96.55% a game of thrones and magic / Chapter 27: Parties, plots and pregnancies

บท 27: Parties, plots and pregnancies

After I ironed out the details of bringing the orphans of the Greenblood, I had to make sure he knew they might just not come. His answer was," If they are true, Rhoynar, they will." I couldn't care less, really. I have access to the library.

I, of course, brought Marwyn and the rest to the library and to meet Garin as well. Now, I can't take the Maester away from the Rhoynish prince; he is asking a thousand and one questions to the guy who seems happy to answer. Ironically, Garin seems to love Alisa, who also speaks High Valyrian; he says that it is good to have a child laugh filling his halls, good thing I changed her hair and name if he knew that she is one of the last nobles, Valyria, who knows what he would try.

So, the library. There are indeed some useful things, less than I hoped survived, but what I got is quite great. I can't understand the writing, but the images make it obvious: canals, dams, and reservoirs, ship designs, irrigation Systems, and waterwheels for mills. There is also art, poetry, and pottery, but I don't care much for them, so I'm going to give them to the orphans of the Green Bloods.

But I must first go back to the Moat. And I will bring both Marwyn and Alisa with me.

... Marlo Zalyris...

It's been over a moon since I have been trapped in the sorcerer's dungeon; a day in and out, those weird guards come with some stale bread and water or sometimes soup. I still don't know what they are, but they aren't men or women.

I swear to The Many-Faced God, I stabbed that guard through the gaps in the armour, but it didn't hit anything; there was no scream, no blood; it was like an empty suit of armour, and with each day that passed, I am more sure of it.

The guard in front of my cell has been there for days now, with no shift change and no patrol; he stays there.

How does one kill metal and cloth? How can I bestow the gift to those who have no life yet move like those who have?

All I can hope is that none of my brothers falls for the same trickery as I did, it is a fool's hope, I know that no man can walk this castle unnoticed.

These halls have eyes and ears, the paintings are spies, their eyes move with you sometimes, as are the statues whose heads are in different directions every time you pass through a hallway or garden, and so are the animals, is the only reason for so many owls to be around the castle, this is a mad house, eyes, eyes everywhere, everything that should be dead like wood and stone is alive in a mockery of life.

The animals that should not be more than beasts, like the rats that scurry on the floor of my cell, look at me with vigilance before running to other cells like guards themselves.

The sound of a door of the prison takes me away from my musings; in the last few days, prisoners have been taken out and never returned to their cells, executed, perhaps.

I hear a pair of footsteps. Someone important, by the sound of high-quality boots, sure of himself by the stride. There is only one person like this inside this cursed castle.

The footsteps drew nearer, echoing ominously in the dimly lit corridor of the sorcerer's dungeon. My heart pounded in my chest as anticipation mingled with dread, unsure of what awaited me beyond the confines of my cell.

The heavy door creaked open, revealing a figure cloaked in shadows. As the figure stepped into the faint light filtering through the corridor, I recognised the distinct silhouette of the sorcerer himself. He stood tall and proud and hid one of his hands on his back, perhaps a hidden weapon. No, he is a sorcerer, he needs no weapon.

 Tall, lithe and with a flaming mane of hair, his eyes... aren't as they should be; they are milky white, a blind man's eyes. He doesn't look at me, but at some point in the stone wall, that wasn't what I was told, perhaps a recent injury.

Injury? Who or what could hurt this devil?

His voice comes out warm, clear, and powerful," I apologise, you have been my guest for over a month, and I didn't come to visit." a smile shows on his face, not genuine; I let the silence stretch between us.

"I come with an offer, a life for a life." I raise an eyebrow at the blind man.

"What you mean."

"I have a little nuisance that needs killing, but I can't let his little friends know that it was me. Enters you, I spare your life, and you take his, a life for a life, a good deal for an assassin like you, no?"

My mind raced as I considered the sorcerer's proposition. A life for a life. It was a tempting offer, especially considering the dire circumstances I found myself in. But could I trust this man? His eerie demeanour and the strange happenings within this castle left me with an unsettling feeling.

