As the days passed by, the impending midterm loomed closer and closer on the horizon. Shinichi, who had previously been content to while away his days in idleness, suddenly transformed into a fairly diligent student. The new point system, it seemed, had proven to be an effective motivator, as he could be seen pouring over his textbooks and notes.
"Mizuhara, you seem rather reserved," Kobayashi remarked. "Maybe you should try sharing your thoughts as well."
"I'm fine."
"Don't you want to earn some points?" Shinichi chimed in, his tone laced with confusion. "You're quite the weirdo."
I reached into my bag, withdrawing a novel. The cover was a reference book, and I began to immerse myself in its contents, effectively ending the conversation.
The following days passed with a monotonous routine of studying and toil. As a result of the newfound focus and productivity, Kaoru saw fit to discontinue the meetings, a testament to the effectiveness of the implemented method.
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