Arad smiled, "Even though he's still very young, I bet that dragon has a few coins down his pocket."
Jack smiled, "With all the people attacking and stuff. That must be right,"
"You two," Aella stared at them, "Isn't that dangerous?"
Arad looked at her, "Those tree house seeds you talked about were expensive," He said.
It clicked in her head. She smiled with sparkling eyes, "I hope he has enough gold,"
Dragons are dangerous creatures, and only a fool would challenge them in a fight for fun. Yet, over the ages, humans raided the dragons' lairs over and over for a single reason. Those holes are filled with wealth and gold.
The three looked at each other, "We first snatch the treasure and hide it in my stomach," Arad said, "After that, we can deal with killing the dragon."
Jack looked at Arad, "We can just take the treasure and hit the road."
"No, we need the heart," Aella said with a sigh, "And Arad, you do need the dragon, right?"
Is the dragon back?