69.09% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 152: CHAPTER {152-154}

บท 152: CHAPTER {152-154}


~~Hogwarts, Highlands Scotland, Great Britain~~

Harry continued to watch the Hogwarts Castle while treating himself with some Thai noodles for dinner. Learning how to use chopsticks wasn't that hard, but getting used to the spice was a bit of a challenge on his part. He was simply waiting for the clock to hit 9 pm. After 9 pm, the halls would be completely empty except for the prefects and Argus Filch.

After a few minutes, it was finally past 9 pm and since Harry was already done with his dinner, he transformed into his harpy eagle form and started to head toward Hogwarts Castle. When he broke into Hogwarts the last time, he never transformed back into his human form when he was inside the Castle, so he had no idea how the Wards would react to his presence, but it was a risk Harry was willing to take.

Yes, Albus Dumbledore was a deterrent, but not for Harry…

Just like the last time, Harry applied the Disillusionment Charm on his Animagus form just before entering Hogwarts. Now, he just needed to find Argus Filch who could be anywhere inside Hogwarts and since he was in no hurry, he started to fly through the halls, looking for Argus. Room 234-00 was the first place he looked for the man as according to his mom, room 234-00 was his office.

The office was still in the same room, but the man and his pet were nowhere to be found, but the man wasn't supposed to be in his office in the first place. So, Harry started to search for the man floor by floor. That is when he came across a very interesting sight… A disillusioned student was climbing the grand staircase and the reason why Harry found the sight interesting was because it wasn't normal for a 4th year to have mastered the Disillusionment Charm to such an extent.

While the Disillusionment Charm was supposed to turn a person invisible, it wasn't even close to perfect. So, no matter how good a person becomes at using the Disillusionment Charm, there will always be some signs of the Spell and the girl was barely noticeable, which meant the girl had put a lot of work into the Spell. The Spell wasn't even taught to the students in the first place, which was enough proof of her hard work.

Since Harry was intrigued, Harry at least decided to learn her destination and if possible, her identity. So, he followed the girl to the seventh floor and the girl finally stopped in front of a portrait where a Wizard was attempting to teach trolls how to dance. The girl looked around for a bit before she started to pace in front of the portrait, making Harry wonder what she was doing.

|The hell is she doing?| Lily voiced the question that was raging inside both of their Minds.

|Well, there is your answer…| Harry trailed off just after a door appeared on the wall across from the portrait. The girl entered the room in a confident stride and Harry followed suit. He was way too intrigued by the girl and wanted to see what she was up to. Harry entered the room and found it to be a massive training room with dangerous looking training dummies standing all around the room.

|Did you know that there was a room like this on the seventh floor?| Harry asked excitedly.

|No… Even the Marauders didn't know anything about this room, James told me about all the secret rooms and passages they had found at Hogwarts| Lily explained slowly as she continued to check out the room through Harry's eyes.

The door finally closed and transformed back into a solid wall and the girl finally dropped the Disillusionment Charm, revealing her features. The platinum-blonde hair was tied in a high ponytail while her electric blue eyes were inspecting the dummies like a predator would eye a prey. There was a certain glint in her eyes, and Harry had seen the same type of glint in Katerina Kabal's eyes. He started to wonder why a 14 year old would have such a glint in their eyes.

With each moment, the girl was becoming more and more intriguing in his eyes… He was glad that he came to Hogwarts tonight, or he might have missed such a gem…

The girl took off the outer robe she was wearing, revealing the battle robes she was wearing. The battle robes she was wearing wasn't anything to write home about, as he had seen Jacklyn use way better robes than this. The girl pulled out her Wand and took a deep breath before tossing away her outer robe. As soon as her outer robe hit the floor, the dummies around the room became active.

|Is she planning to take on all those dummies?| Lily asked in a disbelieving tone.

Harry decided to land on a rafter and watch the show and the next moment, both Lily and Harry were taken aback by the speed, power, and ferocity of the dummies. The dummies started to attack the girl with the intent to kill and Harry had to admit, he was more than impressed by the way the girl was handling herself against those murderous dummies.

There were twenty dummies in total, but the girl was taking them down one by one with practiced ease. He was certain that the girl used this method to train regularly. Within the next couple of minutes, the girl destroyed the rest of the dummies too, but as soon as the last dummy fell, twenty more dummies appeared along the wall of the room. Though this time, the dummies were a bit bigger and bulkier.

Unfortunately, their size or mass didn't seem to affect their speed negatively, instead, this batch of dummies was much faster than the last batch. This time, the girl did seem to have some problems at the beginning, but she still managed to take down all the dummies one by one… Now, Harry was beyond impressed. The girl was probably better than Tonks and Jacklyn, though he couldn't help but wonder how.

