Hinal got to know more about Aduni after they became friends, she saw her as a cool, lighthearted and carefree person, who could confidently talk and associate herself with anyone, she jokes a lot and is also always quite entertaining. They didn't have the same hobbies and their habits were also very different.
Hinal is an introvert, quite shy and doesn't know how to make friends or socialise but even with this much difference between them, they were still best of friends. The only thing they did have in common is their love for people and their interest in different cultures, beliefs, traditions and religions. You could simply call them 'Cultural anthropologists'
Ever since Aduni came into Hinal's life, she's been trying and pretending to be cool and confident like her, but she has ended up failing all the time.
On the day of the festival, a man had tried to harass Hinal, she got furious and gathered all the courage she had in her, she raised up her right hand in an attempt to slap him, she almost did when he grabbed her hand so tightly that it started hurting her. At that very moment, all the courage she thought she had disappeared and she began to feel scared.
"What if he does something bad to me." Hinal thought to herself.
Well luckily for her, Aduni came back at the same time and met them in that position, she noticed how Hinal was trying to free herself and the look on Hinal's face showed that she was in a lot of pain. This really annoyed Aduni, she didn't like it when a man manhandle a lady. She kept the rest of the bottles containing soft drinks on the table and held one of the bottles in her hand, she smashed the bottle on the wall and it broke, the glass shattered on the ground remaining the head part of the bottle in her hand and she used that to threatened him.
"I will stab you with this broken bottle and your entire organs will come out of your body, you disgusting pig." His hands began to shake and he swallowed his saliva twice, slowly he released Hinal's hand, Aduni made a false movement of attack towards him, he got scared and ran off as fast as his leg could take him.
Hinal immediately forgot her fright and burst into laughter and Aduni joined in.
"Did you see his face, it was so funny." Aduni said in laughter and when they finally stopped laughing, Hinal went towards Aduni and thanked her by giving her a hug. Since that day, Aduni and Hinal became more close, like sisters and their friendship became stronger, she became Hinal's protector whenever she needed one. Aduni taught her so many things, some of which were a bit bad others were good and awesome.
One day Aduni called Hinal on her phone and ask her to get ready and wait for her to come. A while later they both finished getting ready and met outside, when Hinal asks Aduni where she was taking her to, she told her that they were going to the club, the kind of thing Hinal's mom would never allow her do (that's if she knows).
"If my mom finds out about this. Then i am dead meat. She will torture me with her everyday lectures." Hinal said to Aduni, Aduni sigh disappointed.
"I know we are suppose to listen to our parents and do whatever they tell us. But this is the right time and age to enjoy our lives before it is too late." Aduni replied
"Still." Hinal said disagreeing.
"Please don't say still. Let me ask you something, do you know what the word YOLO means?" Aduni asked raising one eye brow up.
"No. What does it mean?" Hinal asked.
"YOLO means You, Only, Live, Once." Aduni said smiling.
"Really?" Hinal asked.
"So let's go out and have some fun gurl!!!" Aduni said excitingly.
The club was filled to the bim with people screaming at the top of her lungs. Loud music playing and so much heat around, boys and girls dancing so closely to each other without any shame.
"This is the height of shamelessness. That's what my mom would say." Hinal said shouting into Aduni's ear because of the noise.
"Speak sofly. I don't want to get an ear problem because of you." Aduni said giggling.
"Sorry." Hinal apologised.
"And i think now Hinal. You have become a part of this shamelessness." Aduni said to Hinal as they went to the VIP section of the club. They got themselves seated on the couch in a corner where the lights were less. They both sat down quietly for a while until Aduni got bored, she wasn't the type to sit still for so long. She got up and asked if Hinal wanted to dance but Hinal quickly refused, Aduni was also not the type to be refused, so she held Hinal's hand and dragged her along to the dance floor.
Hinal started dancing slowly but soon she got used to the heat, noise and people around, she started dancing and enjoying herself that everyone around noticed her and her awesome dance moves and so they cleared the dance floor for her. They kept cheering for her to dance more and more, she danced like crazy, she danced until she got tired.
When she got tired, she made Aduni go back with her to their seat.
Aduni got up again and went to the bar. She asked the bartender for a big glass jug of crown royal and she took the jug back to her table. She pushed the jug at Hinal.
"What should i do with this?" Hinal asked and Aduni asked her to drink it.
"Alcohol?" Hinal exclaimed after perceiving the aroma.
"You know what? You are very weird Hinal." Aduni said frowing.
"What do you mean?" Hinal asked a bit confused.
"This canadian whiskey here is the most expensive and most popular alcohol you can ever find and you are refusing to drink it. Stop acting all decent with me because drinking alcohol does not make you indecent or shameless. It is just a way to have fun and we are here to have fun." Aduni said while making gestures with her hands, she does this whenever she is giving someone an earful.
