that had so unexpectedly unfolded before me. Deep down within the core of my being, a profound gratitude began to surge, directed towards the mysterious benefactor who was dispatching Slug's elite warriors. Their intervention had assuredly tilted the scales in my favor.

As I sought to secure the dragon balls and fulfill my deepest desires, a simmering fire ignited within my soul, the flames of vengeance burning brighter with each passing moment. My plan, meticulously crafted over the course of months, had already been set into motion. However, when Slug unveiled his audacious ambition to seize the wish-granting dragon balls hidden on Namek, the unforeseen turn of events caused my resolve to waver. The allure of accompanying him, indulging in the tantalizing temptation of prolonging his lingering fate, proved to be utterly irresistible.

"Squad 6, squad 7 Assemble!" I exclaimed with a voice that carried a magnificent resonance, captivating the attention of my loyal subordinates. The bustling commotion that had engulfed the atmosphere swiftly dissipated as the squads swiftly fell into precise formation, aligning themselves with utmost precision. Every squad captain stood erect, positioned just a few centimeters ahead of their respective teams, radiating authority and unity.

I patiently waited, my eyes scanning the surroundings, until the silence enveloped the area like a protective cloak. The stillness amplified the weight of my next words. With a powerful and authoritative voice, I declared, my voice cutting through the hushed atmosphere, "We will be returning to base."

The statement reverberated through the ranks, the soundwaves echoing in the hearts of each member. A wave of murmurs rose and fell, swirling with hesitation and anticipation. Yet, within the uncertainty, there was an air of unwavering trust in my command.

Amidst the murmurs, the captain of one squad stepped forward, his concern evident in the furrow of his brows and the glint of worry in his eyes. He spoke with a mix of respect and trepidation, "But Lady Toonya, we have not found the dragon balls yet. Won't Lord Slug be upset if we return now?"

The weight of their expectations settled upon me, but my resolve remained unshaken. I gazed into the captain's eyes, the flicker of determination dancing within my own. With a steady voice, I assured him, "As warriors, we must also employ strategy. Returning now will ensure our strength for the battles to come. Lord Slug will understand the value of patience and preparation."

Then, I shook my head slightly, my unwavering expression hidden by my cloaks' hood, as I Continued, "Bessides, Lord Slug himself has ordered our return." Understanding swept across all of them and they nodded in acknowledgement. With a surge of determination, I propelled myself into the sky, effortlessly defying gravity. The Slug-jins, loyal to their core, replicated my motion, fearlessly soaring through the air to join me on our journey back to the spaceship.

I continued trekking through the Namekian sky at an exhilarating speed, feeling the rush of the wind against my hidden face. Something unusual started occurring as I ventured further into the vast expanse of the Namekian sky, heading towards our intended destination. One by one, the ki signatures of my subordinates began disappearing, leaving me with a deep sense of unease. Sensing a strong ki presence nearby, I remained composed and continued on my flight, determined not to give away my suspicion.

'It's most likely the very person who casually took the lives of Zeuun and Wings,' I thought to myself, silently thanking this individual again for his action. Honing my senses to pinpoint his exact location, I soon spotted him through my heightened perception. Adorned in an outfit reminiscent of the Slug-jins, he would stealthily emerge from an unknown location to where the furthest Slug jin was, wrapping his arms around the unsuspecting party member neck, thus preventing them from making a sound, before vanishing once again. I glanced towards the squad captains, who seemed oblivious to the unfolding enigma. Choosing not to alert anyone, I decided to keep a close eye on this mysterious individual, allowing him to continue his machinations undisturbed, while I strategized my next move.

Deciding to mess with the individual, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of my beautiful lips, I indulged in a moment of playful anticipation. With precise calculation, I pondered his next appearance, feeling the thrill of the game coursing through my veins. And then, in perfect synchrony, right before the being materialized, I unleashed a devastating ki blast in the very spot he phased into existence, masking my intentions entirely. The sheer force of the blast caused an explosion that reverberated across the vast expanse of the namekian sky, the resulting gusts of wind weaving through the landscape. To my utmost delight, the blast's impact also obliterated some of the slug jins lingering in the background, adding a sprinkle of unexpected victory to this exhilarating encounter.

