59.09% Classroom of The Elite: Revenge / Chapter 51: Chapter 16: Deal with Nagumo

บท 51: Chapter 16: Deal with Nagumo

[7th October]

[Kurushima Pov]

Today, Nagumo-senpai and I decided to meet up.

Of course, the reason for doing so, was the upcoming elections for the Student Council President. Since I only verbally confirmed of not participating, he had no insurance that I wouldn't. 

Also, he was the one who suggested meeting up. I'm sure he has something prepared, like a contract, which in return will be verified by the school, so that both parties keep their consensual agreement, or something else... perhaps?

One of the reasons he has to become the Student Council President is to widen his influence and solidify his control over the Year. Without it, he certainly will have quite a bit of trouble, since he doesn't have control over the juridical system at the school. 

I'm well-liked by the Third Years, in particular from Classes 3-A, 3-C, and even 3-D, quite ironically. 

However, I don't believe I could convince the latter two classes to vote for me. But something else could—a decent amount of money, if I were interested. They're graduating and need money; I have more than I can count, even if I only have access to a minimal amount of it.

Perhaps, one or two classes of the Second Year might select me too, since it'd mean the loss of Nagumo's control. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised, if it didn't happen. If he were to win regardless, it meant, that they antagonized him and might get expelled, soon afterward.

Given that Manabu-senpai said he was responsible for nine people at least getting expelled, of the seventeen that dropped off the second year, it isn't strange that they'd fear him of expelling them. 

I know, however, that Class 2-B has, in fact, quite the antagonized position towards him, and besides, there's Ikuto-senpai, who also doesn't really 'submit' to his rule, really. With them, too, I do have a solid chance of winning the elections of the Student Council President. 

As for my year, I have my class as my support, perhaps people from Ichinose's class, too, as they're quite good-willed, and I could get, if I really tried, Ryūen's class for my support, too. 

Although, to get his support, I'd have to ensure Ryūen that I'd switch into his class, so it'd greatly benefit him.

The Third Year, had originally only nine people who were expelled, but with my interference, it's four more, so 13 Students. 

Ironically, these two years combined have an amount of 30 Students expelled or voluntarily dropped out, and since our Year has no one expelled so far, the amount of students attending this school is 450. 

If we two compete against each other in the general election, the results would be certainly very close. That's one thing I could immediately tell, if I had the intention of becoming president. 

Normally, the President himself could also decide who becomes the next President and who doesn't, but Manabu-senpai made the decision of the general election, like his predecessor's before did too, until now. 

The students should decide whom they want as the next Student Council President, after hearing our pleas. 

It's something that suits his collective ideology, and that of the President's before, who did the same, teaching them this ideology. 

Unfortunately for him, I plan to leave soon, so I don't really intend to participate. 

"Kurushima, you're here. Sooner than expected. How are your two broken ribs?" He asked, putting his phone on the table. 

"They're fine. But it seems like words have spread pretty fast, Senpai."

"Why wouldn't it? You're quite the famous person, among the school. Of course, there's no reason for it not to spread."

"Is that so? Well, I felt like someone wanted to prevent me from participating in the elections."

"Oho? You certainly have the wrong idea, then. I'm just an upperclassman who cares for his junior."

Of course, given my injuries, it wasn't very likely that I couldn't participate, which meant, he wanted to manipulate the opinion of the students to vote for him.

Even then, people would still be able to vote for me, as it's injuries that are preventing me from going there, so I wasn't precisely at fault. 

But in the end, I wouldn't be able to hold the plea, and thus, I might as well lose the general elections themselves.

The decision was made by Manabu-senpai last month, so even if, he couldn't withdraw it, even if he wanted. 

But he was right. I was supposed to stay home, in my room, actually.

But I wouldn't make it for him that easy, if he thinks that.

I'll achieve my two objectives, with our meeting, today.

After that, I don't mind resting.

