80.43% In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System / Chapter 37: A Challenge for Marriage

บท 37: A Challenge for Marriage

{A/N: Almost fucking died, sorry for not uploading in a month. Enjoy.}


[Symbiosis: 99%]

'Come on! Come on! Just a little while longer!' I thought to myself in anticipation as I stared at the system screen before me.

It has been a little while since I took the photo of Iwa and I was currently hiding myself in an alleyway to address a matter of great importance!

Finally, after such a long time, the symbiote will finally be fully bonded to my body and I should be able to get my arm back.

It was getting incredibly awkward to go through daily life without an entire limb, so I was really happy right now.

Not to mention that if the symbiosis was completed, that would suggest that I could gain complete access to the full power of Psychokinesis. Also perfect control of it.

Such a thing would make it vastly easier for me to do what I need with the village and with Kurotsuchi.

There's also the fact that the symbiote's symbiosis being complete also indicates the completion of copying Sayuri's genetics.

This also means that I can soon enough take back my Symbiote Fragment and reabsorb it into my actual symbiote.

Well, at least from what I could figure out based on when the symbiote told me it would be complete when we were travelling.

A while ago, I started on my way toward Sayuri, who seemed to be waiting for the Tsuchikage, after taking the photo.

Me making my way toward Sayuri seemed to draw some attention and I noticed everyone nearby would discreetly cast strange glances my way as I walked.

Not to mention the slight, barely noticeable, jolt of spider-sense that I felt every time they looked my way.

It was most likely my apparent resemblance to a certain person they had a dubious relationship with.

Nevertheless, I continued to walk and, when I was walking down the street, the symbiote told me of something.

It told me that it had almost fully assimilated with my body.

Hearing that and checking the system for confirmation, I quickly diverged paths and rushed into a relatively hidden alley.

All that resulted in the current situation. I've been in here for a couple of minutes already.

Presumably, there should only be a couple more moments before it finally reaches 100% symbiosis.

So right now, all I was doing was sitting on the ground and staring anxiously at the system screen in front of me.

At this point, being this far into complete symbiosis, I could practically feel the symbiote within me attaching itself to every cell in my body.

I could feel every muscle become one with the symbiote and every individual bone merge with the symbiote.

Feeling all this stuff happen within me, I began to hyperfocus on the screen before me.

Until finally, a wonderful notification sound graced my ears.

[Congratulations host!]

[100% symbiosis with [Symbiote] achieved!]

I grinned with pure joy, 'Finally! Come on system, show me the goods,' I asked, waiting to see the benefits.

[Symbiote Manifestation [Transformation] Unlocked]

[Symbiote [Heat Vulnerability] Eliminated as a result of adaptation to host body]

[Symbiote has now gained increased [Chakra Conductivity] properties upon complete symbiosis]

My expression displayed nothing but complete befuddlement as I gazed upon the rewards before me.

It would seem that after achieving full symbiosis, I unlocked a transformation which is most likely the thing where the symbiote uses my body to bring forth a monstrous form with its biomass.

There's also the fact that the major weakness that was holding me back, the symbiote's fire vulnerability, was eliminated after it adapted to my body.

That's fantastic since before I was unable to do fire jutsu since I would mess up the symbiote but now I don't need to worry.

Now there would be no pulling the symbiote out of me and I'm pretty sure I might just have a stronger bond than Carnage-- though not mentally. Cletus and Carnage were bonded so close they stopped saying 'we' and started saying 'I'.

They practically became the same person at that point. When Cletus fucking died, Carnage fixed him because at that point, Carnage was Cletus and Cletus and Carnage.

I'm afraid I don't have that close a bond.

But anyway, for the final gift I have received-- Chakra Conductivity. Which most likely meant that the symbiote was able to conduct and channel chakra through to greater heights than any physical form.

Which was also rather great seeing as I had a ton of ideas for how to use the symbiote now.

Overall, this was rather beneficial and though I was expecting more, this was fi--


Wait what, did I get faked out by thinking it was over?

[Host has acquired complete access and control of [Psychokinesis] as though it were his own]

Oh right, forgot about that. Looks like I wasn't finished with the notifications.

Now that I have complete symbiosis and full control over psychokinesis, taking over Iwa will be easier than ever.

I should be able to easily control objects now without moving my body and influencing minds should be easier than ever especially since we achieved full symbiosis which means our psychokinesis would be great when using it through a fragment within another's body.

At this point, how the hell could things go wrong?

Anything and everything I wanted out of this, I ended up getting, so for the first time in a while, I am satisfied.

Everything is going my wa--!