I noticed one of the captains, Captain Ugly I coined him, state in shock, "What is the meaning of this, Lady Toonya?" His voice filled with astonishment and concern. I calmly looked at his mask where his eyes should be and replied, my voice steady, "I felt a powerful ki surge in the back of the ranks. It's most likely the guy that's been posing as one of you." As my words sank in, the other captain, I inwardly named Captain Fugly, who had been standing beside him, furrowed his brows and nodded in agreement. The gravity of the situation hit them both simultaneously, and they turned their attention back to me, no longer questioning my authority. Taking charge of the situation, I stated assertively, "All of you continue on your way back to the spaceship. I'll take care of him." The captains, with complete trust and unwavering loyalty, responded in unison, "We will execute your command, Lady Toonya."

They quickly gathered the remaining slug jins that had managed to evade the impact of the explosion, organizing themselves and swiftly departing from the chaotic scene. As time passed, the thick smoke dissipating into thin air, an enigmatic figure came into view, much to my surprise, showing no signs of harm . While I didn't exert my full strength, I most certainly attest to having injected a considerable amount of power into that blast. It was at that moment that everything became clear - I finally comprehended how this individual could fearlessly confront adversaries like Zeuun and that damned pig, Dorodabo.

He glanced at me, his facial features hidden by the sleek weirdly shaped, slug-jin helmet that covered his head. With a wry tone in his voice, he spoke, his voice muffled by the secure faceguard, "Didn't your parents ever tell you not to randomly throw ki blasts at people?" I couldn't help but let out a light chuckle at his remark, a mischievous glint in my eyes, as I casually replied, "No, In fact, they encouraged me to throw ki blasts at individuals who pretend to be something they're not." Upon hearing me he responded " fair enough" to which I lightly laughed, This fellow is surprisingly really easy to communicate with unlike Slug Soldiers.

I swiftly ripped away my communication devices, taking a moment to delicately detach them from my person. Fueled by an electrifying blend of determination and urgency, I mercilessly obliterated them, leaving no trace to be found.

Out of curiosity, I couldn't resist adopting a more serious tone as I asked, "So, who are you exactly?" Deep down, both of us knew that this enigmatic being before me couldn't possibly be a Slug-jin.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he quickly replied, "No can do! How about this: I'll reveal my identity, but only if you show me your face first." The air was filled with anticipation as we both stood there, intrigued by the unfolding mystery.

Clearing my throat, I took a moment to regain my composure. With a deep breath, I confidently proclaimed, "I am a demon, a warrior from Under Lord Slug. As you may already know, we demons cannot expose our faces to the piercing sunlight."

I quickly heard him make a disapproving tch sound, his voice tinged with a bit of frustration, as he firmly said, "You know, I am not an idiot. If you were a demon, you'd be wearing the same stuff as the slug-jins, but that's definitely not what you're rocking right now."

I was trapped with no visible escape route and desiring to avoid an unnecessary confrontation, I slowly removed my hood, revealing my face with a mischievous smile. With a touch of cheekiness, I couldn't help but say, "Well, well, well, are you happy now that you've been graced with the sight of my face?"

I couldn't help but notice his audible gasp as he laid eyes upon my captivating face. Most people, regardless of gender, tend to have that stunned look on their face when they catch a glimpse of my secret weapon - my incredibly charming and mesmerizingly beautiful face. "Seems like I have quite an impact on you. Now, no need to wait any longer – go ahead and take off the helmet" I said with enthusiasm, eagerly anticipating the unveiling.

With a gradual and deliberate motion, he started to slowly but surely take off the helmet he had on. As it was lifted, it revealed a captivatingly devilish and pleasantly handsome face that caught me by surprise.

