77.77% In the Multiverse with a Template System...customised for my liking. / Chapter 7: In a galaxy far far away...

บท 7: In a galaxy far far away...

I stepped out of the portal with Bennett on my shoulders into the forests of Naboo. And I was immediately taken aback by the beauty of it.

I had warped to the valley above where Theed was situated. I had seen valleys on Earth that were beautiful but they were outshined by this one by a long chalk. The only ones that could be better are the ones in Valaron. Bennett hooted softly on my shoulder. Even my silver horned-owl was taken aback by the beauty of this world.

I frowned slightly. How could a world so beautiful spawn such a vile evil as Sidious? His existence tarnished the name and image of Naboo forever in Canon. I didn't particularly care for staying in this universe for long. I only intended to change a few things I believed would give the Jedi the overall victory at the end of the Clone wars.

But before I made my way over to Theed, I needed a change in get up. Making my way into Valaron at the moment, I stepped up by one of the nature springs and stripped down bare.

It had been some time since I'd inspected my own body. Lulu had said I was fitting in appearance to be a warrior but I didn't care to check what she was talking about. She also used to comment on how I was definitely a bedsheet warrior every time she caught a glimpse of my nethers. That little pervert would get her time soon.

The pectorals I had desired when I first set foot on Themyscira had finally defined themselves. The eight pack had become bigger and more defined, and the v line grew sharper. 'Little Luke' had certainly become not so little in the six years that had passed, and my raven black hair fell down to around my shoulders. My lats were actually bigger than they should be. I had theories from an analysis of Bruce Lee that a big contribution to his punching power and speed was the state of his lats. I was nice and lean, slightly bulky but not so much. My muscles dented steel when I flexed.

If you're wondering how strong I was physically, I was definitely stronger than Superman. He could punch a planet and destroy it, but I just had to sneeze a little too violently and bye bye.

I snapped out of my self admiration and stepped down into the hot spring, sighing loudly with pleasure as the water bubbled around me and my nostrils drank in the rich aroma of the wild flowers that grew around the spring. The trees overhead provided a little shade from the sun but the sky was a little too white for my liking. With a wave of my hand, the sky turned a rich blue and every cloud in the area just fucked off because I wanted a clear sky.

The spring was located on a bit of an elevated area that overlooked a large portion of the forest. Birds chirped, the blue apples twinkled in the trees and the dryad's were singing in their trees. I really had created a paradise here in this dimension of mine. Several millions times larger than Earth. The oceans as big as a solar system. The mountains taller than the skies back on Earth. My own golden sun millions of times bigger than Earth's. Life was plenty, the atmosphere saturated with magic generated from the core. Dinosaurs walked around peacefully, with no fear of ever being wiped out by a meteor. Godzilla's species ruled my world with an iron fist, making sure to maintain the balance And most of all, beautiful females everywhere. No humans around to mess the place up, and what sentient creatures there were treated my words like the gospel and submitted themselves to the laws of nature. Humans would kill to live in a world like this.

I lay in that spring for a bit before the heat of the water began exciting certain hormones in my body. Little Luke sprang up for attention and snapped me out of my hazy daze. There was no thicc Amazonian naked princess to arouse me this time but I needed to satisfy the needs of my sixteen year old body. Luckily in a world where I was God, I had luxuries that were mine if I said they were.

At the click of my fingers, one of the water nymphs appeared. Her pale skin glistened with water as her dripping blue hair hung over her perky breasts.

If you need to catch up on what they are, they are simply an all female race of water spirits that protected the life in my seas and rivers and lakes and any other bodies of water.

Being the horny kid I was, I created the water nymphs as incredibly sexy women that outshone even Diana. This one in front of me was a bluenette, green eyed babe with green lips. Her skin was almost a pale blue. She must be a pond nymph.

"Greetings Lord. Mira has come to serve thee." she sang in a sweet voice that sounded like a harp. One thing I coded about them in their creation was that they sang most of the time. They could talk normally if they wished but singing was their usual speech pattern.

"It is the little Lord that needs service today Mira. Would you care to indulge me?" I said pointing to my erection. She happily smiled and lifted herself clear out the water for a full body display of her glory.