The girl was only fourteen for Merlin's sake and she could already give two veterans like Tonks and Jacklyn a run for their gold and that was saying something. The girl finally managed to take down the second batch and Harry thought that she was going to stop with this, but no!! Another batch of dummies appeared around the wall as soon as she took down the last dummy of the second batch.

Harry wondered if the girl was a masochist… Yeah, that would explain quite a bit…

He simply continued to watch the girl in complete fascination as he continued to turn the dummies into rubble. He wasn't sure if he could call them dummies anymore… Golems would be a more apt term for the dummies. The third batch of dummies was exactly the same as the second batch, but it was still quite impressive the way the girl was bringing them down.

The girl was clearly tired as her movements were much slower than before but she was still determined to beat them all… When the last golem of the third batch finally hit the ground, no more dummies appeared along the walls, which meant, the training session was finally over. The girl plopped down on the floor and the rubbles littered around the floor started to disappear slowly.

|I do not know what to say… I couldn't have done that at her age no matter how much I tried| Lily admitted even though it was quite a bitter pill to swallow. Harry didn't say anything as he believed his mother's words to be true… To achieve something like this, a person needed to have a drive, and his mother didn't have that drive when she was fourteen. He wondered what was driving the girl.

|I am going to meet her| Harry declared excitedly inside his Mind, surprising Lily.

|What?!| Lily gasped in shock. |Have you gone mad, Hadrian?| Lily questioned hysterically.

|I am already a bit mad, Mom| Harry retorted while grinning internally. |I find her really intriguing, Mom. I can't miss this chance to meet her| Harry added. The girl would be a good addition to Lost Garden and he really wanted to know what drove the girl to become this good at the age of fourteen. Right now, the girl was only lacking raw power, but she had both Tonks and Jacklyn beat when it came to skills.

|Are you sure that she isn't going to inform the professors about your presence| Lily pointed out and Harry simply shrugged dismissively.

|I am willing to take that risk| Harry declared as he kicked off the rafter and started to glide down toward the floor. Harry silently arrived on the floor and shifted back into his human form before finally dropping the Disillusionment Charm. All this time, he was facing the girl's back, so she never noticed him and decided to be dramatic with his greeting.

"That was quite an impressive show you put on" Harry declared, sounding amused only for the girl to turn around and shoot a Stunning Charm at him…



~~Room of Requirement, Hogwarts~~

Daphne finally finished defeating the third batch of golems and slumped down on the floor while breathing heavily… For now, this much was her limit, and while anyone would find her poweress beyond impressive, she wasn't satisfied. She knew that she needed to become much stronger if she wanted to protect her family from the Dark Lord and his followers.

Though she wasn't able to stop a feral grin from surfacing on her face… Even though she knew that she wasn't ready for the upcoming war yet, she was most definitely ready to deal with someone like Dolores Umbridge. She already had a date in her mind and now she only needed to dot all of her 'I's while crossing her 'T's, but that is when someone decided to pour cold water on her glee.

Daphne was completely taken aback when someone spoke to her and she had to forcefully stop herself from casting anything lethal… Her knee-jerk reaction was to kill the person who had probably discovered some of her secrets, but she ultimately decided to simply knock out the person before Obliviating them. The consequences of killing someone inside the school at this moment would be quite dire.

So, without wasting any time, she twisted her body and cast Stunning Charm, but much to her shock, the boy effortlessly batted away her Spell. It only took her a moment to recognize the boy as Harry Potter, but she couldn't help but wonder what he was doing here in Hogwarts at this time… She started to wonder if Dumbledore finally managed to bring the boy back to Britain for the Tournament…

"You are fast, but not fast enough" The boy said mockingly, and even though Daphne's temper flared at his words, she didn't give in to her anger. Instead, she decided to make the great Harry Potter eat his words with her actions.

With a cold look on her face, Daphne started to attack Harry, but he continued to bat away her Spells with extreme ease. "Haha!! This is it! Show me what you got!" Harry exclaimed loudly as he started to step forward and it was Daphne who started to get pushed back even though Harry was simply batting away her Spells.

'Impossible! This is impossible! How is he doing this?!' Daphne raged inside her mind. Yes, she was tired, but she was still strong enough to at least beat a fourth year student. This Harry Potter was nothing like the Harry Potter of her world… Though she couldn't help but wonder if the person she was facing was even Harry Potter or not in the first place.

"You are good, but you are not good enough" Harry declared as he batted away a Bone Breaker.