His face could easily rival the handsomest of individuals, surpassing even the likes of little Taroung and that insufferable Angila in terms of beauty. What caught my attention even more was the striking resemblance he bore to my late father, from the light blue tint of his skin to the sleek, flawless dark green hair that adorned his head. His eyes, just as captivating, held a unique shade of light with yellow reptilian irises, just like my father's.

He even sported the same accessories, the tiara and earrings, that were once worn by my beloved late father. This revelation shook me to my core, inadvertently causing my power level to surge beyond his, as I commanded authoritatively with a subtle frown on my face, "Seriously, who are you?"

At first, He was startled by my power, but, his initial surprise quickly gave way to composure as he replied, "I am Zarbon, prince of Planet XXX and personal advisor to Frieza, Emperor of the Universe."

His response, as unexpected as it was, shocked me even more as I never fathomed that I would come across a prince from the very planet where my father hailed from, right here on Namek. Unable to contain my excitement, I exclaimed with an elated expression, "Wait, you are from the same planet as my dad, and you work for Frieza!"

His head tilted slightly in astonishment at my statement, and with a barely audible mutter, he whispered, "Fuck, the timeline is completely messed up."

'What the hell does that mean?' I thought to myself, my brow furrowed as I tried to make sense of his enigmatic words. But, soon memories of my father's tales flooded my mind, recounting how most of his race, a race of proud transforming-type warriors, served under the brutal reign of King Cold's family.

I then timidly approached him, my heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. As I gently extended my hand, my fingers gingerly traced the contours of his left cheek, overwhelmed by the uncanny resemblance. A rush of bittersweet emotions swirled within me, as tears welled up in my eyes, poised to spill over. With a voice quivering with sentiment, I softly whispered, "You look so much like my dad."

He grasped my hand tightly, his touch lingering for a moment as he spoke with a playful tone, "I think we may have skipped a couple of steps here, going straight to physical touch. What's next ?" As his words sank in, a mix of surprise and realization washed over me. I swiftly retreated my hand from his, feeling a hint of embarrassment, and flew a couple of steps back to create a comfortable distance between us.

"I am sorry," I uttered softly, my gaze shifting from him to the vivid expanse of the sky above. I could feel the weight of my words hang heavy in the air as I continued, "I did not mean to act that way. It's just that your face reminds me of a very dear relative of mine, whose memory floods in whenever I look at you."

With a puzzled gaze, he inquired, "Your father?" My response was a thoughtful hmm hmm sound that escaped my lips as I nodded my head, effortlessly confirming his curiosity.

"If you don't mind me asking," the man inquired with a hint of curiosity, "Is he still alive?"

I shook my head slowly, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. A mix of emotions swelled inside, tears welling up in my eyes again. With a shaky voice, I found the strength to respond softly, "No," my words barely audible amidst the emotional turmoil.

As he caught sight of the unmistakable sorrow etched on my face, a flicker of regret danced within his eyes. With a grave demeanor, he whispered, "I offer my deepest sympathies. I sincerely did not intend to strike such a raw nerve."

I looked directly into his eyes, giving him a warm smile. With genuine understanding in my voice, I reassured him, saying, "It's alright, seriously. You couldn't have known, and even if you did, it's not like you did anything wrong." The sincerity in my words hung in the air, putting him at ease and letting him know that there's no need to worry.

Out of nowhere, a wave of immense ki signatures surged towards Namek, catching my attention. Instinctively, I activated my ki senses and detected approximately five potent ki sources rapidly converging towards the planet. Feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension, I turned to Zarbon and exclaimed with urgency, "Do you feel that too?"

I watched as he stood there, affirmatively nodding his head with a sense of anticipation. With a confident smile, he declared, "Ah, the Ginyu Force has finally made their grand entrance."

"Gynyu Force?" I exclaimed curiously, my brows furrowing with uncertainty as I looked at him, hoping to find some answers to this intriguing concept.

He replied to me, his face filled with an incredulous expression as he exclaimed, "You don't know the Ginyu Force?"

