44.87% Mushoku Tensei: A different path / Chapter 35: Good souls peace

บท 35: Good souls peace

(Rudeus POV)

It was already three days since that incident. No trails of dragons roaming around anywhere near the city have been found since then. Reconstruction on the damaged buildings began one day after that.

It turns out that two groups after searching mission have deceased while looking for the monsters. Maybe the Sea Dragon and Black Dragon got to them while my group was searching in the other areas.

Either way, with the confirmation of all free monsters dead peace has started to rise again.

Of course, monsters other than dragons are still missing, but there is little to be done about that.

Some speculate that the dragons ate them for nutrition, and others think they ran away.

But that is only what I hear. I haven't gone out and heard anything myself. Why? Because I was confined within my room this whole time.

I was directly brought here while I was taking my well-deserved nap.

After I woke up, I felt like going out and perhaps helping in the reconstruction of the city. But to my surprise, Soldat and the others did not allow me.

They said, I am not allowed to leave the bed until I am fully healed. Well, naturally, that is.

One of my restrictions is, no magic. Not even to heal me a new arm. After having blown up my own arm with [Bright Sky Wave], they don't believe me when I say that it's fine.

But what's bothering me the most was that I couldn't get that special eye of mine out.

I was willing to go through the pain just to get Randolph's eyeball out of me.

I'm not sure how far eye transplants have come into my world in the development department, but I can imagine it still being a bit far away to show the public.

Luckily, no signs of rejection appeared from putting a foreign organ in my body.

While I can perfectly see with this new Demon Eye, I still decided to cover it with a bandage until I can remove it.

Days went by pretty much in a bore.

The members of [Stepped Leader] have made a schedule on which person keeps an eye on me to further ensure I won't do something. Sometimes Sara would even visit me from time to time.

They could've just told me that people out there are blaming me for the dragon attack.

That Red Dragon had some hierarchy issues if it came here for just me.

It was on the fourth day that Soldat alone came to my room.

"Sup, kid. How are you doing today?" His voice sounded like he intended to keep me at ease about my situation, as if he was hiding something.

"I would feel much better if you'd let me remove this eye."

"Is your mana pool replenished fully?"

"… no."

Even after four days, I have not recovered my full mana capacity back. Just how much mana do I have? How much mana did Laplace have? Nonetheless, the recovery speed is impressive. I can tell that I have enough for dozens of large spells already.

"Aren't you worried about your arm?"

"Not like it was the first or second time I lost this specific arm."

"Ri~ght." He said, admitting his mistake for forgetting who he's talking to. "Get up, we are going for a little walk."

Yes. Finally. I felt like I was starting to become a shut in again.

Though, I was surprised about the sudden invite, I obliged and got off my bed.

My top clothes got damaged to the point where I can't wear them anymore, so I was given new ones for cheap.

The fire attack I got hit with when that heartbeat came really put me off guard. Literally.

It's a miracle that both of my pendants are still on me. Except for the wooden pendant from Sylphy. That one got slightly charred since it's made out of wood.

Anyway, as we got out of the inn, people kept staring at me. My hair has turned fully white yet again, giving me more stares than my crippled state already does.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"I heard from Sara about how you think of your power."

Oh, great. He is trying to get his senpai persona going. What kind of lesson is he trying to put on to me now? Be more careful? Be more responsible? Or maybe tone it down a bit to stop scaring the shit out of people?

"You see only the bad stuff. Have you ever tried looking at the good things only?"

I stopped in my step to glare at him, and he soon noticed my sudden halt.

"How could I? I'm Death God now. A Great World Power nevertheless. People will always think and talk about all the bad and scary things I do."

"Huh. So no one actually told you about it?"

"… about what? Wait, you didn't tell people about me defeating the previous one, did you?"

"No, it's different from that." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Oi. What the heck are you doing?"

A loud voice boomed, aimed at us. About four people then approached us, angry looks on their faces. All signs indicate that these are people whose homes got damaged from the Red Dragon attack.

I was prepared to get a scolding but one of them went past me and directed their anger at Soldat.

"What kind of leader are you? The kid should be in his bed resting."


Did I miss something? Why isn't anyone upset about me?

"Calm down. The kid just needed to get some fresh air and take a break from being cooped up in his room." Soldat casually said.

The man still looked disgruntled, but saw my somewhat nervous face as confirmation.

He sighed and then went over to me to put his hand on my shoulder.

"Take your time to recover, alright? You've done more than enough. Let us adults handle the rest."

While he and the other adults went off, I stood there growing question marks on my head. Was I just indirectly told a "Thank You"?

"See? Barely anyone is talking crap about you."

"Bu-… but…"

"Just take the damn compliment already. No one is gonna judge you for what had happened. Especially after you got that close call hit against you."

