Prompt by:
Your injuries were a little more serious than you had realized but it just extended your hospital stay for a week more to make sure that there would be no complications.
Lena had currently dropped off Leon to allow the two of you to have some "mom" time as the hospital stay had interfered with it.
You had decided to go to mass today just to do some simple prayers and although you had allowed to let Leon stay in your room. He had wanted to come with you. It was after all "mom" time.
During the mass, Lena had called Leon to make sure that he had gotten to your room safely and to check how you were doing. Leon saw the caller ID and knowing how worried his mum would get if he didn't answer her phone, he stepped out to answer it.
"Hey, mum. What's up?"
"I was just calling to ask how your mom was."
"Oh, she's with god now."
Lena spits out her drink and doesn't even bother to clear up anything as she rushes out of her office and to her car.
"What happened to your mother?! Why did no one call me?! Don't move. I'm on my way."
She says, trying to keep her voice calm as she panicked on the inside.
It took Leon a second to realize what he said and he quickly fixed himself.
"No mum! I meant that she's at the chapel attending mass."
"Leon Michael Luthor! You're lucky that I'm not at the hospital but you and your mother will be having a talk with you about the importance of context."