"Is that so? Nagumo-senpai, don't worry; I'll appear. Two broken ribs are nothing."

I smiled at him, offering with my right hand, my weaker hand, a handshake.

He accepted, and put full power into his handshake, accepting the challenge. 

"Is that all, Senpai? You'll need more than that to actually harm me. Try it like this."

Slowly, I began to put force into my grip, reaching an area of 80kg and higher, until I stopped, at around 89kg.

He had trouble standing; I could see his legs shaking, but he was barely able to hold himself firm on the ground. 

I released my hand, sitting down on a table, opposite to him. 

"Anyway, Senpai, I couldn't care less what you intend to do; I have my own goals. Becoming the Student Council President isn't what I have in mind, however."

"You'll have to convince me, if you don't want me to participate. It certainly seems like something that has great benefits, so what can you offer me, to make me not participate?"

Slightly smirking, he sat himself down on the chair, crossing his legs. "You're definitely not like Horikita-senpai."

"Is that so? Well, I guess, I'm slightly different from him."

"Say, Kurushima, what do you want?"

"A contract. More precisely, Private Points." 


"You already have something prepared, haven't you? If we two are going against each other in the elections campaign, the results will be very close. In an emergency, I'll use my position outside and offer them, for their votes, a certain thing."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I can't tell. Unless, you put that phone at the back of your pocket away."

"You knew?"

"Of course. I'm not a fool."


Just when he wanted to take it, he noticed there wasn't a phone anymore.


"In my hands, Senpai." 

"Now, you have nothing against me. You tried to have me reveal information, by giving me a false sense of security, as you put directly once you arrived your phone on the table, so that you could question me and use it against me, and thus, prevent me from participating in the elections campaign."

"Let's see whose phone that is."

"Are you sure you're ready to commit theft, Kurushima?"

"Do you see any security cameras here, Nagumo-senpai? Is it not the location you suggested, so that you could successfully blackmail me? Security cameras would be quite the trouble for you, wouldn't they? Tell me, am I right, Nagumo-senpai?"

"No point in fooling you, huh? You would surely make quite the great opponent, Kurushima. I knew that you were different from the others', in particular Horikita-senpai."

"I guess, I am. Anyway, Senpai, is Nazuna Asahina, perhaps your girlfriend?"

"A good friend, who is in Class A, together with me."

"I see. If she even goes as far as to entrust you her phone—in other words, her school life here in your hands—you two must have a great understanding. She's your information quell among your year, isn't she? To know who is opposed against your rule and who isn't, is she?"

I could see him becoming slightly shocked. He wanted to answer, but before he could do so, I continued. 

"I'm sure you know this already, but if you make any moves on my girlfriend, I'll make sure to crush your dictatorship thoroughly, Senpai. I'll make sure you'll regret your decision forever."

I revealed to him just a fraction of my eyes that was just boiling with hatred. I could see him slightly backing away.

Who wouldn't, after all?

For ordinary people, my eyes must be quite intimidating, because they are filled with a burning determination to achieve my goals, no matter what.

"Don't worry, I have no plans on doing that, Kurushima."

He was still taken aback, but he tried on composing him slowly. 

"If you say so, Senpai, I shall believe you for now. But how about we talk about why we initially came here? About the contract, I mean."

"You know my condition already, Kurushima. Let's hear about yours."

"I have two, actually. They aren't quite difficult. My first one is something very simple: I want 200,000 Private Points per month, until you graduate."

"200,000 Private Points?!"

"I believe it's more than a fair price, given that you keep your position, through the Second Year. Of course, there isn't really a confirmation of whether I might win, but I believe my chances of getting the majority of votes are quite high, especially—"

"If you were to buy votes..." 

He realized, of course, that for me, this wasn't something I had trouble achieving. If it was money, I had more than enough. 

Even then, when I didn't use the money from my parents, I achieved with an investment of 90,000 Yen in the past a win of 2 Billion Yen, which was invested again, so by now it should be around 29 Billion Yen, so I had quite the money.