That… that can't be right, is it? Are the people here just different or am I that misunderstanding?

"Excuse me, young man."

Suddenly, an old lady spoke to me.

"… may I help you?"

Before answering me, I was gifted with a basket covered with a blanket.

"I was going to your inn to give you some vegetables from my stand."

Confused as I was, I reached for the basket, only for the elderly woman to move it back to her and put one of her hands before her mouth.

"Oh my. My apologies. It slipped my eyes that you still only have one arm."

I looked to my left to see my sleeve just hanging there. It would actually be true that I would have some trouble carrying that bag to my room.

"Here, I can hold it until we get back to your inn." Soldat volunteered.

The elderly woman gave him the basket before suddenly bowing before thanking me and wishing me a peaceful recovery.

And again I was confused about why someone would thank me after this whole disaster.

I'm getting closer to giving up on reading people as of now. But there is a different felling now.

After thinking about where I've met this lady, some dots connected.

As she mentioned having a stall and saying I've saved her and other people, I can only assume that she was one of the people on the plaza that got engulfed in flames.

"Let's get back, shall we?"

"… y-yeah."

I was still trying to wrap my head around this feeling I'm having, so on our way I put some more effort into my emotion sensing.

During that trip with a few detours, I picked up various signals from people all around me.

Some unexpectedly were of respect and admiration, a few of pity due to my physical state, and very few of fear. There were almost no signals of resentment or contempt.

Inside me, I felt a significant amount of relieve. Was Sara right? Have I been concentrating on the negative side of things too much?

At the time at which I concentrated on my detection, we had already reached my inn.

But as we got closer signals of anger reached my radar.

Sara stood there looking at me with furrowed brows. What surprised me the most was that she stood in a stance that reminded me of how similar she is to Eris. Feet shoulder wide apart and arms crossed before her chest.

"Where do you think you just went?"

Ah. She does it again. Caring about my well being. How cute.

But, I won't take the blame this time. Time for some backstabbing.

"Soldat just suddenly told me follow him outside." I innocently said.

Immediately I was hit with signals of betrayal and Sara's anger was redirected at him.

"So much for 'let's keep him away from interfering with his recovery'."

"Oh come o~n. What is wrong with people these days? He won't get better if he stays in bed all day."

As Soldat was trying to defend himself, I felt like giving him a smirk.

"What are you grinning about?" Sara grudgingly asked.


My little laugh was of short notice. Are we two friends or a couple? Or is there even something starting here?

From the sidelines, someone was having a boisterous laugh at us. It was Marquis.

"Well, well, well. Having a little argument with your girlfriend there, young lad?"

""No, we are not-""

Both me and Sara were yelling simultaneously at Marquis. When we had eye contact with each, I could see her blush a lot. I was probably blushing as well.

She embarrassingly looked away, and I couldn't help but do the same while scratching the back of my head.

Signals of amusement reach me. Not just from Soldat, but from Marquis too.


I remembered him warning me that successful merchants are those that know how to guide people in a false sense of security. He isn't really proud of that, but he does it with his extroverted personality.


I started off saying before Sara and I die of embarrassment.

"Any particular reason you're here?"

"Not me specifically, but this little fella does."

He then pointed out at the little kid who had been hiding behind him this entire time.

The kid came out of hiding, looking at me nervously and holding a doll in his hands. I felt like I've seen him before.

He then bowed his head before.

"T-Thank you for saving m-me the other day."

Tilting my head to the left a bit, I started to remember where I've met this kid.

He was the one who hid behind the broken wall.

Oh, thank goodness. I thought he would detest me for chugging him away like this. But even worse…

"Marquis, is this your grandson?"

"Yes he is." He said before bowing his head as well. "I can't thank you enough for saving him from that horrible disaster. Even going as far as to risk your life."

There it was again. That sense of relief. So, this is what it feels like to be thanked for going through struggle for someone else.

I was thanked for many things before, but gratitude for lifesaving is something else entirely.

Looking back at Soldat, he has a smirk on his face. It was definitely his intention to let me see better what the actuality of people's opinions were.

I felt a bit of a tick on my sleeve and saw that the kid was right next to me and looking up.

"Can you teach me how to use magic like you?"


Well… that came out of nowhere. Does this mean he is a fan of mine?


"Ow! Grandpa." The kid said wincing in pain from his grandfather's gentle smack on the head.

"You little rascal. I told you not to bother him about that."

Yup. Definitely a fan.

"I wouldn't mind."

With wide open eyes, Marquis looked at me shocked and asking for explanations.

"Of course, there will be strict rules he has to follow. Breaking one of them means an immediate discontinuation."