"But it makes you intoxicated and people do all kinds of foolish things when they are intoxicated. I don't want that for myself." Hinal protested.
"Just say that you are a coward." Aduni said taunting her.
"I am not." Hinal defended herself.
"Yes you are." Aduni insisted, trying to make her agree.
"No i am not." Hinal said raising her voice.
"You don't have to raise your voice, just prove that you ain't a coward." Aduni said challenging her.
"I will." Hinal said accepting the challenge. She picked up the jug to drink and stopped.
"But if i drink this, what will you do for me in return?" Hinal asked raising a brow.
"What will you like me to do?" Aduni asked her knowing exactly what Hinal was getting at, she wanted to challenge her too.
"I will tell you once i know what the best thing to make you do will be." Hinal replied and started drinking the whiskey and after a few seconds. She gulped up the entire content in the jug, she cleaned up her mouth with her palm winking at Aduni to show off her victory.
Aduni loves being challenged, so she eagerly waited for the challenge Hinal will put forward.
A while later, three guys walked into the bar and when the people in the club saw them, they started cheering loudly, chanting a particular name.
Arman! Arman! Arman!!!
They kept with their cheers until they were stopped by the tall dark brown hair, handsome guy in the middle, he raised his hand. The guys went to VIP section and got themselves a seat at the other end of the room, a three seater cusion and a large round table in front of them. The short plumpy guy with glasses snapped his finger and a bartender came running to them, they ordered and in few minutes the bartender came back with several different types of alcoholic drinks and placed them on their table.
Hinal watched the men and how they acted arrogantly, she suddenly tapped Aduni who was busy enjoying a glass of margarita. Aduni turned to her and asked.
"What is it?"
Hinal pointed at the guy that sat in the middle and asked.
"Do you see that guy in black Tshirt with dark brown hair?" Aduni turned to the direction of the guys and she nodded.
"Yes, what about him?" She asked.
"Go to him and ask him to dance with you, that is your challenge." Hinal said smiling.
Aduni chuckled and said.
"But that's so simple."
"Simple, then go and do it quickly." Hinal said thinking that she had Aduni in a tight spot but Aduni was totally prepared for this and wasn't feeling worried at all.
"Just a dance? That's not hard at all. Now i will prove to you that i am not scared of anything by doing something that will surprise you." Aduni said smiling in confident way, this made Hinal suspicious and doubtful about the challenge. To her this was something way too difficult.
Aduni got up and walked up to them with the usual sophisticated air around her and few minutes later, Hinal saw that the guy got up and gave Aduni a kiss (on the lips).
Hinal eyes almost popped out because of what she saw, then he got up and followed her to the dance floor and they danced in such a manner that Hinal thought to herself.
"I wouldn't dare do that."
After the intimate dancing, Aduni came back and sat down. She noticed how strangely Hinal was looking at her and she said.
"Hey, can you stop looking at me like that?"
"I can't, how did you do that?" Hinal said and stared even more closely at her.
"It wasn't really a big deal." Aduni said and moved away because she was feeling Hinal's warm breath on her face.
"It wasn't? I thought it was a massive deal." Hinal said almost shouting. Aduni knew that the effect of the alcohol was wearing in on her and pinched Hinal's hand whenever she wanted to shout.
"I actually came to tell you that the guys are inviting us to join them." Aduni said to her.
"Oh, i am afraid they might kiss me too." Hinal said placing her hand on her mouth.
"Hinal, stop jocking." Aduni said and got up, she took Hinal's hand and they went to the guys table.
The guy's name was Arman and he is the son of a Prime minister, the other guys were also from influential families.They ordered so many more drinks and Hinal drank so much that she couldn't see properly or walked properly, she just kept staggering and so Arman offered to drive them home, Aduni would have called for a taxi but Hinal didn't want to let go of her, she clinged onto her as if she would get lost if she didn't.
When they got the resort, Hinal came out of the car and throw up into the flower bed, after throwing up, she got too weak and couldn't stand so Arman carried her from the compound to her room in his arms, closely followed by Aduni who was only feeling tipsy after all the drinks she had (she drank more than Hinal). After making sure Hinal was sleeping comfortably. Arman walk Aduni to her own room. They exchange contacts and gave each other a goodnight peck.
The next morning, Hinal woke up with a terrible headache, but to her surprise, she found a cup of tea by her bedside. Aduni had woken up early and made her a tea to cure her migrane. Ater she finished drinking it, she took her bath, wore something comfortable and went to Aduni's room. While they were talking, Hinal asked her what she did or said to make Arman kiss her, Aduni explain and pupil Hinal was ready to learn.
