Throughout that day, the only faces Karina saw were that of Nori and Mrs. Anthony. While Nori helped her settle in and ensured she was comfortable, Mrs. Anthony made sure she had everything she needed and that includes food and drinks. The woman treated them like she would her daughters, and soon the two ladies became comfortable with her.
They chatted until Karina slept off again, and by the time she woke up, it was only Nori in the room with her.
However, the next day, the first face Karina saw when she woke up was Veron's. He had a smile on his face as he observed her.
"Good morning, beautiful." Veron greeted her, inviting himself into the room and seating on the chair beside the bed.
"Good morning," Karina responded to his greeting, letting out a yawn. Halfway into her yawn, she quickly put her hand over her mouth and subtly shifted away from him.
"What's wrong?" Veron pulled his brows together, noticing her movement.
The side story is out come and read.