33.33% Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - Millia's Decision

บท 10: Chapter 10 - Millia's Decision

Millia Oruba, the only child and family of Viscount Olba, was a lovely young girl with grey hair resembling her father's. She adorned a dress and two bows, one atop her head and the other tied behind her back, while also carrying a teddy bear everywhere she went.

Unfortunately, Millia's life took a drastic turn when she woke up one morning to find a small portion of her left arm had turned dark for no apparent reason. Despite her confusion, she concealed the discoloration with long, white gloves, not wanting to cause any trouble for her single father, who was already weighed down as the head of the Oruba Viscount family and a Royal Guard of the Midgar Kingdom.

As time passed, the dark spot on her arm grew progressively larger, but Millia continued to hide it, hoping it would eventually heal on its own.

One day, while attending a tea party with other noble daughters, Millia spilled hot tea on her gloves and impulsively removed them, exposing the unsightly blemish. The other girls noticed, and from then on, Millia's life became a living nightmare as she was discovered to have Demon Possession.

"Uwaaah! Millia! WHY?! JUST WHY?!"


Her father was horrified upon learning the truth and Millia hugged her teddy bear anxiously while attempting to comfort him as he broke down in tears. The next day, Millia was abducted by the Cult of Diablos, who offered to cure her of her Demon Possession in exchange for her father's service. Sadly, two years later Olba was killed by Shadow Garden when he kidnapped Claire Kagerou. But Millia has no way to know that. So even now, she believes her father is still alive.


Millia remained in the cult's custody ever since, waiting and praying every day for her already dead father to save her.

After 4 years of living in hell, Millia was heavily mutated due to Demonic Possession, and she barely look human at all. She was kept in a laboratory hidden at Midgar Kingdom, where she was subjected to horrendous experiments and constantly abused by a scientist that work for the Cult.

Over the years, Millia witnessed numerous young girls brought to this wretched place, just like herself. Sadly, all of them ended up transforming into hideous, unrecognizable masses of flesh. Millia was the sole exception, managing to maintain some semblance of a functional humanoid form. As a result, she was the only one to survive out of the dozens of girls who had been brought to this horrific place.

However, Millia's resilience came at a cost. After enduring endless pain and torture, she had become numb to any emotion, and her mutated skin had grown so thick that the mad scientist's relentless beatings barely registered as a minor inconvenience.

Despite being the only one to survive out of all the girls brought to the laboratory, Millia was barely alive. The experiments and torture had taken their toll, leaving her in a perpetual state of silent agony. Millia's once-lovely features were now unrecognizable, replaced by a monstrous appearance that made her the subject of fear and disgust for everyone who saw her. Her grey hair had turned a sickly shade of white, and her once innocent blue eyes had lost all their light. Now having a black sclera and red iris.

Another young girl was brought to the laboratory a few weeks later. Millia took a quick glance at the girl, who was unconscious and bound to an operating table next to her.

Thanks to her peculiar condition of Demon Possession, Millia possessed a unique ability. She could detect the presence of Demon Blood in someone's body. As she looked at the new arrival, she saw red particles of invisible energy radiating from the girl's body.

Millia's heart sank at the sight. She knew what it meant for the new girl. She had seen it all before, time and time again. The same experiments, the same torture, and the same result - a twisted and mangled creature that was no longer recognizable as human. Millia couldn't bear the thought of another innocent life being destroyed like hers.

With a heavy heart, Millia made a decision. She knew it was dangerous, but she couldn't just sit and watch another girl suffer the same fate as her. She waited until the scientist left the room, and then she began to speak to the new arrival in a hushed tone.

"Ey, kan yu hee me?" she barely whispered with her fused lips, hoping the girl would wake up. a low, menacing growl escaped from her throat, almost like a wild animal. "Yuu havv to lisenn tu mee. Yuu can't lett themm doo thes tu yuu. Yuu havv tu fyt. Yuu havv tu resist."

The girl stirred slightly but didn't wake up. Millia continued to somehow talk to her, trying to give her some hope, and some strength to fight back. She knew it was a long shot, but she had to try.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and the scientist entered the room. Millia quickly went back to pretending to be asleep, hoping the scientist wouldn't suspect anything.

The scientist walked over to the new girl and began his experiments. Millia could hear the girl's gasps of pain as he drew her blood, and her heart broke. She knew she had to do something, but she didn't know what.

Millia attempted to communicate with the girl as soon as she regained consciousness, but the fear-stricken gaze in her eyes was apparent. Millia inwardly let out a sigh and chose to remain quiet. She knew that even if she tried to speak, the girl wouldn't be able to comprehend her, and it would only cause more terror for her, considering Millia's grotesque appearance due to Demonic Possession.

As the torture continued, Millia's anger and frustration grew. She couldn't just sit and watch this happen. She had to do something.