Daphne felt her temper flare up at Harry's words and instead of keeping her cool, she snapped. There was only so much mocking she could take from a 14 year old brat. "I will show you good enough!" Daphne snarled and golems started to form along the walls of the room. Harry raised his brows as he looked around at the golems. Instead of twenty, there were forty golems this time and the golems seemed to be much bigger than what Daphne was using for her training.

"Still not good enough" Harry declared with an amused grin on his face as lightning started to erupt from his whole body, surprising Daphne. Previously, Harry was using his Wand to bat away the Spells as he didn't want to hurt her delicate sensibilities, but he finally decided to give up all pretenses…

Harry opened his arms wide and massive lightning bolts started to shoot out of his arms, moments later, Harry finally released the lightning shockwave, which destroyed everything in its path, but the lightning bolts nimbly avoided Daphne who could only stare at Harry and golems with a dumb look on her face as the lightning bolts ripped apart the golems. Daphne dumbly lowered her Wand as she didn't know what else to do.

'How…?' Daphne questioned herself inside her mind. 'How is he so powerful? This is so fucked up…' Daphne internally groaned at the unfairness of the world. She already knew that the world of Magic was completely unfair or she would have been equally strong as Voldemort or Dumbledore. She stared at Harry Potter warily as she realized that he was also out of her league.

Daphne clutched her hands tightly in anger and frustration… She didn't even notice the fact that her nails were digging into the skin of her palms… She bit her lip hard enough to make it bleed as she balefully glared at him, but Harry seemed to be completely oblivious to the glare… Here she was, pushing herself beyond limits to gain more power so that she could keep her family safe during the war, but some people were simply born with unimaginable power…

Even in her world, Harry Potter was called the chosen one. At that time, she never understood why, but now she knew the answer…

"I don't believe I did anything to deserve that look" Harry said, breaking her out of her musings, and Daphne finally stopped glaring at Harry. "Come on, let me heal your hands and your lips" Harry offered, and now that he mentioned it, Daphne finally realized that she was bleeding from her palms and mouth. She quickly used her robes to wipe off the blood.

"It won't be necessary" She quickly refused the offer coldly as she didn't want to get close to the boy.

"If I wanted to kill you, then you would have been long dead" Harry said dryly while giving her a blank look, and even though Daphne didn't want to admit it, she realized Harry was right. "Come, let me heal your hands" Harry offered again and after pondering for a few moments, Daphne finally decided to give in. Harry grinned and started to approach her.

Harry arrived in front of her and urged her to extend her hands… The girl did so and he healed her hands with a simple wave of his hands, surprising her again. "How are you doing that? How are you casting Magic Wandlessly?" The girl asked somewhat angrily.

"Practice, a lot of practice" Harry lied straight through his teeth and the girl simply scoffed at him.

"I have never seen Dumbledore use Wandless Magic to this extent and he is a century older than you" The girl argued back, making Harry grin.

"Maybe he isn't strong enough or maybe his age is finally catching up to him" Harry said in an amused tone, and it was clear that the girl didn't believe him, but technically, he wasn't lying. Dumbledore was simply not strong enough when compared to him. Yes, the man was much more experienced than him, but that was no longer the truth. He was equal to Albus when it came to experience.

"Ah… Forgive my manners. Even though you probably already know me, I am Harry Potter" Harry introduced himself.

"Daphne Greengrass" Daphne finally introduced herself and grabbed her hand and brushed his lips on the back of her palm, much to his mother's chagrin. "So, do you have any plans for the Tournament?" Daphne asked. After all, the Tournament was probably the only reason why Harry Potter would come to Hogwarts.

"I have no plans of participating" Harry declared, much to Daphne's surprise.

"But what about your Magic?" Daphne ended up asking before she could stop herself.

"Worried about me, Miss Greengrass?" Harry asked in an amused tone, making Daphne glare at him.

"Then why are you here?" Daphne asked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, pushing up her budding chest.

"I wanted to take a look at the so-called Goblet of Fire, so here I am" Harry lied again. "By the way, I heard that I should be careful about Argus Filch, can you tell me where he usually is at this time?" Harry asked curiously.

Daphne pursed her lips in displeasure… She was almost certain that Harry wasn't here to inspect the Goblet and a part of her appreciated the fact that this Harry Potter wasn't a foolish Gryffindor like the Harry Potter of her own world, but the rest of her was annoyed with the fact that Harry Potter was in Hogwarts with questionable intentions.

Not knowing his intentions bothered her quite a bit and she would have tortured the information out of him only if she was stronger than him…

"I am not sure, but he usually starts his rounds from his dungeons" Daphne answered after a few moments of silence and Harry nodded his head in appreciation.