"I'll need more information," I replied cautiously, trying to gauge his reaction.

"A Lisseni noble, a thorn in my side, a false friend if you will, gave me some rigged gifts, a house full of secret entrances and many spies as servants, he is also conspiring against me, so he needs to go, in a way that doesn't point towards me, just a nice blade in his heart." His reaction is hard to pin down; his eyes, of course, give nothing, and his casual tone also doesn't reveal much about his sincerity.

The way he looks at some random point in my cell and speaks to me is unnerving. It's like he sees me, but he does not.

"What guarantee do I have that you will uphold your end of the bargain?" I asked, trying to maintain a level of scepticism despite the allure of freedom.

"After the assassination, which I will be there to see and confirm the kill, you may leave; an experienced assassin like you would easily escape in a crowd."

"Crowd?" I ask him curious.

"I was invited to a party by the Lisseni. You will accompany me as an entourage, and once inside the walls, you will change your face to someone else to not be linked to me and then kill the man; after that, you can leave whoever you see fit."

"I'll need more than just your word," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil within. "How do I know you won't betray me once the deed is done?"

The sorcerer's smile widened, though it held no warmth. "You have my word as a man of honour; that should be enough for an assassin, no?" he said, putting a hand on his chest, his tone mocking. "And if that's not enough, consider the alternative. Your innards hanging from a weirwood tree in my yard."

A long silence stretched between us once more.

"The target?"

"Treggar Ormollen" He answers my question immediately.

"That is a powerful man."

"Perhaps you think your life isn't worth as much as his, then?"

I think for a moment; I don't really have a choice.

"Very well," I said, my voice firm despite the tremors of uncertainty that danced within me. "I accept your offer."

The sorcerer's milky eyes found me and seemed to gleam with satisfaction, though whether it was genuine or merely my imagination, I could not discern. "Excellent, it is a contract then," he murmured, his smile widening into a predatory grin. "You won't regret this, I assure you."

With a flick of his wrist, the heavy door to my cell swung open, the sound reverberating through the dimly lit corridor like a death knell. I stepped out into the gloom; I looked at the guard and the sorcerer; he started to lead the way, walking in a way no blind man should; two guards followed us.

"What are those? They aren't normal man." I point to the guards behind us.

"Those? They are decoration, of course." He smiles at me.

"In a dungeon? Moving decoration?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Of course! Only the best for my most esteemed guests."

He is as insane as the castle, but that fits I suppose, a mad lord for a mad castle.

"Ah yes, I need one more thing from you."

"What is it?" I ask cautiously.

"Sleep." I feel I hit in the back of my head, and everything goes dark.


"Hey you, you're finally awake."

What happened? I looked around. I was in a carriage, and the sorcerer sat in front of me, looking out the window.

"Where we are?" I ask slowly.

"On our way to a party."

"What!?" I blinked, trying to shake off the disorientation that clouded my senses. The sorcerer's words echoed in my mind, and I struggled to grasp the reality of the situation.

"Where we are!?"

"Lys, where you will kill the Lisseni noble." He nods to the window; I look, and true enough, I see the white stone streets of Lys, the whorehouses and the men and women of Valyrian descent, it is night, and I am dressed in the sorcerer's house colours.

"How long I slept!?" I asked

"Enough." came the sorcerer's cryptic reply, offering no solace or clarity.

I glanced out of the window, taking in the sights of the bustling city streets. Lys was known for its opulence, a stark contrast to the grim dungeon I had been trapped in for what felt like an eternity, have I been asleep for months of travel, how?

"Once inside, you are free to do as you wish; there is a blade, a poisoned one, hidden under a stone by the dolphin's fountain, under the Symbol of Lys that is carved in the fountain." his voice pulls me away from my thoughts.

"What venom?"

"A concoction of my own, it has no name, smell or taste." Great, he knows how to make poison as well.

The carriage trembles as it stops, the sorcerer raises an eyebrow at me as if expecting something... Right, I am his entourage.