In other words, it's completely realistic for me to buy votes, without relying on the money I'm bound to inherit.

It wasn't public known, though, but I had money, without the allowed monthly fraction of money from my inheritance. 

Of course he didn't know that, but he was aware that I got a decent amount of money, so he came up with the idea of letting myself revealing my intention, so he could provide it to the Teacher's or Chairman Sakayanagi, which would get me in great trouble.

Or he could, of course, blackmail me, without revealing this information to these two parties. 

Now that this has failed, I'm the one in charge of the negotiations. 

Since I also have the self-reflection papers from a decent amount of students now, I also know who's more money-oriented or career-oriented. 

"I have the money. Both you and I know it. I wonder, would those who support you betray you, Senpai, if they get a decent amount, for only writing a different name?" 


Seeing how nothing went according to his plan, he couldn't help but let his frustration out. He severely underestimated me, which would now be his downfall in this negotiation. 

"Your second condition?" he asked.

Given Nagumo's position, it wasn't unlikely that he couldn't provide 200,000 Private Points, as he controlled his entire year. 

From Class A, B, C, and D, he controlled everything. 

At a certain amount, they naturally had to give their Points, as no one was allowed to have more than 500,000 Points. 

Also, he might 'tax' a certain amount, depending on their class earnings, if they didn't want to be expelled, so he had far more than enough of them. 

"It's nothing difficult, but even if I were to get expelled, the contract will still go on. Also, I don't think I have to state this, but if you were to do anything against her, I'd make sure to ruin your future chances. I have the necessary means."

Slightly surprised, he asked. "You don't care if you get expelled, Kurushima?"

"Not quite. Even if I were to get expelled, my future chances are not ruined. I still have many chances, as you might know. I can always go to a private high school and graduate there. The best Universities in the world are also easily within my reach, so graduating here or somewhere else makes no difference for me."

"Oho, I see."

He also knows that no matter what happens, my future won't be ruined. 

However, if it's his, that's a different matter.

Of course, I could expel him, if I really tried, but he is someone with several lives, so it'll be futile in the end. 

Besides, expelling him is not my intention at all. I have other intentions for him. 

He'll make sure to protect Hiyori, in his own interest, once I propose something very lucrative to him, he will certainly accept. 

"Now that this is solved, let's make a contract," he said. 

"It's not needed. I have one right here with me."

"So you already knew what I wanted right from the beginning, didn't you?"

"Of course."

"Once you sign, I'll notify the school of my withdrawal for the general elections."

He still had something in mind. "Kurushima, are you not afraid that I'll kick you out of the student council, once I become the President?"

"You could do that, but you were the one who allowed me in the first place to join, as it's the Vice President who has the final say on who joins and who doesn't, to balance the system. Once Manabu-senpai made you that proposal, you accepted it. If you kick me out, it's you who'll look stupid, not me."

"But it doesn't really matter to me. I'll be compensated through the 200,000 Private Points, so it's good for me, either way. I'll gain no loss from your decision."

Slightly grinning, he laughed. "Haha, I'll let you stay, since you're doing a great job. Besides, I heard you do a good job with paperwork, so it'll be less for me."

I signed, and offered him the ballpoint pen and the contract. 

He read the contract a few times through; to avoid that, I stated somewhere something else, of course. 

He wasn't the one who designed it, after all, so he had to be careful. 

"It seems like it's valid," he said, signing the contract.

"Thank you, Nagumo-senpai."

Just when he wanted to go, I spoke up. "Before you go, I might have another offer that could be interesting for you."

"An offer? What would that be?" Amusingly, he asked. 

"Once you graduate, I want to buy all of your Private Points."

"My Private Points? You want them?"

"Of course."

"Hahaha, fine, if you pay me the precise amount of 1 Yen for 1 Private Point, you can have them, once I graduate. I would be stupid to decline such a lucrative offer."