The next couple of hours were spent in bliss and daze as we copulated in different areas of the forest. Bennett gave me a disgusted hoot before flying off, Force pushing a wave of water in my face. Perhaps I would have to eviscerate the Midi-chlorians in his body again. Damn bird nearly died of depravity the last time I punished him like so.

I suppose copulating with a water nymph in full view of the forest creatures was unsettling and not ideal. But in this world I had molded by my own hands, my creations would never see me as wrong in anything. I obviously would do this in the regular realm but in Valaron, all my leashes came off. And I fucked Mira's brains out as the dryads pouted enviously in their trunks.

After I'd had my fun and sent Mira away with a blessing, I began deciding on my outfit that I would wear in this universe. There was one in particular I desired. And that was the experiential armour that Galen Marek or Starkiller had taken from the Jedi Temple. I tossed the helmet because it was ass though. In its place I conjured a War Machine mask. The grey iron man face was plenty emotionless yet intimidating. Perfect for someone that is in balance with the Force. On simply a whim, these things materialised in front of me and I got to work putting them on. By the time I was done, I was pleasantly surprised at how good I looked. I especially loved the way the gloves would creak when I clenched my fist. It added to the dramatics of a Force Choke.

I watched as the War Machine mask opened and closed in front of a mirror before I actually decided to take a proper look at my face.

At sixteen, I guess it was safe to say all my baby fat had disappeared by now. In its place was a perfect jawline, full lips, a slightly sharp nose, lush green eyes that reminded you of the treetops of a jungle with little flecks of brown mixed in with the green. Smooth black hair fell to my neck and clasped the sides of my forehead. There was a slightly small beard growing on my chin. I think a goatee was well underway for me. That godly handsomeness I had desired when I first received the system had really outdone itself.

Maybe I should become a model in one of the many lives I was going to undertake. I would certainly change the face of fashion in whatever world that would be. Conjuring the Darksabers I had made for this moment I ignited the beautiful blades. One had a blue lining while the other was red. Symbolic of the approach I took to the Force. Having had enough of my Paradise for one day, I stepped out of my portal into the city of Theed.


I had concluded that keeping close to Padme was the best way to keep in control of the plot. And the best way for someone in my position was to become a bodyguard.

Now how to go about doing that?

I didn't have an identity in this universe, not that one really needed it here. Plenty of people in the outer rim did not have identification, and one had to just rely on their words. Same applied for the Mid Rim although not as severely.

I couldn't just sign up because I didn't even know how to do that. I couldn't just walk into her palace and offer my services on the spot, because that would be seen as an intrusion, which would inevitably lead to a showdown, which would force my hand, which in turn would alert the Jedi, thereby catching the attention of the Sith, resulting in a sizeable manhunt for me all over the galaxy. Now if that did happen, I say bring it on as I knew just one word was needed from me and this entire galaxy which a whole franchise revolves around would be atomized, just one little 'Hakai'.

My battle with Ares had unlocked the full potential of my divinity, creation and destruction, two halves of a whole working in harmony within my body and soul. This boosted my Force Powers even further. I could probably throw a star from here to the Core without much effort.

But I'm getting off topic here. The simple truth is that I didn't want any attention on me until I wanted it to be so. I didn't want to have to slaughter any brave little Jedi that came to apprehend me, hence why I had to be civil and cautious in how I approached the Queen. Still though, how did I go about this?

Seeking my answer the way I usually did, I closed my eyes and peered into the Force.

And for all my skill with it, I did not think for a moment what that little action would do. Back in DC, there were no Force users tied in with it, leaving the entire energy field at my disposal. But in this universe, there were plenty of others here always watching and listening into the streams of the ever living energy field. Diving into the little web so freely and carelessly promptly announced my presence to the galaxy. A tremendously large ripple burst out of my position and roared out into the greater expanse, catching the attention of individuals throughout.

So much for wanting to remain inconspicuous. But now that I had done it, I began to focus in on what I was sensing. Imagine looking down on a city from a skyscraper at night, you see all those lampposts creating these dots of light correct? Looking into the Force was like that. Each lamppost was a lifeform, and certain ones shone more brightly than the rest. Doesn't take a genius to figure what these brighter ones were.

But then there were others. Describing them was strange. They still stood out, but instead of emitting light, they sucked it in, leaving darkness around them. Darksiders. And the two darkest of all was situated on a planet near to the core.