"I see" Harry muttered as he nodded his head in understanding. "So, how did you find this training room?" Harry asked as he looked around.

"I asked one of the house elves" Daphne lied without missing a beat and Harry immediately knew that she was lying. He already knew how to access the room, so he decided to inspect the room later on his own or he could always ask Norton to learn everything he could from the Hogwarts house elves.

"It was nice to meet you, Miss Greengrass, but I should get going…" Harry waved at her as he produced a card and handed it to Daphne. The girl stared at the card questioningly before finally looking at Harry with raised brows…

"Lost Garden?" Daphne asked with a frown.

"That is my group. I found you interesting so I decided to extend an invitation to you. Just tap your Wand on the card and someone will reach out to you" Harry explained with a smile before he turned around and started to walk away. Daphne stared down at the card before looking up at Harry's back… The whole conversation was a completely new experience for her.

"I will see you again, Daphne Greengrass…" Harry said without looking back as he stepped out of the room…



|You know, you could have simply used Legilimency on her instead of playing nice with her| Lily huffed irritably. She was not happy with the fact that her son was flirting with some random blonde shank who was barely starting to bud when he already had her.

|Where is the fun in that?| Harry asked in an amused tone. |It was clear that she was lying to me, but at this moment, she holds no importance to me| Harry explained as he flew down to the 6th floor of Hogwarts following the grand staircase after he finished searching the 7th floor for Argus Filch.

|Then why did you even bother to meet her?| Lily asked with a frown.

|I simply wanted to plant an idea in her mind. I am certain that she isn't training to become an Auror, a Hit-Witch, or a Duelist… It felt like she was preparing for a War. Makes me wonder what she really knows…| Harry finished thoughtfully. |I have a feeling that I am going to meet her again pretty soon| Harry added with a hint of certainty in his voice.

|What if she is on the side of the Death Eaters?| Lily asked curiously.

|Then she will die all the same, just like the others| Harry answered coldly.

|Are you sure that you will be able to kill her?| Lily asked with a growl, making him wonder why his mom was getting so worked up due to a simple side project. Daphne was a simple side project to him for the time being. Yeah, he did find her certainly interesting but at the end of the day, she was of no consequence… Though her classification might change if she turned out to be more useful to him in the future.

|Of course, why wouldn't I be able to kill her?| He asked cautiously.

|Weren't you flirting with her just a few minutes ago?| Lily asked in an annoyed tone, making Harry completely speechless. After a few moments of complete silence, Harry burst out laughing. Did she really think that he was flirting with Daphne… Well, that explained the change in her attitude all of a sudden. After his meeting with Hela, his mom had been somewhat insecure about their relationship, so he could understand where she was coming but it was still hilarious.

Lily felt a vein start throbbing on her forehead when he started to laugh, and her temper continued to rise as he continued to laugh, but thankfully, he stopped before she could snap. |Mom, I wasn't flirting with her… I was simply presenting a charismatic front to her to make her drop her guard| Harry explained, making Lily frown at his words. |Don't worry, Mom, as I have said previously, there is only one woman in my heart| Harry added and Lily felt a heart-tipped arrow pierce her heart.

|You clearly know what to say to your mother to make her feel loved| Lily huffed with a mock outraged look on her face. |Fine, I will drop the matter| Lily added generously. |By the way, a fair warning, she is a Pureblood, so there is a good chance that she might be on the side of the Death Eaters| Lily explained in a grave tone, only for Harry to shake his feathery head in denial after thinking for a bit.

|It is not that simple, Mom… I know quite a bit about the Greengrass Family. They are pure businessmen, nothing more. During the last war, they went to huge lengths to remain neutral in the war… So, I believe they will try to remain neutral during the upcoming war too| Harry explained casually. |Though Voldemort wouldn't allow them to remain neutral this time. I believe after returning, he won't be revealing himself to the world| Harry mused thoughtfully.

|I believe, he will lay low for a year or so while recruiting and consolidating his power| Harry finished as he finally finished searching the 6th floor and flew down to the 5th floor.

For the next couple of minutes, Lily didn't say anything as she continued to ponder what Harry said until his plan finally clicked inside her mind… |You want to turn her into a spy| Lily gasped as she finally came to the realization, but at the same time, she felt annoyed at her Hadrian. Why couldn't he just say that he wanted to turn her into a spy, instead of speaking in circles… Not everyone was as intelligent as him.

|Bingo!!| Harry exclaimed cheerfully. His mom finally understood why Daphne Greengrass was an entertaining side project for him. If she decides to spy on Voldemort and his merry band of followers for him, then he will have someone in the enemy's camp, and if she joins the Death Eaters, then he will simply kill her. It won't be a huge loss.