"Then, it's decided, isn't it?"

He was slightly taken aback by my response. Perhaps he expected some kind of resistance, but it's better for her, that way, too.

He'll make sure to gather more of them, because it means more Money for him. 

I offered him another contract, that I prepared already. 

By now, he wasn't even surprised, anymore.

"Your condition is that I'm being quiet about this contract, huh? Well, it wouldn't benefit me, if I were to announce it, either way. But this one condition is like the other one, very specifically written, but slightly different."

"Even if you're expelled, the contract keeps on, but it'll be simply another student who'll receive the Private Points, instead of you."

"However, if you and that student are expelled, or drop out, the contract will be immediately nullified. Is that your attempt on ensuring her safety in this school, even if you were to get expelled, Kurushima?"

"You can look at it that way, Nagumo-senpai. The fact is, however, that you'll only get the benefits in these two cases. If you try anything on her, you won't profit."

"So you're willing to go that far, Kurushima. If she were to be expelled, you'd drop out, too, huh? It's quite the valuable information, but then again, it is not." 

"Hahaha, you're truly interesting, Kurushima. Once the second year starts, we'll have a match, to prove who's the better student, one and for all, among us two. I don't care about her, as long as I defeat you, and get the money, it's fine for me."

Immediately, he signed, having looked over the contract, of course.

Saying that, he walked away, while I had the school verify these two contracts. 

Even our Homeroom Teachers didn't know if we had contracts, so I don't have to worry about Sensei knowing them at all.

She'll just interfere with me, despite being a teacher.

But from now on, I'll receive a good amount of Private Points.

And once Nagumo graduates, she'll get the security of more than Tens of Millions of Private Points.

At the very least, she'll have more than enough Private Points to ensure her future. I'm sorry, but I don't intend to stay long here. As long as Nagumo has high amount of Points, he'll also ensure that you won't get expelled.

I doubt he would want to lose 50 Million Yen or even more, if he could gather them easily here. 

If he does a great job, he might even become almost a millionaire, once he graduates. It's up to him, how he's going to use them.

But going with 60 Million Yen and more out of the school sounds quite lucrative, doesn't it?

In this school, the only person that can offer something like that is just me.

Neither Koenji, Sakayanagi, Kanzaki, nor Kiryuin-senpai could offer him that.

But anyway, I should verify them now, and inform the school of my withdrawal. 


[9th October, Friday]

[Kurushima Pov]

The school most likely informed everyone by now that there would be no general election, as I had withdrawn. Aside from me, there was nobody else in the Student Council as a first-year student.

As for the second year, nobody decided to go against Nagumo, so it was pretty evident that he was automatically appointed. 

If I hadn't been able to gather the poison at the Island Exam, I'd have participated, but now, it's not necessarily anymore. Expelling students, that was my initial goal—to get Chairman Sakayanagi to talk. 

For that, the position as the Student Council President was an essential need for my plan, so I could get insight into the other students, whom I wanted to expel. 

But now, things are different...

I have everything I need to bring him to talk. The only thing that's missing is to wait until Arisu Sakayanagi's next medications from outside arrive, so I can swap them. Once that happens, he'll have to talk, whether he wants or not. 

But I wonder, what Nagumo-Senpai's speech will be like.

It's not like I'm going to witness it, after all.

I'm currently lying injured in my room, having been written off by the doctor as sick, until the 13th October.

Well, I'll guess, I'll do something ordinary, then?

Watching TV, perhaps?

Yeah, I guess...

Before that, I'll take my Vanilla Ice Cream out of the freezer. 


[Third Person Pov]

"Now, here are some final remarks from President Horikita of the student council."

Following the moderator's speech, Horikita Manabu slowly approached the microphone on the stage.

"I am proud and grateful to have been able to lead the student council for almost two years. Thank you very much."

After his brief statement, Horikita Manabu quietly retreated and returned to his original position.