Time crept by, and Millia helplessly observed as the girl's vitality dwindled with each passing day, the light fading from her eyes, and her spirit waning.

After a few days had passed, the scientist returned to take more blood from the barely alive girl. Suddenly, a loud commotion could be heard from outside the laboratory. Irritated, the scientist clicked his tongue and stormed out in a fit of anger.

The situation was dire, and Millia knew she needed to act quickly if she wanted to save the girl from a similar fate as her own. As she was thinking about what to do, the commotion suddenly ceased, and the only audible sound was the tranquil footsteps approaching. Both Millia and the girl slowly looked towards the open door, anticipating the scientist's arrival.

Millia's heart skipped a beat when an unfamiliar young man emerged instead. Her entire body was consumed by a primal terror, and her eyes widened to an inhuman size. The moment the man - or rather, the 'thing' - entered, the world around her turned a terrifying shade of crimson. A crimson aura poured out endlessly from the humanoid being as it stared around, covering everything around her.

For the first time in years, Millia felt nauseous as she struggled to keep her balance. She felt everything spinning around the dark humanoid shape in front of her. When the being's two crimson eyes locked onto hers, Millia shivered uncontrollably and swallowed hard.


Unconsciously, Millia roared before immediately cowering in a corner. She felt an overwhelming sense of fear as the humanoid being began to approach her, slowly extending its dark hand toward her head.

"It's okay, child," the humanoid being said in a surprisingly normal voice. "I won't hurt you."

Millia hesitated, unsure whether to trust the terrifying being or not. She cautiously lifted her head to look at the being and noticed that its crimson eyes had softened, and the crimson aura had begun to dissipate. She slowly crawled out of the corner, keeping her eyes fixed on the being.

As she looked carefully, she saw that the being was not as terrifying as she had initially thought. He resembles a pale-skinned teen human with black hair and red eyes with big black rings around the irises, but his face was kind, and his eyes were gentle. He was wearing attire consisting of some kind of white uniform.

After the initial fright passed, Millia somehow found herself pulled to the hand in front of her.


Before she know it, she was already rubbing her head against it.

"Good girl."

The man smiled, patting her head gently. Millia felt a warm sensation spread through her body, and she suddenly realized that the man was not a threat to her. It was a strange feeling, but she found herself trusting the man more and more.

"What's your name?" the being asked, still patting her head.

"I'gm lliMia-grr" she said in an unrecognizable growl, feeling a bit embarrassed by her terrible voice.

Despite that, the man seemed to understand her words perfectly as he nodded.

"Fumu. Millia. I'm Anos Voldigoad. The Demon King of Tyranny."

The man's introduction left Millia in shock, as she had previously heard from the mad scientist about the members of the Cult who bore the title of 'Demon'. According to the scientist, these individuals were infamous for their great power and brutal nature. Millia's eyes widened in surprise as she made this connection.

"Thg Dmnoe Kngi-grr of Yarrtny?" Millia asked nervously.

The man called Anos nodded again. "Yes, I am. But don't worry, Millia. I'm not here to harm you. In fact, I'm here to offer you something."

"Foefr me smhtoing…?"

"Yes," Anos said, standing up and gesturing for her to follow. "Come with me, and I'll explain everything."

With a snap of his fingers, the anti-magic shackles on Millia's legs shattered into thousand pieces as if they were nothing.

After a moment of hesitation, Millia's gaze fell upon the girl who had remained silent all this while. Anos also followed her line of sight and noticed the girl, strapped to the table, staring back at them with lifeless eyes.


Anos hummed as if he recognized the girl before he suddenly pointed his palm at her. When she saw the magic circle forming in his palm, Millia flinched and quickly jumped in front of the girl defensively. There was a scared look on her monstrous face as she looked pleadingly at Anos.

Anos tilted his head to the side, and he opened his mouth.

"What's wrong, Millia?"

"Plaeeps, d'ont hrtu her…"

Anos raised his brows, lowering his hand. "I won't hurt her, Millia. I was just going to heal her injuries."

Millia blinked, surprised by his unexpected response.

"She's been through a lot, but I can fix her," Anos then nodded his head. "But first, let's talk about why I'm here and what I can offer you."

Millia looked at him curiously, wondering what he could offer her. As she followed Anos out of the room, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in her heart. Maybe there was a way out of this nightmare after all.

Anos guided Millia through a complex maze of dim hallways and indistinguishable doors, all resembling the one they had just departed. The scarlet aura that had previously frightened her had vanished, and she felt surprisingly serene as she strolled behind the Demon King of Tyranny. She pondered what he could offer her, hoping that it would be a less hellish existence than the one she was currently enduring.