I leave the carriage and look at it, the carriage itself was a marvel of craftsmanship, adorned in the signature colours of House Palestars: black and white, with accents of shimmering gold that spoke of wealth and sophistication.

There is the coach, who is a man with a face, and the six riders behind the carriage are those empty things of his.

I waited for him to leave the carriage and follow behind with the guards.

The palace is of course made of white stone, and the architecture is opulent and refined, as expected from a noble of Lys, with banners of silk and beautiful slaves and guards in expensive-looking armour in the front of the gates waiting for the guests.

As we approached the entrance, the sorcerer took my arm into his, like a blind man searching for guidance, this deceitful little monster; my heart quickened with anticipation and trepidation as a white owl flew above us, following. 

The sorcerer's plan seemed straightforward enough, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being a pawn in a game whose rules I did not fully comprehend. Nevertheless, I had made my choice, and now I must see it through to the end, or the devil in my arm will kill me.

We reach the guards, and they bow to the sorcerer and offer him wine and cheese, he takes small bits of both and then two of his guards give the palace guards their weapons, and we are ushered inside.

As you enter the palace, the grandeur and extravagance of the surroundings overwhelm your senses. The air is thick with the scent of exotic perfumes, and the sound of laughter and music drifts through the halls. Servants bustle about, ensuring that every guest's needs are attended to.

The sorcerer leads you through the labyrinthine corridors, his grip on your arms firm yet strangely delicate. His milky eyes seem to see more than they let on, scanning the surroundings with an otherworldly awareness.

Finally, you arrive at the grand hall, where the party is in full swing. Nobles and dignitaries from all corners of the known world mingle and socialise, their elegant attire and sparkling jewels a testament to their wealth and status.

The sorcerer releases your arm "I would wish you good luck but someone of your... skills, won't need it, would you? I will give a speech later maybe you could use it to your advantage" he leaves me while holding the arm of his guards.

Now that I am alone I search for the target, I need to see what kind of people he is surrounded by, and then I will need a new face to approach him.

I walk around the party observing the Liseni, at the centre of it all I see the sorcerer respectfully bowing to a noble, he is sitting on a throne-like chair, clearly the host of this party or in other words my target.


My gaze fixed on the target, Treggar Ormollen, who sat amidst a group of nobles, high and mighty on an exuberant throne, he exuded an aura of power and authority that was undeniable. 

Surrounded by unsullied guards, they have shields and spears, wear mail and the most ridiculous of all earrings and tiaras made of silver, strange drawings painted in red adorn the jewellery. 

Showing off his opulence by having a slave wear jewellery typical of Lys. He exuded an aura of power and authority that is unquestionable.

I observed his movements closely, noting the subtle nuances of his behaviour. He seemed to favour a particular wine jug, which was held by a specific slave. This presented the perfect opportunity for me to assume the guise of the slave and get close to my target unnoticed.

As the jug of wine was emptied, I discreetly followed the slave and his unsullied escort as they made their way to refill it. Keeping a safe distance, I retrieved the poisoned dagger from the fountain, my hands steady with the weapon, the perfect weapon for slicing and throwing. the plane had a liquid coating it. it was as clear as water and indeed had no smell.

With practised precision, I approached the slave from behind, my movements swift and silent. In one swift motion, I dispatched him with the dagger, I could use him to complete my mission.

The unsullied guard heard the sound of the body hitting the ground and turned towards me, his expression neutral but his eyes showed confusion and alarm. Without hesitation, I threw the poisoned dagger at him, if I charged his front I would die, so keeping my distance was best, the dagger flew for a vital spot, the throat. The dagger found its mark just over the mail, and the unsullied staggered backwards, clutching the dagger before collapsing to the ground.

As I begin the process of changing my face, I hear a hoot and look up to see the sorcerer owl, staring unblinkingly at me. Any thoughts of escaping with a new face died here and now, the way is to finish my mission.

I adjust my new clothes and try my best to imitate the slave I liberated early, it is a sloppy job but enough to fool the unsullied.