[Weakness: [Sound Vulnerability] Acquired as a result of complete fusion and assimilation with host's body]

Really, man?

So because we've essentially fused together, my own body has also gained a weakness to sound...?

That's pretty shit, but if I get exposed to loud sounds for long enough, I should be able to adapt and lose the weakness.

Still, it doesn't change that this is a terrible thing to happen.

Because it doesn't matter that I can adapt to things gradually if the sound-based attack is strong enough to insta-kill me before I can adapt.

'I best be more careful now that I have to worry about something volatile like this...'

I was just about to stand up from my seat when yet another notification rang out.

'What is it this time?'

[Host has acquired a +10 boost to every stat, bar intelligence]

[All of host's senses have increased and can now sense things through Symbiote biomass. Host [Spider-Sense] range has increased]

The moment this notification appeared before my eyes, I felt a rush travel throughout my body, filling me with a new strength.

Following that increase in stats, another smile appeared on my face, "Thank god it was something good..." I mumbled.

With this increase, I'm inching continuously closer to the triple-digit mark of all these strong people.

And the increase in my sense will obviously prove to be incredibly useful for practically everything.

However, when I thought it was over, yet another notification popped up in front of me.

It was as if the benefits received by waiting to fully bond with my symbiote would never end.

[Additional warning: Symbiote has become bonded so close to host that the skill [Bio-Control] can upgrade]

I hummed in surprise at the system's words, 'Biological control being upgraded due to the full symbiosis makes sense. Wonder what power boost comes with it?'

[Commence upgrade?]

'A hundred percent. Upgrade bio-control...' I commanded as another two screens appeared before me.

[Due to incredible bond, symbiote skill [Bio-Control] has upgraded to skill: [Anatomical Manipulation]! Congratulations]

I waited for a brief moment and only felt a slight tingle in my body before I stopped focusing.

I rose an eyebrow, 'Alright then... exactly what kind of boost came from bio-control changing to anatomical manipulation?' I asked, confused by the lack of feeling.

[The manipulation of bodily functions such as chemicals and blocking organs is no longer the limit. You can control one's very anatomy-- with much, much, much more difficulty, time, strength, and energy having to be invested of course. The basic chemical control and such can still be used as well]

'My god, that's pretty good if the system is insinuating what I think it's insinuating right now,' I thought to myself as I lifted up my right arm.

But before I do anything else, I really want to get my arm back... The lack of a limb was making me truly upset.

'Symbiote, reform my arm,' I ordered the symbiote before getting an idea, 'Actually, hold up a moment.'

Without saying anything to the symbiote, I concentrated on my own body and focused on reforming an arm using the symbiote biomass within me.

After a minute or so of concentration, I was greeted by the wonderful sight of goop exiting my right stub and forming into a familiar arm.

I took a moment for the arm to settle into its form and reconnect to my nerves before I sighed in relief.

"Finally... That feels wonderful..." I mumbled to myself happily as I took notice of the slight difference in the symbiote's colours.

As a result of merging with me completely, it would seem that the symbiote gained a few properties from my body as evidenced by its slight coloration change to small faded bits of silver.

"Nice.." I mumbled to myself, flexing my arm as I stood up, 'I should probably get to Sayuri now that that's done.'

With that thought in mind, I casually walked out of the alley without raising suspicion and started toward Sayuri's chakra signature.

I pulled a hood over my head and then casually began walking among the crowd of people, observing the area curiously.

Dozens of people roamed past me as I neared an alleyway to get up to the rooftops.

However, just as I prepared myself to swiftly jump onto a wall, a rather curious thought entered my mind.

The thought was about my plan-- specifically about a certain person who I hadn't quite considered before.

The person in question being the previous Tsuchikage Onoki.

In regard to my plan, the obvious assumption would be that I would hold some kind of electoral campaign after getting with Kurotsuchi.

And one would be right in thinking such a thing, however, there was one small caveat to that plan.

First, I wanted to be able to get into Onoki's good books the normal way because I wasn't about to risk putting a symbiote inside of a person with disintegration abilities.

Well, that was one of the reasons I wanted to speak with him at least.

The thought that I received just a moment ago, reminded me of the other reason I wished to speak with him.

The other reason to meet Onoki and converse with him was due to my own curiosity.

As is well known, this world that I was reincarnated into seemed to be some kind of alternate Naruto Universe with a similar past to what I remember.

However, the world before this 'Boruto' time period that I was born into... was still quite a mystery to me.

Like, I didn't exactly know what happened in the 'Naruto' time period equivalent of this world.