"I have never heard of them," I firmly stated, feeling a sense of disbelief wash over me. The unfamiliarity of their name left me perplexed, prompting me to ponder if I had been out of touch with the latest happenings or if they were merely an obscure entity in the depths of obscurity. Regardless, my firm statement echoed with a hint of curiosity, longing for more information to shed light on this unknown subject.

He soon explained, his voice resonating with confidence, "The Ginyu Force! An elite special force unit renowned across the galaxy. Comprised of the strongest mutants within their respective races, these extraordinary beings directly receive commands from none other than Frieza himself."

Upon hearing his lengthy and detailed explanation, I furrowed my brows in confusion as I vocalized my question:" But why would Frieza call upon them, doesn't he have all the dragon balls in his possession already?"

He looked over the vast distance, his eyes scanning the horizon, as he cryptically answered, "Who knows?"

As he directed his gaze towards me, his voice filled with a sense of purpose. "How about we forge an alliance?" he proposed, his words hanging in the air. With a shared understanding, he suggested simple terms: a commitment not to cross each other's paths or engage in actions that could undermine one another's interests. It was an offer that spoke of cooperation and mutual respect, laying the foundation for a partnership based on trust and shared goals.

After pondering upon this intriguing idea for a while, I finally decided to agree. After all, he possessed an aura of strength that could potentially make him a powerful ally, and who knows, perhaps even something more. Engaging in a thoughtful deliberation, I couldn't help but comment, "Sure, this sounds really good."

He then said, "Alright, we'll tell each other our motives since we're going to be allies. Trust needs to be built." With a determined gaze, he locked eyes with me, captivated by my mesmerizing blue irises. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he declared, "My goal on Namek is to acquire the power necessary to eliminate Frieza."

Upon hearing that, I was struck by an overwhelming sense of astonishment. It was a fleeting moment, but in that instant, my mind was filled with a surge of emotions. Without hesitating, I mustered the strength to voice my resolute determination, saying, "My goal on Namek is not only to foil Slug's nefarious wish but also to ensure his assisted death." As my words resonated through the vast expanse of the Namekian sky, a strange sense of camaraderie washed over me. I couldn't help but feel a subtle connection with Zarbon, for we shared a common purpose - to defy our former bosses and transcend the limitations of our past.

With a slight chuckle, he looked at me and questioned, "Assisted death? Are you serious?" His amused tone hinted at his disbelief, revealing an expression of mild surprise.

With an amused expression on my face, I couldn't help but burst into a light giggle at my own remark. The last thing I remarked, brought a smile to my lips as I refrained from saying anything in response.

Zarbon glanced at me briefly and confidently stated, "Alright, let's split up for now. I need to help my friends fend the Ginyu Force." Pausing, he added with a hint of amusement, "You head back to Slug's ship. later I'll show you a way to help him "leave early" " With a reassuring nod, he assured me, "Once I'm done with the Ginyu Force, I'll come get you."

I nodded my head in affirmation, acknowledging his instructions with a sense of understanding. Approaching him gracefully, I carefully handed him something wrapped in a secured package which i retrieved from my cloak, all the while maintaining an air of discreetness. After handling over the package, I proceeded to remark, "These are communications I managed to obtain from a reliable source in the underground black market. the cool things is these channels remain unconnected to anyone's frequency, ensuring a secure and covert means of communication between just the two of us."

He expressed his gratitude towards me, offering his thanks before swiftly departing in the opposite direction with tremendous velocity. The name 'Zarbon' echoed in my mind, leaving me mystified yet intrigued. Inexplicably, I sensed that this encounter would intricately weave together the threads of both our destinies, forever altering the course of our lives.

Universe_Buster Universe_Buster

Hello, cherished readers! As you delve into the story, you might notice that I'm testing new paragraph spacing and a new tone. Your feedback on which style resonates with you would be highly appreciated, as it holds immense value to me. And as always, my earnest desire is that you thoroughly enjoy this tale.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C7
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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