I once again approach the great hall and make my way to Treggar, everyone seems distracted by the sorcerer speaking in high valyrian about the friendship of Lys and whatnot.

I approach unnoticed by the nobles, I pass through the unsullied that follow me with his eyes; they do that to everyone, and as I start to approach the target, I feel a sharp pain in my back.

I look down, and the tip of a steel spear is coming off my chest. I hear gasps and screams around me, and the jug in my hand falls to the ground.

Another sharp pain by my flank and another, I look around and four unsullied are piercing me with their spears... why, what gave me away, I think and keep thinking until I am bleeding on the ground. Looking up at my target, the unsullied guard and the sorcerer that approached as well.

He kneels down and removes my new face. Once again, gasps sound around the room.

"As promised, my friend, a way to see through the assassin's disguise." the sorcerer muffled, as if a distant voice said; light started to fade, and all the sound started to sound distant.

"He got a bit too close to my comfort, and did you really give him a poisoned blade?" Treggar say back.

"Not close enough to stab you. And no, I just dipped it in water." My vision is almost gone.

"We might have to enact our plans early."

The last thing I saw was the demonic blind man smiling at me.


...POV:Antares Palestars

Truesight, someone with this can see in normal and magical darkness, detect invisible creatures or objects, detect illusions and see through them, and see into the Ethereal Plane, but that one doesn't seem to work.

But most important they can perceive the original form of a shapechanger or a creature transformed by magic.

True Seeing is the spell that gives someone such an ability. Combine that with some silver tiaras and some dead prisoners, and boom, the Liseni guards can see the magically disguised assassins and kill them as well.

"So the jealous Tyrosh will fall." I turn my attention to the man in red silk on the other side of the table, an important man in the silk trade in the city, I believe; there are 20 men here, all richly dressed, all very important nobles of Lys. And I can't remember their names.

"Indeed. We already sent the ships with the cargo to mighty Volantis, by the time we launch our attack, the Volantise will be too weakened to make a move." said another down the table, drinking from a golden cup.

"What about the crafty Myr?" Treggar asks from the middle of the table.

"The Khal has been paid in flesh and gold. He will move his khalasar and siege Myr by the time we paid for."

"And how trustworthy is this Khal? Will he honour our deal?" Treggar inquire.

"Trustworthy? Not much, as all the barbarians are. But he has a grudge against the Myrish. He will keep to the deal just to make the life of crafty Myr as terrible as possible."

"And me? What shall be my part in these plans of yours?" I ask the nobles.

"Your navy has no equal in the known world, my lord. You will deal with Bravoos. Will help trap the Myrish inside their city with our ships as support and, of course, will help our armies break into jealous Tyrosh." a fat noble by my side said, I frowned. That is a lot of places for my ships to be, a lot of resources to burn, and a lot of ships to divert from their original functions.

"My esteemed colleague explained badly. There is no need for your grand fleet to be everywhere. Lord Palestars, Myr will be contained by the Khalasar and by our ships. If they need help, your ships will be sent there." Treggar started.

"Where we truly need you and yours are in Tyrosh and maybe stopping the Bravossi IF they decide to act. If you open the gates of Tyrosh for our mercenaries, your troops might not even need to disembark. Though their support would be much appreciated and very well rewarded." he smiled.

"Rewarded how?"

"We will support you in claiming Chroyane if Volantis or Norvos raise an objection, and they will, and of course some monetary compensation as well."

It's not like they could do anything about it, but if I have someone recognise my rule over the land, even better. I had the intention of using my troops in battle anyway, but I have yet to test them in a real battle. The Stone Man was pathetic, and pirates never put up a tough fight. 

"It is an acceptable reward for the services of my troops. I imagine that they can keep the plunder as well." Who knows what treasure the nobles have in their manses?

"Of course, the mercenaries will do the same though, we will not be responsible if both of you enter into conflict over the plunder. Some places are off limits of course, and some people shall not be harmed. You shall inform your soldiers about them." one of the nobles at the end of the table says.