And Onoki, someone who was presumably quite the old fellow who has seen a lot in his time, would likely know about it and everything way further back than anyone else.

Onoki is what? Over 80 years old by now? He probably knows a lo-- Oh wait, is Onoki even a male in this universe...?

That... I don't really know how to feel about that. Hold up, this is like a gender-bent universe so would that imply that Jiraiya and Hiruzen and Ai/Bee and all those other dudes are women?

I... I would rather think of anything else right now...

"Whatever, whatever, let's keep moving..." I shook my head in disgust as I activated invisibility and jumped up to the rooftops.

[A Few Minutes Later]

*Knock Knock*

After knocking on a door into the Tsuchikage's building, I deactivated my invisibility and waited.

Not even a moment later, the door opened to the sight of a rather large person standing before me.

His face flashed with an expression of astonishment before returning back to normal, "What business do you have, boy?"

I smiled as honestly as I could, "Yo, my guardian is inside there already so I'm just tryna meet up with her."

"You realize this is the Tsuchikage office, right? I can't just let you in with such a lacklustre reason, kid," He said with a doubtful look.

I sighed, "C'mon I'm not lying. She's a woman, tall, black hair, pale skin, wearing lots of dark colours, looks really edgy, ring any bells?"

He seemed to be ready to immediately decline my statement but just before saying anything, he had some kind of realization and gazed at me with a strange expression.

"Do you mean, her?" He asked, pointing behind him to a woman who was leaning against a wall, "Yep. That's her"

"Hm... How am I supposed to believe yo--"

"SAYURI! Hey, over here!" I quickly interrupted his stubborn words as Sayuri turned around and took notice of me.

The man gained a panicked look, "Hey, what was--"

"What are you doing?" Sayuri inquired as she walked up to me and gave the man a look.

"I was wondering where you were," She commented as she rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Move," Sayuri curtly told the man who sighed as she took me into the building.

I grinned at the large guy as he closed the door behind us and Sayuri took us toward the place she was standing before.

"Where have you been? I was getting worried," She immediately spoke with a tinge of worry in her voice as I shrugged.

"Imagine the largest explosion in the world and multiply it by a biiju bomb. That was the event that took place in the washroom."

She shook her head, "Sigh It took that long for a bathroom break?" She questioned rhetorically.

"I would never lie," I lied.

She rolled her eyes, "Anyways, we should head into the meeting room now. I had to delay entering for you."

I got a bit excited at the thought of finally getting to my destination and allowed Sayuri to lead the way forward.

As the two of us approached a nearby door, the sounds coming from within increased in volume.

Skipping over the knocking, Sayuri simply opened the large dual doors, the sounds swiftly going silent upon our entry.

With my appearance obscured by Sayuri standing in front of me, I took the chance to observe everyone in the room.

There were a couple unrecognizable old women, a few other nondescript NPCs, a slightly familiar old man... and the short-haired brunette, Kurotsuchi; the current Tsuchikage.

There, she sat with a confident expression, wearing a long red dress with one short sleeve and an alluring slit down the side, displaying her luscious legs in full.

"Finally. What took you so long, Uchiha?" The Tsuchikage inquired crassly as Sayuri and I walked in.

A pair of empty seats were open for us and we soon took a seat upon them, the other people in the meeting still having not noticed me due to the dark room and my slight obscurity.

'Oh well. I AM pretty similar-looking to Minato so I guess it's fine if they don't notice me. Plus I can just sit back and enjoy the wondrous sight before me,' I thought to myself, gazing at Kurotsuchi's legs as she stood up gracefully.

"Had some business to attend to first..." Sayuri responded uncaringly as the other woman rolled her eyes.

Kurotsuchi clapped to draw attention, "Anyways... Let us begin our meeting!" She proclaimed.

"First... You-- Uchiha. Do you have what I requested from the Hokage?" She asked, pointing at her as Sayuri nodded.

"Yes, I do," She answered as Kurotsuchi beckoned her forward, "Well, hand it over then."

Sighing lightly, Sayuri slowly stood up from her chair, the various other people in the meeting room gaining shocked looks as I was now unconcealed.

Kurotsuchi remained oblivious, focusing on Sayuri who nonchalantly handed her a large scroll. She accepted the scroll with closed eyes and a sigh.

Everyone in the meeting room stared at me with wide eyes and mouths agape which I noticed quite clearly.

'Now, let's see... Is it 'cause of Minato or because I'm a kid inside a very important meeting?'

However, Kurotsuchi remained gazing at the scroll's contents before closing it and nodding in grudging thanks.