As well as the brightest lights that were near them on the same planet, they perked up at my prodding into the source of their sacred power.



(General POV)

Impressions of the Jedi were mixed throughout the galaxy. Some admired and outright worshipped them. Others held incredible disdain for them, as they considered the mysterious monks complacent and hypocritical in the sense they were supposed to champion compassion and justice yet did very little to accomplish so except the most politically dire situations.

No wonder they were considered no less or more than the lapdogs of the Republic senate, as was the notion accepted by the majority in the galaxy. Even the lower levels of Coruscant shared the same sentiment as no Jedi had gone down there to even practice what they preached.

Undoubtedly the Jedi were no longer what they once were. Once great heroes that expended their greatest efforts into making the galaxy a better place, now reduced to emotionless, yet entitled husks of sentient beings. Their powers diminishing, the average midi-chlorian count decreasing , the living relics wasted away into the sands of time.

But when one looked upon their ancient temple, the same thought would come to mind for all who saw it. A box of mysteries, tall and intimidating, emitting vibes of the unknown that unsettled a good portion of people situated around them.

The absence of war and the Sith however, did bring about one good thing. Jedi were more attentive to the flow of the Force, taking note of even the smallest of fluctuations.

So when the giant, anomalous shockwave coursed through the temple, it was quite enough to knock some fairly decent Knights and Masters unconscious from the sheer power contained within it.

Those more used to the unpredictable activity of the Force weathered the shock better than others though it did not leave them any less alarmed or shaken.

Most prominent of those individuals was the infamous green little troll seated on a cushion in his meditation chamber.

Master Yoda spent most of his time nowadays studying the flowing streams of the Force, constantly watching and observing. If it were to be said that in this day and age, Master Yoda was the most favoured by the Force, pretty much noone could bring anything to contradict that statement. For everytime the diminutive Jedi projected his thoughts and his desires into the Force, it would respond with whatever he wished to know.

But for once, in the face of this powerful disturbance generated by the equally mighty stranger, Yoda could not gauge an answer from the Force. His fellow master and council member did not fare any better, as both Masters were swept off their knees across a good couple of feet.

"Force, what was that?!" huffed Master Windu, clutching his chest. Both he and his closest friend had been meditating in their usual room before before their scheduled spar, as was routine almost every day.

Every Force user is born with some sort of affinity for a certain Force Power. While for most, it remains unknown and undiscovered throughout their lives, there are some who easily find theirs and make it even easier for them to display that particular gift.

Take for example Darth Sidious. Blue Force lightning and red Force lightning are completely different things in more than just their colour. In every other colour of lightning produced by a Darksiders, they merely conjure the raw element of lightning, the intensity of which was determined by the anger and the hatred of the individual. Red Force lightning however was interwoven with the very fabric of the cosmos, essential streams of concentrated cosmic energy. So powerful and vicious it is, that some Dark Lord's used to say that using it seared the Force itself wherever it was used. Although unconfirmed by anyone just yet, it was said that red lightning could strip someone entirely of the Force, whereas a ritual would have to be used otherwise for that purpose.

Now there is another kind of lightning even more powerful, neither aligned with Light or Dark not entirely accessible by anyone. Only 'special' among special individuals can summon it. Chief among them being the resident god currently residing in the galaxy, but that is a topic for later.

Coming back to the point, Darth Sidious who did not have the gift (or curse) of red lightning was said to be a greater and stronger practitioner of Force Lightning than his Grand Master, his master's master, Darth Tenebrous who was born with the Red Lightning ability. The simple reason for this is that Sidious has a very strong affinity for Force lightning in general, hence his overzealous use of it throughout his lifetime. It is only a mercy by the Force that he did not have the Red Lightning ability.

Now Mace Windu had an affinity himself that were known amongst many but not all at the Jedi Temple. The master from Haruun Kal was born with a great aptitude for the ability 'Shatterpoint'. This was an ability where he could see weaknesses in his opponents, wrong decisions and turnings of events as small shatter points. The best description of this would be the aftermath of a bullet hitting bulletproof glass. The image of a shatterpoint was nearest to that. Coupled with his infamous Vaapad arts, he was arguably the most fearsome duelist in the entire order, surpassed or at least equaled by Master Yoda who had centuries of experience behind his saber.