Either way, he will win the upcoming war…

|Oh, look! Who do we have here…| Harry grinned gleefully as he noticed a dust-colored scrawny cat in the hall. The cat possessed bulging yellow, lamp-like eyes.

|That's Mrs. Norries. Filch won't be far from her| Lily hurriedly explained. The blasted cat had a special kind of connection with the resident squib and her owner was never far from her as throughout the years, many students had tried to deal with the cat in a permanent fashion. Talk about working in a hostile environment.

Harry quickly shifted back into his human form before softly landing on the ground and Harry had to admit that the cat was extremely perceptive for his liking as the cat's eyes zeroed on him even though he was Disillusioned, Silent, and Scentless… So, to avoid any sort of complications, he decided to deal with the cat before he could start looking for the imposter Filch. He wondered how the imposter was able to fool such a perceptive cat.

Well, Harry could get his answer from the imposter Filch… So, with a flick of his hand, he cast a Stunning Charm and knocked out the cat before she could make a noise or make a run for it… The cat slumped down on the floor and decided to stun it again, just in case. When the cat didn't make another move, he nodded his head in satisfaction and decided to start looking for imposter Filch.

It didn't take him much effort as the man himself came running out of the corner with a furious look on his face…

"Mrs. Norris! Mrs. Norris!" The man came running while exclaiming. "What happened to you!" The man exclaimed in panic as he finally arrived in front of the cat and picked her up in his arms and furiously looked around. "If I find you, then I skin you alive you little bastards! Even Albus won't be able to stop me!!" Argus screamed in rage as he looked around, trying to look for the student responsible for this.

Instead of already making a move, Harry simply decided to wait and see what he would do… The man continued to look around with a furious look on his face, but he kept caressing the cat in his arms carefully from time to time. Then the man slowly pulled out his Wand from his robes and he used the cat as a cover for his Wand and cast the Homenum Revelio Charm, and Harry knew that the jig was up, so he simply attacked the man with a Stunning Charm.

The imposter Filch swiftly turned toward the direction of the Spell and used the cat in his arms as a meat shield to protect himself against the Spell. Harry clicked his tongue and cast a barrage of Spells and the man deftly danced through the barrage before casting a nasty Curse at Harry. Harry easily batted away the Spell and dropped the Disillusionment Charm.

He could have continued to use the Disillusionment Charm to play with the imposter Filch, but he wanted to wrap this up as quickly as possible. Whoever the imposter was, he immediately recognized Harry and he didn't miss the look of bewilderment, hatred, confusion, and fear in the man's eyes… The man looked around with a hint of worry on his face before his gaze focused back on Harry.

"So, where is Dumbledore? Is he hiding around the corner?" The man asked.

"No, you don't need to worry about him" Harry said and resumed his attacks.

Whoever this man was, he was much better than the man he fought during the Quidditch World Cup and for whatever reason, the man wasn't casting any lethal Spells. Yes, he was casting really nasty Spells, but Harry wouldn't die from any of them. It would be an extremely painful experience for him, but he wouldn't die, which meant that they wanted Harry alive for something.

The man was taken aback when Harry started to push him back… The surprise was clear on his face. He was looking like something incomprehensible was happening in front of his eyes… The look of shock turned into a look of anger as he tossed the feline in his hand toward Harry and cast a Body-exploding Curse at the cat, but Harry quickly flicked his Wand in the air to banish the cat toward the wall,

It was not that Harry cared about the cat, but he knew what the man was attempting to do…

The man wanted to explode the cat in front of him to obscure his vision. The man growled at Harry as the Body-Exploding Curse passed by Harry without hitting anything before it slammed against the wall harmlessly. He pulled out something from his belt and he was about to drop it on the floor when the Body Binding Curse hit it and he slumped down on the floor, completely aware of everything happening around him.

"No. No… I can't have you do that" Harry grinned and started to open a portal under the man and moments later, the man was gone.

Harry cracked his neck and he was about to start opening a portal for himself but he froze when he saw a bright flash. So, he quickly cast the Disillusionment Charm to hide himself. The flash finally subsided and Harry was surprised to find that it was Albus fucking Dumbledore along with his blasted songbird. Harry wondered if the man was alerted due to the fight… He would admit that the fight was quite intense or was it something else?

The man turned his head until his gaze finally focused on Harry. "There is no use in hiding anymore, Harry, or should I call you Hadrian?" The man asked smugly, surprising Harry for the second time…


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