"Good. Now let's discuss the--" She stopped in the middle of her sentence upon noticing me sitting in my chair and staring at her lower half.

Her expression swiftly changed from surprise to a narrow-eyed look as she turned to Sayuri and pointed at me.

"Exactly why is this boy here? This is an important and confidential meeting--!" She reprimanded before getting a closer look at my face, "Wait..."

A look that displayed realization appeared on her face.

"Not only did you wantonly bring some man into this important meeting, but you also seemed to have brought the pathetic son of your Hokage as well," She spoke angrily.

I watched in amusement as Sayuri's expression also darkened and the other members of the council agreed with the Tsuchikage.

Meanwhile, the Tsuchikage thought to herself...

'Why would she bring the Hokage's weak boy child?' Kurotsuchi asked herself, 'Am I ju-- Wait, he must be a spy!'

'He's weak enough for me to not notice his presence and his pathetic status as a man would allow the Hokage to have a disposable spy available in my village,' She came to her own paranoid realization as I elected to continue etching her physique into my mind.

Kurotsuchi pushed Sayuri aside and stormed up to me with a condemning expression.

"You, boy, you do realize that someone like you has no place being around me or anyone else in this room, right? Did your mother-- the Hokage --send you on a recon mission, huh?" She challenged aggressively as Sayuri walked up to her.

"Tsuchikage, keep your paranoid assumptions to yourself and leave the boy alone," She reprimanded.

"Really? I'm not going to just stand by as your village tries to plant some filthy man as a spy in my village."

I gained an offended expression, "Woah, woah, woah, cool your jets, Ellen, I'm just sitting here. I ain't a spy."

"Even if you aren't, like you say you aren't, you are still invading a private meeting. I, the Tsuchikage, don't want a man like you tainting my air and being in the same position as us."

I saw Sayuri about to get a bit more aggressive as the Tscuhikage unwisely decided to continue talking.

"Hell, a cretin who dare trespass like you should be ended right here and now for this treasonous behaviour!"

'Damn. What the hell is this, a dictatorship?' I asked myself, confused by her aggressiveness but sensing an opportunity.

Seeing that Sayuri was about to do something, I decided to stop her in favour of me enacting my own spur-of-the-moment idea.

As Sayuri tried to move forward I blocked her with my arm, giving her a look as I walked up to Kurotsuchi who was gazing at me with vitriolic disgust.

"Well? Do you have something to say before I deal with you, trash?" She told me aggressively.

I held up a finger to her face.

"You don't want to kill me without trial or viable reason. My mother wouldn't appreciate it," I stated as Kurotsuchi flinched at the thought.

"You really wanna threaten me right now, kid!?" She yelled with a grin, grabbing me by the collar and pulling me off my feet.

With her threatening face only inches away from my face, I remained calm and raised my arms like a sleazy salesman.

"WAIT! I have a deal for you!" I said in a friendly manner.

Kurotsuchi froze in place and, still threatening me with her fist, spoke with an angry face, "Oh yeah? Spit it out, kid!"

I restrained my depraved smirk and simply smiled at her.

"I challenge you to a fight."

Hearing my bold declaration, Kurotsuchi stared at me in disbelief for a moment before bursting out into laughter, followed by several snickers from the others in the room-- Sayuri meanwhile looking at me in confusion.

"YOU... Fight ME? I never knew men were this stupid!" She spoke mockingly as I grabbed her wrist, drawing her attention.

"I am serious. I challenge you to a fight," I said, the Tsuchikage preparing to mock once more before I said something once more, "What? You afraid that a lowly person such as I could beat the mighty Tsuchikage?"

The tall woman snorted and dropped me back onto the ground, "Fine then, kid."

"You ain't challenging me for no reason so tell me your conditions for this challenge," She demanded as I nodded and stood back up,

I brought up two fingers, "I've got two terms."

"The first condition is for us to fight at night in two days' time in the middle of the village with everyone within Iwagakure in attendance."

"The second condition is actually going to be my reward for winning."

Kurotsuchi seemed confused by the condition but didn't seem opposed to it. Hell, she seemed excited for the whole village to witness her defeat the Hokage's child.

"Alright then. I guess I'm fine with your first condition and you seem to want something for winning but what exactly do I get when I win?"

I smiled professionally and spread my arms open, invitingly.

"If you win the fight, you can do whatever you want with me. Torture me, kill me, make me your shinobi, anything..." I said as Kurotsuchi hummed with a smile, "However..."

Everyone watched in anticipation as I allowed myself to grin.

"If I win... You will become my wife."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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