There were no moving words in his speech. It could be said that it was a solemn and dutiful statement. However, it does not look like the retirement ceremony will end with just this.

The student council officers on the stage with him stood firm, not breaking their solid posture.

"Student president Horikita has worked so hard for you all. Now, please welcome the new student council president, second-year student of Class A, Miyabi Nagumo."

"I am Miyabi Nagumo of the second year's Class A. President Horikita, I really appreciate your strict and kind guidance so far. I am honored and would like to pay tribute to you. I am thankful for being able to accompany the legendary president who has played one of the greatest leadership roles in the history of this school." With that, he bowed deeply in the direction of Horikita's brother, and then re- faced the students.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Miyabi Nagumo. I will be the next student president of Advanced Nurturing High School. Please take care of me." Nagumo smiled thin and small so as to change the calm atmosphere.

"I'll get straight to the point. First of all, I promise to change the terms and appointment method of the student council as well as the practice of the general election. This will mean changing the date of the general election of the student council from October to December."

"This shift will be an attempt to move to a new generation for the student council and I judge that that then will be when the new student council will move towards a new era. I will change the tenure of the president and officers from terms to indefinite so they can serve until graduation. At the same time, I will abolish the current restrictions on the number of student council officers."

"In other words, as long as it is an excellent and necessary person, they can become a member of the student council at any time regardless of the number of slots that are open."

"In the event that someone is judged unfit for office, I will establish a system of majority vote at the meetings for expelling them from their positions. As a starting point, let me make a declaration to the students, teachers, and leaders of the former student council who are assembled here."

"The school system of the future... I will destroy all that has been preserved by the previous student councils for the sake of the appearance of the school." 

He spoke so forcefully that it seemed to negate all the merits of the former student president who stood behind him.

"I originally wanted to implement this new system immediately, but unfortunately, I cannot do that. This is because the new student president will be bound by various kinds of constraints upon first taking office."

"I promise that there will be a great revolution in the near future. Students with strength will climb up to the top and those without strength will fall to the bottom. I will turn this school into a real meritocracy, so please show me what you all can do." 

The gymnasium was immediately silenced by his declaration, but almost all the sophomores soon started screaming with joy and became rowdy. 

Meanwhile, many wondered why Kurushima, the only opponent, had withdrawn.

Given Nagumo's reputation for expelling students, some people concluded that he might have some kind of blackmail material against Kurushima or his class in his hands. 

In particular, Horikita Manabu. 

Although, it was nothing like that.

He was simply not interested anymore, in that position. 


A/N: And that concludes the chapter. 

Kurushima moves a couple of stones, before he's going to 'leave' the school. Of course, he won't, in the end. 

But for now, that's what he's really set on.

I don't know much about Nagumo's situation, but unlike Koenji, Kiryuin, Kanzaki or Sakayanagi, I don't think he's someone from an affluent family. 

That's also the reason why Kurushima is also successfully able to offer him something like that.

As long as he knows he can benefit with much Private Points, he'll also ensure to have many of them left, in the end.

He doesn't know his true intentions, though. Why enroll here in the first place, if you were set on leaving this school. 

Nagumo nor anyone else from this school knows this, of course.

I'm not sure how much Private Points Nagumo has, but it should be around 50-60 Million Points, currently, or more. 

Well, Kurushima is making use of his Status, but he isn't necessarily someone who has to rely on his parent's money. 

He's making everyone overthinking everything of his withdrawal, fooling Nagumo with his intentions, while eating at the same time his Ice Cream casually at his room.

Kurushima really doesn't feel like anyone really emits any kind of threat to him...

Anyway, that'll be all. 

The Next Chapter will be Hiyori's SS, of visiting Kurushima, while he's injured. 

I'll post there also some AI Arts I made from Hiyori. 

Anyway, that'll be all.

I hope you liked this chapter.

Please leave a comment or a review there.

I'd really appreciate it. 

Have a great day. 

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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