Mace Windu used this ability quite often, even in meditation. 'The future is always in motion' his friend would say hence why he always saw shatter points throughout the Force, entailing great events, whether good or bad was yet to be seen.

But in this very moment, where this abominable power just smashed into his own presence, all shatter points did not just disappear, they were Destroyed! Completely undone in the face of this mysterious person.

"An unknown power, appeared amidst us it has." The speech pattern of the oldest master in the order never failed to waver even in fumbling circumstances such as this.

"What sort of power does it take for the Force to react in such a way? The entire standing of the Force has been disrupted." Windu muttered, his eyes narrowing as he sensed the Force, which for centuries had stayed in the same position, moved away from the Light Side, the equilibrium shifting to a new position.

"Neither Dark, nor Light our new friend is. Peculiar, most peculiar this is. To walk such a thin line with such confidence and stance, an indication of a great power and skill it is, far beyond my own perhaps." continued Master Yoda.

"I propose we mobilise a search party, and venture out Master. Someone like this, is most possibly quite young with how clean their presence is. This sort of person cannot be left wandering around unmonitored, especially if merely looking into the Force causes it to displace it's standing with the light and move to such a dangerous position." argued the dark skinned Master. His request was received with a raised eyebrow.

"And search where, you will Master Windu? Too great a presence they cast upon the Force, they do. Difficult it will be, perhaps impossible to find their exact location."

The unknown had a presence so vast and wide, it smothered the Force senses of all who were sensitive. Even when they came around to navigating the Force streams with this new shadow looming over them, it would still be impossible to find the center of this presence unless they meet the unknown in person.

"But surely you see how dangerous this is, how dangerous they are Master? It is a duty upon us to protect not just our own, but the galaxy itself from any threat. And this is closest to one we can find ever since the fall of the enemy. We must hunt them down!"

Master Yoda turned from his one time pupil, and stared back into the Force for an answer. The Force itself was tense, but not in fear or trepidation. Yoda had long believed that the Force was sentient and had its own feelings on certain events.

But the way it had tensed, was reminiscent of an anxious mother hovering over its offspring. It had wrapped itself around the new presence, emitting warnings to whoever prodded into the matter.

It appeared to stare right back at the ancient Jedi, and from that alone, Yoda understood what he was being told, no, 'ordered'.

"Hang back we must."

"But Master-"

"No more of this will I hear. In time, come to us, they will. Patient we must be, as we have been for a thousand years so."


Sheev Palpatine sat in his office deep in thought at what had just transpired. Here he was in his own free time, pondering on his most recent scheme yet to be put into motion, when all of a sudden a wave of power slammed into his Force presence.

The shockwave was so violent, it had very nearly ruptured the Dark Side cloak that had shielded the Banite Sith for the last millennium.

He'd sensed both sides of the Force react to this newcomer in the same way. The sickening light used by the pathetic Jedi rose in anticipation. But Dark Side roared with such welcome, that the power in it which came from the stranger nearly made Sidious very heady. Only his proper self control befitting of a Sith Lord and conniving politician stopped him from indulging in the delicious chaos.

But with this new boon came it's own cautions. This stranger was powerful...too powerful. Enough to ignite a furious envy in Sidious's heart. But also an equal amount of anticipation too. No being was beyond temptation after all.

Maul had the makings of a fine apprentice surely, but he was more of a rabid animal than anything else. Trained as an assassin per his Master, Plagueis's orders, Maul conducted his business more on instinct than calculative thinking which was needed to be a Sith.

The fact that this stranger walked the very thin line between Light and Dark so freely hinted at great intelligence, skill, power and control. The perfect makings of a Sith. This person had already invested half of his potential in the Dark Side, and just that half eclipsed Sidious's and every other darksider he knew. He could not even begin to imagine what that would become if this stranger, most definitely a young one, swore themselves to the ways of the Banite Sith. The infinite possibilities were all at his disposal if he could bring this person to his side in a way he could control and entice him.

That is, if Plagueis was not already planning the same thing.


On the planet woven into the Force itself, the point of Origin, Mortis, The Ones quivered in terror. The control they once exerted over the Force had been torn from them. All around them, their home was shaking, unbalanced by this new power.

A new God, had joined the roost.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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