"If the avatar's are based off of the text we wrote for them, are we going to change to be more like what we wrote for Harahel and Lilitu?" Jessica asked somberly.
"I don't think…" Kevin started.
"No really." Jessica interrupted. "Somethings are coming to me that I shouldn't know or remember. Like what magic feels like to utilize. Even this feels familiar like a memory coming back to me. Before it felt like I was controlling a game now… not so much."
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Kevin relented. "But I don't think we will become Harahel and Lilitu maybe. If this is real to begin with, what… we got transported to another world as our guild? Anyway we will talk about it later tonight. Pneuma taught me how to do this so we can get everyone together. All of our avatars are finally here."
"So we are going to have a meeting with everyone?" Jessica asked.
"At least with the avatars and the captain of the guard." Kevin responded. "We need a solid plan and the avatars seem to know what they are doing. I don't know anything about search and rescue so I have just been walking around staying out of everyone's way. After everything is secure we can see about finding a way out of here."
"They still see us as the Lilitu and Harahel. I don't think we should tell them otherwise." Jessica said. "They look up to us which is weird but we are like heroes or royalty to most of them."
"Yeah, so we roleplay." Kevin said. "Are you ready?"
"Yeah," Jessica responded. "Luckily I was raised to be a CEO. I guess now I can put some of that business school PHD to work."
"You got this, I will connect everyone." Kevin said.
Jessica and Kevin could feel the connection between themselves and everyone connected to the guild. All information flooded into their minds from their names, faces, races, classes and jobs. It was as if they looked at the character profile of hundreds of people all at the same time. If their minds had been purely human it would have driven them mad however they could feel their own souls push back and organize the chaos just as quickly as it flowed into them.
Jessica stepped out of the guild hall and stood at the top step of the grand entrance way she had her guandao in her right hand she stood tall emanating earned prestige. Everyone out in the newly forming settlement stopped what they were doing and looked up at her. Kevin as Harahel flew in an instant over to her side using the combination of skills he used earlier.
"To everyone that hears my voice and knows the name AFKIRL." Jessica said her voice echoed in the mind of everyone with the mark of the guild in their soul. Those that weren't marked heard her voice carry across the field and well into the forest. "I am Lilitu, Guild Master. I know many of you are scared, you are tired, and confused and that is okay. We do not know why we were summoned here or what forces brought us to this strange land. However, there is no guild stronger to defy Kings and slay Gods. To each of you I make this promise. I will get us home on my name as Guild Master of AFKIRL." Jessica lifted her guandao into the air. "Your blood is not yours to shed." Jessica said while planting the staff end of the guandao firmly on the ground. "Reclaim what belongs to me."
The spell [Deal with the Devil] S activated and the sparkes of green light once again rose from the ground. Everyone within its large area of effect felt rejuvenated yet again. Those that were tired felt as if they just got a full night's rest. The spell soothed the mind and spirit of the people and what was once fear became determination to survive and admiration for Lilitu.
Kevin then dropped the magical connection to everyone but the avatars and the highest level guard commanders.
"Everyone, we are having a meeting in the briefing room now." Kevin states. "Be there in one hour with your reports on the situation."
The briefing room was a large space that looked more like a lavish indoor amphitheater. A platform for presenting information in the center of the half circle rows. Behind the platform were two raised podiums and chairs for the guild master and the vice master. Behind them was the crest of the guild embroidered in gold on a scarlet tapestry. Two floating pillars covered in glowing runes spun in place on both sides of the stage. The pillars projected the voice of anyone on the stage.
Kevin and Jessica sat at their podium looking out at the gathered NPC and avatars that up until a few short hours ago they would have never expected to be having conversations. Kevin and Jessica had one of their hands interlocked under the podium as they continued to have a private conversation using the guild chat function so that no one could hear them.
During the hour they had leading up to the meeting they found that many of the menus they thought they lost worked much like the chat. They were incoporial only existing in the flow of their magic. Kevin had recalled how early when Pneuma presented him with the map it appeared out of nowhere. When Kevin and Jessica searched inside their magic they felt their inventories from the game. They could visualize every item they had stored in the incorporeal space and could pull them out at any time. They could not log out or contact the GM giving them both a hard pill to swallow. They both looked at each other for a second before Jessica nodded and stood up ready to face the reality of the situation.
All of the avatars and the chosen NPC arrived on time and the meeting was about to commence. The attendees were of course Kevin as Harahel and Jessica as Lilitu at the appropriate podiums. Then there was Pneuma, Awen, Kokou, Svaralfer, Hyperion, Eraká and finally the late comers Aureole and Murder Lord Death Kill who all sat all sat in the first row. They had to make sure that Kokou and Svaralfer were on opposite sides of the small group. It didn't really help as they had been arguing since they saw each other.
The two new avatars were still being caught up to the very limited knowledge the others had on the situation. Murder Lord Death Kill who prefered to be called Murder for short was excited at the posibility in finding new plants he can use in his potion making experiments. His antennae twitched wildly at the thought of being able to explore a new world full of never categorized plants.
Aureole was the opposite; he sat back and just absorbed the information being presented to him. His time as an assassin made him into a man of action not words. Whether he was in a new world or his old one all he needed to know was what beast needed to die next. He took out one of his many daggers and began polishing it while he waited for the meeting to start.
Liminal the Security Chief for the high ranked guards, sat behind the avatars out of respect; he was a level 100 celestial of the shinigami race. He wore an oni mask over a featureless black void of where his face would be. His outfit looked like that of a high ranked British colonial general with the guild seal on both sleeves. This was Kevin and Jessica's first time seeing this NPC before and so they concluded he was one of the mysterious new beings created to fit the gap between game and reality.
In the third row was Freddric Ironjaw, the man over Lilitu's personal Security detail. He was a level 75 human and wore very similar plate armor to what Cullen and Kalven wore. He was older in his late fifties and had a grizzled face with a long thick beard. He had the demeanor of a veteran soldier looking to spend his twilight years in service for as long as his body allowed. Despite his age his broad shoulders and keen eyes more than displayed his skill with the mace at his waist.