"But, are you sure it won't be trouble some?"

"If anything, this would be a good opportunity to see if my theory about chantless spellcasting is true. He is at the same age as the only person who achieved it when I taught her."

Another tuck at my sleeve and I looked down at the sparkling eyes of a little child.

"Really? You're gonna teach me how to use spells like you do?"

"Hold your horses there, kid. Teaching you has not yet been set in stone. Your grandfather over here will discuss that with your parents before anything else. And even if they give their approval, I won't teach you anything above intermediate class."

The sparkles in his eyes vanished, and he let out an "aww", the disappointment evident.

I would feel bad for him since his curiosity is natural for a child. But risking another world destructive and emotionally imbalanced teenager to go around is something I would like to spare the inhabitants of this world from.

"To think that the number five of the Seven Great World Powers is willing to teach my grandson. I guess things like these do happen."


I slowly looked at Marquis, wondering how the hell he knows I'm the new Death God.

Then I looked over at Soldat, demanding an explanation for what happened.

"… wait… don't tell me…" Marquis said, looking at Soldat as well.

His reaction was odd to say the least.

"And here I thought it was part of your plan to spread your name."

I was just flabbergasted and couldn't form a full sentence, let alone a word.

Amidst my confused blabbering, he instead went next to his grandson and pointed at the Ruijerd figurine.

Understanding what his grandfather wanted him to do, the kid turned the doll around, showing me the bottom I signed with my insignia and pendant.

"That three pronged plant-like spear, it's the new symbol that replace that of Death God. I didn't quite understand why you put that on your figurines, but now it makes sense to me. You planned this ahead… right?"


So, this is why Soldat was indifferent when I called myself Death God.

While I am proud that my precious master's symbol is now known throughout the whole world, it does make one thing crucial.

Up to northwest is the holy lands of swords, practically a country of swordsmanship masters.

And with the dolls I have been selling, word about me being the new number five could spread fast and reach an arrogant King class individual's ears.

But even so, I will not disrespect my god by not honoring her well enough. I will take use this simple to let her glory be as bright as the sun itself!

"I can see that you were kept in the dark about it, so I will leave it to you three to discuss."

And with that, he took his grandson with him, and they went on their way.

The little kid waved at me and I waved back at him with a crocked smile. He better not expect too much of me.

"So?" Soldat Started off. "How do you feel now?"

That question made his intentions clear. He wanted me to see for myself how people actually think about me. And boy did that work.

"Hmmm… better."

"That's good to hear. Now you hopefully take things more slowly."

"I wish I could. But things have turned into a worse kind of bad."

They didn't get my wording and I just went over to Soldat and grabbed his collar.

"Why the hell didn't any of you tell me there had been an update on the ranking?"

"W-wait, aren't you a bit too panicked? You're the fifth-strongest person in the world right now."

"I'm the strongest of jack shit."

Sara then put a hand on my shoulder and I let Soldat's collar go.

"Rudeus, what do you know about the World Power Monument?"

Well, at least someone knows how to ask the right question.

"They aren't accurate on strength at all. The only reason I managed to defeat him was because of my other form, which I cannot unlock at will. I might be able to handle people of King class, but anything above that is nearly impossible for me."

'Unless I blow up the entire area.'

"Seriously?" Soldat said, a bit in disbelieve.

"What are you planing now?"

"Once I'm recovered, I need to get myself some weapons and train more. If the guild allows it, I will turn the Sea Dragon and Black Dragon into something useful."

The cutting and acidic effects the scales have should turn out to be very effective against even someone like Orsted.

I didn't think it would actually come to reality, but the wish for a sword that doesn't require Touki might just come true.

My otaku heart is fluttering with joy as I imagined the awesome weapon ideas rising in my mind.

Suddenly, Soldat wrapped an arm around my neck.

"Well I guess you need a training buddy then."

"… you just want to supervise me, don't you?"

"A little bit of that, but also to stop you from getting into any more trouble. You attract that a lot. And in big waves."

'Does he have to rub that in?'

"Can I help?"

We both then looked at Sara dumbfounded.

"Are you sure?"

"I mean... if you don't mind."

Well, I guess I could ask of her to do some attacks from a distant while I only concentrate on smaller defense.

Having more people helping me prepare for unavoidable fights against people I may come across against is certainly an upside.

Once I agreed with them both to take them as my training partners, Sara strictly demanded that I head right back to bed.

As I headed back to my inn, my steps felt less… heavy. A lot of stress has been removed from me by just this small walk.

I guess Kagami failed at whatever evil attempt he tried to do against me. And Hitogami's intend to kill me off with the Red Dragon has failed. Getting back at them is so refreshing.

For the first time in a while, I look forward to the next day.


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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