"Of course." Huh, we have moles in the city, perhaps. "So when and where I shall move my fleet?" is over 60 ships with the sistermen added to it. It doesn't sound like much, sure, but remember that part of them are my warships with my soldiers. They move a lot faster than a normal ship can, and they can fight for a lot longer as well. Not to mention Greek fire.

"By the end of the year, you shall move your ships and troops to the Bloodstone in the Stepstones, where our fleet will be already waiting."

"That will be noticed by our adversaries."

"Yes, but it is too late for them to do anything about it."

I nod. "Very well, as you say then."

"My good men", Treggar raised from his chair and put a gold cup high in the air. "To a new spring of Lys!" the surrounding nobles repeated his actions and words.

Things are going to get interesting by the end of the year.


The bright light fades as I walk out of the portal. Back at the Moat finally.

I warned some of the servants that I was back in the castle and told them I would be in my office. I will get some work done and see how my girls are doing after 

I walk to my office and notice that the papers are now starting to pile up on my table. Sigh. Paperwork is a necessary evil, I know that, but it doesn't mean I like doing it.

I sit at my table and start to analyse what is on the papers.

Marriage contracts as high as my hips are all around me. I should mock Doran and send him a letter asking for Arriane's hand. Ha, that would be funny.

Back to the paperwork—problems, problems everywhere. We need more engineers for my projects and for the city, more teachers for the Halls, more woodworkers for the shipyards, more smiths, more, more, more.

Many of my people were thralls for the mines or worked in castles as staff or stable hands, bricklayers, and bedwarmers, but the more specific jobs that need more training are where we are lacking.

Anyway, what I truly need is more people, not only to work or to sacrifice for magical items but to train in using magical items as well. Like the glass candles, just Marwyn and I know how to use them and maybe soon Daenerys, but we need more, more people and more of those candles; I can imagine if we had one in each ship, I could coordinate a massive attack or form a fleet so fast that nobody could react or build spy networks anywhere and receive information almost instantly.

But people, people... people to train and to mould into what I want them to be, who is the prime candidate?

Children, of course! Orphans... there are a lot of those around; it has been barely a year since the last war, and while we take the orphans, we search for the criminals to feed my always-hungry for-sacrifice magical arts.

Yes, take the orphans in, and teach them what I need them to know, medicine, woodworking, smithing, fighting, and magic. Then give them a roof over their head, food on their plates, and a cause and leader to follow, I gain a good reputation and the specialised, loyal workforce I need.

It will take some time, but I have that for now. And money, I also have that.

There will be a lot of preparation to be done, food, places for them to live, and caretakers as well.

I take a parchment and start to write it down. Maybe I should assign Marwyn to teach the first class of the higher mysteries and then assign the students to teach afterward. Yeah, that sounds good.

I also need to ramp up the production of Greek fire, owlguards, and ships; I still have until the end of the year, there are 10 ships to finish, but only 5 are warships. If I help, they will be ready way sooner, and we could start to produce more. Yeah, that would be for the best.

Now we need more animals to sacrifice, maybe a small bounty for a certain number of rabbits captured, 1 stag for 10, no, 20, there are a lot of rabbits, they have to be alive... I need more metal as well, where could I buy it from?


"Lord Palestars, be ye there!?" A woman's panicked voice sounded from the other side.

"Enter," I say loudly. A servant girl enters, hurrying and stopping, and just looks at me nervously. "Well, out with it, girl!"

"It's Lady Arianne, milord. She's gone into labour."


XAkarrinX XAkarrinX

I am going to drop this here and I come back next week... or will I?

I wanted to post this sooner, but I didn't, sorry.

So I have been working on rewriting the chapters. Nothing that will change the story, but I was reading the start of the fic, and it was rough, so I am working on that, but remember. I write at the pace of a turtle that has been shot in the legs with a rifle, nobody can say Martin and I have nothing in common. But yeah it will take a while.

Any suggestions corrections and memes in the comments as always.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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