Three days later, Hinal told her friend that she was leaving the Resort, that her parents have been pestering her to come back home. The only reason she stayed back at the Resort for two more weeks was because of Aduni but she had to go back now, she can't ignore her parents again especially when her dad orders her to come home.
She thought about it severally and she decided that she wasn't going to leave her best friend behind and so she asked Aduni to come along with her, she would stay in their house until she finishes her masters and is ready to go back home. It was even good because this way she didn't have to spend the amount of money she is spending at the Resort, they would also be together.
Aduni had to agree after Hinal's continous plea and persuasion, so the next day, they packed their bags and Hinal called home for the driver.
They arrived at the huge bungalow with it name plate largely incripted 'HAANISH JOSHUA MANSION' on the wall.
The security guard hurriedly opened the gate and greeted them as they came in, their bags were taken inside by Hetvi who was eagerly waiting at the gate for their arrival with excitement. She couldn't wait to see Hinal, she has missed her so much.
"The house was so boring without you, everywhere was so dull for the past few days you've been away." Hetvi said a bit sad after she hugged Hinal and welcomed Aduni.
Hinal felt happy to see that the people in her house finally got to know her importance, she and Aduni went inside. Her mom and dad were both looking at the door eagerly waiting for it to open but they both sat back as soon as she came in so that she wouldn't see their desperation. Mrs Jaimini pretended not to miss her even though her emotions were very visible on her face, so Hinal also pretended not to miss her and went straight to her dad, she gave him a tight hug.
"I missed you so much Hinal, it's was like you've been away forever." Mr Haanish said, his tone bit sad.
"I missed you too." Hinal said embracing him more tightly, she then went to her mom and hugged her as well. Her mom sighed and said. "I thought you might have changed."
"I thought you changed too when i saw a little bit of emotion written on your face but i guess i was wrong." Hinal said mocking her.
"Ummm." she grunted, pissed off by what Hinal said.
Aduni stood at a distance watching them, she didn't like not being noticed wherever she went and it seemed that Hinal has forgotten that she brought someone along with her and that was why she hasn't introduce her yet.
So Aduni made it easier for her and went to Hinal's mom, she bent and touched Mrs Jaimini's feets and said, "Greetings Auntie."
Mrs Jaimini looked surprised but was also pleased with the young lady's manners.
"Greetings my dear." She replied smiling and she gave Aduni a gentle pat on her head, Hinal was also surprised. Aduni went to Hinal's dad and did the same thing (bent and touched his feet to seek for his blessings).
"Mom! This is Aduni, my friend." Hinal said after remembering that she didn't introduce Aduni.
"Aduni? What kind of name is that?" Mrs jaimini asked surprised.
"She is...." Hinal was saying but before Hinal could complete her sentence, Aduni cut in and started talking.
"I am a Nigerian." Aduni said with so much pride and with a smile on her face.
"Okay! But where did you two meet?" Mrs jaimini asked, Aduni went ahead to explain everything to her, how they met, about her family and even everything they did in the Resort. She went as far as telling them that she and Hinal drank alcohol at a club, Hinal's parents turned and looked at her with shocking expressions on her faces.
Hinal herself was surprised at Aduni's daring confidence to tell her parents such things, she was scared that her mom will chase Aduni out at that very instance but to Hinal's surprised her mom actually like Aduni because of all her antics and crazy behaviour.
This same personality of hers made Hinal's mom continously praise Aduni everyday after they agreed to allow her to live with them. She went as far as winning Mr Haanish's heart.
Slowly everyone liked her including the helps in the house, she made Hinal's mom do Yoga everyday before going out.
She registered Hinal's dad at a gym, when Hinal heard what Aduni did, she went to her and confidently told her that.
"My dad will never agree to go to a gym." Aduni looked surprised and wondered why she said that.
"He will go because i have already registered him." Aduni also said confidently.
"I am telling you, i know my dad. He hates gym, he won't go." Hinal said.
"I believe i can convince him or you can help me to convince him since you important to him. Exercising helps people look great and young." Aduni said.
"No one can convince my dad. But you can go and try if you want to." Hinal said and went to her room certain her dad wouldn't agree but to Hinal's surprise, he did agree, Mr Haanish joined the gym on Aduni's behest and Mrs jaimini thanked Aduni for that. Hinal thought she knew her dad but she found out that she was wrong.
Hinal was having this new feeling towards Aduni and she later found out that it was jealousy.
"I can't be jealous of Aduni." Hinal said to herself, she felt ashamed of herself for being jealous of someone she called her best friend as well as sister.
But she still doesn't understand why she feels a sudden anger whenever she sees her mom doing the things she never did with her with Aduni, things like talking to her, having fun or receiving advice from her, she would feel irritated but as soon as the thought came to mind, she would brush it aside.
She only wants to enjoy every moment with her best friend.
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