Eventually, they reached a spacious room filled with books, scrolls, and strange objects. The room was bathed in an eerie blue glow emanating from the numerous levitating crystals suspended from the ceiling. Anos gestured for her to sit on a nearby chair before he settled comfortably in front of her.

Millia stared at the lifeless scientist on the ground and the anxious men donning robes standing on the side before hearing Anos's voice once more.

"I comprehend your thoughts, Millia," he said, staring intently at her. "You are wondering why I am here and what I could offer you that would compel you to depart from this place. I cannot blame you for being cautious. After all, you have experienced a great deal."

Millia nodded, feeling a lump form in her throat.

"I understand the feeling of being trapped, Millia," Anos continued. "Feeling like nothing more than a lab specimen, experimented on and discarded like refuse. But you no longer have to endure this. You can be free."

"Fraee-grr?" Millia repeated, unsure what he meant.

Anos grinned and produced a small white box out of thin air, causing the men surrounding them to gasp at the supernatural sight. Millia widened her eyes at the peculiar display.

He opened the box, revealing a shiny silver key.

"This is the key to your freedom, Millia," he said, holding the key out to her. "With this key, you can depart from this place and commence a new life as a human. A life where you will not be treated as a monster, but as a person."

Millia gulped, gazing at the silver key in front of her.

"However, you have another option," Anos said, his other hand appearing beside the one holding the key.

He opened his hand, revealing a black key that was identical to the silver one.

"This key here is the key to power, Millia," he said, his tone serious this time. "With this key, not only will you leave this place, but you will also unlock an unimaginable potential and lead a great life in the future. So long as you swear loyalty to me. I will also safeguard you, and no one in this world will harm you under my watch." Anos's eyes then glowed eerily as he continued in a chilling voice "Not even the Gods."

Millia's mind raced as she weighed her options. The idea of finally escaping from the laboratory and living a normal life was tempting, but the allure of power was equally alluring. She had always felt weak and powerless, a mere experiment in a world that she never understood. The thought of finally having control over her life and destiny was exhilarating.

But at what cost? Swearing loyalty to the Demon King of Tyranny seemed like a dangerous path to tread. Could she really trust him? Would he keep his word and protect her?

Anos seemed to sense her hesitation and spoke again. "Take your time, Millia. Remember that each path I offer has its own set of rewards and consequences. You must choose which one you truly desire: a life as a normal human or a life as a powerful demon?"

"H-Hey, did you hear–"



Hearing the men in robes around her mutter in disbelief. Millia took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that whatever decision she made would determine the course of her life from that moment on. She looked at the two keys, one silver and one black, and made her choice.

"Ihz… cheze zhe… black kxy-grr." she said, her low-growling voice trembling slightly.

Anos's eyes glinted with approval, and he handed her the black key. "Wise choice, Millia. You have shown courage and ambition, qualities that I admire in a follower. You are indeed worthy."

Clutching the black key tightly in her grotesque hand, Millia felt its weight and power. Despite knowing that the road ahead would be challenging, for the first time in her life, she felt like she was in control of her own destiny.

'Papa, please wait for me. I can finally see you again,' she thought from the deepest part of her heart.

Suddenly, the key in her hand started to vibrate furiously, and a bright crimson light exploded from it. The light swallowed Millia whole, causing her to slowly levitate in the air. An enormous amount of demonic energy erupted in all directions, obliterating everything around her.

Some of the cult members who had been watching were unable to withstand the pressure and fell unconscious on the spot.


"What the hell?!"

The few who managed to remain conscious dropped to their knees, feeling an invisible weight pushing down on their shoulders.

Anos watched the spectacle from a safe distance, his expression unreadable. As the dust settled, Millia descended back to the ground, her form now different. Her once monstrous appearance had been replaced with that of a beautiful young woman with long white hair that reaches down to her waist and large purple eyes.

"Welcome to your new life, Millia," Anos said, stepping forward to greet her. "You are now reborn as a complete demon, one of my kin."

Millia looked at her hands and naked body in disbelief, marveling at their delicate beauty. She turned to Anos, a mixture of fear and gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you, Anos-sama" she whispered, her voice soft and melodic.

Anos placed a hand on her shoulder, his gaze intense. "Remember, Millia, with great power comes great responsibility. You have sworn loyalty to me, and I expect nothing less than your utmost devotion."

Millia nodded, her determination firm. She would do whatever it took to repay Anos for his kindness and secure her place in the world.

As she turned to leave with Anos, she caught a glimpse of the headless scientist on the ground and the cult members who were sprawled everywhere unconscious. A chill ran down her spine, and she knew that her newfound power would come at a price. But it was a price she was willing to pay to finally take control of her own destiny.


Author notes:

For those who are curious about Millia's new appearance, she is based on the character 'Chaika Trabant' from the series 'Chaika: The Coffin Princess'

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